The Boardroom

by Bill Drake

12 Mar 2021 6034 readers Score 9.2 (71 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Note: this is a niche story, one that goes deeper into suit sex and the clothing fetish than most other stories.

Casual Fridays

Our gathering wasn't actually on Friday, but rather the Saturday night, as usual. It wasn't our first Business Casual meeting, but it was Kevin's turn to host and he had sent out a message at the start of the week. "Looks like snow and cold this weekend, men. Let's make this one Business Causal."

"Sounds good," George chimed in. "Might be a good opportunity to bring along some fresh meat." George liked having new guys at our parties, and a number of newbies were often put off by the suits we wore. Whereas a couple of the more fastidious of the men... Rob, Ken, and Brandon... wanted to maintain standards.

Me? I was somewhere in between. The reason for our little club, which we nicknamed The Boardroom in emails, was our appreciation of fine menswear. The finest menswear, even. But I had a job that allowed me to drop an easy thou on clothes pretty regularly if I wanted. I didn't look down on guys who couldn't. Just the opposite. Some of those men were the most avid in their appreciation. I didn't want to water down our mission, but it was good to mix it up, too.

We'd settled on what I thought was a good compromise. Up to four regulars, the "executives," were allowed at each party. The executives were the founding members of our party circuit - me, Kevin, George, Marty, and Rob - as well as three men who'd joined and been promoted since. Our ages ranged from 32 (Brandon) to 63 (Rob). We knew each other mostly through these parties. Except that Kevin and I had dated first, so we knew each other well, and I regularly saw another of the guys, Tom Stephenson, at finance professional events.

In addition to the four executives, we opened up 4 or so slots to new or returning guys for most parties. The one-off guys were "interviewees," the new guys we called "interns," and after attending three parties they became "new hires." If his suits were up to snuff, a guy would earn the "junior executive" title. At any point, by 2/3 majority the executives could promote a man to our ranks.

There was a rotation system in case there was more demand than 4 of us, but in practice it worked out. There were weeks we'd be traveling for work. And guys would disappear or leave the group when they were dating someone.

Only three of the us executives signed up for this week, since the others usually had no interest in business casual nights. So Kevin opened up 5 slots to give the interviewees, interns, and new hires a chance to participate. But as the host, he handled those invitations, so I didn't know who'd be participating this week until I showed up.

Kevin had a good job, and maybe a hell of a lot of hotel perk points, cause he usually booked a real nice suite at a luxury hotel. This time, he went with the business casual theme and got us a room at the Marriott instead. So when Saturday rolled around, I got a car to midtown and rushed the several yards through the arctic cold to the lobby.

On the elevator ride up, I looked at my reflection in the brass plate and hoped I'd hit the right spot between casual and dressy. Colorful plaid button-down sport shirt, pressed cotton trousers, brown belt and oxblood loafers, with patterned wool socks. My cheeks were still pink from the cold and I tried to warm my hands by rubbing them together.

"Looking good, Bill," George said as he greeted me at the room door. He had a friendly manner that was real easy to get along with. He was a CEO of a small company and if his suits weren't the most exciting, he had a nice, in-shape body and a real sexiness about him. This evening he was wearing navy wool trousers and a fine checked button-down shirt. Like mine, it was a custom-tailored shirt that showed off his body really well. He wore duck boots, and the casualness of the footwear set off his outfit perfectly.

"You too, man," I said, running my fingers playfully along his front. "I like it when the exec lets his hair down a little."

"Ha," he laughed and met me in a quick kiss. "Come on in, the guys are here already."

It was a surprisingly big suite, and it didn't feel too crowded by the seven of us.

Just as the executives don't know which others are coming, our presence was a surprise to the other men. "Hot damn, Bill's here," Pete said. Pete was a junior executive in our group and we always clicked sexually. No other way to put it, Pete was well-dressed and good looking in an ordinary suburban way that pushed my buttons. I hadn't seen him for months. Today he had on flat-front khakis and a trim polo that showed off his pectoral muscles, flat abs and bulging arms.

"Hey sexy," I winked.

I recognized a New Hire, Aaron, who was similarly dressed, his lean runner's body a nice contrast. "Hey A," I greeted with a nod across the room. Another New Hire, Mike, was seated next to him.

Kevin stepped up to two men I didn't know and placed a hand on each shoulder. "Russ here is in town for business. Ethan's an Intern... been to a party already but I don't think you were there."

"No I wasn't. Nice to meet you, men." Russ was clearly a businessman, had a certain Midwestern look about him, but it was Ethan that caught my eye. Young, about 25, brown eyed, brown hair, pumped muscular body, like an ex-football player who'd leaned down his bod with Crossfit. He had on a golf shirt a size too small, and the fabric stretched over every ridge of brawn. I tried not to stare but probably wasn't doing too good a job.

Introductions done, we made small talk and poured ourselves some scotch. I could tell George was jonesing to smoke a cigar but we'd gone smoke free two years ago. It didn't take him long to hone in on Russ. George liked the fresh meat, like I said.

