The Exploration Of Nate

by What You Want To Read

28 Apr 2024 481 readers Score 9.4 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



SCOTT: Good morning. Missed you in my bed last night. Ok for me to come to yours for about 5? I'll change and head out. If its a pain I'll just see you over the weekend. Hope its ok with you?

NATE: Hey. Of course. I want you to stay with me. I’m only in work on Sunday afternoon so we have tomorrow as well. Maybe we could go back to the forest? HAHA. 

SCOTT: Great, anything you want, I'll do. Perhaps we could stay in doors tomorrow? You can nurse me. Make me feel better. Im pretty sure a few blowjobs would help me too. I'm kidding...

NATE: Oh I'll take care of you believe me. 


“Im meeting Brandon out tonight remember? Am I seeing you? You could come meet me after you’re done with David?” 

“That’s the plan.” Jason gazed out of his office window. 

“Ok. Wear your black thong tonight. I wanna drive myself nuts.” Justin whispered into the phone. 

“Oh does my boy want some action tonight? Does your cock need attention?” Jason ran a hand up his thigh. 

“Don’t wind me up or I’ll be over that office to smash you.” Jason warned teasingly.

“You won’t hear a protest from me.” Jason grinned into the phone.

“I wish. I’ll see you later. Love you.” Justin hung up.

Jason dropped his phone onto the desk and sat back for a moment. His eyes darted to his bottom desk draw. He curled his fingers up in resistance to begin with, then snapped himself forward and pulled at the draw.

He scrambled with the draw contents and pulled at the false base. His eyes grew wide with greed as his hands pulled at the draw. He worked it free and exhaled in relief. He pulled the bag of white powder out and held it. 

The office was quiet beyond his own room. Jason opened the bag and used his apartment key to scoop powder out. Holding it to his nostril he inhaled and closed his eyes. He leant back and allowed the sense of euphoria to blanket his body. 

Eventually composing himself he put the draw back together and held his nose and inhaled again. 

He wrung his hands into fists. “Fuck.” He wasn't sure if he was reacting to the lingering effects of the cocaine or if he was disappointed he’d caved. 

He went back to his phone. 

JASON: I love you too.

He hated himself immediately.


DAVID: Shall we meet in the new wine bar about 6PM?

GRAY: Yes fine with me. Chris is coming too.

Jason rolled his eyes at the message from Gray. He knew him being back with Justin was going to irritate everyone and hurt precious Nate’s feelings. Why can’t they all just fuck off. 

JASON: Fine with me. 


“Looking forward to a drink later. Not been out for a while. Where you want to go?” Brandon and Justin were taking a break from work on site at the office complex. 

“Don’t mind to be honest. Are you going to be ok with Jason meetin’ us later?” Justin said as he continued to explore tensions between his best friend and his boyfriend. 

“I’ll make things as easy as possible for you. I’ll play nice. Only because of you.” Brandon reasoned.

“Good enough. Would be good if you could get to know him a bit better finally. For me at least?”

“Baby steps Roberts. Baby steps. Drop the vans and our shit home and then meet at the pub?” 

“Sounds like a plan. Are you seeing David later?” Justin teased. 

“Who knows. We’ll see. Like to keep my options open.” Brandon grinned. 


Nate opened the door to his flat and Scott bounded in. Clad in his suit looking every bit the gentleman. He scooped his arms around Nate in the hall way. 

“There you are. What a day. I’ve missed you.” Scott kissed Nate hard. 

“Wow, you should miss me more often. Come in.” Nate took Scott’s bag  into the living room. “Look my flat is simple and not glamorous like your place. I fell in love with this huge window and the light is…”

Scott kissed him again. “Please shut up. Your home is beautiful. I’m wrecked after work, go in the bag, I bought us a bottle of wine. We can have a glass before I need to get ready.” Scott cupped Nate’s face.

“Awesome. I’ll grab the glasses.” Nate rustled around in the kitchen area and came back and sat next to Scott on the sofa. Nate studied Scott. He’d loosened his tie, abandoned his jacket in the hallway and rolled up his sleeves. Sexy. Nate groaned under his breath. Scott reached up and rubbed his hand through his hair. 

