The King of the Block

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

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Chapter 5


(Author's note: There are some Hispanics that are the antagonists in this. It is just fictional and some of the finest people I ever worked with, even dated one was of HIspanic origin. It is a correctional facility and this kind of stuff happens. In other words I am not prejudiced.) 

It was Tuesday just before dinner and Maxwell Stapleton hated Tuesdays and Thursdays. This was the only block of time he could take Physics-3 (2010) and the class ran late. He had taken A.P. Physics 1010 and 1020 in high school and had made A’s in both, so they carried over as college credits. Max made a great many A’s, he worked hard and had a good mind, he was not a procrastinator and got after things quickly. He was good with most all of it, he was as comfortable at reading Shakespeare as he was solving curvature and change of pressure problems, most things doing with mathematics, he was all over it.

He had to walk a good distance to this class as well, it was down the end of what they called the blue corridors, which was about as far away in the building as you could get from his cell. It bordered the area where the minors that had been tried as adults and found guilty that qualified for to be here were housed. All those doors were sealed locked with strong chains and padlocks. The corridor he was headed down he was not by himself the way the facility was made he was certainly not going to get out nor would he try.

His hands were full of materials as he had to give a demonstration at class tonight, it was an honors class, and they were calculating orbits. He had smashed doing it and the teacher, Dr. Meyer, had kept him over a few minutes to talk after class about what a fantastic job he had done. He had gone so far as to tell his young student he wouldn’t be surprised to see him working at some place like NASA someday. It had made Max feel good, to be recognized for working hard. Being the last to leave a few minutes later everyone else was ahead of him and had reached the cell habitat, he was in a single corridor by himself carrying all the materials.

He had dropped a notebook and that is when he saw there was someone behind him. They were approaching him he retrieved the notebook and saw there were two people up ahead of him. His stomach felt queasy, as he recognized them, these three were Javier’s crew and he was one of the people approaching him. They were the ones that had given him the trouble when he first got here. They were all a tad shorter than him, but Max was not a fighter. He had always avoided violence and in school had not had a single enemy. He cut people up in trivial pursuit, not in any other way. He was not naive enough to believe this was a coincidence. They should be in the chow area eating or in their cells napping or studying.

He had come to the only door on the corridor that was not locked, and it appeared to be some kind of janitorial closet, or storage area. He was just frozen in place, the person coming up being him stopped just before he got to him. He looked, sure enough it was another inmate named, Gustavo De Garza. He was a couple of inches shorter than Max, but he was broader and looked like he could be rough. He was just a couple of feet away, and smiled menacingly at the trapped Max.

The other two came walking up one was named Gerardo Fuentes, the group’s leader, was Javier Del Cid. He was only a tiny bit shorter than max, had long black hair with a ponytail in it, some tattoos and smiled as he walked up and opened the door to the closet. He smiled at the scared Max it was not friendly.

He said, “Well if it isn’t our long-lost friend and good amiga, Maxwell, Stapleton. Step into my office here, you cocksucker perra, and we won’t have to hurt you much.

Max went into what turned out to be a storage area for janitorial so there was some room in here, the three young men came in after him. It was not lost on Max that in Spanish the word amiga, meant friend as in female, for men it should be amigo, he also knew perra meant bitch. He had several Hispanic friends who spoke native Spanish and they would get mad and tear into one another cursing.

Javier said to him, “You see your cocksucker perra, you have me somewhat confused. When you first got here, me and my group offered you the chance to be, well useful to us, and then you went and run to that crazy Richard Koufax. What’s the problem with us amiga, look cock is cock, ours not good enough for you? Word around the floor is that you are one pole smoking motherfucker. Me and the guys here are starting to think you don’t like us. Something wrong with us amiga?”

Fighting these guys was a nonstarter for Max, he would not have a chance and they would make a point of hurting him badly. What the hell was wrong with people, this was supposed the be the place they sent the smart ones?

He said nervously, “No, Sir Javier, there is nothing wrong with you, I try to get along with everyone.”

The ponytailed young man grinned and laughed a little. “So, you try and get along with everyone huh? Let me tell you, they say you are so smart, so here is a multiple-choice question for you. There are only two options, so your odds are good, they are great for us because they work out no matter how you answer. The question is what you going to do? Option A: is that you are going to suck all our dicks and let us fuck that pretty ass of yours. Option B: is that we are going to beat the fuck out of you, tie you up and make you suck our dicks and fuck you up the ass with them. Let’s see if you get the correct answer. See we get what we want either way.”

