The Husband Experience

by Harrison Morris

25 Apr 2024 3128 readers Score 9.2 (70 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

We’d been fucking around on occasion for about five years now.  I’d met him at the tail-end of what I like to refer to as my “sowing my wild oats” phase.  At the time, I had five other regular guys that I messed around with...not to mention the randos that I would come across on the hookup site that I frequented most often.

In a way, I suppose the fact that I had other men to focus my attention on worked out well for the both of us.  He was married and really only wanted to get together every so often.  Sometimes I’d see him once a week.  Sometimes, weeks or even a couple months would go by between times I’d hear from him.  He had me available when his schedule allowed and his libido yearned for me.  Meanwhile, I had my other men to keep me distracted so I never had much time to have the so-called side-piece blues, wishing he’d leave his wife and sail off into the sunset with me.

In fact, early on in our dalliance, he and I had set some ground rules.  Things were to be strictly casual.  No strings.  No emotions.  No feelings.  Just sex.  At that time, I was all for it.  Even though having sex with a bunch of different guys was starting to appeal to me less and less, I had done a pretty good job of convincing myself that there’s no way I’d be interested in settling down with anyone...not while I had so much of my life left to live.

But, boy...  If ever there was ever anyone I’d want to settle down with, it would’ve been him.  He wasn’t anything like my other regulars.  Terry was all the door, no pleasantries, clothes off, fuck and run.  Jason was too sensitive.  “Is this okay?”  “Am I doing this right?”  “I just want to make sure you don’t take what I’m about to say the wrong way.”  I swear...  It was almost liked we had to take a training course on boundaries and feelings before we could have sex each time.  Kevin had too many hangups...he wouldn’t touch me, wouldn’t look at me while I blew him, wouldn’t reciprocate.  Bobby treated us like we were just a couple bros helping each other out.  He actually wanted us to fist-bump after sex.  Have you ever...?!

As for Tim...  I could tell that he was really into me, but he never told me how he felt.  Sex with him just felt awkward.  You know the guy actually likes you but you don’t feel the same way.  Anytime we ever got together, it was all I could do to get him out the door before the dam broke and he poured his heart and soul out to me.

But him?  He was perfect in every way.  A true dreamboat in my book.  Rugged handsomeness mixed with guy next door good looks, salt and pepper hair, and a fit-but-not-too-fit body that looked great both in and out of clothes.  He also had a disarming down-to-earth way about him.  It was probably his Midwest upbringing that just helped pervasive kindness ooze from every pore on his body.  I couldn’t believe his dumb bitch of a wife was either doing or not doing something at home to cause him to seek satisfaction elsewhere, but I was sure as hell glad that he was coming to me.

Another way he wasn’t like my other men was that he and I had actually struck up something of a friendship...or maybe just a circle of trust.  We’d have sex.  But, either before or after - sometimes both before AND after - we’d actually talk about whatever was going on in our lives at the time.  He’d told me that he was a pretty prominent lawyer.  When I say lawyer, I don’t mean one of those “you pay nothing unless we get money for you” ambulance chasers whose commercials you see on TV.  He worked for a prestigious law firm that was prominent and had an excellent reputation in my city.  He’d been married for 20 years and had one kid who - at the time - was a senior in high school (now almost done with college).  It kind of blew my mind that a man THAT important actually wanted to spend time - in or out of bed - with me.  That feeling only intensified once, feeling warm and fuzzy because of how much about himself he’d shared with me, I let him know how many guys were with him in my rotation.  Maybe it was because I’d told him about my own life - how, even though we’d repaired our relationship now, my parents had not taken my coming out in stride at all and that I was working toward a career in education - that, instead of recoiling, calling me a two-dollar man whore, or looking around my bedroom and asking where the turnstile was, he just grinned at me and moved right along to the next topic of discussion.  No judgement at all, which was nice.

It was maybe three years into our entanglement when having multiple sex partners went from “losing its appeal” to being almost revolting to me.  I let most of my regulars drop by the wayside and I stopped trolling the hookup site for randos.  In fact, he was really the only guy I was still getting together with.  In a way, it was the sort of set-up I was looking for,  But it also brought into sharp focus that I had developed some underlying feelings for the man that had grown to run very deep over the past few years.  Over the next two years, I spent a lot of the time that he and I got together trying to hide the fact that I’d turned into the type of guy I’d never wanted to be: a third wheel with the side piece blues.  I’d even conjured up a favorite fantasy that I leaned on pretty heavily when I wanted to jack off with a really intense climax:  he’d sweep into my apartment, announce that he was divorcing his wife, we’d have the most passionate, mind-blowingly wonderful sex we’d ever had, and in the afterglow, we’d make plans to date and REALLY get to know each other before committing to a relationship even though we both knew that we wanted to be together.  Things really do come full circle.  My dream man was the me of our situation and I was in the same shoes Tim had been in with me before I’d eased out of our involvement a couple years ago.

