
by ChrisG

7 Apr 2024 7213 readers Score 9.3 (100 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Mikey stepped out of the shower and used the fresh white towel to dry himself off. He was rubbing his curly locks of hair when he used the towel to wipe the steam from the large mirror. 

Clearing the condensed steam, Mikey critiqued the  teenage body which appeared before him. He had been working out, his body fat was decreasing, but there was still a thin layer of puppy fat covering his abs. You could still see them, but he was disappointed that he wasn’t as lean as some of his fellow teammates. 

Surveying his slender frame he swivelled his hips and allowed himself the kindness of admiring his ass. It was somewhat out of proportion to the rest of his body, the sort of ass that only genetics could produce. Not to do a disservice to the work Mikey had put into toning it through various squat techniques, but this was not the sort of ass that could be attributed to exercise alone. Art analysts, upon viewing his ass would comment on how it would be depicted using two perfect circles if immortalised on paper. 

He wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out into the main room of the apartment he and his dad were sharing in this all inclusive resort on the island of Gran Canaria. His dad was applying suncream generously across his muscular frame. 

“Perfect timing” his dad said, spotting his teenage son leave the bathroom, his curly locks damp from the shower. “Will you do my back, please?” 

“Sure thing” Mikey took the cream from his dad,  squirted the thick white liquid into the palm of his hand and began to massage it into his father’s back. Mikey’s father was in his late 40s and in almost all aspects was twice the size of his teenage son. He was broader, wider, taller and more muscular, a proper rugby built man. Decades spent in the gym meant he was a fine specimen of man, and had a body that guys many  years his junior would kill to have. As Mikey rubbed the cream into his dads back, he couldn’t help but admire his solid frame and strong muscles. Like Mikey, his father wasn’t the leanest, yet the small amount of fat on his body only made his father look stronger, his own puppy fat just made him look softer. 

As he reached his dads lower back, his dad pulled the back of his shorts down slightly, revealing the top of his ass crack. “Don’t forget to do near the waistband son, it’s easy to miss and quick to burn.” Mikey did as instructed and ran his hands lower, covering the top of his fathers buttcheeks in cream. Mikey definitely got his ass from his father. Two perfect globes that strained at the swimming shorts, it always took a good amount of effort to pull them up and over the muscular ass. 

“All done” 

“Thanks son, here let me do you” his father said, taking the suncream from the table and squirting a large dollop into his hand. Mikey turned around obediently and his father began to rub the cream over the boy’s back. “Shit, might have used too much cream” he laughed and continued to spread the cream across his son’s back… it was definitely too much. “I’m used to doing myself, I forgot you wouldn’t need quite as much.” 

“That’s okay”, Mikey laughed, “just spread it around.” 

“Just need to get that waistband” his Dad had reached Mikey’s lower back and slipped his hand under the towel around his son's waist. It was only loosely tucked and quickly dropped to the floor revealing his son’s beautiful ass cheeks. Mikey was the definition of a bubble butt twink. “Shit, sorry bud.” Mikey quickly bent over to retrieve the towel and his dad caught a glance of his tight pink hole. His dick twitched in his swimming shorts and he used the opportunity to pour more cream into his hand and onto Mikey’s back. 

“Fuck sakes dad” Mikey exclaimed, using the towel to cover his crotch, he wasn’t particularly prude, but felt awkward about standing with his cock out.

“Damn son, you got your dad’s booty didn’t you” he gave his sons ass a cheeky slap and a light squeeze. 


“You should be proud of that ass son. Women go wild for a man with a good ass, trust me” 

“Please don’t” 

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He teased, laughing a deep, dad laugh. “I er… I might have got some cream on your… you might want to…” 

“Fuck sake.” Mikey attempted to rub the cream into his ass with one hand, clutching the towel with another. His father watched him struggle for a couple of seconds.

“Here let me” his dad said, not waiting for permission, moving Mikey’s hand out of the way and starting to rub the cream into the two round cheeks.

“Dad stop” 

“Oh relax, I’m your dad, it’s not weird” Mikey felt his dads large fingers brush his hole, sending shivers up and down his body. He wasn’t sure if time slowed in that moment, or if his father’s fingers had lingered around the entrance. By the time he snapped out of the trance his dad was using the excess cream on his arms. He shook off the incident as an accident. “There’s still so much cream” his father said as he drags more of the cream up and over his shoulders, spreading it across the boy’s shoulders and down to his pecs. He was impressed by his sons muscles and lingered on them, feeling the hard nipples under his rough hands and ensuring the cream was rubbed in properly. 

