Thanksgiving Holiday

by Jack Patrick

17 Feb 2024 1906 readers Score 9.4 (21 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Liam Callahan’s second night in captivity was better than his first, but he was still miserable, sore and exhausted.  He had slept more in the modified crucifixion position, but he had still woken several times with excruciating pain in his back, shoulders and neck.  He had urinated twice, but because of him being suspended above the floor, Liam did not have to stand or kneel in his mess like the night before.

He was awoken when the bright lights came on and the big man sauntered into the barn carrying his nylon gym bag.  He dropped the bag to the floor, grabbed the stool he had used throughout the past two days, place it in front of the bound, gagged and drooling Liam and smiled smugly at his diminutive captive.

“Did you sleep well, little boy?” the man asked.  “I didn’t sleep much because I was editing your escape attempt with Isaiah well into the wee hours of the morning.”

A long string of drool escaped the inflated gag in Liam’s mouth and plopped into the urine drenched sawdust at the base of the 4x4 beam he was bound to.

“I must say,” the man continued, as he sported a sardonic smile, “it’s truly some of my best work.  You looked so convincing, Liam.  Like you just knew that freedom was only minutes away.”

Liam stared at the man with hate and contempt in his eyes but did not utter any noises.

“And you were honestly angry when you realized Isaiah was playing you for a fool,” the man said with a laugh.

Liam finally looked away in disgust from the man who had kidnapped and raped him over the past two days.

The man leaned forward.  “I’ll take the gag out of your mouth if you promise not to spit on me again.”

Liam looked back at the man and nodded.

The big man smiled again and said, “Because if you spit on me again, I’ll start breaking bones.  Do I make myself clear?”

Liam nodded again.

The man reached to the front of the gag, twisted the valve and the air in the bladder filling Liam’s mouth quickly deflated.  He then unbuckled the gag from behind Liam’s head and removed it from his mouth.

Liam worked his painfully stiff jaw in an attempt to alleviate the inflexibility and tried to swallow some saliva in an attempt to relieve the painfully dry feeling in his throat.

The man stepped back and sat down on the stool.  “You should have realized Isaiah was punking you, Liam.  The lights never went off, so I could still have perfect lighting for the cameras.  That he turned on a dime to support your escape idea, and he turned on me that easily?  Should have been clues that you were about to be tricked, but your reactions were cinematic gold!  I’m going to make a mint on you, little boy!”

“Wonderful,” Liam mumbled in a dry, gravelly voice.

“Here’s what going to happen today,” the man said.  “I’m going to dress you in your outfit again, bind you and then we’re going to film the second act.”

Liam sighed in resignation of his predicament and said, “What do I have to do?”

The man smiled a bright smile.  “That’s the spirit, little boy!  So much easier when you accept your fate.”

Liam looked away as he nodded slightly.

“If the shoot goes anything like yesterday’s,” the man said excitedly, “we will have a masterpiece on our hands!  Today is, of course, Black Friday, and that’s very apropos because your day is going to turn very dark, I’m afraid.”

Liam looked at the big man.  “What do you mean?”

The man cocked his head and said, “Little boy, are you forgetting something?”

Liam sighed again.  “Daddy.  What do you mean, Daddy?”

The behemoth smiled and continued, “Your character attempted an escape by trying to deceive my compatriot.  This, of course, cannot go unpunished.  I’m afraid you’re going to take a severe beating today while bound and gagged.”

“You don’t have to do this,” Liam implored.

The man smiled again.  “I know that, little boy, but it will be fire!  My clients won’t be able to get enough of it!  After the beating – and I’m afraid that’s going to really be uncomfortable for you – I’m going to rape your ass and mouth!  Probably the money shot is going to be in your face!  It’s going to be amazing!”

Liam was not going to beg.  He knew it would fall on deaf ears, and he would not give this asshole the satisfaction.  He did his best to remain stoic.