That brings us to present day.  For the past nearly three weeks, he’d been involved in a very prominent case.  We hadn’t gotten together while the case was playing out, but I was surprised that he’d texted me a few times after the trial would adjourn for the day.  The case he was on was so prominent when the time came for both parties to give closing arguments, it had preempted daytime TV to be broadcast.  I was glued to the TV screen, but not for the reason you might think.  I mean, I cared about the outcome and I wanted justice to be done, but he was all that was on my mind.  That suit he was wearing...God damn he looked so fuckin’ good!  With the case likely in the hands of the jury by the end of the day and him finally able to release whatever tension he might be feeling, he’d probably go home and nail his wife all night tonight.  Lucky bitch!  I wanted to be the one on the receiving end of that tension release.

I got a surprise when, along about 5:30, my phone buzzed.  It was a text from him.  “Hey...  You have any plans tonight?

I grinned.  It was sweet of him to ask.  I’d told him over a year ago that he was the only one I was having sex with anymore...unless you count my hand.  I suppose, as far as he knew, I might be getting together with friends or my family.  “Nope,” I texted back.  “Just me and the TV tonight.”

A few moments later, his response came.  “Room for one more?  I know it’s last minute.  I’m really sorry.  I really need to see you.

My heart skipped a beat.  Maybe I WAS going to be the one on the receiving end of his tension release.  “Sure!  Come on by.”

Great!” he wrote back.  “I should be able to be there in an hour and a half at the latest.

Before I could finish typing in a response, a follow-up text came in.  “It’s probably way out of bounds for me to even ask because it’s more than what we are to each other, but...  Any chance I can have the husband experience tonight?

For a moment, I flashed with anger.  The husband experience?!  What am I...a prostitute?!  All these years that we’d been building what I thought was a friendship and he just saw me as a vessel for his pleasures.  But like I said, that only lasted a moment.  I’d come to know him fairly well and I knew he wasn’t THAT guy.  Thinking of me as a prostitute was more of a Terry kind of attitude.  I typed a quick response of “you got it, bud!” into my phone.

Now was the hard part.  What would the husband experience be?  I knew next to nothing about marriage, much less how spouses satisfy each other outside the bedroom.  It was then that a figurative light bulb went on over my head.  Food!  A nice dinner might be a good start.  And, since I knew less about cooking than I knew about marriage, that meant ordering in.  I called for delivery from a nearby high-end Italian eatery...a couple of entrees and a bottle of wine that the person who took my order insisted paired nicely with both of the entrees.

Forty-five minutes later, the food arrived and ten minutes after that, another knock came at my door.  I opened it to find him standing there, the suit jacket I’d seen him look so sharp in on TV earlier in the day slung over his shoulder and his tie loosened, looking world-weary but sexy as ever.  His eyes lit up when he saw me and I couldn’t help but smile broadly as I stepped aside and motioned for him to come inside.

After I shut the door behind him, I turned around to see him standing there.  He’d slung his coat over the back of the couch and was looking at me.  “So, you want the husband experience, huh?”

He smirked.  “Yes.  Like I said earlier, I know it’s a big ask since we’re not...”

I strode over to him and put my finger up to his lips to interrupt him.  He stopped talking and stared at me, maybe a mix of confusion as well as irritation at being shushed.  I spoke in a tone just barely above a whisper.  “Then, the husband experience is exactly what you’re going to get.”

With that, I leaned in and kissed him.  Kissing was something we did.  He wasn’t one of those married “straight” guys with whom kissing was verboten.  But, he didn’t kiss me back right away.  I guess I’d caught him off guard because once his brain caught up with what was happening, he slipped his arms around me and began kissing me back in earnest.  I heard and felt him sigh into my mouth and I could feel some of the tension he’d been holding in his body start to melt away as his body pressed into mine.

After a couple minutes of making out, the kiss ended.  As I pulled back, I looked into his eyes while I ran both of my hands over the expanse of his toned but meaty, shirt-covered chest.  “I didn’t realize how badly I needed that,” he said, matching the tone I’d spoken in before.

“This is your night,” I replied.  “Whatever you need, I’ve got it.”

He chuckled.  “Where do I start?!”

I backed out of his embrace.  “I wasn’t exactly sure what the husband experience might entail, but I figured you’d need something to eat after such a long day.”

“Nice!  I’ve been living off of takeout and vending machine food for weeks!”

I laughed.  “Full disclosure...  As I’m sure you’re already painfully aware, I’m not known for my culinary talents.  I had to order in.  But, it’s a real meal, not from a fast food joint or out of a plastic wrapper.”

He reached out and gently touched the side of my face and gave me a look that sent shivers throughout my body in the best of ways.  “It’s perfect.”

After we’d sat down, opened the wine bottle, poured it for ourselves, and started in on the food, I did what I figured a loving spouse might do.  “How are you feeling?”

He sighed heavily and turned to look at me.  “My head is both spinning and swimming.  I don’t know whether I should be feeling a huge release or if I should be holding my breath.“

“You looked good on TV today.”

“Oh.  You saw?”

“They broke into programming for the closing statements.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.  You made me both horny and proud to say I know you.”

He smiled again, that same grin he’d given after he’d made a brief foible near the end of his statement.  So disarming and charming.  “I wish my wife would’ve said something like that.  Instead, all she said was ‘good job today.  hope it was good enough.’  I swear...  Sometimes I think I don’t even exist as far as Patty’s concerned.”