He took the cream from Mikey’s lower back and moved it onto his waist and pulling the boy closer round onto his stomach. “That six pack is really coming along” he said, feeling the muscles through the soft, youthful skin. 

“You think so?” Mikey lapped up the compliment.

“Definitely, that hard work is paying off” his hands wondered further south, rubbing cream the area just above his sons cock. “Got to get that waistband area.” He was surprised to find it completely smooth. When he last glanced his son naked there had been a strong bush of black pubes there. “Have you been shaving?”

Mikey blushed “yeah…” he said coyly, “coach said shaving your legs gave you a competitive edge in the water, and I wanted the most competitive edge going” 

“Do you do a lot of naked swimming then?” He teased the boy jovially and gave the boys pubic area a little tickle. 

“Shut up!” Mikey heard the lid of the sun cream snap open again and turned to see his dad pouring more sun cream onto his palm. “What are you doing?” 

“Well I might as well finish you off now I’ve done everywhere else” his dad said, dropping to his knees behind him. He started to apply suncream to his son’s legs, but he couldn’t take his eyes of the pert, peachy bum infront of him. He couldn’t see the hole between the cheeks, but he knew if he buried his face between them he would find it there… tight. “Are you wearing shorts or your speedos?” 

“Probably shorts?” Mikey wasn’t sure of the questions relevance until he felt his dads hands get higher up his inner thigh. “Yeah shorts. Definitely” this didn’t stop his dads advances up his legs. 

“Spread your legs a little.” Mikey did as he was told. “You should wear your speedos if you don’t want tan lines” 

“You’re wearing shorts” his dads hands were now massaging cream into the area around his perinium. 

“I’m not the one who will be wearing speedos in the pool when I’m back home.” Mikey sighed, his dad was right. Tanlines would look strange when he got back to training. “Turn around.” Mikey did what he was told and his dad repeated the creaming process on the front of his legs. Once he was done, he stood up and his chaotic urges took control. He grabbed the Mikey’s towel, tearing it from his grasp and launched it to the other side of the room. 

“Dad!” Mikey struggled desperately to cover his junk. 

“What!? it’s just locker room banter!” He grabbed his son’s arms. “Now let’s see if you got your daddy’s dick, too” he pulled Mikey’s arms away from his crotch and above his head, Mikey struggled but he was no match for his dad’s strength. 

“Dad!” Mikey’s 7 ½ inch uncut cock sprang proudly into the air between them. His dad stared at it. 

“Ahh shit. Sorry! I didn’t know” he released his son’s arm which fell to his side. He was embarrassed? but it was pointless hiding it now. For some reason he thought making his dad see it would be some sort of punishment, that it would be a punishment. If he asked him to cover up, he would refuse. Instead he just said “it’s perfectly natural, you’re a young guy, when I was your age I was constantly hard” 

“So what now? Hey?” He was more pissed off than embarrassed now. His dad grabbed the suncream and squirted it directly onto Mikey’s hard cock. 

“We should probably suncream that to.” 


“Well incase we go to a nude beach” 

“A nude beach!?” 

“Wasn’t planning on it, but why not” Mikey felt his dad’s hands wrap around his cock and start to rub the suncream into it. Mikey stood strong, it was a test, a game of chicken, if he backed down he would be weak. 

His dad used one hand to massage cream into Mikey’s balls and the other was now jerking his cock. He dropped to his knees and admired his sons cock jerking it slowly. 

“Okay dad, you can stop now” 

He continued.

“Dad, it’s getting weird now” 

He continued.

“Dad stop”

He was so transfixed he couldn’t hear Mikey. 

Finally Mikey pushed his dad away and pushed back. Retrieved the towel from the floor and wrapped it around his waist.

“Shit, Mikey I’m so sorry” his dad was still on his knees and ashamed. “It was muscle memory. You know what I’m like. Once I’ve got a dick in my hand I’m just… sorry” 

“It’s okay” Mikey did know what he was like, but this was new, this was different. His dad stood up and moved into the bedroom area where he lay on the bed, face into the pillow. It wasn’t exactly another room but the bathroom separated the two areas so they couldn’t see each other. 

Mikey grabbed a speedo from the drawer, put it on then sat playing on his phone. 


