The Manly Adventures of Ken

by Jaradon

30 Jul 2023 2752 readers Score 8.9 (52 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Ken, Allan and Barbie are the property of Mattell.  GI Joe is the property of Hasbro.

The Manly Adventures of Ken

  Ken was tired of living in Barbie Land.  Every day seemed the same and no matter what new adventure he wanted to try at the end he was only Barbie’s boyfriend.  Ken loved Barbie but there was just so much of cheerful pink a guy could take.

“There must be something more than just Barbie land?” Ken said to his best friend Allan.

“I’ve heard rumor about a guy only world,” Allan said.

“A world without Barbies? “Ken said.

“Yes, a place where guys do guy things “Allan imagined him and Ken getting naked together.

“What kid of guy things” Ken asked.

“Adventure stuff you know like treasure hunting or flying into space.”

“Barbie was an astronaut,” Ken said.

“And you stayed on Earth.”

“What else is a boyfriend to do?” Ken sighed.

“But don’t you want to do all guy stuff?”

“Where is this man land?”

“I heard it’s over the mountains,” Allan said pointing towards a ridge that surrounded Barbie land.

“But those are too high to climb” Ken said.

“You could use balloon to get over them,” Allan suggested.

“A balloon”

“Yeah, you know like an airship.”

“That could work Allan!” Ken hugged Allan who was thrilled by Ken’s attention.

Ken and Allan built a balloon attached to basket so they could ride on it.  The two men were about to lift off when Barbie showed up.

“What are you up to Ken?” Barbie said in her usual cheerful tone.


“Sounds like fun can I go along” Barbie asked.

“No Barbie this is a guy adventure thing” Ken said.

“Allan, I want you to help me pick a new dress.”

“Now Barbie?” Allan said.

“Yes, you have excellent taste.”

“All right then” Allan said he loved to pick Barbie’s wardrobe.

“But Allan aren’t you going ballooning with me?” Ken asked.

“We can do that tomorrow Ken” Allan said as he walked away with Barbie.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow I need to go all guy land now” Ken said and cut the cord that held the balloon in place.

“Here we go “Ken shouted as the balloon rose into the sky.

“Barbie look!” Allan said pointing to the balloon.

“Ken is going to get hurt” Barbie said.

“Then you need to change into your nurse outfit” Allan said.

“Good idea Allan”

Ken floated over Barbie land and drifted towards the mountains.

“Wow everything looks so small from up here,” Ken said.

The balloon rose higher until it reached the mountaintop.

“I need to control this thing?” Ken thought.

The wind began to blow harder and dark storm clouds filled the sky.

“Gee this is harder than I thought I wish Allan was here.”

Thunder and lightning filled the sky.  Ken became afraid when suddenly the balloon began to fall.

“Wow!” Ken held on to the ropes as the balloon plummeted to Earth. The balloon hit the ground and  Ken was knocked unconscious by the impact.

“Where did Ken go Allan?” Barbie said.     

“All man land” Allan said regretting that he had not joined his friend.

“It sounds like a place full of toxic masculinity” Barbie said.

“I guess” Allan had no idea what toxic masculinity meant but it sounded more fun than helping Barbie pick a dress.

Ken opened his eyes and stared at the unfamiliar landscape. He had crash-landed into a jungle.  He did not feel hurt, so he started to explore.  The jungle was all green and brown; enormous trees towered over his head.  It smelled clean and natural not like the perfume that filled the air in Barbie Land.    Ken looked around when he was startled by the appearance of a gorilla. 

“Oh my God!’ Ken said.

Ken had no idea what to do the only animals he had ever seen were cats and dogs.   

The giant aped roared, and Ken ran for his life as the angry gorilla chased him.

“Get out of the way” Ken heard a manly voice.

A man was standing in front of him holding a rifle.

Ken ran behind the man who aimed the rifle at the rampaging gorilla.

The gorilla growled.

The man fired the tranquilizer gun and the gorilla collapsed.

“That was close “Ken said.

“What are you doing out here without a weapon?” the man said.

“I was exploring.”

“This is a dangerous jungle” the man said.

“My name is Ken.”

“Commander Joe” the man shaking his hand. Ken noticed the man had a strong grip.

“Nice to meet you” Ken said.

Ken had never seen a man like Commander Joe. They were about the same height; but Joe had thick hair and a beard. Ken had once tried to grow a mustache, but Barbie had laughed at him.

“We need to get back to head adventure headquarters before dark,” Commander Joe said.

“Sure “Ken was fascinated by the Commander's manly demeanor.

“I have a jeep,” Commander Joe said.

Ken and Joe drove through the jungle until they reached adventure headquarters.  It was a large comfortable house. The first thing Ken notice is there was nothing pink in sight.

“Are you hungry Ken?” Commander Joe

“Sure” Ken said.

“But first you must meet my team.” 

“That would be so cool.”

“Adventure Team assemble in headquarters.”

The other Joes entered the room. They were diverse group of men both white and black.  They all had thick hair and beards. They  wore uniforms from every branch of the arm forces.  Marines and soldiers stood proudly side-by-side.  They all greeted Ken with a manly handshake.

“And where are you from Ken?” Commander Joe asked.

“The other side of the mountain sir” Ken said.


