Summer’s End

by Mrsqueaks

16 Mar 2024 1897 readers Score 5.5 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I had enjoyed the summer thoroughly. I was 17 and a closeted gay boy. In the lifeguard’s barracks I fantasied about the guards…they had no clue..

My assigned beach was beautiful…There were a few troublemakers, but most everyone on the beach was well behaved. I worked from 10 AM until 6 PM. After work I would shower and change out of my Guard uniform in the basement of a large old Victorian “cottage “which faced the beach. 

During the summer every few weeks a group of teenagers -boys and girls- probably 14 or 15 years old ,would appear on the beach. They arrived with their families from Philadelphia. They made it a point to go out in the Atlantic too far and I was continuously blowing my whistle and hollering at  them. On several occasions I summoned the Lifeguard Captain to remove them from the beach. I knew they resented me but I didn’t give them  much thought after I finished my work for the day.

on Labor Day the beach was unusually crowded as tourists were anxious to enjoy the last unofficial day of summer. It was a beautiful day.

Per usual, at 6PM I pulled the lifeguard stand away from the sea and grabbed my small satchel with my transistor radio and my sunscreen and Bermuda shorts and a tee shirt and Jockey shorts , and trudged up to the big old house and entered the cellar bathroom. . I was thinking about my first day of college which was to be in two week.

i got into my little changing room, and turned on the shower  and dropped my shorts and jockstrap. I was in the shower a minute or two when I heard someone pounding on the door. I thought maybe it was the owner of the house saying goodbye to me for the summer. I put a towel around my waste and unlocked  the door.

I opened it up a little and saw the pack of troublemaking teenagers. They pushed in to the bathroom and shoved me to the floor. Four of the bigger boys grabbed my wrists and ankles. The towel fell off. They began dragging me out of the house onto the beach. Once out of the house I saw the entire group of boys and girls. The guys pulled my legs as far apart as they could  and bean taking me to the ocean. The girls were laughing and saying “Look at his balls…and what a little cock.” One of the boys said,”I am going to kick him in the balls!” And he did Terrible pain and I began crying. I could feel my getting an erection and the teens were laughing and pointing at me. The gang dragged me still spreadeagled  with my arms and legs wide apart down to the ocean and threw me in. And they left. An older couple who had seen the whole incident brought me a towel. Many  years later I still vividly recall this assault .I was a virgin and was dragged naked by a group of boys and girls and in front of the fifty or so people who were sitting on the beach.

by Mrsqueaks

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