The Business Trip

by Drake Gamer

28 Apr 2024 4100 readers Score 9.5 (45 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is a story between a father and son’s experience on a week-long business trip.  This is pure fiction.  There is mention of sexual innuendo and sexual acts between father and son.  This will be a series, but it will be written over time.  This first part took me a bit to get together as I wanted to build a storyline.

I hope you enjoy the story.  I am not a great writer, so I hope it follows along well.

(Characters in the story are all above the age of 18.)

We both stood there staring at one another.  Dad’s hand kneading his growing bulge through the black tent.  He bit his lower lip as his eyes scoured my frame.

Just then he approached me, in a slow stride, until he was inches in front of me.  He is about half a foot taller than me.  His towering stature gave my eyes a straight on view of the top of his chest.  His lightly brushed hairy, yet very beautifully, groomed chest.  My mouth went dry as the scent of his recent shower and manly musk filled my nostrils.

There were no other sounds other than the ever increasing echoes of my own breathing filling ,my ears.  I closed my eyes and felt his breath hit the top of my forehead.  I just stood in disbelief that this moment had finally come.  I had dreamt of this moment for so long, and finally I felt as though I was about to experience a dream come true.

Suddenly, a sound caught my attention.  All the pent up sexual tension was sliced by the jiggling of the door handle.

When I opened my eyes to see, I was lying in bed as the room door opened.

FUCK MY LIFE, that was a dream.

I could feel my cock hard as can be underneath me as the excitement of what had just happened began to fade away.

“Kevin you up?” I heard dad’s voice from across the room as the door swung open.

I laid there silent, unmoving.  I wanted so much to fall back to sleep and relive that moment over and over again.  I should have known that it was a dream all along. Everything felt too easy.

Another moment later, I rolled over and looked over in dad’s direction.  He had already removed his suit jacket and was undoing the cuffs of his sleeves.

“Going to pop into the shower” he said.

Immediately the light bulb went off.  The jockstrap!

“Gotta take a leak first” I quickly spouted.

I sprang up from the bed with haste, I ran past him into the bathroom.

It felt like the dream was retelling itself, however I wasn’t entirely sure how the rest of it would unfold.  Upon entering the bathroom, I closed the door and grabbed the jockstrap, scrunching it up in the palm of my hand.

Not actually having to pee, I had to think fast.  I took one of the empty cups on the counter for drinking and quietly filled it up with water from the sink.  I slowly dumped the contents into the toilet creating the sound of piss hitting the bowl.  The glass wasn’t very large so i hoped the slower pour made it more believable.

I flushed and ran the sink at full volume to give the impression that I was washing my hands.

When I felt that I had hopefully lied my way out of not having to pee, I opened the door and exited the bathroom.  The jockstrap firmly clenched in my hand out of eye view.

Dad was over by the dresser in just a pair of underwear, his hugged-ass cheeks in plain view.  He turned towards the bathroom when he heard the door open.  His underwear tightly covering his massive bulge.  My gaze made a short journey to the mound before returning to his eyes.

“All yours” I told him as I walked back over to the side of the bed.

“You sure have grown up champ” I heard him say as he proceeded towards the shower.

Those words hit me with such a force as though his arms encased my body in his warmth.  My dick twitched as my mind tried to comprehend the meaning behind what he said.

The bathroom door closed and I relaxed a bit knowing I had avoided a potentially awkward moment had he seen the jockstrap in the bathroom.

Then again, would he have cared had he found it?

My mind went back to the dream and how it seemed to fall into place.  Dad and I have never given into any primal desires around each other.  At least not knowingly to one another.

I didn’t even know if he saw me in any way other than his son.

I heard the shower start up, and I knew I had some time.  Unveiling the jock from the palm of my hand, I set it down and changed into it.

The jock fit quite well though it might have had a little extra slack.  The feel of the fabric against the skin of my cock felt amazing.  I could feel myself getting aroused.

I grabbed a pair of grey shorts that fit loosely around my thighs and met just above my knees.  I paired it with a fitted dark blue tank top.  I saw my reflection in a long mirror on the wall and glanced at my look.  The shorts hugged my ass just right and grazed the curve of my bulge, hopefully enough to maybe draw attention.  I ran my open palm over the bulge and felt the material press harder on my dick, yet it still contained the excitement within.

Dad was still in the shower, so I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.  I sat on the couch with my legs parted and leaning back into the cushions.  I wasn’t really watching anything in particular.  

Mindlessly clicking through the channels, I’d stop when I would see an attractive guy on the screen.

Yes, I’m horny.

I heard the shower turn off and some movement from within the bathroom.

I propped myself up and leaned forward on my knees.  Thinking back to my dream, I wondered what would greet my eyes.  I could feel a tingle run up my back and ,my cock stretch a little further in the jock.

The bathroom door opened and out stepped dad, topless with the shower towel around his waist.  But this time, I knew there was no jockstrap.

As he walked out he headed straight for the dresser.

“Hey Kev, you want to hit the gym with me for about an hour?”

Just as I was about to reply to him, dad was already bent over the drawer searching through the clothes and came to a stop.

“Have you seen my jock?” he asked curiously.

Knowing the answer to that question, I fumbled in my head how to respond.