Without another word, the man reached into the gym bag and pulled out the black, spandex shirt Liam had worn yesterday.  He placed Liam’s head through the opening and let the shirt sit there.  Then, the man untied the rope securing Liam’s left wrist to the crossbeam.  When the wrist was free, the man pulled Liam’s free hand through the shirt sleeve.  Once that was completed, he forced Liam’s hand above his head and secured it to the handcuff that was still secured to the 4x4 by an eyebolt.  Once the cuff was ratchetted tightly around Liam’s left wrist, he repeated the process with Liam’s right arm.  Within a couple minutes, Liam Callahan’s wrists were secured to the wooden post above his head, and he was wearing the long sleeve, skin tight running shirt.

The man then untied Liam’s feet from the post, and Liam’s feet slide to the floor.  Next, the man removed the running tights from the bag and placed them on Liam.  The black socks and running shoes followed.

The big man stepped back and admired his captive.  “You still look amazing, little boy.  Isaiah will be in shortly with breakfast and to do your makeup and hair.  I’ll assume you will not give him any grief…”

Liam just looked away and nodded.

The man pulled the camera from the bag, repositioned the stool and bag, and began to snap pictures of Liam.

“Amazing,” the man muttered.  “You look worn and haggard, but not beaten and…”

The man looked away from the camera and directly at Liam.  “And fucking angry!”

He snapped several more pictures in rapid succession.

“Fuck Yeah!” he said excitedly.  “Like the fear you showed on Wednesday, this look can’t be faked!”

The photoshoot went on for twenty additional minutes.  When the man had what he wanted, he packed up the camera and left the barn.  Less than ten minutes after that, Isaiah walked in with the bucket of steaming hot water and a smaller gym bag.  He cleaned up the soiled sawdust at Liam’s feet, placed new sawdust down and then pulled a bottle of water and straw from the bag.

Liam drank the bottle down quickly.  Isaiah then pulled another jar of baby food and a spoon from the bag.  He looked at the jar, smiled and said, “I hope you like apple, zucchini and peach.”

Liam just sighed again.

Isaiah began to spoon it tenderly into Liam’s mouth.  After the third spoonful, Isaiah asked, “Are you still mad at me Liam?”

Liam swallowed the paste and nodded slightly.

“You’re not gonna talk to me anymore?” Isaiah asked.

Liam looked angrily at Isaiah and said, “I was told not to make any trouble for you.  So, I’m doing as instructed.

Isaiah spooned in another portion of baby food and said, “You’re a great kisser, Liam.  I had such a great time playing with you.”

Liam swallowed and mumbled sarcastically, “Fantastic…”

When the jar of nasty tasting yogurt-like gel was finished, Isaiah cleaned off Liam’s face and began applying the makeup.  Twenty minutes later, Isaiah stepped back, admired his work and said, “God, Liam, you are so dang pretty!”

“Thanks,” Liam muttered with zero enthusiasm.  

Isaiah began working on Liam’s hair.  With his arms cuffed above his head and attached to the wooden post, the work on the hair was more difficult, but Isaiah managed to neaten up the mess of tangles on top of Liam’s head.

Just as Isaiah was finishing on the hair, the man returned.  He had his black bag and was wearing his usual flannel shirt, jeans and work boots.  The man placed the bag on the floor, removed two long pieces of brown, coarse rope and approached the two teenagers.  

The man looked at Isaiah’s work, whistled and said, “Isaiah, you have outdone yourself!  He looks sexy as fuck!”

Isaiah smiled embarrassingly, “Thank you, Daddy.”

“Don’t leave just yet,” the man said.  “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Isaiah beamed but did not say anything.

The man knelt at Liam’s feet, placed his feet against one another and bound his ankles together extremely tight.  After he cinched the tie off, tightening it even more, he stood up, removed a small silver key from his jeans pocket and unlocked the handcuffs securing Liam to the 4x4 post.  Without any fanfare, the man spun Liam around, forced his hands behind his back and began applying the other piece of rope around Liam’s wrists.  In less than two minutes, Liam’s hands were tightly bound.  Liam was roughly turned around and was facing Isaiah.

The man walked over to the gym bag, removed the camera and said, “You did such a great job yesterday, Isaiah, I decided to let you have some fun with our little boy here…”

Isaiah practically jumped at the news.