Mike, Pete and Kevin gathered in a corner, their body language communicating mutual interest. It didn't surprise me. Of the Executives, Kevin was hands-down the best dressed. Expensive clothes, sure, but a real attention to detail and a sense of style that never seemed flashy. This evening, he'd paired a half-zip sweater with a really nice houndstooth sport coat. I knew Pete and Mike both had an appreciation of the finer things, and both were running their hands along Kevin's lapel, feeling the fabric and construction.

I almost didn't notice Ethan's presence next to mine. "Hey Bill," he said. "I like your loafers." He had a sweet shyness about him that offset his deep, testosterone-laden voice.

"Yeah? Thanks." I liked flattery, especially coming from a hot stud like this.

He blushed. "I actually have a crazy loafer fetish."

I took a sip of scotch and held his gaze. "That's why we're here, right?" I asked. "Our fetish?"

Ethan nodded. "Oh yeah. Only I'm not in the same league as you guys. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to afford a good suit. Or shoes that nice," he nodded down at my burgundy calf Crockett and Jones.

I touched his shoulder, feeling the hardness. "Your outfit tonight is great, Ethan," I assured him. "I'd hire you on the spot," I winked.

"Yes, sir?"

"You bet. I bet you're a real go getter around the office, aren't ya?"

"For you, sir, yes," he beamed. Not every guy at our parties got into role play but Ethan had a real Boss kink. I couldn't resist grabbing his head and kissing him. He kissed right back, with the right mix of submissiveness and eagerness.

"If you really wanted the job," I said, "I would have thought you'd be sucking my cock by now." Again, not all guys got into being ordered around, but the hunky guy just nodded and knelt down. The way he undid my belt and unzipped me was worshipful.

"Wow," he whispered as he pulled out my cock. I'm not porn star hung by any means, but I'm popular at these parties because I have the whole package. Not the best looking or best dressed, but I have the combination of looks, cock size, and suits to get a lot of attention.

Ethan was giving me his full attention now, licking my dick lovingly and caressing my balls between soft touches to my trousered legs.

I looked over at the bed, where Kevin was the sandwich filling between the two men, Pete on bottom, Mike on top. The man had pulled down their pants but otherwise were fully clothed while they fucked.

Over the corner, George was crouched over Russ's lap, giving him a nice steady blow job. Aaron looked on, massaging his crotch and waiting for his turn.

I'd had George's BJs before, and Ethan had him beat. Both for eagerness and technique. He was going to have me shooting pretty soon. I guided his head off me. "Let's take a second," I urged.

Ethan nodded and then turned his attention to my shoes, which he touched carefully, feeling the leather. "Aldens?" he asked.

"Crockett and Jones," I answered and his eyes lit up with excited surprise.

"Whoa. Nice. So fucking nice."

"Pull out your cock," I instructed.

He complied, and I was thrilled to see this ex-jock had a nice meaty tool of his own. I kicked off my right loafer and ran my socked foot up to tease his rod.

"I can smell the leather," he croaked in lust as I caressed his cock, the sheer soft wool of my sock stimulating him. "Smells perfect."

I pulled my foot away. "Pick up my loafer."

He did, lifting it up but unsure what he wanted me to do.

"Sniff it," I commanded and in a half second that shoe was at his nose and he was taking a deep whiff.

"Fuck, man," he growled. "I'm so turned on."

"Ready to get off?" I asked.

Ethan nodded. "You bet. I've been trying to hold off."

I knelt down, so I was face to face with the young man. I grabbed my loafer from him and took it to his crotch, slipping it down over his boner.

"Why don't you help me break it in?" I asked, teasingly and I held the loafer tight against his crotch.

Ethan got what I meant and growled an exclamation, and started humping my shoe, fucking his prick in and out against the interior leather.

"Oh... oh.. FUCK!" he cried and spermed my loafer. He grunted, and his eyes rolled back as he came.

"Was that good?" I asked as he came to.

"Oh yeah," he smiled, letting out the air he'd held in. "You want to fuck me, Boss?" He started undoing his belt, his dick still erect. I nodded my desire to do just that and was rewarded with the sight of those khakis being pulled down over a meaty, smooth rump. I like men of all ages, but an ass like Ethan's could belong only to a twenty-something. Not a bit of give to the ass muscle. I rimmed him and explored the hairy part between his crack and his balls before retuning back to his beautiful pucker.

At last Ethan was primed to fuck.

We'd been experimenting with the best lube in our little club, the one that damaged clothes the least and would come out with dry cleaning. But the good thing about Business Casual night is we could be a little freer. I had both my cock and Ethan's hole wetted down good and was soon entering him.

He was tight at first, and I wasn't sure how much he was enjoying this, but I then got an idea. I slipped my loafer in front of him and told him to lick his load out.

Fuck, that did it. The hunk's hole opened wide open and I was pounding my way to a well-deserved orgasm. I held steady for a half minute after unloading as Ethan stroked another load out, and then I withdrew. We made out afterward.

Finally, we zipped back up and fixed ourselves a drink, our gaze alternating from appreciative glances at each other to looks surveying the coupling going on in the suite.

"Man these parties are the best," Ethan said.

"I think so," I replied. I couldn't resist being flirty. "You made this one even better."