“What a day. I think we’re going to making up for it tonight. Are you sure you’re ok with me going out and coming back here later? I’d ask you along but it’s just colleagues, boring stuff first and the rugby guys will be a mess by the time I meet them.” 

“That’s ok with me. Liv is coming round later. You’ll meet her soon, she’s amazing. We’ll have our own fun. Don’t you worry.” Nate smiled.

“As long as you’re sure.” Scott reached a hand and squeezed Nate’s shoulder. 

“Damn sure.” Nate reached over and kissed Scott firmly. 

“Hey listen, it’s my birthday next month. Im not sure what to do so maybe if I see what my friends are up to that weekend, we can do something? I was thinking of going away maybe?” Scott asked.

“Oh I’m up for that. What date is it?” He jumped onto Scott’s lap and held his face. Scott cupped Nate’s cheeks. 

“20th. I’ll be 29 on the 20th. I’m excited already!” He grinned. He went to reach into Nate’s waistband at his cheeks. “In fact…”

“No. Go get changed. You’ll be late.”  Nate jumped up. “Come. You can get ready in my room.” He held out a hand. 

“Alright I’m coming. You’re really sending me out tonight with blue balls?” He slapped Nate on the arse.

“I think I actually am. A bit of torture for us both. Can drunk you still give me what I want?” Nate rubbed Scott’s crotch as they entered his room.

“I always perform. You can bet on that.” He grabbed Nate by the chin and kissed him. 

Nate jumped on the bed and watched Scott change. He was smiling shamelessly at this little striptease. He watched as Scott pulled himself out of his shirt and suit trousers. Down to his boxers. Tight. Black. 

While Scott busied himself with his t shirt, Nate leant forward and rubbed at Scott’s bulge teasingly. 

“You starting something? That’s not fair.” Scott looked down longingly at Nate’s handiwork. 

“Just keeping you in check.” Nate grinned and leant back again.

Scott laughed and then sighed. “Nate, look I need to talk to you.” He sat at the edge of the bed.

“Uh, why? That sounds ominous.” Nate curled up to protect himself.

“No, god no. Its good. Well I hope it is.” He turned to face Nate properly. “We've only been together a few times but I’ve never felt the way I do with you with anyone else. I don't want to lose this. I’ve thought about you everyday.” He pointed back and forth between them. “I want to see where we go. I suppose I wanted to ask if you, would be my boyfriend? I know you've only recently got into guys so no pressure from me to go public. But I don’t want anyone else anywhere near you. I know that’s possessive but I don't care.”

Nate jumped at him, relief, and pinned him on the bed. “YES. Of course!” He smiled at Scott brightly. “Yes, yes, yes! Of course!” He paused slightly and beamed. “You can be a giant in the forest.” A kiss on Scott’s neck. “My crazy good rugby player.” A kiss on Scott’s earlobe. “My sexy businessman.” A kiss on Scott’s lips. “AND a tender soul too.” A kiss on Scott’s nose followed by a tender tap to follow.

“You got me there. Good. I wanted to ask before I went out. So we’re exclusive. No more group crap. I’m done. I’m serious about you. You’re mine. Am I yours?” 

“Yes. You absolutely are. And I’m ready to tell anyone and everyone.” 

“No pressure. Right! I’m going to celebrate hard tonight! I can’t wait to tell my sister too!” Scott beamed as he jumped up. “You’ll meet her and my family one day.” 

Nate felt like his heart would burst. Here was his big forest giant and he couldn’t be in a happier place. “I’d like that. You make me feel happy, safe and horny as fuck all the time.” Nate laughed and jumped back to let Scott change. 

“Ditto. How do I look?” Scott raised his arms up in a display. It was another chino shirt combo but Nate wouldn't change him for the world. 

“Amazing. Now go, have fun. I’ll be discussing every inch of you with Liv in like 30 minutes. I’ve text you the door code so you can let yourself in when you’re back and have this.” Nate gave him a key. “We’re not engaged obviously.” He laughed.  “It’s just practical. Wake me up when you’re back even if it’s crazy late.” He teased.

“Thank you. Makes sense. I’ll get you one for my place as well! Look at us!” He brought Nate in for a huge hug. 

“Have fun. Boyfriend.” Nate gave Scott a final kiss before sending Scott and his blue balls out into the night. 


