The New Terrans

by PCLatex

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Chapter 18

Droids re-united

Entering the quarters I’d shared with Jorge as a droid, and in the company of Jorge as a droid myself with our assigned ‘Masters’ was a very strange experience. Eight Four Seven laughed as I faced Jorge. 

“Look at them,” he remarked to Jorge’s assigned Master. “I think we’d better tell them to greet each other properly, and to do whatever they each want … and you and I can head for the cafeteria while they do it.”

“You’re right.” The second Guardian, turned to Jorge. “Seven-Eight, take Five-Zero in your arms and make love to him.”

“You heard the man, Five-Zero. Take Seven-Eight in your arms and make love to him.”

We met each other half way, our droid lips seeking contact, our dildo sheathed members entwining as we embraced. Behind us our respective ‘masters’ quietly withdrew and left us to our reunion. 

“You are safe …” our vocaliser voices said simultaneously as we held each other close.

“I am instructed …” Jorge vocalised, “Come, Five-Zero, how do you wish to make … Love?” 

“As my beloved Jorge wishes … Master Seven-Eight …”

With these words I’d accidentally discovered the key to unlocking his autonomy. Taking me to our bed, Jorge began to make love to his companion droid. No words were needed as we shared our cum orally, anally and in every position Jorge could convey to me, and our droid bodies allowed. 

Our assigned ‘masters’ returned later to find us on the bed, side by side, for the moment spent, but reluctant to part. Rather than make us do so, they joined us, spooning against our droid backs.

The return to our own quarters came with the news we could shed the droid disguise, but this was not as easy as it seemed. First, it had to be individually done, and secondly removing some parts took time. The Admiral wanted Sirius to be the first to emerge, but he objected, insisting others had earned that right, so Jorge found himself selected by all the other droid bodied men. As we’d all now discovered how to override our program — or at least how our partners could do so — the debate got lively.

“But I can’t be the first to be released,” Jorge objected. 

“Nonsense,” Sirius, cut him off. “You’ve been in this droid state for almost two years. You tested and devised it, you showed the rest of us how to cope with it, and you found the way to hide us all from those who wanted us killed or enslaved. You’ve earned the right to be the first of us to emerge from disguise.”

“But …” Jorge began. 

“No buts, love.” Taking his hand in mine, grateful he’d given me the same ‘freedom’ from control. “As I was the last to become a droid, it’s my right to be last to be released from it. No, no more objections.”

Reluctantly Jorge left with the medic sent to fetch him and the Guardian he’d been ‘assigned’ to for the operation. The latter returned a little later.

“I knew this process was complicated, but, bloody hell …” Shaking his head, he studied the rest of us, his gaze eventually finding me. “Five-Zero, did you know what he’d put himself through?”

“Not at first, Master.” My program had kicked in again and I had to concentrate to reply. “It became apparent once he’d been with me a few days, that it was much, much more than simply wearing the body of a droid.”

“And the rest of you knew what you were getting into?”

“I did. Jorge made sure I knew exactly what had to be done to achieve it and not be detected.” Sirius replied. “And I had to help explain it to Jens … It is not easy to accept the restrictions it imposes, but being a companion droid has some advantages as well.”

“And not being a droid is going to take a bit of adjustment,” came from Eugen’s vocaliser. 

We’d have all laughed at this, if we could.

“Five-Zero?” The voice startled me, and I didn’t immediately recognise it. “Felix?”

“Jorge?” I dropped the tool I was using and turned to face the speaker. For a moment I didn’t recognise the slim figure in his tight shiny latex suit. Then I moved forward, my arms ready to embrace him. “Jorge! At last … I’ve longed for this day …”

He said nothing as he stepped forward, his anxious expression changing to happiness as we hugged. His mouth found mine, and his kiss on my rubber mouth conveyed his love, his desire and his relief. 

“Felix, my love, do you really like me like this? If you want me as …”

“Stop! I’ve told you many times, Jorge. I love Jorge. I loved you as a droid, and I told you often that I looked forward to holding Jorge, not Seven-Eight the droid, in my arms.” My vocaliser made a strangled noise as I tried to laugh. “And now you are yourself, and you have a droid as your companion and lover … what do you want?”

His arms tightened, and his codpiece ground against my dildo sheathed organ. 

“I want my beautiful Master, my Felix …”

“And you have him, Jorge. He is now your droid, and when he’s released from this, you’ll have him as himself. Patience, my darling.” Letting the program come to the fore again, I said, “What does my Master Jorge require?”

“What I want …” Jorge paused. “What I want is to take my beautiful droid to our sleeping quarters … and to make love to him.”

“As you wish, Master.” Giving him my hand, I let him lead me from the workroom, through our living space and into our sleeping quarters, and surrendered to his — and my own — desire. First in a sixty-nine, and then on my back, my legs raised and eventually draped over his neck and back as he gave me a lengthy fuck.

My beloved Jorge, free of the restriction of his droid body, was a truly wonderful lover, conscious of the restrictions I suffered under, he still took care to ensure that our lovemaking was every bit as wonderful as we could manage. 

“Any regrets, my love?” Jorge asked once we’d spent our initial desire.

“None, my darling. None at all … I am your droid, my purpose to be your companion …” Holding him in my arms, with our tentacle organs entwined, mine still restricted by being in it’s dildo sheath, I continued, “Do you regret having made yourself into a human droid?”

“No.” Snuggling against my rubber body, he sighed. “I knew what it was going to be like, I knew it would be hard, I knew I’d have the share you … But I got what I wanted. No regrets, Felix, and I’ll do it again if I have to …”

“And so would I — as long as it allowed us to be lovers.”   