When Mikey first caught his dad masturbating he was stood in the kitchen, an open bottle of olive oil next to him. When he saw his son stood in the doorway, he made no effort to stop, he just continued to jerk his shiny cock and yelled at his son to leave.

Later that day, he awkwardly explained to his son, who was fully aware of masturbation by now (he was as the one washing his sons sheets) that his sexual urges were much higher than the average man. Something to do with testosterone. But it meant that when he got horny, he had to do something about them, whatever the time of day and wherever he was. He had claimed that his urges overrode the shame or embarrassment triggers in his brain. Mikey understood, or at least kind of understood what his dad meant. He had experienced how when he was horny, he could be turned on by things that as soon as he came, just confused him. 

Since that point, his dad didn’t always make the best attempts to hide what he was doing, and now being aware of it, Mikey was able to spot the signs. When his dad started continuously adjusting his crotch on the plane he knew it would be a matter of time before he took himself off to the bathroom and come back with a restored energy. 


After about 20 mins, Mikey resigned that he should probably offer his dad an olive branch. He grabbed the bottle of sun cream and walked into the bedroom area. 


“Mikey I’m so sorry” 

“If we’re going to a nude beach, you should probably put sun cream on too” 


Mikey tossed the bottle of suncream onto the bed next to his dad and retreated into the next room.

Moments later he heard the familiar panting, moaning and occasional slapping noise of his dad jerking his own cock. 

“Mikey” his dad shouted only a few minutes later. Mikey was confused, he was sure he hadn’t heard the usual grunting that meant he had finished. “Will you come here please?” Mikey did as he was asked, put his phone down and made his way back to the bedroom area where he found his dad stood, completely naked with his 9 inch cock standing proudly to attention. 

“What is it?” Mikey asked, trying not to stare at his dad’s massive dick. He had caught glances of it on the many occasions he had walked in on him wanking, but this was the first time seeing it in all its glory. He never realised how big it was.

“You need a second layer” 

“Really?” Mikey sighed, unsure of what he was about to subject himself to. 

“C’mon, you know the deal. 30 minutes before you go into the sun and then reapply” sadly, this wasn’t a new rule his dad had just made up as an elaborate ploy, Mikey had been following this routine for his entire life. To his surprise, his father handed him the bottle of suncream and allowed him to apply it himself. 

As Mikey applied the suncream to his young body, he felt his fathers eyes staring at him, admiring at him. “The gym really is paying off you know” Mikey liked the compliment, and almost subconsciously began flexing his body to show off. 

When he was finished, he passed the bootleg back to his father and asked him to apply the lotion to his back. This time there was no excessive cream, no tricks, no inappropriate touching. Instead his father respectfully applied the suncream and then pulled him into an embrace from behind, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and chest pinning his arms to his side. He kept his crotch respectable distance away so his son wouldn’t feel his hard cock. 

“You’re a very good boy you know, I’m very proud of you” he said softly into his ear before kissing the top of his head. 

“Thanks dad” 

“I love you son” the words whispered into Mikey’s ears made him tingle. He felt safe and secure in his dads arms, he felt all his anxiety and worry wash away. “Do you trust me?” 

Mikey nodded. 

The next thing he knew, his father took his index finger and parted his lips with them. “Suck it.” Mikey, once again did as he was told and began to suck on his dads large finger. “Good boy” the words unlocked something inside of Mikey, it was similar to the approval he had on his muscular body, but it was something more, and he craved that approval.

Mikey’s dad removed the finger from his sons mouth, and then, with one arm still wrapped tightly around him, gently pushed it down the back of his speedo and gently caressed the rim of his hole. The sensation Mikey had experienced earlier returned, but this time it was sustained… and definitely intentional. He continued to lightly tickle Mikey’s hole for a couple of seconds, allowing his son to fully experience the new sensations before he pushed the finger gently into his hole. 

Mikey’s body tensed as this foreign object entered him, causing his dad to tighten his grip around his chest. “what are you doing?!” Mikey managed admidst the sensations. 

“You trust me don’t you?” Mikey nodded. “And you want to be my good boy?” Mikey nodded again. “Then you’re going to let me do what I want to you… to make me happy.” Mikey’s hole tightened around his dads finger and he pushed it further in retaliation. “And I promise you will feel so good” Mikey felt a shockwave as his dad’s finger reach his prostate.

“Fuck!” Mikey exclaimed in pleasure.

“Is that okay?” His father probed.