I reached out to place my hand over his.  “For what it’s worth, I thought you did a masterful job.”

He blushed before wiping the sides of his mouth with a napkin and taking a sip of wine.  “I’m just one guy.  There were over a dozen of us on this case and I wasn’t even the best one in the room.  They all deserve credit for being masterful.”

“And if I’m ever in a room drinking wine and eating dinner with the others, I’ll tell them what I just told you.  But right now, you’re the only one I’m thinking about.” I reached over and touched his forearm.  “Are you okay now that you’re done trying the case?”

He grimaced.  “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not talk about it anymore.  It’s a heavy subject.  Besides, it’s been weeks since I’ve seen you  Tell me how you’ve been doing and what you’ve been up to.“

I sighed and it was my turn to grimace.  I always hate talking about myself.  What’s the opposite of self-important and self-involved?  Whatever it is, that’s what I am.  I tried to get away with deflecting...something I figured probably wouldn’t work with a skilled attorney like him. “Oh, you know me.  A little bit of this.  A little bit of that.  I’ve been doing alright.”

He gave me a knowing look before grinning at me.  “Try again, Dan.  I think you know me better than that.  I want details!”

So, I proceeded to tell him about how I had put myself in pretty good position to land myself a teaching job for next school year and about some developments with a couple of hobbies he knew I had.  It’s no surprise that he was always able to pull me out of my shell and get me to talk about my life.

After dinner, we took our glasses and bottle of wine over to the living room and camped out on the sofa, his arm draped over the back and me snuggled next to him.  He surprised me by wanting to watch a little TV instead of moving right on to....well, you know.

It just so happened when the TV came on that a repeat of a recent episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey was on.  What can I say?  I’m a Reality TV junkie, I guess.  “What’s this?” I heard him ask.  “The Housewives?”

I was surprised someone who was as busy all the time as he probably was knew about one of the biggest guilty pleasures any self-respecting person could have.  “You KNOW about the Real Housewives?”

He glanced at me and snickered.  “Some of the people in my office love these shows.  So do the wives of a couple of my buddies.  Truth be told - and they’d never admit it - I’m sure some of my buddies watch these shows on the sly, too.”

“It’s addictive if you let yourself get hooked,” I smiled back at him.  “I’d never watched an episode of any of the versions of the show until about 11 years ago when my mom got me started watching.  Now, I watch all of them and she’s stopped watching altogether!”

There was a silence between us for a few moments as we both watched the screen...filled with a woman just this side of tanorexic who was screeching at the rest of the cast and waving a vibrator in the air.  “This is the one that’s centered around the ex-con, right?” he piped up.

“Technically, these shows are all supposed to be about each of the women.  And compared to what it was like a few seasons ago, this one has been focusing more on all of the women than just being about her.  But yeah...  This is the one with the ex-con.”

He chuckled.  “Only on Reality TV do you go to jail for fraud and come out an even bigger star than you were before.”

“If it will help you not think less of me, this is my least favorite of all of the versions.  Up until this season, I’d stopped watching New Jersey for about four or five years.”

He leaned over and planted soft kisses on my neck, trailing up to my ear when he whispered.  “I could never think less of you, Dan.  You’ve been a port of sanity in the storm that my life has become over the past few years.  You’ll always come up Aces in my book!”

It warmed my heart to hear him say such nice things about me.  When I turned to look at him to tell him how kind he was for saying such a thing, I noticed him grimace.  “Is something wrong?”

“I took my shoes off before dinner, but my feet are still just killing me!  I guess it’s the price I pay for standing on my feet for a big chunk of the day today.”  When I scooted away from him down to the opposite end of the sofa, he looked at me, dumbfounded.  “What?  Do my feet smell THAT bad?”

I laughed.  “No.  Of course not.”  I motioned up with my hands and patted my lap.  “Put them up here.”

After a few more moments of going back and forth with him, coaxing him to put his feet in my lap, he complied, his black dress socks feeling soft against me.  I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I started to work on his feet with my hands, hoping that my ministrations were acting as even the smallest of de-stressors.  I’d been focusing on his feet - and trying to resist the urge to yank his socks off and tongue his toes - when i heard a deep exhale.  I turned to see him with his eyes closed and his head thrown back.  He opened his mouth slightly and let out the slightest of moans.  It made me feel good to know I was making him feel good.  But honestly, I didn’t need to hear his moans or see his eyes closed to have an idea that he was starting to relax.  I could see the shifting in the crotch of his slacks.  On a normal evening with him, I’d have reached up, unzipped, and whipped it out for him.  But, tonight was about him...The Husband Experience, after all.  We’d get there when he was ready.

“Feel good?”  I asked.

He opened his eyes, looked at me, and grinned.  “Amazing isn’t even the right word to describe it.”

“You still look tense.”  It was the truth.  For all the ways he’d relaxed and let loose since he walked in the door about an hour ago, he still looked like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, understandably so.

“Am I that obvious?”

I nodded yes, continuing to work his feet.

“I guess I’m more knotted-up than I realized.”  When he shifted on the sofa a little, I noticed him wince.