Max wished he wasn’t even on the earth now he was afraid of something like this happening.

The closet door opened, and a smiling Clyde Owens, a.k.a. as big block and tackle came into the closet. He slid a pair or brass knuckles into place on his hand and was trying not to laugh.

He said, “Hot damn, and they say nothing good ever happens in life. That can’t be true, because I see one of ours being harassed by those famous people from television called the three stooges.”

Max had never been so glad to see anyone in his life that big wearing a pair of brass knuckles.

They all backed up he was, mountainous compared to them.

He went on, “Max, get your ass back to the King’s cell, me and these gentlemen have something to discuss.”

Max, was leaving the closet and heard Javier say, “Take it easy big fellow, no harm no foul.”

As Max quickly walked away, he heard a couple of banging noises on the wall. He quickly made his way down to the cells, up the stairs and into his cell. He entered the cell, and was white as a ghost, threw his presentation stuff up on his bunk and sat down hyperventilating.

His Master, lying in shorts and socks only was lying on his bed reading one of Terry Pratchett’s, ‘Discworld Series,’ some of the funniest books ever written.

“Well, he said,” getting up out of his bunk. “You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes here, to sort of deduce something is not right.” He walked over and put his big hands on his slave’s shoulders.

He continued, “Slow down with the breathing bitch, and tell your Master what happened.” He began massaging his shoulders and it calmed his slave down. His strong hands felt good, and his presence was reassuring.

“I was on my way back from physics.......Late because the professor kept me a few minutes. I was alone coming down one of the blue halls and Javier and his two goons hijacked me into some sort of janitorial room.”

His Master kept massaging his shoulders, his breathing was slowing, “Did they touch you?”

His slave continued, “No Master, they were about to, then big block and tackle came into the closet. I have never been so happy to see that big guy in my life.”

The Master kept massaging, and started laughing a bit, “Bet you a million dollars you were the only fucker in that room that was. Yeah, we knew they had been scoping you, so I have had people on you.”

“Master, Sir Owens is down there in the closet with them, and there are three of them.”

About that time, big block and tackle Owens came into the cell. His shirt was torn, and his hair was a bit messed up, otherwise he was okay.

He went quite calmly, “I take he told you what happened boss?”

“He told me, you take care of business?”

The big guy grinned, “May be a while before they work back to solid food. Them fools should have known better than to bunch up like that.”

Block and tackle and his Master laughed for a minute.

“Clyde do me a favor, and pull the curtain closed when you leave. Having my hands all over my bitch here has warmed me up, bitch needs some TLC.”

Clyde smiled even bigger, “Think I will look and see if anyone in the pool is free, work gets me charged up.”

The Master said, “You are in luck then, the new one, Marco, seen him go by about ten minutes ago, should be in your cell. Good work being Johnny on the spot. Now get out of here you big motherfucker.”

“Got it boss.” The big guy pulled the privacy curtain over the door and was gone.

His Master pulled his slave to his feet and kissed him deeply for a couple of minutes.

“I will be sitting at my usual spot on the bottom bunk, lose the clothes. Then come suck me off and we’ll eat.”

As soon as the giant hands were off him, Max the slave started with his shoes and then took and folded the rest of his clothing off. He, walked over, placed them on the top bunk and got on his knees in front of his Master between his legs. He already had his shorts and underwear down and his big cock was hard and waiting.

His Master leaned forward and solidly grabbed his head and put his lips to his and shoved his tongue deep inside. His slave was concentrating on sucking on his tongue, and felt the handcuff click into place on his left wrist. He automatically put the writs together behind him and his muscular Master reached around him and got both wrists nice and snugly cuffed.

His Master Leaned back a little and took a hand and pushed his big cock forward and he pulled his head forward with the other hand.

The big man said, “These are my brand-new trick handcuffs.”

The slave licked the head of his cock slowly and said, “Trick?”

“Yeah, the trick is they don’t come off till you have sucked me off and swallowed every drop of my love juice.”

His slave opened wide and began to work himself down on the big cock. His master put both hands on the back of his head and pushed him deeper and deeper onto it. He tried to gag once but fought it back and the big man could feel the tight throat sliding on his dickhead and top of his shaft. He pushed him all the way down till those nice lips met his pubic area. He held him there for a few moments and the warmth and moisture felt good.

The slave had learned by now, to hold his breath down this far and to lick with his tongue for all his worth. He kept his lips nice and moist for when he began to slide up and down the shaft and head to work it. He had also pulled a good bit of suction, so it would be a bit noisy as he worked but it would make his Master feel it much better.