“…Yes...” he managed between breathes 

“Yes dad” 

“Yes dad” Mikey repeated in subservience. 

“Good boy” his removed his finger from his son’s tight hole. “Now take your speedos off and get on the bed on all fours.” Mikey was nervous in anticipation but the desire for his fathers admiration was overwhelming. He slipped off his Speedo and did as his dad told him. He felt his father’s hand on his back pushing down gently, Mikey arched his back in response. “Better.” Mikey waited in anticipation as his father surveyed in anticipation. Moving behind him, Mikey felt his father part his ass cheek followed by his lips gently kissing his hole. He used his tongue to tease the edges of his sons hole, sending new and exciting sensations through Mikey’s body. After several minutes, Mikey’s dad penetrated his hole with his tongue, Mikey moaned in pleasure, he had never experienced feelings liked it, that it was his own father didn’t phase him. “I’m your dad, it’s not weird.” His fathers words from earlier echoed through his head. It wasn’t weird, it was the most natural thing in the world, a paternal love and a shared desire to inflict pleasure. 

“…dad…” Mikey let out a moan of pleasure.

His father grabbed his cock from between his legged and milked it as he continued to sloppily eat his young hole. The pleasure for Mikey intensified.


Mikey’s dad always had a bottle of lube at the ready, he grabbed the bottle that had been sat on his bedside table and slapped some into his sons hole. He then squirted a good dollop onto his throbbing dick. With one hand he worked the lube into his sons ass, with his other hand he ensured a good coverage on his cock. 

He held his cock in his hand and placed the tip on his sons whole. Mikey could already feel the pressure of the tip desperate to get inside. Just as he was about to enter his son, he withdrew. He grabbed his phone from the table and opened up his camera. Like all parents, Mikey’s dad loved to capture the big moments on film; to reminisce on, to share with future partners, to embarrass them with when they’re older or at milestone birthdays. Mikey’s first fuck was not going to be an exemption. He hit record.  

“Mikey, I’m going to fuck you now, okay” 

“Yes dad” 

“Good boy” 

“Is this your first time getting fucked, son?” 

“Yes dad” 

“That’s okay, now it’s going to hurt, most cocks are maybe 5 or 6 inches and relatively slim. My cock…” slapped it against his son’s ass cheek “is 9 inches and thick. So it will hurt. I’m sorry. But if we work through the pain it will feel incredible. I promise.” 

“Okay” Mikey was scared. 

“Look at me” Mikey turned his head up to look at his dad, seeing the phone recording him for the first time. “I love you son” 

“I love you dad” 

Mikey’s dad pushed the tip of his cock into his hole. “Breathe… breathe deep… good boy.” He had planned to take it slowly, let his boy slowly adjust to his manhood. But the chaotic urge was taking over him. He pushed his son’s head down so just his ass was in the air. He moved slowly back and forth, letting his son's hole adjust to the first couple of inches of his cock and its width. In and out just millimetres at a time. 

“Deep breaths son” 

“Good boy” 

Sometimes it’s best to rip the plaster off in one go.

He grabbed his son’s his and in one motion simultaneously pulled his son onto his cock and thrust deep into him. All 9 inches. All at once. 

Mikey screamed. 

He tried to wriggle free, but his dad was basically on top of him now. 

It spurred his dad on.

He backed out and slammed it in again.

Another scream. 

Mikey didn’t know what he was feeling. Was it pain? Was it pleasure. He settled on both and hoped the pain would subside soon. 

His dad slammed his dick into him again and let it sit there momentarily. 

He needed to see his son’s face. He withdrew his cock completely and flipped Mikey over with ease. The boy looked terrified, trying to catch his breath with tears coming down his face. He made sure his face was in view of the camera, pulled his legs up either side of his head, lined his cock up against his teen boy’s hole and thrust it in again. 

“Good boy, you’re doing so well” this spurred Mikey on, “your hole is so tight, it feels so good.” Mikey couldn’t utter any words, he could only moan. His dad started to pick up a rhythm as he continued to slam his cock into his teenage son. Mikey could barely catch his breath but his staring into his fathers eye’s made him know everything would be okay. 

His father stopped recording, throwing the phone to the side. This freed up his spare hand, he manoeuvred above his son, a hand either side of his head as he continued to plough his boy, a look of deep fear and pleasure on his face, his eyes simultaneously saying “help me” and “don’t stop” . Mikey was paralysed with ecstasy, he could feel his dad’s heavy breaths on his face, staring deeply into his eyes, a drop of sweat from his father’s brow landed just above his lip and he instinctively licked the salty fluid. 