Perhaps a little more unceremoniously than I should have, I swung his feet off of my lap   He gave me a confused look.  But, before he could speak, I scooted closer to him, spread my legs and patted the front of the sofa.  “Come and sit down here.”  He hesitated, unsure of what was happening.  When he didn’t move, I patted the spot again.  “C’mon!  But don’t back right up against the front of the sofa.”

It must have dawned on him what I had planned.  With a smile on his face, he got up, moved in front of me, blocking the TV with his toned, slacks-encased ass (it was obvious this lawyer definitely made time to hit the gym), and sat down on the floor in between my legs.  When my hands began kneading and massaging his shoulders through his dress shirt, it was blatantly obvious where the man was carrying all of his stress.

After a couple minutes of working on him, I could tell that my kneading was starting to work.  He’d sighed and couple times and I’d felt him start to loosen up, but something was in the way and I knew just how to remedy the situation.

When I stopped massaging his shoulders and neck, he turned his head to the side and looked at me out of the corner of his eye.  “Don’t tell me that’s it.  You just got started!”

I smiled.  “Oh no.  The best is yet to come.  But first, you gotta lose the shirt.”

“Oh.  I see what your plan is.  Give me a taste of what heaven feels like, then withhold the pleasure until you get what you want out of me.  Boy, this really IS the husband experience, isn’t it?

We both chuckled at that, but without hesitation he unbuttoned his shirt, undid his cuff links, and slipped his shirt off.  It was my turn to exhale deeply.  The sight of his muscular arms, shoulders, and back, would’ve been enough to ratchet up my sex drive if it wasn’t already revved up.  When I put my hands on his shoulders, they were hot to the touch.  I felt him tense up slightly before relaxing again.  “My hands aren’t too cold, are they?”

He leaned his head back and sigh-spoke.  “They’re perfect.  Just keep doing what you were doing.”

And with that, I resumed my massage.  I hoped it was sensual, but if it wasn’t, I added something that I was certain would push it in that direction.  In addition to kneading his neck, shoulders, back, and upper arms, I let my hands push forward and roam over the lightly hairy expanse of that meaty, toned chest that I’d enjoyed feeling up earlier when he’d first arrived at my place.

I hadn’t been fuck buds, friends with benefits, or whatever we were with him for this long without learning a little bit about what gets this pillar of the community’s motor running.  I made sure to let my fingers rove over and play with his erect nipples.  That definitely did the trick.

“Oh shit that’s good!” escaped from his lips.  “God, those hands...  Why haven’t you been doing this to me all along when we’ve been getting together?”

I leaned down and licked his left ear lobe softly - another thing I knew drove him wild with lust - and whispered softly, “I have to keep SOME secrets to keep you on your toes, don’t I?”

“Oh man,” he moaned.  “On my toes is the last place I wanna be right now.  I’d rather be in your bed making you squeal.”

I let loose a low, guttural growl and took my hands from his upper shoulders.  “Well then, husband...  Why don’t we get to it?”

When I got up off of the sofa and stood in front of him and shifted my shorts, it was obvious that I was as hard as a rock...a fact that was not lost on him as his eyes were glued to my crotch as I stood in front of him.  I broke the spell of his gaze when I extended my hand to him and helped him to his feet.

I’d seen him naked literally dozens of times over the past five years, but in that moment, him standing in front of me with his shirt off and his hardness looking like it was going to bust through his slacks, it was as if I was seeing him for this first time.  He wasn’t just the best fuck bud I’d ever had.  This kind, sexy, caring, man who was incredibly good in bed, cared about me and my life, and made me want to be a one-man man was the only one for me.  And, even though we’d never actually be together because he was married to a woman who could never love him the way I did, tonight I was determined to show him exactly how I felt.

I bridged the gap between us, wrapping my arms around him, and leaned in to plant on him the most passionate kiss I’d ever planted on anyone.  What I got in return felt like the exact equivalent of everything I was feeling.  Was it possible he was feeling the same thing as me?  At the very least, we were truly connected on a different level in that moment.  There was an urgency and passion to our kiss that was more forceful than the way we usually kissed each other.  For five minutes, we stood there caught up in the rapture of our kiss.  The only time our mouths parted was for him to help me pull my shirt over my head.  His hands roamed over my body, pulling my shorts and underwear downward.  While we kissed, I shimmied them the rest of the way down my legs and stepped out of them.  As we backed our way toward my bedroom, he ran his hands over my ass and began playing his middle finger over my quivering hole.

When we got to my bedroom door, I stopped us and reluctantly pulled away from the kiss.  Barely able to speak because my breath had been taken from me by the sheer passion of the way we’d been kissing,  In fact, before I could manage to let any words escape from my lips, he looked me up and down, reached over to run his hand up and down the shaft of my cock, and said in a whisper, “Fuckin’ beautiful, Dan.”

I bit my lip and reached out to run the back of my hand over his right pec.  “Funny.  I was just about to say the same thing about you.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” he replied with a mischievous grin.  “Let’s see where this mutual admiration society takes us.”

I put my hand up and stopped him.  “Uh-uh.  Tonight, there’s a no clothes allowed policy in my room.”

The wide-eyed and earnest look on his face was so cute that it endeared him to me even more.  I stood in the frame of the doorway to my bedroom and watched him remove his slacks and boxer-briefs faster than I’d ever seen a man take his clothes off in my entire life.