His master took his big, powerful hands and moved them to the side and grabbed some hair on each side. Then he guided him as he worked it up and down.

“Suck that like the bitch you are. I know you enjoy doing that, no one sucks cock that well unless they do.”

The slave looked up as he went up and down on it, and the Master liked what he saw. Just like everything else about this slave he had nice eyes. Now they were full of carnal desire and lust. Fuck yes, he liked sucking on the Master’s big dick. He would guide him up and down it until he began to tingle and then push him all the way down and hold for a bit. The slave held his eye contact and never resisted the way his Master guided him.

“This time you are getting a mouthful of my cum bitch.”

He began him working it and didn’t hold this time and it didn’t take long, and those big balls of his emptied and his cock began pumping it into his slave’s mouth.

“Swallow that bitch, you are my own personal cocksucker, and this is your reward for a job well done. Oh-Fuck!”

He stared at his eyes as he took the big gulps of cum, he loved to see that. He let him work it till he started to get sensitive and gently pulled him from it. As he pulled him up a small trail of spit ran from the corner of his mouth down to his cock He reached down and scooped it off his cockhead with a finger and pushed it into his slave’s mouth.

“That is what I am talking about, that is how you suck my fucking cock.”

He removed his handcuffs, and they had dinner, it was not too bad.

About an hour later, the slave was helping his Master with some of the more advanced word problems one will encounter in Calculus II. Probably the reason that of all the people that quite college without completing it, it was responsible for a good portion of them. Those inside the world of advanced mathematics, it was called the most worthless mathematical concepts ever to be followed as it had absolutely no practical applications in the real world. Though one could not tell that to the intellectual elite of those in academia that set curriculum.

Max had to admit, the big man had a nimble mind and caught onto things rather quickly. He would just get a big bogged down from time to time and just needed a little push along, then he would take off.

That big fat corrections officer in the Stanton uniform appeared at the door again. The big man got up and walked over to him with a grin on his face.

“Well Jonesy, one of the two survivors of the Nostromo, that ill-fated journey that went on a three-hour tour. Stranded all those people on that fucking island that in certain shots on TV one could see a California freeway from.”

Jonesy looked confused and asked, “That was the name of the boat on Gilligan’s Island that crashed?”

The big guy went over and got two good sized bags from the guard and said, “No, you fat fuck, that was, The Minnow, the, Nostromo was the ship in the movie Alien, it’s a joke man. Did you get everything I asked for?”

Jonesy was busy looking at the scantily clad Maxwell Stapleton, “He gets hotter every time I see him.

“Scientists have discovered that a steady diet of my cum and getting infusions of it regularly up the ass makes people much hotter over time.”

The big man inspected in the contents of the bag, “Good work fat man, new hot ass next door named Marco, be glad to blow you. I hear from the guys he is a natural and can’t seem to get enough of it.”

The fat guard disappeared going in that direction.

Master looked at his slave and said, “Little change in schedule today, lose all he clothes, take a quick shower. When you are done, fill the tub about halfway with warm water, put the shower seat in there while I get set up. Clean yourself well, and I do mean that.”

“Yes Master. “The slave got his stuff together and hopped into the shower.

Richard Koufax, the master, also the King, began to set up stuff in the bathroom. He watched his slave carefully through the glass door.

“Hands on dick only for washing, I have not given you permission to get off.”

“Understood Master.”

The slave really would like some relief, but he wanted to obey the Master first so he would have to wait. He got himself clean, ran the tub full of hot water, and sat the shower chair inside it He was finally ready, and the master took his hands and turned him so his back, was facing him.

“Bend down and put your palms flat on the side of the tub. Do you move them, this may be a bit warm.”

“Yes Master.”

He turned and bent over and placed his palms firmly on the top of the tub and remained still.

Master had plugged up a mug looking thing, that warmed hot wax to heat it to liquid state. He had put several thin layers of cloth inside the hot wax. It was warm but not enough to burn, so he reached in and started to get them one at a time. Then he carefully applied them and completely covered his slave’s crack and back door with them. Then the cheeks of his ass were next. He was going to pull what little hair he had their out by waxing them out by the roots. The crack and his hole plus the cheeks would be as smooth as could be.

“Now stick your arms straight out away from you and hold them there till I say otherwise.

“Yes Master.” Stuck his arms out to comply and held them there.

The King liked his bitches smooth, so that was the way it was going to be, First, he had a mug style of shaving cream, he got some water an worked up a good lather in it. Then he took a pair of Wahl clippers and with no guard he began on his slave’s underarms and removed most of the hair with them. He caught the hair in one of those big blue colored shaving trays.