“I didn’t see it when I put everything away” I said in the calmest tone possible.

“That’s odd, I could have sworn I packed it” he replied puzzled “I guess I’m going commando today”

What did he just say?

My mind raced thinking about my dad working out without his jock.  The idea that each move was met with a bouncing cock.


He proceeded to grab a pair of black shorts, similar to the length of mine.  He dropped his towel to the floor, revealing his bare ass.  My eyes just stared at his bubble butt.  Its shape was perfection as he bent down and put on the shorts.  They slid up his legs, and covered his ass, much like anything else he wears.  Tight and snug!

When he turned around his cock was semi-hard and created a pointed tent in the front.  I tried not to keep looking at the protrusion.  It was just there, inviting me to reach out and feel.

He then grabbed a white tank top to put on.

He went back into the bathroom to fix his hair and give himself a final look over.

“Ready to go bud?”

We grabbed our shoes and exited the room.  We took the elevator down two floors to the gym area.

The gym was empty but quite large.  It seemed to have every piece of equipment imaginable.  I learned that most people either did early morning workouts, or waited until later in the evening due to their busy work schedules.

Following dad’s lead we started by warming up our muscles on the bikes and treadmills.  He tuned the tv to a sports channel to use more as background noise.

We moved over to the pull up bar.  He went first and did too many to count.  Well I could have counted, but my eyes just watched his arms muscles pull his taut body up and down, over and over again admiring every inch of it.  His gaze was looking up so he didn’t catch me ogling him.  

When he was done, he dropped to his feet on the ground.  I checked him over once more before his eyes met mine, and I noticed a prominent peak extending from his groin area.  As his gaze met mine it was at the moment mine came up.  He looked down quickly and glanced back up with a grin on his face.

“Working out gets me a little excited,..... that’s why I wear the jock”.  

I gulped.  But I wasn’t sorry.

It was my turn now.  I think I got the gist of it by watching him, so I reached up and hung off the bar.  Dad came up top facing me placing his hands lightly on either side of my waist.

“Move your hands outwards a little more for a better position”

My face was in line with his.  His eyes were looking to the side watching the positioning of my hands, whereas mine traced his face, mustache and kissable lips.  I have never been this close to his face and it was beautiful.  The jock was definitely doing its job well, as my dick felt like it grew three sizes in a matter of seconds.

When he was pleased with the positioning of my hands, he backed away slightly.  I hung there and noticed his dick was harder now.

“Ok now when you pull yourself up, don’t sway your body too much”

I went to pull up but couldn’t quite get my head above the bar.

“Not bad son, you’ll get the hang of it!”

After some more attempts with slight corrections as I went, I dropped to my feet and dad gave me a comforting pat on the shoulders.

We moved over to the mats on the floor and started sit ups.

Dad laid down on his back with his legs bent and feet planted firmly on the floor.

“Alright, sit between my feet and place your hands on top of my feet”

As I sat in position, my eyes admired his body lying before me.  His leg hairs lightly covered his skin over his knees and led my eyes to the bottom of his shorts.  The slack in his shorts gave me a peek inside.  My eyes traveled into the void and were met with his left nutsack at the base of the opening.  Sitting there trimmed and large, I couldn’t wait to look down the other side.

“Alright Kev, just hold my feet in place as I crank out these situps.  

I was brought out of my daze for a moment as I nodded to dad’s request and he began with his exercises.  I watched as he looked upwards while doing each sit-up.  Perhaps I still have a chance to sneak of peekl

I tried to match with his timing, and eagerly anticipated what awaited me in the other leg hole.  He went at a slow enough pace, I thought, that this would work.  I wanted to make sure he didn’t see me checking out his dick.

With each sit-up I slowly angled my body over towards the other side so that I could take a look.  By this point, dad wasn’t letting up and I wasn’t sure how many more he was going to do.  I had to take my chance ASAP.

I was finally just off alignment, then on the next pass I quickly peek down his shorts to see  a monster of a cock lying there propped up on his right testicle.  

It was thick, uncut and gorgeous.

I looked back up when dad completed the next sit up.

The snapshot my mind took had me reeling inside.  Plump, juicy and so close to me.  All those times I glanced at that cock covered up and there it was in all its glory.

Naked and exposed.

My cock, on the other hand, was now full on hard as steel and aching to be set free.  The jock was less comfortable when stretched to its limits.  I don’t actually remember the last time I had even gotten this hard.

“Alright that’s enough for me, your turn”

Dad propped himself up to look at me and flashed me a grin.  We both sat there for a second and I could have sworn that I saw dad’s eyes drop to my lips before meeting back up with mine.

“Alright son, get on the floor”

We changed positions and dad put himself between my legs placing his hands upon my knees.  The feel of his hands against my skin sent shockwaves throughout my body, straight to my cock.

I started the exercise and dad counted out as I went…

“Eight, nine, t-eh……  Hey Kev?”  I heard call out to me.

I looked up but dad’s eyes weren’t looking at me, rather they were looking down.  He was slightly leaning away to get a better look and I knew immediately where this was going…...

“......are you wearing my jockstrap?”

His eyes met back up to mine and all I could do was force a smile and stare right back.

by Drake Gamer

Email: [email protected]

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