If he thought *I* was beautiful, then he was damn near spectacular.  As with moments ago, when he was standing in front of me in the living room with his shirt off, it was almost like this was the first time I was seeing him completely naked, not dozens of times in.  His cock seemed bigger, his balls larger and more full-looking, his shaft and cock head a deeper shade of purple, and all of it pulsating a little more feverishly.  God, did i want his body next to mine...and NOW!

We met again and resumed our kiss, pressing our bodies against each other.  I couldn’t get enough of his hands on me and feeling the heat of his hard cock pressing against my body between us.  I was hoping feeling how hard I was made him just as horny as he was making me.

I must have gotten lost in our kiss because one minute, we were standing just inside my bedroom doorway.  The next minute, we were on the bed, me on top of him, kissing and licking his neck, and both of us grinding against each other..

I began to kiss down his body, between his pecs and then over to each of his nipples, letting my hand roam over the pec opposite from the nipple I was licking and nibbling on.  Once I knew I’d worked him up into enough of a frenzy, I was about to work my way down to my ultimate prize when I got an idea.  Instead of moving down, I moved over, pushed his arm up, and dove face first into his armpit.  It was something I always wanted to try.  I only hoped it wouldn’t weird him out.  It had the opposite effect.  Obviously, in the five years that I’d been getting together with him, there were some things about him I still didn’t know.  I’d just found another of his spots!  Before long, my tongue had him writhing on the bed.

With his other hand, he reached over and touched my arm.  “Dan,” he practically panted, “You’re gonna make me shoot if you keep that up!”

“What a waste of good cum that would be,” I teased him.  “I’ve got your load earmarked for one of my holes, your choice.”  I reached up and ran my hand over the dusting of salt and pepper hair on his chest.

He propped himself up on his elbows and rolled over on one side.  “You’ve got me feeling out of this world.  I want it to last longer.  While I come back from the edge, lay down and let me give you some attention.  I won’t be as good as you, but what I might lack in skill, maybe I can make up for in desire.”

I took my place on my back where he’d been just a moment ago and looked at this sexy hunk of a man kneeling on the bed next to me.  The desire in his eyes was very evident.  I thought back to many of the times we’d been together over the past few years.  “Don’t sell yourself short,” I encouraged.  “You’ve never left me unsatisfied.”

He smirked at me and chuckled.  “Thanks for saying that, Dan.”

“It’s the truth,” I cooed at him.  He looked at me for a beat and then leaned forward to kiss me.  It was like we were in our own little bubble outside the confines of time and space.  It was just the two of us and no one else existed.  Everything felt so intense and passionate.  My feelings for him were in such a heightened state.  As he kissed his way down my body, I wondered if he felt the same way.

For a brief moment, I wondered if the husband experience was too much for the both of us...or at least me.  After this evening, could I think of him as anything but the man I was supposed to be with?  Maybe later on when he was about to leave, I should delete his contact info from my phone and beg him to delete mine from his if only to spare me from getting hurt in the end.  All of those thoughts evaporated the moment his mouth enveloped the head of my cock.  I’d never beg him to leave his wife to be with me or pressure him to see me more often.  But, I knew I couldn’t give him up.  Not a man so kind, so decent, so sexy, and - as his tongue played with my taint and worked its way back up to my cock, altering my thoughts in that moment - with a mouth so hot and talented.

I felt my load building up within me.  Part of me wanted to stop him so I could make it last longer like he wanted for himself, but a bigger part of me wanted him to send me over the edge...wanted to flood his mouth and throat.  I reached down to play my hand along his left shoulder, letting it drift up to feel the hairspray in the salt and pepper hair on his head.

When he felt me touch him, he looked up at me.  I nodded at him so he’d understand what I meant.  Instead of pulling off of me, he started bobbing faster.  Before long, my seed was spilling down his throat and I was moaning in pleasure at the top of my lungs.  Even though I suspected he had other guys besides me that he hooked up with when he needed to satisfy his urge to be with another man, he was certainly no expert at swallowing a load.  The sheen of cum above his lips and on his chin was proof of that.  He crawled up so that I could help clean him up with my tongue and my kisses, which turned into us helping each other out once some of my cum rubbed off of his face onto mine.

The passion of the kiss deepened and turned into a longer make out session.  My hands gripped onto his back and began massaging his musculature.  I couldn’t get enough of him.  It was an intensity of feeling that I had never experienced in the times we’d had sex before.  There was something different in the air tonight and it wasn’t just the fact that this was a part of the so-called husband experience.  Something different was happening.

He broke our kiss and raised himself up with one hand, brushing my hair off of my forehead with the other and looking deep into my eyes.  I could see the lust in his own and knew what he was about to say before he uttered a word.  “I could do this for hours, but - and I hate to be pushy - I’m about to go crazy.  I need to fuck you, Dan.  You’ve got know idea how long I’ve been waiting for it.”