And this was the first day of his freedom. I had no complaints, and still had none when, almost three months later, I was the only ‘droid’ and had to report for my own release.

The process was more difficult than I’d expected. The most uncomfortable part being the removal of the sheaths lining my mouth, and and my anus. The gum and tooth linings complicated the removal of the oral sheath, but several hours gentle work finally saw these released, and with their removal — intact — the withdrawal of the face piece. I blinked, owl-like at the grinning faces of Jorge’s father and mother.

“Fangs …” I slurred, trying to master the art of using my mouth and vocal cords to speak again. Swallowing several times, I managed, “It feelth … thrange … muh mouff … ith thtiff …” 

“It’ll soon adjust.” Marietta laughed. “Your fellow ‘droids’ all adjusted to being human again very rapidly.” She held up one of the feeding flasks I’d used when I wanted to share a meal with Jorge in his droid guise. “Take some nutrition.”Handing me the flask, she smiled. “I’ll leave you with Jena for a moment while you eat and he takes care of your sperm bladder …”

I was hungry, and sucked the nutrient meal in small doses as Jena moved into place in front of me, with his opening positioned to receive me.

“Insert that lovely member of yours into me, please, Felix.” Over his shoulder, he grinned. “Damn, I’m loving becoming a full mutant … Give me a good dose of your cum, then we can start dismantling the droid parts.”

I drained the flask and put it aside.

“Since I got Jorge … I’ve begun to love being what I am …” My tentacle penis penetrated his sphincter, and I released a small amount of my cum. “And being a droid has taught me how to really enjoy satisfying my lovers …”

Jena laughed. “So I have discovered, and I can satisfy Marietta properly at last …”

With my sperm bladder emptied for the moment, I could relax while they dismantled the ‘head’, then removed the thorax section. That allowed the removal of the arm pieces. The hip and butt section followed, and then the legs. Now only the dildo sheath covering my tentacle penis and the anal grommet and internal sheath remained. The day now exhausted, and all of us tired, they put me to ‘bed’ in a modified ‘charging unit’ with the promise the final stage, removal of my dildo sheath and the related anal sheath, in the morning.  

Once again, detaching the sheath was a long and uncomfortable process, long enough that Jena had to relieve my sperm bladder twice more, and I relieved his once. His wife joking that she could spare me at least one dose of his cum. 

Entering the suite I shared with Jorge, I checked just inside the door at. The sight of the group waiting to greet me. Smiling, Jorge stepped forward, his hands held out to grasp mine as the door shut behind me. They were all there, Sirius, Jens, Eugen, Franz and the Guardians we’d been partnered with.

“At last, my love,” Jorge grasped my hands, pulling me into an embrace and kissing me with passion. “At last we can be lovers as ourselves, and droids to each other when we want to be …”

Now we were surrounded by the others all congratulating us and extending their own welcome and greetings. 

“Thanks,” I managed, holding tight to Jorge. “What are we celebrating?”

“Your return to being human, our return to being ourselves … and to greet the best damned ‘Master’ any droid could wish to be assigned to serve!” Sirius managed to get an arm round Jorge and around me as he pulled us into a hug. “You guys pulled off a miracle in turning us all into droids … and then another in finding the real secret of those caves and why we’re all mutating …” Kissing us both, he grinned, “And why wouldn’t we want to throw a party now we’re all free and all together?”

Looking round the grinning faces, I realised that this had been planned. What I really wanted was to have time out just with Jorge, but I couldn’t disappoint them. Jorge and I would have time later …

“Why not?” Catching Jorge’s eye across Sirius, I continued, “So what are we waiting for? Where are the droids to hand out drinks, pass the feeders …” 

“Anyone for a ‘club sandwich’?” Asked Sirius and everyone laughed. “I hear they’re very good …” 

The chorus of agreement, gave way to some jostling as we vied to be the ‘filling’ to start. Jorge and I won place of honour, and quickly positioned ourselves to take each other’s member into our mouths. Sirius claimed the honour of being beneath me with his member in my butt, and Jens on top of Jorge filling his, in their turn they had their butts filled by Eight Four Seven and his fellow Guardian, and their mouths by Eugen and Franz … We four in the ‘filling’ got a feast of cum as our friends all made sure we got everything they could give us.

We eventually broke apart slowly for a short time out, then reformed, this time with Jorge, Sirius, Jens and myself as the outer layers. Eventually sated, we paired with our lovers to enjoy simply holding one another, eat and refresh ourselves and talk about our hopes for the future. 

Jorge and I finally went to bed happy, naked, our sexual needs sated for the moment and lay face to face, holding each other, our tentacle penises entwined and silly grins on our faces.

“At last I have my beloved Jorge, not my darling droid, in my own arms,” I began, pecking his lips. “And it’s even better than I dreamed possible. I love, you my darling. I can never thank you enough for selecting me to share yourself …”

“Don’t talk, my gorgeous Master.” He tightened his penis around mine. “Just hold me. We’ve got each other, and the freedom to be what we are … and a whole future ahead of us … You once said as you held me in my droid form, that you had everything you wanted and needed in your arms.” His mouth found mine in a tender kiss. “And now I’m saying it back to you … I have everything I have ever wanted right now, right here, right next to me, and in my arms …”

Our mouths joined in a long and tender kiss. Then, comfortable, and with everything that needed saying, we settled down to sleep. The morning would bring new challenges, new experiences and new responsibilities as we adapted and worked to reshape our roles and our society. It wouldn’t be easy, but we had each other, and the friendship of all our friends who had risked everything by becoming Companion Droids in our search for freedom and the right to be what we are …

We slept. The future would unfold on its own accord, we had each other.