The Call Of Nature

by OldGayFox

5 Sep 2023 2672 readers Score 9.2 (38 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I had hoped I wasn’t going to wake him when I snuck out of the bedroom into the open-plan space where he preferred to sleep; the bedroom was for guests only. 

It was something like 2:00am and my bladder had decided it needed to be emptied. Fortunately the bathroom was adjacent to the bedroom and his bed was surrounded by a large, Victorian screen to give a modicum of privacy when people like me landed on him for a night or two.

There was enough moonlight coming in through the window to make it unnecessary to turn on the light, and I successfully negotiated myself into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, only turning on the light once the door had been closed.

I normally only sleep in a singlet but had dragged on a pair of boxers just in case, and I stood in front of the bowl with my semi-erect cock (always when I wake up!) aimed carefully at the side in order to avoid any splashing sound-effects. 

We’d had quite a bit of wine with dinner and my piss flowed very freely, yellow and pungent, the way I like it. I didn’t flush and knew he wouldn’t mind if he found my contribution waiting for him in the morning; the ever thoughtful guest. If I’m being honest, I also liked the idea of his piss mingling with mine.

Turning off the light and closing the door gently behind me, I headed back to my room only to be pulled up by the sound of his voice asking if everything was okay.

“Sorry!” I whispered, as if there was anyone else to wake up, “I was trying to be quiet. Just needed to take a leak. Hope I didn’t wake you?”

“That’s okay,” he replied casually, “I was awake anyway, just having a wank.”

Not the response I was expecting, and for a moment I was nonplussed. Before I knew what I was going to say I could hear the words coming out of my mouth: “That’s nice, need a hand?”

Crikey, what was I thinking, one of my oldest friendships and deeply platonic, although not for want of dreaming on my behalf.

“I wouldn’t mind,” came his equally unexpected response, “wanking’s always better with a friend.” At which point my cock reappeared from the folds of my boxers, rapidly rising to a near vertical position.

“Seriously?” I questioned, not wanting to be caught out in a flippant, middle-of-the-night joke.

“Come on in and find out” was the welcome response, and I wasted no further time as I wrestled with the question of whether or not I should try to hide my boner. To hell with it, I thought, he might as well see how enthusiastic I was, and presented myself at the end of his bed, tumescent and grinning like a fool.

He was grinning too and equally tumescent. He switched on the small lamp next to the bed, allowing me to appreciate the contours of his solid, smooth dad-bod, his thick stiff cock lying flat across his stomach, his balls hanging heavily between his open, hairy legs. 

My cock jerked and danced in front of him, stiffer than I could ever remember, almost painful, my full (usually loose) foreskin pulled back tight from the engorged head, moist and dripping now with thick strands of precum.

Silence as we surveyed each other. His hand drifted to his shaft and lazily started to slide up and down its slippery length, treating me to a show I’d dreamt of for years.

“What about your balls?” he inquired, staring at the front of my boxers. I reached in and brought them out, as large and heavy as his own only a lot more hairy. Did he shave his, I wondered?

We stayed like that for a few moments, drinking each other in, my own hand now casually pulling my skin back and forth over the slippery crown. Always a heavy pre-cummer, silvery strands of juice leaked from my piss slit to be consumed by the folds of foreskin as it enveloped and then retreated, again and again.

I knew that my old friend had a fetish for uncut cock, as had his partner who had sadly died a few years ago, and I was more than happy to feed his obsession, stretching my skin out as far as it would go before allowing it to settle back into its fleshy bunch.

His right-hand was pumping his shaft more deliberately now, his left cupping his balls and occasionally disappearing further down to finger his arsehole, causing a moan to escape his lips. 

I knew instinctively he was as close as I was and moved further up the bed to enjoy his physical proximity, the strong musky smell of his sex mingling with my own, filling my nostrils with a thick, erotic stink.

“Cum on my face,” he commanded, his breathing dragged up deep from within, his swollen cock already starting to ejaculate thick, white globules of spunk.

No time to lose, I moved up close and aimed my jerking cock at his face, just in time to spurt seemingly endless strands of hot sperm all over his lips, his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, drowning him in my jizz.

He opened his mouth and I aimed a thick wad directly onto his tongue before I felt my spasms start to subside. His handsome face broke into a ravishing smile and he laughed as I used my dick to spread the load all about, slipping it in between his beautiful lips and laughing with him as he sucked and licked it clean. 

His tongue explored my skin sheath, worming its way all around my covered knob, probing the gently leaking piss-slit before holding the bunched flesh between his lips, tickling it ever so lightly with his teeth before finally letting go.

Looking down at his body I saw that he was covered in his own spunk, thick pools glistening on his stomach and chest, his full ginger bush matted with almost pure white cream.

I knelt beside the bed and gently traversed the length of his spent penis with my tongue, gathering up the sweet juice as I went, moving upwards to bury my lips in the warm, thick puddles that had collected on his still heaving body. I didn’t leave a drop behind as he ran his fingers through my hair, savouring his deep, loamy taste, like a starving man devouring a feast.

He allowed me to climb into bed with him when I finally looked up, and he gave me a sweet kiss with his cum soaked lips, reminding me that his face was still covered in my jizz. Before we fell asleep I licked him clean, sharing my taste with him in a long, slow kiss that went on forever and merged into the still of the night and a soundless, dreamless sleep.

by OldGayFox

Email: [email protected]

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