David walked into the bar. He was first to arrive. He ordered a bottle of wine to the table. Two hands slapped David’s shoulders.

“David, how are we?” Gray said joyfully as he and Chris sat down. “Sorry we’re a bit late. We uh, got a little distracted getting ready.” Gray squeezed Chris’ knee. 

“Do you have to divulge everything?” Chris snapped playfully.

“It’s ok. Hope you’ve both been well. Looks like you have settled into something new. It’s great to see actually.” David offered.

“Yeah we’re really good. I’m heading for divorce. Diane has moved into the summer house in the bay now. It was only a matter of time. It’s all working out. Shes been really understanding which is wonderful. Kids are fine too. I think it’s almost a nonevent to them. Gen Z, hey? I love them and as long as they're ok. Thats what matters. Anyway, I get to bed this every night so I’m pretty happy.” Gray grabbed at Chris’ knee again.

“Hi all, sorry I’m late. How are you?” Chris and Gray stared at Jason as he sat down. David eyed between them all. 

“Uh, what have I missed here?” 


Justin and Brandon propped up the bar when a group of rugby guys bounded in making loads of noise. 

A tall redhead came to stand by Justin. “Alright mate?” Justin greeted the handsome man. The guy smiled kindly.

“Fuck he’s huge!” Justin turned to Brandon.

“Imagine what that could do in bed.” Brandon laughed. 

“Scott mate, how’s everything going with what’s his name? You seem pretty happy man. Good to see.” A faceless voice asked the tall redhead.

“Nate. His name is Nate. You’ll meet him one day. We uh, I asked him to be my other half this evening as well and he said yes. Yeah, I’m really happy. Apart from the teasing bastard wound me up and gave me blue balls before sending me out tonight.” He laughed.

“Scotty boy, you dirty dog. Lookkng forward to meeting him! What you drinking?” The faceless voice asked. 

Brandon and Justin stared at each other.

“Well fuck. There we go.” Brandon spoke first.

“Well this is a shit feelin. I feel like someone has punched me in the stomach. Fuck is this what gutted feels like?” The colour drained from Justin’s face. 

“Do you wanna go? Go meet them I mean?” Brandon asked kindly.

“No, I’m ok. I’ll be ok.” Justin stared at his glass. “I’ll have another though.”


“Nothjng really David, apart from this one getting back with Justin. Again. Sending Nate fucking stupid text messages to back off when he’s already moved on. Seriously Jas, where the fuck do you get off? You’ve got what you want, let everyone else just be fucking happy.” Chris leant forward.

“Steady baby.” Gray put a hand on Chris’ shoulder.

“Justin walked away beacuse of all your toxic shit. He had a chance with someone closer to his age, who’s a brilliant guy. I bet you knew what you were doing and swooped in before anything got more serious. Billions of people on this planet but you come first. Isn’t that right?” Chris grinned menacingly. 

“NO. That’s not what happened. Fuck my head is all over the place. You know I’m struggling at the moment with so much happening.” Jason held out his hands and looked at them as if they were covered in blood. “I do agree though, I shouldn’t have sent that childish message to Nate. Literally no need. Just wasn’t impressed. He wouldn’t touch me the next day. Can we just agree I’m a disaster at the moment and I’ll be out of it when I can?”

All three of the other men. “YES.” They all laughed together. Even Chris started to warm to Jason’s honesty a little. 

“We know that. We must be there for each other. That’s one of the conditions I’m closing the group down. I want us to all stay in touch as friends. It was incredible fun but I know it’s not sustainable.” David reasoned.

“I want that. Jason, you mean a lot to me but jesus you’re chaos walking. Dont hurt Justin again. He has a lot of pain in his past. He fucks like a raging bull but he’s damaged and needs kindness.” Gray pleaded.

“I know. I’m lucky to have him. Me, divorced, 40, questionable relationship with drugs and I have this beautiful man wanting to be with me. You’re right. I need to figure stuff out.” Jason said with a sigh. 

“Good, at least we can reason with each other. I was starting to despair that these young studs have a better handle on life than we do. While we’re being honest, me and Laura are calling it quits. I’ve kept quiet about it but we’re done. It’s amicable. I’ve been honest about my preferences and it’s just why keep something alive that clearly died years ago. You’re all going to roar at the punch line that is my life.” David started to loosen up. The other men had never seen him seem so comfortable. 