Mikey felt his dad slow slightly, resting with his cock deep inside him. He was momentarily able to catch his breath before his father kissed him, a peck at first, despite his cock being deep inside him, he wanted to test the water with such a sensual act. A second, slightly longer kiss. Within moments father and son were enjoying a deep, passionate kiss, tongues probing one another, their saliva mixing and becoming one. The rough fuck had become  slow and passionate sex. Father and son, breath, sweat, saliva and bodies becoming one. Mikey enjoyed the change of pace, it felt different, gentler, he felt closer to his dad. In response, Mikey’s own dick, which had softened in shock, slowly hardened and pushed into his dad’s muscular stomach. 

Feeling his boy’s dick harden against him, Mikey’s dad instructed him to “jerk yourself” but Mikey barely had the energy… taking his dad’s entire cock was exhausting. “Do it, you’ll have the best orgasm of your life I promise you. Mikey took his own cock in his hand and began to jerk it. The sensations were too much for him to process, his dad’s cock inside him causing his prostate to scream in ecstasy, the sweat dripping on him, the taste of his dad’s tongue in his mouth, the sound of heavy panting and the slap of skin as his dad’s pelvis hit his ass and the secondary softer slap of his balls making contact. And now… now his cock was throbbing and feeling great in his hand. He just about managed to reach the lube on the bed and lubed up his cock.

Within moments Mikey was on the edge of climax. 

“Fuck… I’m… close…” Mikey managed between thrusts of his dad’s dick inside him. His dad managed to grab his phone and hit record on his camera, just as Mikey began to cum. 


Mr Coats was in room 207 making a coffee from the small machine in his room. Mrs Smith in room 205 had just gotten out of the shower. Mr Jones in 306 was himself playing with his dick whilst looking at young women in bikinis on Instagram. Mr Green in 106 had turned the volume up on the morning news (which was in Spanish so he couldn't understand it anyway) to drown out the banging from the room above him. 

All of them heard the intense, loud, moans that Mikey made as reached the point of orgasm. 


Rope after rope of cum erupted from Mikey’s cock. The thrusts of his dad’s cock sent them flying in all directions. They covered the bed spread to the left and right, they landed on the book that was sat on the bedside table, they left a mark on the headboard behind him.

The later ropes came out with less force, landing on Mikey’s face and glistening as they hit his soft skin on his chest and abdomen.

Mikey managed just one word throughout the explosive orgasm. A word that Mr Coats, Mr Green, Mr Coats and Mrs Smith will all later convince themselves that they misheard. “Dan, it was definitely Dan that he was saying” 

But we know the truth. 





“… d…ad” 






Seeing his son in exactly, unlocked something inside him. The time for passionate love making was over, he threw the phone down, but left it recording. He grabbed his sons hips and begin to slam his dick into him, pounding him. Mikey could barely catch his breath as his dad ramped up his speed and power, he was fucking him hard now. 

It didn’t take long for him to reach a climax, seeing his son in the thralls of ecstasy and his young teen cum spray from his duck made him hornier than he thought he had ever been. He started to grunt, his son was but a ragdoll under his powerful thrusts he lent down, just centimetres from Mikey’s face as the final few thrusts caused his cock to throb inside his sons hole and ropes erupted inside him. 

Mikey had never experienced anything like it, feeling the weight and sweat of his father on top of him, the heavy grunts and moans as the cum swamped his insides.

The moment felt like it lasted a lifetime for both of them. 

As the waves of pleasure subsided, Mikey’s dad grabbed the phone once more and filmed himself pullling his cock slowly out of Mikey’s hole. As he did, the cum he had unloaded into his son began to slowly drip out. He took a finger, scooped up the cum and pushed it inside Mikey’s hole, then offered up his finger for Mikey to suck clean.

Mikey lay on the bed covered in cum, weak from the pounding his father had just given him, and watched as his dad silently put back on his swimming shorts, grabbed a towel and left the hotel room to head to the pool.

It would be several hours before they would talk again, and several days before his father could look him in the eyes.

Their relationship would never be the same again.

I’m not a huge fan of chaptered stories, and as such wrote this as a one shot.  That said, I have a few ideas for a sequel should this story be well received, so do leave your comments below.