“During this next part, you have to remain completely still bitch.”

“Yes Master.”

He lathered under the slave arm pits well, and then produced a straight razor out of the bag.

“No worries, you must trust me, I am good with these and no I don’t go around slicing people up. I was going to barber college when I crossed the law in the wrong way. Just be still and breath steady.”

He carefully made single strokes and removed the hair, and would wipe the razor on a towel, then swipe again, soon the hair was gone. He laid the razor down and produced the handcuffs. He turned his slave around and then grabbed his wrists one at a time and snugly clamped them behind him Then he turned him back around, fortunately his slave, Max was not a very hairy person, he took a Gillette cartridge replaceable razor and removed what little chest hair he had.

There was a tiny patch of hair at is belly button that he put the foamy stuff on and used the Gillette to remove as well. Then he took the Wahl clippers and shaved as much of his pubic hair off as he could and foamed what remained up. He reached and got the straight razor and put it down next to where it needed to be.

“Now bitch, this calls for trust, this area is one of the areas in the body that has quite a bit of blood running to it. Be good and still for me, show me you trust me.”

He carefully and deliberately removed the remaining hair one stroke at a time. He did not cut him a single time and laid the razor back down when he was done. Now he got some more of those strips that were saturating in the hot wax.

As he applied them over the outside of his balls, said, “This will be the most unpleasant part of this, but there is nothing else for it.”

Once those were applied as he liked, “Now sit on foot up on the topside of the bathtub bitch.”

His slave did and he covered the leg with the foam from the mug and got the Gillette back and went over it well removing the hair.

“Sit that foot back in the tub and put the other one up here.”

His slave did, he lathered up and said as he shaved it well, “Now this mug of shaving soap and the Gillette with new cartridges will be in the bathroom now. Every morning you will add the time for shower time to shave your legs and pubic region. Also get in under your arms and keep your taint area smooth as well. Understand bitch?”

“Yes Master.”

He finished and told his slave, “Turn around and bend over and put your head against the shower stall. Stay that way till I tell you otherwise, this will sting but you will take it.”

His slave obeyed, the Master began grabbing the solidified strips lining his ass and ripping them off. When he was finished the hair would be magically gone as this pulled it out by the roots. He would quickly rip a strip free and throw it in a garbage container. It would be gone and stay gone, and yes it did smart a bit.

Finally, he finished and said, “Turn and face me and spread your legs good.”

His slave obeyed, he knew where this was going and dreaded it a bit.

Sure, enough his master began to rip the strip, along with any hair from his ball sack. This would certainly get your attention, though it did not dissuade the big guy one bit.

“Ow, Sorry Master.”

“It is okay bitch I know it stings.” He ripped them one by one till they were all gone, along with any hair from his balls. The only hair the slave had left was on top of his head. It was a strange feeling and looked much different.

“Rinse yourself off good then step out, no need for clothing the rest of the night it is close to bed. Pretty sure I am going to give that ass a good fucking before we lie down.”

“Yes Master.”

Richard Koufax unplugged the wax warmer, would put he straight razor in a lockbox he had in the room, and put the Gillette and cartridges in the shelves behind the mirror. He was grinning, this one was breaking in quite nicely. He planned to put some miles in this bitch and could already see he was getting to like it.

Fucking that hot ass last night as he was all tied up was a fucking China Syndrome Nuclear Meltdown, it was so hot it had burned down to the water table.

When his slave was finished rinsing good, he had him step out on a towel and dried him well and sent him back to the desk, after showing him the location of the razor, cartridges, and shaving soap. When finished in the bathroom he came in, worked the combination, and put the straight razor into the lock box and scrambled the combo. He took a seat next to his newly smoothened slave.

He looked at him, “I guess it is sort of obvious I have decided to keep you?”

His slave looked back, “I am not sure why? But I am glad you have, and Javier and crew just punctuated that for me today.”

His master looked angry for a second, “If he’s not careful him and his whole crew is what is going to get fucking punctuated. I am tired of fooling with him.”

His slave said, “I would say block and tackle made that point clear to them. You should have heard the noises coming from inside the walls of that closet.”

They both started laughing, “He’s not exactly a subtle kind of man in such matters. That is what’s wrong with them motherfuckers, they need to come out of the closet. B&T just keeps dragging them back in.”

They laughed some more, then the lights went out, some ropes were tied, and the Master fucked his slave. Neither expected this order would change anytime soon. Tomorrow was always interesting in this crazy fucking place.