The Taste Test

by Lostspeedo1964

10 Feb 2024 1854 readers Score 8.2 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

the Sub's Perspective

This story is a counterpoint to one written by my Master, Speedo Ben. You should read his part first to explain some of the things alluded to in my part. As always, this story is dedicated to my Sir.

"We're here" my Master said as he killed the car engine. I was lying along the backseat of his car with my collar and leash. My master had explained that I was to complete a task along with other submissives as part of the continuation of my education.

When Sir opened the door and took hold of my leash, I opened my eyes and got out. In front of me was a club called "the Bunker". I had never been there before but had heard of it. It was a place where submissives performed tasks in public. I felt a bit nervous now both at the potential humiliation and failing the task as I wanted nothing more but to satisfy my Master.

He lead me into the club. Just through the door and my Master nodded to the right and told me that I was to go that way. There was a man man in black who took my leash and pulled me into a small room. There was a door ahead of me.

The man told me to strip and to leave my clothes in a neat pile. In doing so, I noted that there 2 other piles of clothes. So I was not to be alone doing the task, I thought, which was sort of reassuring. Sure enough, when I was lead into next room, there were 2 other naked men already there, both wearing collars like mine, so subs too.

I was told to sit down but to remain completely silent. I would be taken when it was my turn. My stomach sank a bit, I would be doing the task on my own. The man then left the room.

As you do, I sneaked a look at the other men. The one nearest me was handsome, muscled and fit. He sat straight up and looked ahead constantly. I put him down as being a muscle fuck. The guy opposite me was more of my build. He caught me looking at him and smiled. I nodded back. He raised an eyebrow and I shrugged (a little act of defiance but not contrary to orders).

After a while, 2 men came into the room. I recognised 1 of them from before. They approached muscle fuck guy, blind folded him, put on a pair of handcuffs and led him out using his leash.

Smiler and I looked at each other, knowing that this would happen to us. After about 15 minutes, the door opened and muscle fuck guy was lead back in, without his blindfold. Immediately I could see that he was upset and, when forced to sit, grimaced with pain. Then the men went to Smiler and did the same, taking him to the unknown task. I felt that at least comfortable when he was there, distracting me from thinking about what lay ahead but now that he was gone that was all that I could think about.

After 20 minutes, Smiler was returned to the room. However he was not smiling any more, he was clearly as upset as muscle fuck guy and in pain when forced to sit. He looked down at the floor and no longer made eye contact with me.

I tensed as the men came for me. As one forced me forward to put the handcuffs one, the other expertly blind folded me. The blindfold felt wet, which threw me for a moment until I realised it was wet with the tears of the 2 other guys. My stomach dropped even further.

I was forced to stand and then they pulled by the leash/pushed me through the door. Immediately, I could hear noise of laughter and chatter and guessed that I was being paraded through a public area. I could make out some jeers and comments about my appearance and cock size. It was humiliating and I wondered why my Master would want to do this to me. I presumed that it may be part of a task not of his design.

Eventually, I was lead into a slightly quieter area but, given that I could still hear the noise, observable by the public area. I was forced to kneel. A voice deep and emotionless spoke
"Submissive 3, you have been selected by your Master to completeva simple task. If you succeed, your Master will win the prize pot for tonight. If you fail, you will be severely punished. Do you understand? Nod if yes. Do not speak". I nodded, wanting to succeed for my Master and, also, to show the other subs that could, especially muscle fuck guy. I presumed that the others had failed the task.

The voice continued "Your task is very simple. You will suck 2 cocks until ejaculation, which you will swallow. One of those cocks will belong to your master. Your task is simply to identify which cock was his. You will not be allowed to see or touch the cocks concerned. Do you understand?" I nodded again. I had sucked Master's cock a lot but could I identify him?

The voice said "Open your mouth to receive the first cock." I did as commanded "Let the task begin".

Abruptly, the back of my heqd was gripped and a hard cock was rammed into my mouth. I knew that, as I couldn't do anything, I was going to be face fucked hard both times.

I felt the length of the cock with my tongue and the girth with my lips. I tried to remember all of the times that I served my Master. This could be him so far. As the cock rammed in again and again, I tried to smell the guy's pubic area (I had no access to smell his manly taint as I would have recognised my Master immediately). I could detect sweat with a touch of deodarant. It smelled like one that my Master used so again this could be him. With the back of my throat sore from the pounding, the guy grunted and spewed his jizz onto my tongue. Before swallowing the man milk, I ran it over my taste buds, detecting its saltyness and consistency. It was close but my Master's cum was usually a little sweeter. Could this be the fake?

After swallowing the cum, a glass of water was put to my lips so that my mouth and palate were clean for the next guy.

Again, I was instructed to open my mouth to recieve the second cock. Again, head gripped and a cock was ramked into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat, making me gag. Again, I tried analyse the length and girth. Of course, I realised, it would not be that simple. They had selected someone whose length and girth was similar to my Master's. Similarly, the smell was the same. The task was to identify my Master by his cum alone. However, I noticed that this cock was not as brutal as the first. Ok, it was still making me gag but it was not as hard when hitting the back of my throat, I wondered whether this could be my Master being aware of my dimensions. Suddenly, the cock jerked and cum again filled my mouth. Again I tasted the cum carefully, running it over my tongue. I had to get it right for my Master and my pride as a submissive. Ok there was punishment if I got it wrong, but then, I would have earned it for my failure.

This cum was sweeter and I just knew that it was my Master's.

The voice said "Submissive 3, you may speak the number 1 or 2 to identify your Master". I responded with "2". There was a long period of silence and then the voice said "Correct". I could feel the pride of getting it right rise within me. The blindfold was removed and I saw my Mater's face smiling down at me "Well done" he mouthed. And then I was raised up to stand and turned to walk back to the room. This time, it was cheers from the crowd and I walked with my head held high. I could imagine the jeers from the crowd towards the other guys. It would have been a walk of shame.

I was taken into the waiting room and told to stay there in silence.

I felt the eyes of the other men looking at me and I smiled. I had succeeded, having served my Master, and was one happy submissive