"Um Bill," Ethan started, a look of excitement and satisfaction on his face. "Could I ask you out on a date?"

Fuck it was tempting. "I'm not looking for anything steady," I said. "But I'd love to hook up again." I slipped him a blank card with my cell number, hoping the other men wouldn't see. It was kind of against the rules to ask guys on dates, since it was made clear that our gatherings were about sex and not match making or, worse, gold-digging. But guys often did it anyway.

Ethan and Russ were the first to go, then George next, not three minutes after them. I had a feeling George was heading off with Russ, surreptitiously. Aaron and Mike begged off about twenty minutes later.

Kevin, Pete and I sat on the king-sized bed, Pete between us, all of us enjoying the proximity and personal contact, with some kissing between conversation.

"Why are you still single Kevin?" Pete asked. It was the kind of personal conversation frowned upon but since it was just us, Pete felt he had the liberty so speak like this.

"I only get off when dressed up," he shrugged. "Or with a guy who's dressed up. Kind of limits the options to guys who won't think you're a freak."

"And who'll play along," I added. My hands were exploring Pete's muscular front, not quite Ethan's fitness-model build but damn fine beneath his polo. "Damn, Pete, you look real good in business casual." He did, too, the cordovan lace-up shoes set off the outfit.

"I thought of going dressier like Kevin, here," he answered.

"The Executives got to set a standard," Kevin smirked. His hands traced Pete's stomach and joined mine. "Though it's probably not too long before you're up for a promotion, Pete."

"Thanks," the younger man said.

"But I get to ask the question now," Kevin added. "Why are you single?"

I'd wondered the same. Pete was in his mid-30s and one good-looking dude-next-door stud, made hotter by his developing fashion sense and tailored suits.

He gave us both a wry smile and answered. "I'm not. I've been seeing this guy for a couple of months. He's older and lives in the suburbs. Works in finance like you, Bill." My heart sank a little as he told us about his new boyfriend. "I told Jeff about my suit fetish and our little group. It doesn't interest him, but I have a hall pass for any Saturday I want to come."

"If it wasn't for this group, I don't know what I would have done," Kevin said. "At least after Bill and I broke up."

I nodded. "Yeah, this is the best thing ever."

Pete looked over at me, his eyes beaming and he craned his head up to kiss me. I kissed him back and we were making out. A little giddy, even. I had worried that the Ethan kid would have drained me but I felt excited again, a renewed hardon filling out my trousers, a fact not lost on Pete, whose hand massaged my boner as we kissed.

"Fuck I missed this, Bill." He might have been talking about my dick, but I suspected it was more. About us, connecting like this. Our kisses grew more heated and I think I heard Kevin chuckle as he watched us on the bed.

I broke my kiss and acknowledged my friend. "Sorry, Kev. We got a little carried away."

"I'm happy to watch," he said with a smirk. "You guys are a cute couple."

Pete reached down and undid my belt. "Come on, Bill," he growled. "Let me see it."

I leaned up and let him undo my trousers and reach in to grip my erection. Pete smiled, and I smiled in return. We kissed again. He know reached down and started removing his shoes and undoing khakis. "Help me take them off," he urged me.

I knelt up and helped pull the pants off. I was rewarded with the sight of two strong, perfectly muscular hairy legs, with over-the-calf socks, and a leaking thick hard tool sticking up along his the tail of his polo shirt.

"Put your shoes back on," I urged. I wanted to see the socks and cordovans framing those bare legs.

He grinned and I swear his boner twitched as I slipped them back on and laced back up.

As I came back down to kiss him, he wrapped his legs around my waist and hiked his ass up. Pete wanted to get fucked, I knew. The dude was a hungry power bottom, and I loved it. While I didn't rush to the inevitable, I teased his bare cleft with my dripping hardon for a while before finally pushing in. The existing lube and Kevin's earlier cum load helped ease the way and we both moaned excitedly.

"How much time you got on your hall pass, buddy?" I teased.

"He's not waiting up for me, Bill, if that's what you mean." I could see him blush and I'm not sure it was appropriate to be bringing up his boyfriend while buried inside him. Still, it gave me a thrill to be boning Pete once more.

"Good," I growled and started fucking him. Not hard or rough but deep and steady, as the man clung to me and as Kevin jerked his cock watching us mate on the bed.

The whole time, Pete ran his hands along my shirt, feeling the fabric as well as my body filling it out. "Custom?" he asked, his voice growing in excitement.

"Of course," I answered.

"Fits you like a glove, Bill." He leaned up and kissed me hungrily. I kissed him back as I fucked him. I wasn't close yet but I was getting further along toward my orgasm.

"I'd love to cum on your shirt," Pete finally said. It's something I wouldn't often do when I was wearing a favorite tie, but for Business Casual I didn't have that limitation. I slowed my pumping and maneuvered us so Pete was on top.

The new position worked wonders for us. Pete especially. The very idea he was going to soil my sport shirt with his cum had him shooting off big. Heavy splotchy spurts all over me.

"Oh fuck!" Kevin hissed and knelt up just in time to spray his second load of the night over both of us.

I was three paces behind but held onto Pete's meaty hips and gritted my teeth and gave it up, deep inside Pete's hot ass.