“Thank you, Daddy!  Thank you so much!”

The big man smiled.  “I assume you want what you were promised?”

“Hell, yeah, Daddy!” Isaiah said excitedly.  “I want that blowjob Liam promised me!”

The man looked at Liam and said, “On your knees, little boy.  You have a promise to fulfill!”

Liam tested the bindings at his wrists and knew he could not slip his hands free.  He flexed his arms and realized he had not had this much movement in the man’s inescapable bondage since he was abducted, but he was sure he would not be able to get his wrists free without assistance.

The man moved the camera away from his face.  “It wasn’t a fucking request, little boy!  Get on your fucking knees and service my young friend before I get angry and do things you will regret!”

Liam went to his knees as Isaiah walked to him. Isaiah unbuckled his belt, unzipped his jeans and forced them and his underwear to his shoes.

The man started taking pictures again.

Isaiah was already hard as a rock, and he placed the tip of his already dripping penis against Liam’s closed mouth.

“Open up, little boy,” the man ordered from behind the camera.

Liam slowly complied, and Isaiah forcefully entered his mouth.  He grabbed the back of Liam’s head and began thrusting his engorged dick in and out of his mouth.  Immediately Isaiah began to moan in ecstasy.

“Easy there, Isaiah,” the man said with a laugh in his voice as he continued to snap pictures.  “Don’t jiz yet!  I want to keep this up for a while!”

Isaiah pulled his cock from Liam’s mouth and said, “Suck on my balls, you lying whore!”

“Tell him Isaiah!” the man laughed.

Liam took Isaiah’s hairy scrotum into his mouth and began to fondle the balls with his tongue.  Isaiah responded as Liam assumed he would.  Isaiah moaned even louder in sexual pleasure.

“Oh my god,” Isaiah moaned.  “This feels so dang good!  So dang good…”

Isaiah’s eyes flew open wide and he instantly froze, just before he screamed in agony.

Liam had bitten hard into Isaiah’s sack and balls with all the psi his aching jaw could muster.  Isaiah began to slap at Liam’s head, but the strikes were panicked and ineffective.

Liam released the bite, spit out the hairy, wounded sack and rocked back on his feet.  Isaiah grabbed his wounded package, cried out again when he saw blood and bent over in intense pain.

Liam slid his bound wrist over his ass, rolled onto his back, slid his wrists over his bound feet and jumped into a standing position.  Looking up, Liam saw he was still directly under the edge of the loft.  He looked to see where the man was and noticed that, except for removing the camera from his face, the man stood transfixed by what he was seeing.

Liam look upward again, squatted as far down as he could and jumped with all his might.  He grabbed the lip of the loft and hung there more than four feet off the floor.  He rocked backward and then flew forward toward the still whimpering Isaiah.

Isaiah looked up just in time for Liam’s bound feet to impact with his jaw.  The blow caused Isaiah to severely bite into his tongue.  Teeth shattered as the young teen fell backward.  Isaiah’s head bounced hard off the wooden floor and was immediately knocked unconscious.

Liam swung backward again, and when he came forward a second time, he launched upward, curled his legs over the lip of the loft and landed on the loft’s surface.

The man was stunned by what he had witnessed but quickly recovered when Liam disappeared on top of the loft.

“Holy shit, little boy!” the man said.  “That was some serious gymnastics shit right there!  I’m so fucking happy the cameras are rolling because this movie is going to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams!”

He put the camera down and checked on Isaiah.  “You fucked up Isaiah pretty good, little boy.  Nasty gash on his tongue, broke a bunch of his teeth and his balls look pretty sore!  You know he’s gonna fuck you up when he comes to?”

Liam said nothing.

“You can’t get away, little boy,” the man continued.  “There’s no way out except the mudroom door.  You come down now, and I promise not to really fuck you up for this indiscretion.”

Liam remained silent.

“Little boy, if you make me come up there to get you,” the man said with a bit more anger in his voice, “I promise you that you will regret it!”

Liam did not make a sound.