“Tonight, you’re my husband.  What you want is what you’re going to get.”  I got into the kneeling position on the mattress, a posture he mimicked.  “You know where the condoms and the lube are.  But, there’s know way you’re going to keep me from having that weapon of yours in my mouth for at least a few minutes tonight.”  I reached over and softly stroked his cock, which looked like it could explode on its own any moment.  “While you’re getting me ready, I’m going to be a little selfish on a night that’s supposed to be about you and get what *I* want.”

He grinned and then winked at me.  “Fair enough.  But you should know that I could blow at any minute.  You already know how wild your mouth drives me.  Just know the power you have over me and don’t keep me from having a chance to fuck you tonight.”

“Deal!”  I said, mockingly and extended my hand to him to further the role play.

“Nah!” he replied and pulled me to him, letting me feel the heat of his cock pressed between us.  “Let’s seal it with a kiss!”

Damn this sexy man and his kisses.  I could literally spend an entire day doing nothing else but kissing him and have the time of my life!

After retrieving a condom and the lube from my nightstand drawer, he lay down on the bed.  I turned away from him and bent over to turn my attention to his raging hard on while he began preparing my asshole for what was sure to be one hell of an assault given how keyed up he seemed to be.  As I licked his full balls, I couldn’t help but salivate even more, knowing that all of the cum that was churning within would soon get its release and I’d be responsible for it.  Damn, what a rush!

After a few more minutes of giving him the attention I so richly wanted to give while making sure not to bring him over the edge, he stopped me.  It was time.  Both of us couldn’t have been more ready.  I took the condom from him, opened the package, and slowly slid it over his quivering shaft.  As I began coating his hardness with lube, the anticipation was palpable.  Even though we’d had sex dozens of times over the years, it felt like it was about to be our first time.  Such an odd, funny feeling to have.

I turned around to face him and looked into his eyes, making sure not to break his gaze as I lined up his cock with my asshole and began slowly sliding him into me.  By the time I’d slid down and my ass was resting on his pelvic bone, I felt like we were truly connected in every way:  physically, emotionally, spiritually, and whatever else.

“Ready?” I asked.  It was a stupid question, I know.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” came his eager reply.

I began sliding myself up and down, enjoying the feel of the perfect fit of him inside me.  For a few minutes, that’s how it was.  I bounced up and down on him and when his moans intensified and his facial contortions gave away that he might be getting close, I came to rest and let him come back from the edge.

It was during one of these rest breaks that he looked at me and spoke.  “Trade places with me. I want you on your knees.  I can’t hold back any longer.  I’ve got to let loose or I’m going to jump out of my skin.”

I bit my lip and reached out to run my hand over his chest.  “Tonight, you’re my husband.  Whatever my husband wants, he gets.”

A few moments later, I was on all fours facing the headboard with him behind me, one knee on the mattress and his other foot on the floor.  “Just so you know, I’m really keyed-up and ready to go.  I’m not sure I can control myself.  I might get a little rough, but I’ll try not to hurt you.  I don’t want to do that.”

I turned my head and tried to look at him.  “I know.  But believe me, I can take it like a man.  I do have a favor to ask of you, though.”

“Yeah?“  I could hear the uneven way his voice came out and his ragged breaths.  He was definitely ready to bust at any moment.

“I don’t want your load in the condom when all of this is said and done.  I want it all over my stomach and chest.  When you feel like you’re almost at the point of no return, promise me you’ll try to pull out and tell me to flip over on my back so that I get my wish granted.”

“As good as you’ve been to me tonight, I’ll try.  But, I can’t make any promises.”

“I understand.  Now, let’s stop all this chit-chatting so you can get to work and give me that hot cock.

His mouth curled into a determined grin.  “You got it, husband!  You’re about to get all of my cock that you can handle and more!”

Once he was back inside me and buried to the hilt, it was as if someone else had entered his body and took over.  There was a wildness and an unbridled nature to him that I’d never experienced in all of the other times we’d had sex.  This is what the letting loose of weeks of tension and built-up stress felt like.  It was a little bit of agony but mostly pleasure like I hadn’t felt before.

I wasn’t usually very vocal during sex, but he had me moaning and whimpering.  I could only imagine what my neighbor was thinking.  “Oh fuck, yes!  Fuck me, fuck me, fuckme, fuckme, fuckme, FUCK...ME!”

For his part, he wasn’t doing too badly in the verbal department either.  “Yeah, baby.  Your hubby’s giving you his big fat cock.  You like that.  You like your husband’s big stick?”

As he got closer, it got more intense.  “Oh yeah.  I’m fuckin’ you, baby.  FUCK...YOU...HARD!”

I knew he was close, but I figured he was too wrapped up in the moment to abide by our earlier agreement.  I wasn’t going to break the mood and remind him about it.  Instead, he remembered on his own after all and pulled out of me.  “On your back, now!”  I flipped over on my back in just enough time to see him rip the condom off of his cock.  He barely got his hand onto the shaft when shot after seemingly endless shot of hot cum exploded out of him and onto my body.

After a few moments, he towered over me with a goofy grin of pleasure of his face, sweat on his brow, and a chuckle.  “You thought I was gonna forget, didn’t you?”

I laughed.  “I won’t lie.  Yes.”

“I made sure you got what you wanted.”

I scooped up some of his cum off of my chest and stuck my finger in my mouth.  “We both got what we wanted.”