Kevin had gone to the restroom while Pete and I basked in the afterglow, my hands on his polo shirted torso, his caressing my chest and shoulders and arms.

"You were hot to trot tonight, Pete," I said.

He finally dismounted my shrinking dick. "Pretty much. I shouldn't admit this but that Ethan kid had me pretty jealous," he said with a jovial smile.

"Maybe I should be jealous of your new boyfriend," I countered. "I thought you didn't date older guys." Pete was the only one in the group I'd ever tried to pursue something regular with.

He got a wistful look on his face. "Damnit, Bill." He stood up and walked over to grab a few Kleenex to wipe his cum-soaked ass before slipping his khakis back on, tucking in his polo.

"Sorry, bud..." I started to apologize, but just then Kevin opened the bathroom door.

"It's arctic cold out... you guys can crash here if you want."

"Nah, I should be getting back," Pete said.

"I got my car service. At least let me drop you off at Grand Central." I took a quick piss and straightened up.

"Thanks for organizing again, Kev. I'll handle the room next time."

"Sure thing Bill. Good night guys."

Things were regular between me and Pete as we took the elevator down and waited the few minutes in the hotel lobby for the car to arrive. But as we drove across Midtown our hands edged closer to each other on the car seat, until cold fingers touched cold fingers. My heart pounded. I didn't want to mess things up with Pete's new relationship. Hell, I didn't even know how serious things were with him and his guy.

But our fingers played against one another, affectionately, as Pete looked out the window. Finally as we got to Grand Central, his hand gripped mine for emphasis and he gave me an intent look. "Thanks, Bill. Good night, man." With that he opened the door and dashed out into the cold night air.


I skipped the next two gatherings. I was too busy fucking that hottie Ethan.

Our first date was at a nice restaurant and it made me remember what I loved about dating. I mean, sure, there's the shitty part of it, too. The drama, the flakes, the hard conversations when it's not working out. But I'd forgotten about the thrill of getting to know a guy right at the beginning and the playfulness of a first date.

It helped that Ethan was a stud. He'd shown up in a blue blazer, pressed dress shirt, repp tie, gingham pocket square, and trousers. "Looking good, my man," I said as I shook his hand in the restaurant entrance.

"Thanks, Bill," he blushed.

"I hadn't pegged you for a trad aficionado," I said as we had our first cocktail at the bar. "Brooks Brothers?" I asked, noting the box cut.

He nodded. "Yeah, and a few years old. I've lost some weight since then." He paused, shy almost, and added, "I'm still figuring out my dress style, actually."

"Trad works for you," I said, "And I normally don't like trad." I paused as I took a sip from my cocktail. Ethan really looked cute as fuck: his hair slicked down, his dimples and bright smile gave a clean cut masculine look to his appearance. Youthful, too. "Then again, I rarely see young guys in it."

The guy smiled and seemed like he wanted to ask something. "Mind if I feel your suit, Bill?"

I smiled and nodded, and his strong hand reached out and ran along the lapel of the navy wool suit that was one of the workhorse suits for the office.

"Fuck... this fabric's amazing," Ethan whispered. "You get yours tailored?"

"Yeah," I said. "My work suits are more conservative in style." Like many men in our suit-fetish group, I liked to wear slightly bolder patterns and colors when I had a chance, within limits.

Lust was clearly in Ethan's eyes and he confirmed this. "It's nice, man. Gives me a fucking boner." He had an impish look on his face as he said it.

"Can I ask a personal question?" I said.

"Sure," Ethan nodded, spreading his legs into a jocky stance, maybe to deal with his aforementioned erection.

"How bad you do you have the kink?" I asked.

"What do you mean exactly?" "Like my buddy Kevin... you know from the party... he can only come if he's dressed up or the guy he's with is dressed up."

"Shit, really?" I knew from the answer that Ethan wasn't wired quite that way, but he seemed turned on by the extreme nature of that kink. "Nah, I'm not quite that bad but it's like a crazy turn on, the few times I've been able to do it. I was so glad I found your guys' party... it was a dream come true."

"I'm not like Kevin," I volunteered. "But I'd be happy if every time I had sex involved suits." I was in my 40s and had been around the block. But even now I felt a certain relief in being able to be open about my desires. Ethan's enthusiasm put me at ease.

"Me, too," the stud beamed. "I mean, I haven't had much chance to have suit sex and hell, I only have one good suit right now."

"I bet you look hot in it," I said.

That made the man smile. "Thanks, Bill. Not as hot as you." He looked up and down my suited form. "You know, when I first came out, I was all about being the top, but give me a guy in a nice suit, and it's like a switch gets flicked. I just wanna put out."

"I think that can be arranged," I winked.


We didn't fuck that night. Instead, after dinner, I brought Ethan back to my condo, where we made out, slowly, luxuriating in each other's clothing and feeling the bodies underneath it.

Finally, I unzipped Ethan's trousers and fished out a rockhard erection. He gasped as I went down on him. Slowly, not rushing or working to bring him off, just give him pleasure. I then leaned back and gestured for him to do the same to me. Only I had to guide him to keep him from working me to completion. Ethan's an amazing cocksucker, and I commented on that as he finally came up to meet me in a kiss.