“Your decision, little boy,” the man said.

He walked to the mudroom and returned with an extension ladder.  He extended it enough to reach the loft’s edge and began slowly climbing.

“Little boy,” he said, “I was planning on going easy on the beating I was going to deliver in the shoot today, but because you’ve been such a pain in my ass, I’m not holding back.”

Liam said nothing.

The man slowed at the edge of the loft and slowly raised his head above so he could see where Liam had situated himself.  The first thing the man saw was one of the pieces of rope that had been on Liam. It was on the loft’s floor near where the ladder crested the lip.  Then the man saw motion to his right.  He looked and saw Liam, his ankles now free but his wrists still bound in front of his body, in the process of swinging a shovel – a shovel the man had thrown onto the loft weeks ago and had completely forgotten about – toward the big man’s exposed head!

The iron shovel impacted with the side of the man’s skull, forcing him to lose his grip and fall from the ladder.  He crashed hard to the wooden floor, next to Isaiah’s unconscious form, and rolled onto his back.  Just as his vision darkened and he slipped into unconsciousness as well, he saw Liam Callahan’s head poke over the edge of the loft and stare down at him – and Liam sported a malevolent smile on his face.

The splitting headache was the first thing the man registered as he slowly regained consciousness.  His first thought was to feel his head, but he quickly realized that was impossible.  His hands were secured behind his back.  He opened his eyes and saw he was still in the barn.  He was stripped naked and sitting on the floor with his back against one of the 4x4 posts that supported the loft.

He saw that Isaiah was still unconscious, but he was in a different position from where the man last remembered the teenager being.  Isaiah was also naked, and he was secured to the handcuffs that were permanently affixed to the neighboring 4x4 beam by an eyebolt.  The boy was hanging lifelessly with his arms cuffed above his drooping head.

The man pulled at his wrists and knew immediately that his wrists were secured to the post by a set of handcuffs – and they were ratcheted down painfully tight.  He looked around but Liam Calahan was nowhere in sight.  Isaiah and the man were alone in the barn.

The bright lights popped on and the searing pain in the man’s skull tripled.  Liam then walked into the barn from the mudroom door.  He was dressed in the clothes that he had been wearing when Isaiah had initially abducted him two days prior –a white long sleeve Clemson University t-shirt, dark blue jeans, brown hiking boots, an olive-green denim jacket and the orange Clemson scarf.  The gymnast walked past the unmoving Isaiah and stopped several feet from the man’s outstretched legs.

Trying to ignore the agonizing throbbing in his head, the big man said with all the gusto he could manage, “That was some pretty impressive shit, little boy.  Now, I’m sure you’re feeling pretty impressed with yourself right about now, but I’m sure we can work out a compromise that benefits us both.”

Liam smiled a humorless smile and shook his head slowly.  “You are a piece of work, Mr. Alistair Arthor Smith.  You are in no position to bargain or dictate terms.”

Alistair knew that Liam had obviously been through his house.  That is where all Liam’s clothes and belonging were stored along with the man’s driver’s license.  

Alistair still tried to pass along his false bravado and said, “That gymnast flip right after you knocked out Isaiah was masterclass stuff!  I’m willing to cut you in for a percentage of the revenue of that movie.  Believe me, I will make you wealthy.”

Liam continued to slowly shake his head from side to side and then glanced at Isaiah and back at Alistair.  “Yeah, Isaiah is fine.  Just knocked out cold and in need of some serious dental work.  Thanks for asking, Alistair.”

Mr. Smith snorted, hoping he did not sound as concerned as he was starting to feel, and said, “I’m sure we can come to an arrangement, little boy…”

Liam’s eyebrows went up.  “An arrangement?  Like I uncuff you and Isaiah and let you finish editing the movies of me getting raped and then escaping?”

Alistair nodded.  “Exactly!”

Liam nodded.  “Maybe I’ll even let you tie me up again.  So that you can finish this epic.  Maybe, we even shoot the scene where you abduct me while I’m jogging…”

“I like where your head is at, little boy!” Alistair said.  “The money we can make…”

“Please,” Liam said as he closed his eyes and rubbed his face, “just shut the hell up.”