“Oh my god. Tell us.” Jason egged him on.

“She’s taken up with one of her friends at the tennis club.” He burst into laughter. The other three looked at each other. Gray broke first and snorted his wine. They all laughed and the bar looked at them all. A group of friends just figuring life out together. 

“Christ that’s hysterical. Well it’s hysterical as along as you are ok for it to be. We’ll hate her if you want us to. Not sure how valid that would given all our antics though. We’re pretty much all fully fledged ‘Queens’ now so I think it’s allowed.” Jason tested the water with a hand on David’s shoulder. 

“No it’s all good. I need you guys though. Who the hell else will understand what I’m going through. We need to count our blessings. So many men out there will never be able to come to terms with what we have and come out the other side unscathed, life intact, friends, money even the prospect of new relationships.” He pointed to Gray and Jason specifically. 

“Well that sounds like a plan to me.” Gray grabbed Chris’ solid arm and raised his glass. “I propose a toast to Jason’s nine lives and to us all getting to live happily ever after, AGAIN.” They all looked at each other and smiled.

“Here, here.” David chimes in. “I feel like I’ve had a weight lifted. Steven has been a huge support. I’m growing fond of him too.”

“Take your time big guy. You’re an animal when you want to be but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself too. He’s a great man but just don’t rush.” Chris offered. 

“Thank you Chris. I appreciate that. So. Tell me, how is everything with our young Nate? Anyone spoken to him?” David leant forward ready for details.

Jason recoiled. 

“Take it easy Jas, he’s not in my pocket for god’s sake.” Chris chuckled. “He’s good. He’s dating one of Gray’s rugby crowd. Officially in fact, he text me a little while ago. Off the market. Just like that. So, you can finally calm yourself.” Chris teased, looking directly at Jason.

“Good for him. Can’t deny that. We can all agree he’s a great looking lad. I’ll admit that. Probably why I was so paranoid.” Jason confessed.

“I hope he has found someone good enough for him. Physical stuff aside, I thought he was a great guy.” David reflected. 

“Right, more drinks. I’m still sober for fuck’s sake.” Gray jumped up and went to the bar.


“So, you feeling ok?” Brandon offered. He smiled awkwardly. How the fuck was he meant to deal with this situation?

“Second pint has helped. Ah fuck I dunno. I just need to give us a chance. But I will not stick about if he fucks up again. I just can’t do it to myself.” Justin looked up from the table and looked at Scott behind him briefly. 

“You reckon Nate thinks about me when that unit is nailin’ him?” He sniggered.

“You never know. He’d probably knock you out looking at the size of him. Fucking hell. Wouldn't have a bed left.” Brandon laughed. 

Scott looked over at the laugh. He held his glass up and Brandon did the same. 

“Oh shit. He’s coming over.” Brandon looked down like a naughty school kid.

“Huh?” Justin spun his head round.

“Evening gents. Sorry, just I recognise you. Yeah, I’m sure I’ve seen you at football practice over at the city club. Scott.” He held out a hand and Just shook it firmly. “I’m on the rugby team. Good foot work on the pitch.” Scott spoke genuinely. Justin thought he would turn to stone.

“Ah right, cheers mate. Small world. How’s everything with you? Justin and this is Brandon. Good night?”

“Yeah, out with the rugby guys now. Got my other half waiting at home so I’m debating making an early exit. If you know what I mean.” Scott winked and laughed. 

“She’ll be glad.” Brandon gawped at the obvious deflection Justin used.

“Half right. It’s a guy. Official today. Given a hall pass to stay out but I don’t want to push my luck with that waiting at home for me.” Scott didn’t seem to care who he talked to about Nate. He wanted to share his happiness.

“Fair enough. I get you. He sounds like a brilliant man. You’re lucky. Keep a hold of him. They’re rare.” Justin offered. Subliminally warning Scott not to hurt Nate. That seemed his job. He wrestled with the guilt again. Brandon was impressed with the pretence Justin was keeping. 

“You know what? He is. Anyway boys. Have a good night, cheers!” Scott walked back to the pack of roaring lads.