"It just comes naturally," he said. "Besides, this is so incredible. I feel like I could suck you like this all day... your cock sticking out of your suit. It's one of my favorite things, actually."

I understood. For guys into suit sex, a man's erect cock poking out of a suit crotch is invariably one of their favorite things. Maybe THE favorite thing.

"Why don't we take it to the bedroom?" I asked, "Do a little 69."

This was one of my favorite suit sex positions, since it allowed each man to experience that rush at the same time. Ethan came quickly, actually, but urged me to keep sucking. I did, and as he brought me off at last I felt his cock spurt its second load on my tongue.

We finally lay back on the bed, still dressed but our spent dicks lying out of our open flies. "I know this is just a casual date, Bill, I'd love to do a lot more of that," Ethan said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "That was incredible." I looked over at him and matched his dopey smile with my own. "Fuck, I can't believe I have a hotshot personal trainer in my bed and I'm keeping him fully dressed." We'd talked about our jobs over dinner.

"Would you rather have me nude?" he laughed.

"Probably not, but I'd sure like to see what you got underneath there. Maybe second date...?"

"It's a plan," he said. He looked at his watch. "Fuck, I got get up wicked early tomorrow," he said, his New England accent coming out. "I don't want to go but..."

"What do you got going on Thursday?" I asked.

"A date with you, I hope," he grinned.

I nodded. "I want to see your suit and see you out of it."


Ethan looked like a million bucks that Thursday night. In his navy suit... it was off the rack, maybe Brooks Brothers, but a tailor had adjusted it just right. His muscular but trim build helped, too, filling out his checked dress shirt and making his burgundy Macclesfield tie drape perfectly between the mounds of his pec muscle.

I was wearing a subdued charcoal work suit with a pink shirt and a blue pindot tie.

We had typical date conversation. About our jobs, where we were from, our families, what we like to do in our spare time.

In a lull over dinner, Ethan said, "Can I ask you for some advice, Bill?"

"Yeah, shoot..."

"I want to attend another party when I'm next invited."

"Yeah? You should."

He nodded but continued with what was on his mind. "Um, do you think this suit is good enough?"

"You're not going be the best dressed man, there, Ethan," I said honestly, "but you're fucking hot."

"I think you might be a little biased," he said, flirtatiously.

"I speak the truth," I asserted. "You look great." I weighed whether I should say what I was going to say. I decided to take a chance. "But if you want... I'd love to take you to my tailor and set you up for a new suit. Custom shirt, too. My treat."

"You serious?" he laughed and then seeing my expression added, "Fuck... you are. God, that's too generous, Bill."

"I want to do it," I said firmly. "First, I have the means to, and I know it would make you happy, right?"

He had such an innocence to his expression it was a real turn on. "Um yeah, it'd be awesome, but that's one hell of a gift..."

I interrupted him. "Second, it's my kink."

That caught him off guard.

"I have a Pygmalion fetish... you know, dressing guys up, making them over."

"Wow," he said, not put off but definitely surprised. "We've covered a lot of territory in two dates, huh?"

"Yep. You bring it out in me," I said. Ten years earlier, I would have been defensive about being so open and forward on a second date, but now I held my ground. Why not go after what I wanted?

He got a nervous grin. "I'm the raw material you want to mold into shape, huh?"

"Well you've got a hell of a head start. You've got a strong fashion sense. I'd love to let you take it to another level. Be the man you want to be."

"Fuck..." Ethan sighed. "I should say no, but something about the idea is boning me the fuck up."

"It's settled, then. Find a time early next week and we'll go get you fitted."

The smile on his face was worth every penny I was going to spend.

"You know, I haven't even told you my kink," Ethan said. "Can you guess?"

A number of things went through my mind, but I was drawing blanks. Till I remembered our first time, at the Business Casual party. "You're a shoe guy," I replied proudly.

"Yes, sir." Ethan said. "Big time. Socks too."

"I guess I had a lucky hunch our first time, then. You into feet in general?"

"Only if they've been wearing leather shoes," the stud clarified. "But after that I fucking love them."

"It's been a while since I've done a full-on foot scene." I had one guy I dated into that but that was easily eight years ago.

"We don't gotta, but if you want to explore that, I'd be a happy man."


Back at my place we made out, but not as long as that first night. We were too horny and eager to get down to business.

"Strip, Ethan," I said as we broke from our kiss. "I want to see your hot body."

He smiled and stood up in front of me while I sat on the couch. He was a natural at strip tease, making the removal of his tie, suit jacket and belt seem sensual but not overly slow. He carefully unlaced his shoes and removed each one. "OK if I put these back on after?"

"Fuck yeah," I replied in a husky lusty voice.

I know I gasped as he finally removed his dress shirt and pants. The dude was one cut stud. Muscle rippling down his torso, knotty powerful thighs. And as he peeled down his briefs and turned around I saw an amazingly sculpted ass. Dimpled but round cheeks dusted with brown fur in the cleft.

Now the only thing Ethan was wearing was a pair of mid-calf dress socks.