I scooped up more cum with my finger and offered it to him.  Hesitantly, he took my finger in his mouth.  “Hmmm...  Not bad.”

“You’d never tasted your own cum before?”

He blushed.  “No.  I hadn’t.”

I gestured the length of my body.  “Then, please... By all means. It’s all you can eat time and my body is your buffet.”  He laughed and then leaned down to kiss me.  For the next few minutes, we each took part in cleaning his cum off of my body.  After I’d been scooped, licked, kissed, and occasionally playfully nibbled clean, he climbed up and lay down next to me, entwining his body with mine, reestablishing that connection I’d been feeling so strongly earlier.

While we lay there, each of us trying to recover and regain our composure, I rest my head on his shoulder and ran my hand over his chest, perspiration mixing with his chest hair.  Suddenly, he got up.  “Uh oh,” I thought to myself.  “So much for the afterglow.  Time to get home to the wifey.”

He looked at me and grinned.  “Be right back.”

When he turned to walk into the hallway, I took in the sight of his ass.  I’d seen it unclothed many times before.  Maybe I’d never noticed until now, though.  It wasn’t a perfect ass in the eye of every beholder, but it was the very definition of perfect to me.

Once he’d entered the bathroom off of my bedroom, I assumed I’d hear the shower running soon enough so that he could get home now that he’d had his fun.  Instead, I heard him go to the bathroom and flush the toilet.  Moments later, he was heading back toward the bed to join me.  A pleasant surprise to say the least.

When he got back in bed, leaned against the headboard in a seated position, and pressed his body next to mine, I had to ask what was on my mind.  “Hey...  I’m sure I’ve probably said this to you before, but I’ve got to say it now.  You have got to have the cutest ass I’ve ever seen!”

He laughed.  “Really?!


“No.  I don’t think you’ve ever said that to me.  In fact, I’m not sure anyone has before.”

“I’m sorry it’s taken this long for someone to point it out, but it’s true.”  He laughed again.  “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.  It’s just...  I’m really only a regular guy.  Average looks, fairly non-descript, a more generous middle age spread than I should have, doing my best to stay in shape, no more special than the next guy.  Yet, you act like I’m Adonis come down from Mt. Olympus.”

“You may not think you’re special, but to me you are.  I enjoy our time together more than you know.”

He looked at me for a few beats as if he was trying to peer into my soul before leaning in to give me a soft kiss.  “So do I, Dan.”  For a moment, silence hung in the air until he cleared his throat.  “So...”

I knew - or, thought I knew - what was about to come next.  I interrupted him.  “I know, I know.  It’s about that time.”  I reached over for my phone and saw that it was already after 9 o’clock.  So late that I wondered what kind of excuse he’d have to conjure up to explain to his wife why he was so late getting home.  “We’ll say our goodbyes while you get dressed.”

I started to climb out of the bed when he touched my shoulder.  “That’s not what I was going to say.  I wanted to ask you...  I know this is going to be completely out of bounds.  I don’t want to freak you out or make you think I’m invading your space or trying to impose on you.  It’s just that...  I don’t want this night to end.  How would you feel about,” he held his hands up at chest level, I suppose to keep me from blowing up at the idea that we’d take our dalliance from casual to spending the entire night together.  Little did he know...  “a one night only sleepover?”

He winced as he waited for a response, probably thinking I’d recoil at such a suggestion.  Instead, I had a question of my own as I tried to reign in my excitement at the prospect.  “What about your wife?  Won’t she be expecting you?  And how will you explain to her tomorrow why you didn’t come home tonight?”

He blushed and looked away for a moment before turning back to face me.  “God, this is going to make me seem so presumptuous.  I’m sorry.”

I laughed nervously.  “What?”

“I...I told Patty that I was going to be spending the night at my office, helping the team prepare for whatever unexpected curve ball might get thrown our way while the jury’s out.  I keep a roll away cot there for times like that.”  When I didn’t respond right away, he must’ve taken my silence the wrong way.  “I screwed up.  I knew it!  This is too much too fast, isn’t it?  I should go.  I’m gonna go!”

I reached over and grabbed his arm before he could move.  “Don’t you dare!  You’re not leaving this bed until the sun comes up.”

He smiled and leaned in to press his body against mine.  “Good.  Because, with the husband experience lasting until sunrise, I want to feel what it feels like to wake up next to you.”

God, he was good.  If he wasn’t already married, I’d have him down at the Justice of the Peace’s office tonight!

After making out for a little while longer and whispering sweet nothings to each other with some dirty nothings thrown in for good measure, we fell asleep in my bed.

When morning least I think it was morning.  I hadn’t opened my eyes yet, I absent-mindedly started moving my arms around.  It was only then that it dawned on me that I’d had a guest in my bed overnight...and I didn’t feel him next to me anymore, not even within arm’s reach.  After such a beautiful and passionate night together, he hadn’t done the douchey thing of sneaking out the front door before I woke up, had he?  Before I could open my eyes and start to figure out what was going on, I felt a hand touch my lower leg, which was sticking out from under the top sheet.  I finally opened my eyes to see him sitting on the edge of my bed fully-dressed, looking at me with a sweet smile on his face.