“You don’t know what you’re throwing away, little boy,” Alistair said, desperation finally noticeable in his voice.  “You need to think about your future.”

Liam opened his eyes, sighed and said, “No, Alistair.  You and I are done.  For good.  I’m parting ways with you and Isaiah shortly.”

Alistair spit a glob of bloody phlegm to the side and then said, “Fine, you little pipsqueak faggot!  Call the cops!  I already have my alibi and Isaiah will back me up!  You volunteered for this, but we had a disagreement because you wanted more money!  It’ll be your word against mine, little boy!”

Liam snorted.  “I’m not calling the cops.”


“I’m not calling the police,” Liam reiterated.  “I’m going back to Clemson.  I’m supposed to be back on campus some time tonight.  There’s a football game I’m supposed to cheer at tomorrow, remember?”

Alistair looked perplexed.  “So…what about me?”

“And Isaiah,” Liam said.  “Don’t forget about Isaiah.”

“What are you gonna do with me, little boy!” Alistair yelled.

“Nothing,” Liam replied.  “I’m just going to leave you two like this.  I have no idea where my car is, or if it’s drivable, but I’m taking your truck.  Once I get it to Clemson, I’ll abandon it and report mine stolen.”

Alistair’s confusion was palpable.  “If you’re not calling the cops, then what are you doing with me?”

Liam smiled that same malevolent smile he had sported when Alistair last saw him, as he was fading into unconsciousness.  “I figured I’d just leave you two here.  Just like you are right now.  Tightly handcuffed to the posts, naked and with no possible way to get free.”

Alistair’s confusion was starting to turn into anxiety.  “I…I don’t understand…”

“I’m leaving you both here,” Liam clarified.  “You said the cops check on you once a month and it’s only a week away from December.  Therefore, I assumed you two could hang out for a week or so.”

“Are you fucking crazy?” Alistair screamed.  “Are you fucking insane?!?  We’ll die within a week!  No food!  No water!”

Liam continued as if ignoring Alistair’s outburst.  “But you did say that the cops would probably check on you around Christmas.  That’s like a month from now.  That might get tricky.  Especially when it starts getting even colder than it is now.”

“You can’t do this!” Alistair pleaded.  “Call the fucking cops!  You’re condemning me to death!”

Liam shrugged and then turned and started walking toward the mudroom door.  “I don’t look at it like that, Alistair.  I look at it as if I’m giving you a fighting chance.  Unlike what chance you were giving me or the countless others you two savages have done this to in the past.”

“Liam!” Alistair implored.  “You’re a Catholic!  You said so yourself!  A god-fearing man!  How do you think your god will react to you doing this to us?”

Liam stopped just before the door, looked back and said, “I kind of think that I’m being a forgiving person by not calling the police, and as for placing you in life-or-death peril?  Maybe, I’m just doing God’s work for him, Alistair.  It was a pleasure.  Good luck.”

Liam exited the barn, closed and locked the door while Alistair Smith screamed his name and begged for mercy.  Liam walked to Alistair’s idling, brand new, Chevy Silverado, opened the driver side door and got into the warm interior.  He closed his eyes as he leaned back in the seat.  He tried to slow his rapid breathing and clinched his fists to stop the shaking that tried to overwhelm his calm façade.

It’s over, Liam, he heard his father’s voice in his head.  You survived.  You won.  Get out of here!

Doing his best to rein in the anxiety that did its best to encompass him, Liam put the pickup truck into drive and made his way toward the highway.  He glanced at the locked door that led to the barn’s mudroom and stopped the Chevy.  Over the engine, Liam could still hear Alistair Smith hollering.  Liam could not make out exactly what his former tormentor was saying, but his tone and volume pretty much said he was frightened beyond belief at the prospects of being left in his current state.

Liam touched the crucifix around his neck again, but then muttered, “Fuck ‘em…”

Liam’s foot came off the break, pressed down on the accelerator and started the long drive back to campus.

by Jack Patrick

Email: [email protected]

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