I ran my hands up his strong quads. "First thing... this weekend, I'm getting you some new socks. Over the calf. Sheer."

"Sound hot," Ethan said, enthusiastically. Like a lot of newbies he had paid more attention to the outward appearance than details like socks. I stood up, my boner now evident in my suit crotch. "Hold on a second," I said. I went to my closet and found a pair of nice socks. Navy to go with Ethan's suit. They weren't sheer but they were quality wool.

His eyes lit up as I walked back in.

"Here," I said, handing him the pair and sitting back down in my perch on the couch. "Put these on."

If Ethan was turned before, his dick was rock hard now as he removed his socks and put the new ones on. God, the thick calf muscle filled them out perfectly. And now Ethan was putting the cordovan bluchers back on his feet, tying the laces again.

He'd barely stood back up when I urged him to stand in front of me, looking away. Leaning forward, I rimmed that fine ass, making love to his hole and the brawn that surrounded it.

Ethan finally stepped away and turned around. "You're so fucking good at that, sir," he breathed. Crouching down his started undoing my zipper and pulling out my hardon. I then got treated to ten minutes of Ethan's prize cocksucking. He knew how to take it slower now, how to edge me.

Finally, he gave the head of my cock a soft kiss then and he had a thrilled expression on his face as his strong hands ran down my suited legs, feeling my thigh, then calves, underneath. I knew where he was going. Indeed, he paused, taking my left shoe in his hands lovingly.

"I guessed wrong before," he said, caressing the shined black leather with his fingers reverently. "But I'm going with Aldens again. Calfskin."

"You'd be correct," I grinned. "My workaday shoe."

"God," Ethan breathed excitedly. "I'd love to have this is my everyday shoe. Can I ask a question, Bill? How do you keep from popping a boner wearing suits at work?"

"Who says I do?" I winked. "Seriously, though, I guess I compartmentalize. Not that I don't check out some of my colleagues."

He returned his attention to my shoes, first left then right, then left again. "May I, sir?" he asked and I nodded, knowing what he wanted.

Eagerly he leaned forward and lapped at the smooth, soft leather, swiping it with his tongue and moaning a deep sexual moan. Yep, stud Ethan was a shoe guy, all right. His tonguing got more fervent as he got more into it.

Finally he leaned back, breathing heavily. "Fuck, I could almost cum just doing that. You think I'm a sick puppy?"

"Hardly. We both got kinks. That's why we're going to spend a lot more time together," I said. Yeah, I was being presumptuous, but I was on the vibe that Ethan was open to dating, and I knew by now he'd be a hell of a fun guy to date.

"I'd like that," he said softly. As I looked as his body I took in the sculpted, hard muscle, mostly smooth but with a some soft hair on his torso. Mostly though I registered his utter desire. His dick was rigid and almost red from his excitement.

"Stay right there, bud," I said. "OK?"

It was my second trip to my bedroom, but Ethan nodded and his eyes followed me as I got up, my hard dick still poking out of my suit. I went to my bedroom and again to my walk-in closet. I tried to keep my shoe acquisition under control, relatively speaking. I had six nice pairs of dress shoes, not counting my more beat-up or rubber-soled shoes for casual attire or inclement weather. I'd splurged on a bespoke pair but while they were my most comfortable they weren't my favorite. That would be an English pair, chestnut oxfords with beautiful burnish and broguing. I removed my Aldens and slipped those on instead, fastidiously tying the laces. A quick check in the mirror gave me the confirmation that the entire outfit would impress Ethan. I retucked my shirt into my trousers and walked back out to the living area, where Ethan was waiting patiently.

"Fuck!" he growled on seeing me.

"Edward Greens," I announced, sitting back down on the couch. "My favorite pair. Maybe they can become yours, too."

I think he thought he'd be tongue worshiping these like the Aldens but instead I nudge my right foot up against his crotch eliciting a moan. His bare prick rubbed against them as I moved my foot back and forth.

"Feel good?" I asked.

"Yes, sir," he huffed. He looked down at the sight of his erection against the true object of his affection. "Damn, those shoes are beautiful, sir."

"I think they'd look better with your cum on them," I suggested.

"Oh fuck, sir." Ethen really liked that idea. "Can I?"

"Yeah, bud. You're my shoe man. Gotta keep these puppies polished with your cum."

He was now actively humping my shoe, holding my ankle steady. "Oh man. Oh fuck, I'm gonna. Oh SHIT!"

That beautiful hard cock spurted its seed, soaking my shoe and getting a couple of spurts on my pant leg. Ethan rode out his orgasm but the dribbles had barely stopped when he leaned forward and dove on my cock. Going for the kill. Excited, grateful, I don't know which, but his skills were in full force, practically sucking the load straight out of my balls. I had a deep, powerful cum.

I could get used to Ethan's blowjobs, I decided.

As I came down from my orgasm, my date got up and found a dry washcloth in the bathroom. Gingerly, he wiped off the cum from my shoe and buffed it a little. "I'll give these a proper conditioning and polish for you, if you like," he offered. Polishing shoes was a chore I generally didn't relish, but it was part of Ethan's love of shoes. I could see a win-win situation developing.