“Hey...  Good morning,” I barely croaked out in a sleepy voice.  “What time is it?”

“Quarter to eight.  I need to get going, but I’m glad you woke up so that I could say goodbye...and thank you.”

“Thank you?  For what?  We’ve been seeing each other for over five years now.”

“Not like last night.  Last night was amazing...better than anything that I could’ve asked or hoped for when I texted you last minute yesterday afternoon.  If nothing else, you showed last night that you actually care about me.  As wonderful as everything else was, I think that’s the part that means the most to me.  Thank you, Dan.”

He got up and leaned down to kiss me when I put my hand up.  “Ugh!  I haven’t brushed my teeth yet!  You don’t want to kiss me with morning breath.”

He grinned, said, “I don’t care,” and proceeded to plant a sweet and soft kiss on my lips.

The morning cobwebs in my head were finally starting to wear off and it was then that I noticed he was wearing different clothes than he arrived in yesterday.  “You have new clothes on,” I observed out loud in what came out as halfway between a question and a statement.

“I always keep a couple changes of clothes and spare toiletries in my car in case of a work emergency.  By the way,” he gestured to my nightstand, “I made you a cup of coffee.”

“Thanks.  Did you have some too?”

“I put mine in a to-go cup.”

I got out of bed, put a pair of shorts on, grabbed the coffee mug, and followed him out to the front door.  He grabbed the suit jacket he’d brought in from his car and put it on.  As good to me as he looked out of clothes, this man looked even better dressed in a sharp suit.  “By the way, I was wondering...  I mean, this thing could go on for days...weeks.  There’s no telling how long it’ll be before a verdict comes down.  You were so good to me last night.  I want to return the favor.  What would you say to a repeat of the husband experience tonight...with a decided focus on you?’

As hard as I tried to put on a good poker face, I couldn’t.  I was overjoyed at the prospect of another night with him.  “That sounds like a great idea to me.”

“You sure?  We set up boundaries five years ago for what this thing between us was going to be.  I don’t want to overstep.”

I reached over and ran my hand over his shirt-covered chest, underneath his suit jacket.  “Don’t be silly.  I’m looking forward to it.  But wait.  What about your wife?  She’ll be suspicious, won’t she?“

“Don’t worry about that.  I’m going to tell her I’m staying at the office until this whole thing’s over.“

“You don’t think she’ll decide to drop by and surprise you...bring you a home-cooked meal and spend at least a few minutes with you?”

He snorted.  “You don’t know Patty.  In twenty years of marriage, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to pull all-nighters - or stay for several days straight - at my office.  Not once has she dropped by to see me and offer support.  Trust me.  I’ll be in the clear.”

“Well, then...  I guess the husband experience continues.”

He grinned at me and leaned in for another kiss.  “Music to my ears.”  He gave me another quick kiss.  “I’d better get going.  I’ve probably got a mountain of work ahead of me today.  See you tonight.”

“I can’t wait.”

We smiled at each other one last time, then he was out the door.  I spent most of the rest of the day on a natural high.  I was trying not to get ahead of myself.  This was just something fun and an outlet to relieve stress for him.  I was probably no more special to him than the next person...and certainly not worthy of him leaving his wife, no matter how coldly she seemed to treat him.  That said, I was like a teenager the entire day, giggling aloud at different times during the day, knowing that I’d be seeing him again later.

Along about 3 o’clock, my phone buzzed with an alert.  I was stunned when I checked it to see that it was an urgent news update.  A verdict already?!  I didn’t know whether or not that was a good thing or a sign of bad news.  I turned the TV on and started watching the coverage.  Of course, he wasn’t on TV, not even when the verdict was read.  I was able to release a great sigh of gratitude and relief.  I do have to selfishly admit that a small part of me was disappointed that he wasn’t on TV, but it was understandable.

After a while, I flipped the TV off and, in the silence of my apartment, it began to occur to me that this unexpected development was most likely going to cause a huge change to our plans tonight.  This morning, as far as we knew, it could be a week or more before a resolution came.  Now, he almost certainly wouldn’t be able to see me tonight.  I was crestfallen.  But again, trying to ward off the “side piece blues,” I understood.  Such was the existence of a fuck buddy.

For the next couple hours, I futzed around my apartment, surfing the internet, taking care of a few odds and ends, doing anything to keep my mind occupied.  At times, I expected to hear my phone buzz with an “I’m sorry.  We have to cancel tonight” text.  But none ever came.  I didn’t dare text him, certain that he’d be busy wrapping things up and probably talking and texting with colleagues, friends, and other well-wishers congratulating him.

It was almost 7 o’clock when I decided I needed to get over myself and just operate for the rest of the night like I wasn’t going to be seeing him.  I’d probably hear from him in a couple weeks with an apology, which would be fine I guess.

I grabbed by keys off of the dining room table and prepared to head out and get some fast food drive thru to bring home for a night of watching TV.  I put my hand on the doorknob, opened the door, and surprisingly enough, came face-to-face with him.  He was standing in front of me with a carry out bag in one hand and his fist in the air, obviously preparing to knock on the door and surprised to see me standing in front of him before he’d had a chance to knock.

by Harrison Morris

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024