“You should be a spy. Spouting that level of shit convincingly. Wow.” Brandon clunked his glass against Justin’s.

“Hmm, fuckin’ small world the old gay community innit? Jesus. Well there we go. That’s that. I’m now actively helping Nate’s blooming relationship. What the actual fuck. Gotta laugh.” He didn’t, he sighed. 

Commotion came from the door as a group of well dressed men, wafting of oud came in. Justin looked across. Jason found his eyes. He did love him. Justin considered him for a moment. He was handsome, just as damaged as Justin. Was that really enough though? Justin ignored the question in his head. Instead, he opened an arm to signal to Jason to get over to him. 

“Hey boys. We thought we’d join the party. Don’t worry. I’ve been told off by Chris and I will behave. New leaf.” He gazed into Justin’s eyes. He took Justin’s head snd whispered. “I love you so much. I’m so hot for you. This thing has got me going. All for you.” He pulled back and smiled at everyone. Justin put his hand into the waist band of Jason’s trousers. PING. He snapped the thong back against Jason’s perfect cheek and grunted lustfully. 

“Good to see you Jas. I’m glad to hear it. I’ll have a pint please.” Brandon sparred with Jason. Justin shook his head and laughed at his wingman. 

“Of course, I’ll get this round guys.” He went off to the bar. 

“Justin, how are we?” Chris gave him a hug. These two remained allies through everything. They navigated the high maintenance crowd they’d fallen into, together. Like a pair of soldiers avoiding landmines wherever they could. 

“Uh good, work good. Just met Nate’s boyfriend. Can’t swing your dick in this town without slapping it against someone you’ve fucked or someone who knows someone you’ve fucked.” He laughed by himself. The group went quiet not knowing what to say for a moment. Jason out of earshot.  Brandon realised that Justin’s calm exterior was starting to crack slightly.

“Good to hear. It’s a small world I’ll give you that. Ah, Scott yes? He’s a good lad.” Chris refused to comfort Justin about this, though. His bed was made. 

“Anyway. Good to see you all.” He went back to his glass and stared into it looking for what, he couldn’t really tell.

“Babe, I’m going to say hello to Scott.” Chris shot a glance at Justin who was still staring into space while squeezing Gray’s elbow.

“Scott, you handsome bastard. How are you?” Chris hugged Scott. “Happy for you and Nate. What a catch you’ve got yourself. Be warned, he’s my boy. Look after him.” Scott was teasing but deadly serious at the same time.

“Hey!” Scott was now very merry. “Of course I will. He’s the best. I’m lucky.” They hugged and Chris made his way back to the landmines. 


“Tell me, tell me, tell me. More news?” Liv sat down after fluffing her huge skirt. Nate loved the way she dressed up for absolutely everything. 

“Well this evening I was asked to be a boyfriend?” Nate allowed the sentence to creep out of his mouth. 

“Yes! This is amazing! I’m so happy for you.” Liv burst and hugged him almost spilling her wine.

“Im happy. We’re going away next month for his birthday and there’s talk of family meetings at some point.” Nate beamed. 

“Really happy. I cant wait to meet him. Only two weeks to go!” Liv danced in her seat on the sofa. 


It was 11PM when the flat door burst open. 

“Babe?! I’m back!” Scott fumbled in the hallway. 

Nate waited in the kitchen with a glass of wine. Not saying a word. Naked. 

“Nate? Baby where are you? Are you here?” Scott walked heavily into the living room looking lost. “Na, ba… holly fuck!” His jaw dropped. Nate was leaning against the kitchen counter. Only his glasses as accessories and he'd let his hair go wild and loose. He held out a hand for Scott to join him. 

Scott went to him. Nate grinned at him and pushed him against the counter. 

“Nate, babe you’re so hot.” He rubbed a thumb against Nate’s lip as Nate pulled his cock free from his trousers and squatted. Nate took him in deep and slow. Teasing licks drove Scott wild. He looked down with a lustful frown while Nate bobbed and huffed. “Take more. Take it. I’ve been gagging for this all night.” With that he took his big hands and grabbed Nate’s hair. He slammed his cock deeper. His cheeks snapping back and forth crashing against the cabinet doors. Nate retched shamelessly. 