"So, Ethan. When do I get to host you to stay overnight?"

"Weekends are usually good," he replied. "But if the sex gets hotter between us, I'm not sure if I can handle it, Boss."

He met me for a soft kiss, and I took the time to explore his mostly naked body.

The Fitting

"You sure about this, Bill?" I'd met Ethan during a late lunch hour to take him to my tailor. He'd shown up in khakis and a dress shirt, with a pair of dress shoes in his bag.

"Absolutely. And stop worrying about this. I'm happy to treat you. No strings, either." I gave him a wink. "You're a good looking young man who needs a good suit."

That suit would not be ready for Ethan's debut suit party with The Boardroom. His tailored navy Brooks Brothers one would have to do in the meantime, and he did look good in it. At a future event he'd be able to step up his game.

Ethan smiled and leaned forward to whisper. "I had to jerk off before coming. I don't want to get a bone when your tailor measures me."

"You're Boardroom material, all right," I chuckled.

My tailor's great. Not the cheapest but he does solid work and doesn't cut corners. And he's discreet. Ethan was the second man I'd brought here to get fitted and Capollini didn't even raise an eyebrow. He'd just get down to business.

He was like that with Ethan, asking the young man what he wanted but also checking in with me subtly in case I was the one making the decisions.

I let Ethan describe his dream suit, from silhouette to fabric to finishings. I chimed in just a couple of times with suggestions. He asked me for advice with the fabric. I think part of it was him not wanting to spend too much of my money, since fabrics can wildly raise the price of a suit. But he also seemed overwhelmed by the options. I helped him pick a suitable mid-weight wool solid. A lighter shade of mid-gray. Sometimes newbies want flashy patterns, but Ethan seemed to understand that something practical was in order for his second suit.

Capollini was great, didn't act like anything was unusual. He gave us a delivery date of four weeks. At which point Ethan would come in for a second fitting.

"See you tonight, Bill?" Ethan asked, beaming when we walked out.

"Yeah," I said. "I have a feeling I was going to get majorly laid tonight." I had to get back to work, Ethan too, or I would have arranged a session right then.

"You think so?" he chuckled.

I nodded. "Oh yeah. I wish I could capture the look on your face right now. Happy, excited, turned on... maybe a little grateful."

"Christ, you're making me feel like a hustler," he grimaced.

I patted his shoulder. God the young stud was solid in his build. "No strings, man, honest. It's just a bonus to see you happy."

That seemed to mollify him. "I am. Thanks Bill. This is the most incredible gift I've ever gotten." He paused and continued, "Listen.... I'd like to do something for you in return."

"You don't have to," I interrupted.

"I want to. Really. Anyway, I thought maybe I could offer you free training sessions. If you're interested."

"Seriously, it's no quid pro quo Ethan... but yeah, a few training sessions would be great."

"Awesome," he beamed. I could tell he was happy I'd accepted and that he could do something for me. I got the feeling he wasn't feeling right about taking an expensive gift. "We'll talk tonight."

"All right," I said. "I better be off. See you around 7?"


That night I did get majorly laid.

Ethan came by my place before dinner, dressed in his navy suit, light blue shirt and burgundy grenadine tie. "You're gonna get sick of seeing me in this," he said, apologetically as he stepped inside.

"Fuck no," I said. "You look hot in it."

He did, too. A good suit will flatter any man, make him look hotter. But a hot body like Ethan's makes a good suit look outstanding.

Our lips met. A peck at first, then deeper.

"Fuck, Bill, you look good tonight," he said, running his fingers along my suit coat. I'd gone with one of my more assertive patterns... a blue wool suit with a faint windowpane pattern, crisp white shirt with French cuffs, a striped textured silk tie and pink-gray Hermes pocket square.

"You too, man," I said, meeting him in a deeper kiss and running my hands to cup his suited ass. Ethan had an incredible ass. If it weren't for the suit thing, he'd be five levels out of my league.

"How much time we have?" he asked, more breathless now.

"As much as we want," I grinned. I hadn't made a reservation.

"I want you to fuck me, Bill," he said softly but with a sexual urgency to his voice. "I've been thinking about it all day."

I nodded. I'd been thinking about it all day, too. I reached down and started undoing his belt as he met me for another kiss.

It didn't take long for me to have his suit trousers down mid thigh and to turn him to face away from my, showing off his backside, where a jock strap framed his beautiful hard buns. Playfully, I pulled the strap and let it snap back against his cheek.

"Nice," I said, running my fingers along the smooth skin. I got the feeling Ethan kept it shaved to show off one of his best assets.

"You like it?" he asked, looking back over his shoulder. "I wasn't sure if you went for straps."

"Dude, you could wear a union suit and that ass would still look amazing. But yeah, I like jock straps." I dug my finger into the cleft where I could feel a tacky slickness. "Fuck... you're lubed."

"Yes, sir, Boss. Lubed and ready."

"Fuck," I hissed, pulling down my zipper. I'd gone commando to facilitate suit play like this but I didn't anticipate how immediately Ethan would want to get boned. Not that I was complaining. My cock was firming up to full-on a fuck hard as I pulled it out and gave a quick pump to tease it into place.