“A place named Barbie land” Ken said and told the Joes about his world. The Joes had never heard of Barbie or her friends.  

“Adventure is our game and girls get in the way,” Marine Joe said as he placed his arm around the Black Sailor Joe beside him.

“You have cooler cars and equipment,” Ken said.

Ken and the Joes had dinner. Barbie had convinced Ken to become a vegetarian, but he was really enjoying the steak dinner and the beer.

“Well Ken it’s time to sleep” Joe said.

“I’m tired after my adventure” Kean yawned.

“We all share rooms, but you can bunk with me tonight” Joe said.


Ken noticed that the Joes paired up before going to bed.  The men march into their rooms with their arms around each other.  He usually slept alone even when Allan had asked to join him. Ken never wanted to make Barbie jealous. 

“I sleep in my camper” Commander Joe said.

“Barbie has one of those.”

Commander Joe’s camper contained ropes, tools, and weapons.   There were two bunk beds.

Ken took off his shirt and laid in the bed.

Commander Joe stripped down to his shorts.

Ken notice that Joe was more muscular, and his chest was also covered with hair.  There was something else; Joe had a bulge in his shorts.

“What is that? “Ken asked pointing to Joe's bulge

“My man parts” Joe said proudly.

“I don’t have those” Ken said.

“But you’re a man like me “

“Not quite I’m actually just a doll’s boyfriend” Ken said he felt like crying.

“It’s okay Ken some of us develop slower than others” Joe hugged Ken.

“This feels different” Ken said reacting to Joe’s manly hug.         

“You never been with a man before Ken?’

“No but it sounds cool” Ken said.

“It can be” Joe said and kissed Ken on the mouth.

Ken had kissed Barbie, but this kiss felt different. He had had never kissed a bearded man before and Ken liked it.

“What do you do with the man parts?” Ken asked.

“Touch them if you like” Joe said pulling down his shorts revealing a hard cock.

“Wow” Ken said admiring Joe’s erection.

“Why don’t you suck it” Joe said.

“Sure “Ken said and started sucking on Joe’s cock.

“Your good Ken” Joe said enjoying Kens blowjob.

Ken was really enjoying himself he wished he had man parts too. 

“Let’s go to sleep Ken” Joe said

“Good night, Joe”

The next morning the team started to teach Ken what fun men adventures could be. Ken went deep sea exploring.  He went on an archeological expedition but best of all he went into the jungle with Commander Joe.  They ended up sharing a tent.

“What else can those man parts do?” Ken asked.

“They can be inside you” Joe said.

“Does it hurt?”

“Yes, at first but then it’s fun.”

“Do it then” Ken said.

Joe pulled down Ken’s pants and mounted him.

“Oh wow” Ken said feeling Joe's cock penetrating his ass. It did hurt

"Just get used to it “Joe kept fucking Ken.

"Oh yeah, I like it now “Ken said he had never been close to anyone like this before. 

The next morning when Ken woke up, he felt different. He touched his face and felt beard.

“Joe look! “Ken said.

“Nice beard ken” Joe said.

Commander Joe took Ken on other adventures. They went into space and orbited the earth.  They went on a long hike on the dessert ending up in an oasis. The two men set up tent.

“I think we use a swim” Commander Joe stripping off his clothes.

“Go for it ‘Ken said.

“Aren’t you going to join me Ken” Commander Joe said.

Ken was reluctant to be nude in from of Joe because of his lack of man parts.

"I don't feel like swimming" Ken said

" Come on Ken the water feels great! "

" Yeah sure” Ken stripped off his clothes.

“Ken! ‘Commander Joe said.

“What’s wrong Joe” ken said.

“Look at you!” Joe said pointing to Ken’s crotch.

Ken looked down and was amazed that he now had a cock and ball just like Joe.

“I got my man parts! “Ken said.

“You do indeed, “Joe said admiring Ken’s manhood. 

Ken jumped in the water with Joe. They had fun splashing around.

“Let’s go rest for a while the sun is too hot out” Joe said drying off with a towel

“Yes sir” Ken said and followed Joe into their tent.

Joe and Ken lay next to each other.  Ken was fascinated by his new man parts and started to play with himself. 

“It feels so good when I touch them” Ken said as he jerked himself off.

“Let me suck you” Joe said and started to suck on Ken’s cock.

“That feels so good Joe” Ken said enjoying Joe’s blowjob.

Joe and Ken ended up sucking each other.

“I want you to fuck me” Joe said turning around so Ken had a good view of his ass

“Never done that before” Ken said.

“You can do it bud you’re an action hero now” Joe said grabbing Ken’s cock.

Joe was right Ken thought. He was no longer just a sidekick to a doll. He felt like a real man.

“Going to fuck you Joe” Ken said as he penetrated Joe with his cock.

Joe had never let any of other guys fuck him until now and he loved the feel of Ken’s shaft as it came in and out of his ass.

“Gee this is the best ever,” Ken said as he fucked Joe into an orgasm.

“Fuck me Ken” Joe said.

“Never going to stop” Ken said as he came inside Joe’s ass.

“I love you Ken” Joe said.

“Me too!’ Ken said.

The two men kissed.  Ken knew that he was never going back to Barbie Land.  He had found true love with Commander Joe and there were more adventures to come.