Scott grabbed Nate by the shoulders and pulled him up for a hard kiss. He squeezed Nate’s arms almost painfully. “Turn the fuck around.” Scott slipped a finger into Nate and rotated it deep and controlled. He pulled Nate’s hair to one side and kissed hungrily behind his ear. Nate gasped and bit his lip. 

“Like that? You’ve got me hooked Nate. Ummm.” He buried his finger deeper. Breathing hard. 

“Fuck me. Right here.” Nate whispered. 

Scott lifted Nate’s left leg up firmly. “Spit on my hand.” Nate did so. Scott rubbed Nate’s spit all over his aching cock and thrust in. He wasted not time in asserting dominance. “You can handle me? Here’s your chance.” 

Scott reached a hand up to Nate’s throat and clamped hard. He held the other across Nate’s belly. The slams were persistent and solid. Nate was no match for Scott’s strength. He just let Scott pump away, letting his boyfriend go wild for his body. He was so deep Nate could feel the good spot deep inside sing.

Nate reached and clambered for Scott’s hair and pulled at it hard. “Choke me. Fuck me. I’m yours.”

Scott pulled Nate in hard and continued his attack. Heavy breathing and clambering hilled the room. Scott’s thrusts worked Nate to an orgasm with no attention needing to be laid to his own solid member. 

“Scott, I’m gonna cum. Fuck.” Mare said with an exquisite pain in his voice. 

“Oh yeah. Do it.” Scott pulled out and didn’t give Nate a chance to recover, he drove his fingers deep into Nate, helping the orgasm to take Nate over completely. Nate shook at Scott’s strength.

“Jesus. Fuck my legs.” Nate stumbled, Scott caught him and kissed him. 

They held each other a moment. Breathing hard into each other’s shoulders. Scott broke the silence. 

“Babe that was intense. Are you ok?” Scott was attentive even in the moment. 

Nate turned to face him. “Alright? That was the most intense orgasm ever. Fuck.” He slapped Scott’s chest. Now half exposed from his shirt.

Scott said nothing and pushed Nate to his knees and grinned. “My turn. Mind if I make mess of that beautiful face? Need to mark my territory.” Nate opened up and rubbed Scott’s legs. 

“Here it comes. Fuck.” Scott erupted. The loads were hard and hot. Hitting Nate square in the face and hair. Scott staggered forward and leant against the cabinets. “Christ. Blue balls make for a good ending don’t they?” 

“Hmmm.” Nate rubbed Scott’s thick head against his mouth. 

Nate got up and pushed the cum from his face into his mouth and swallowed. Locking eyes with Scott. 

“Naughty boy. Can we get the fuck to bed? You’ve taken the last of my energy for today.” Scott asked. 

“I’d happily do it all again. But, yes. Let’s go.” Nate led the way, smiling to himself at how he’d entered into a new chapter.

Getting into bed Nate curled up on Scott’s chest. 


“Holly shit you went to town there. Jesus. What got into you?” Jason said as he pulled his shorts on. 

“Sometimes you just need it hard. Y’know? I needed that.” Justin was half asleep already following an intense fumble that started in the hallway.

“Oh you can get wound up like that whenever the fuck you like Prince.” Jason reached and kissed Justin’s cock. Still hard. 

“I intend to. I need to sleep this off. I got way too carried away tonight. Will you rub my belly?” Justin pleaded.

“Of course.” Jason curled up under Justin’s arm and rubbed Justin’s abs. His eyes stared at Justin’s cock. It just wasn’t softening. He wasn’t done, clearly. 

He stopped rubbing and pushed a hand up to Justin’s mouth. With the other he grabbed Justin’s length and tugged hard. “You’re not done. You’re gonna get one last load out before the end of the night. Blow that big dick all over my face.” 

Justin tensed, scoffing from behind Jason’s hand. His body hard as the ropes shot through the air. Slapping the both of them in the face. 

“Fuck, now I’m done.” Justin collapsed and immediately fell asleep, covered in himself. 

Jason laughed as he got back into bed. He didn’t agree with Chris’ statemen about him having to come first before everyone else. But he did always get what he wanted.

by What You Want To Read

Email: [email protected]

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