"Umf..." Ethan grunted as I penetrated him. He was a good bottom, though I think the suits had a lot to do with how receptive he was. Still, I'd rushed my entry and had to hold steady in him as I ran my hands along his dress shirt, feeling up his tie in the process.

"You're such a stud," I growled. "You look perfect in a suit."

I could feel his asshole relax a little on my cock so I pushed in deeper, slower this time. "You enjoy your fitting today?" I teased, running my hand underneath the flap of his suit coat to tease his nipple.

Ethan hissed excitedly. "Fuck yeah, Boss. Was glad I'd jerked off beforehand, or I would have been boned as fuck the whole time."

"You're gonna be so fucking hot in that suit," I said and started thrusting into him. "The guys at the Boardroom parties aren't gonna be able to keep their hands off you."

I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say. After all, Ethan and I had gone on a few dates. I wasn't sure how he'd take to the suggestion of doing other guys.

Turns out he was on the same wavelength. "Can't wait, sir," he growled, lust in his voice. "Wanna learn to live up to you guys' standards."

I fucked harder. Ethan was definitely opening up for me now. I held onto his hips for leverage. "You're on the way there, man." I kissed the back of his neck, right above his shirt collar. "I wouldn't be surprised if you were an executive by the age of 30."

"Fuck!" Ethan hissed. He liked the idea of that. A lot. "For real, Bill?"

"Fuck yes," I replied. "You got the looks. And the fashion sense. And I'll help you out with the suits... you help me get in shape and I'll make you be the man you wanna be Ethan."

"Oh Fuck." Ethan was coming. He didn't always have a quick trigger but he was getting there. His excitement was going to get me there with him. I thrust faster and felt up his suit. Yeah, he'd turn heads at the next party. I grunted and shot up deep in him.

We uncoupled and kissed.

"Wanna clean up?" I asked as I pulled out a kleenex to wipe my spent cock.

"Yeah," he said. His face was flushed red from the excitement and exertion. It was an adorable look on him. He hiked his trousers up over his butt and leaned forward to meet me in a soft kiss. "Thanks, Bill."

"I should be thanking you," I grinned.

I went to the kitchen to make a drink for us, and I heard the shower start. As I went back to my master bath I saw Ethan's suit and dress shirt laid out neatly on the back of a chair. I decided I would join him and proceeded to strip down. I brought two G&Ts into the bathroom, setting them down before stepping into the steamy shower.

"Back for more?" Ethan grinned.

"Don't have that recovery time," I admitted, "But I wanted to see that beautiful body of yours." Like I said, Ethan was way out of my league body wise. It was just perfect. My hands reached out and started caressing the wet soapy torso, from the bulging pecs to the taut abs.

We kissed. Ethan was a good kisser and getting better each time as he responded to my lead.

"Can I ask something, Bill?" he said, in a relaxed good mood.

"Sure." My hands traveled to his back and then down along his ass.

"What are we doing? Dating? Something else?"

"Guess I wasn't in a rush to put a label on it," I said defensively. "I told you from the start I wasn't looking for anything serious. Still not."

He nodded. I think he was a little bothered but he also seemed to expect that answer. "That's cool. It's just sometimes you can be a little intense, you know?"


"You know, not only sexually but emotionally. And then there's the suit thing."

"I'm giving mixed signals you're saying?"

"Kinda. Yeah." He looked more assured in his response. For a young guy Ethan was strangely mature about these things.

"Sorry bud.... Thing is I like you. Like going on dates, like fucking you, like sharing the suit fetish with you. I'll happily continue doing that, but I'm not looking for a relationship now. If that's too complicated for you I understand if you don't want that."

"Nah, I'm good. I like you, too, Bill. Not gonna lie, if circumstances were different you'd be grade-A boyfriend material. But casual's good too."

We kissed, more romantically even, lots of soft slow tongue. Ethan had a knowing grin as we parted. "You can't help yourself can ya you bastard?"

"What?" I laughed.

"Laying on the charm."

I winked. "Just want you around to put out."

Ethan reached down to cup my dick. It was hard again, though not fully engorged erect. "Fuck yeah," he hissed, caressing my prick with his wet fingers. "But since we're casual, I'm gonna hook up with other men, too."

"That's more than fair," I said. "You should. I'll be doing the same at the next party."

"When you going next?"

"Saturday. Black tie night."

"Fuck, I bet you look amazing in a tux," he said.

"You should see George. Something about a black tux sets off his salt and pepper."

"You trying to egg me on," Ethan smiled.

"You have a thing for George?" I teased.

"I have a thing for all the guys when they're dressed up. But I'd love to see George's salt and pepper hair as he blew me." He had a sheepish look on his face, as if he was unsure if he'd gone too far in openly talking about other men.

"I'm 100% sure you'll get your wish. George loves giving head."

I could feel Ethan's hardon nudge against my stomach. Unlike mine his was a rockhard spike, ready for round two. I reached over and turned off the water. Then I got down in front of him and started licking him, tasting that fresh younger cock, before taking it into my mouth.

"Fuck yeah, Boss," Ethan hissed, looking down excitedly as I blew him.

by Bill Drake

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024