Streets to Sheets

by Pothos Scout

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Mississippi 1995.

The sunshine was warm on my face and I was dreaming about Toby, rising out of the pool, water falling off his slim body, the light sparkling in the droplets trapped in his small tuft of chest hair and the bush around his cock. He walked over to the towel I was laying on and he sported a mischievous grin. He stood over me and grabbed his dick and shook it, sprinkling my face with water, laughing at his teen antics.

“You can’t sleep here,” a man said. His back was to the sun, his face covered in shadow.

I awoke to a man’s boot nudging me firmly. “You can’t sleep here kid!”

Reality crashed in that I was not in Toby’s backyard in my small hometown of Lena, but curled up next to a dumpster behind a bakery in Meridian, Mississippi, an hour away from my home, and Toby and his above ground swimming pool where we’d shared many firsts.

“Come on, kid, you gotta get movin’.” 

I stared up at the man holding the trash bag and said “Sorry mister.” I rose up, pins and needles shot up and down my butt. I picked up my backpack and started to make my way to the park a few blocks away. It was my second day in the city after my dad had caught me with Toby’s dick in my mouth and put me on a bus out of our little town with a change of clothes in a backpack and $40.

I sat on the bench and thought of Toby and how I’d ended up here. It had all started innocently enough. It was the summer of my junior year, and as usual my dad was drunk and yelling at me to get my nose out of a comic book and go outside “like a normal boy!” Dad always said “reading was for girls and fags!”

Twenty minutes later I was walking down the street, cursing under my breath as I wiped the sweat off the back of my neck when Toby Clarke rode up on his bike and slowed to keep pace with me. Toby was a year older than me and while we’d never really spoke much he’d always been pretty decent to me, much more so than most of the boys we’d grown up with.

“Hey JD,” he said. He was wearing shiny sport sunglasses, cargo shorts and flip flops. He had discarded his shirt and stuffed it in the back of his shorts. His short chestnut hair was spiked up with gel and he was wearing his usual white shell necklace. His tall 6 foot frame was tanned from a life far more outdoorsy than mine and he was lean from youth and a lifetime of playing basketball. His face was clean-shaven and he had just a hint of chest hair between pecs that were deeply defined like the rest of his muscles, but not huge. There was a thick treasure trail creeping from just above his belly button down into the red-checked boxers sticking out of the top of his cargo shorts. 

“Hey Toby,” I replied, forcing myself to look into my reflection in his mirrored sunglasses instead of staring at his tight, tanned, glistening body. 

“Whatcha doin’?” He asked with a cocky grin.

I held my hand up to shade my eyes, “Nothin. Dad wanted me outta the trailer.”

 I caught a glimpse of myself in his sunglasses. My pale, 5’7 body was skinny looking under my baggy T shirt and shorts, my curly blonde hair untamed as usual. My dad had always given me a hard time about my “pretty” and “soft” features so I never put a lot into my appearance, preferring to shrink away behind baggy clothes. Toby was lean but strong with a swarthy confidence that came from the thick bulge in his shorts; I was a scrawny kid with an angelic face that blushed like a rose when anyone looked my way.

“Wanna come over for a swim?”

“I don’t have a suit.”

“So? Go in your underwear, or go naked. My dad’s on a haul, ain’t no one home.” He reached into a large pocket in his cargo shorts and pulled out a fifth of whiskey, just enough so I could tell what it was, then let the bottle drop back in his pocket, pulling his shorts down a bit more, allowing me a better glimpse of the deep cut V shaped muscles on his hips, and a severe tan line.

I shuffled my feet in the dirt nervously, my face bright red and hot.

Toby licked his lips and with a crooked smile said “I dare you.” 

“Okay. Sure.”

He patted the handlebars on his bike and said “I’ll give you a pump.”

A short while later we were in his pool. Toby was naked and I was in my underwear, we took turns taking swigs from the whiskey he’d stolen from his Dad’s stash.

“You look like a nerdy little boy in those tighty-whities dude.”

Toby passed me the bottle and flipped on his back, floating in the sun, putting his semi-hard cock on full display. I took a swig and watched as he jiggled his dick, then sent me a sideways glance that made my stomach roll. He let himself slide back into the water and swam over to me. Our eyes locked and he took the bottle with one hand, and with the other he grabbed my package roughly, grinning.

“Let the monster out man, he needs to be free!”

He released his grip, took a swig and handed me the bottle. I had already drunk quite a bit, and had only been drunk once before, so I nodded no. Toby set the bottle down by the edge of the pool, dove under the water and swiftly pulled my underwear down. I yelped and tried to stop him. We wrestled under the water but he easily overpowered me and emerged victoriously holding my underwear while I gasped for air. He tossed my underwear into the yard.

“What the hell man?” I put my hands over my much smaller dick, usually 6 inches, but the cool water and my anxiety wasn’t helping.

“Oh come on, you can’t tell me that doesn’t feel better.”

Toby gently reached under the water and pulled my hands, then deftly pinned my hands behind my back, pinning our bodies next to each other. He looked down at me and the water dripped off his face and onto mine.

I could feel his warm, whisky-soaked breath on my face as he said, “It’s just us, no one to see, no reason to be nervous. Just let go.”

Toby closed his eyes, leaned his head back and exhaled. I felt the warm rush of his piss churn around my cock and legs in the water. 

“Jesus man! What the fuck?” I cried out as I tried to squirm away, but was trapped in Toby’s grip.

He laughed at his prank and my vain attempts to free myself. His laughter faded as he looked down, realizing at the same time I did that much to my absolute horror, my dick was rock-hard and firmly poking Toby’s leg.

Toby’s moment of confusion passed quickly and he laughed again, “Dude, you’re hard!”

“No I’m not!”

“Yes you fucking are! You have a boner for my piss!”

Toby released me and back paddled away, laughing.

“It’s just because the water got warm!”

“It’s cool dude,” Toby said as he swam to the pool ladder and hoisted his lean, naked body from the water, his biceps flexed and looked huge on his lean frame. I noticed he had a small, light patch of hair on the small of his back, leading into the crack of his ass, the hair looked darker on his creamy white ass once it traveled into his crack below his pronounced tanline. 

He turned to me as he toweled off, “Come on, if you liked that I got somethin’ you gotta see.”

I forced myself to move and climbed out of the pool, my six inch boner betraying me, refusing to go down. He handed me the towel he had used and pulled on his cargo shorts, leaving the rest of his clothes on the lawn. My dick mercifully started to go down as I toweled myself off. I pulled on my shorts, looked around for my underwear but couldn’t see where they had landed after Toby had chucked them from the pool.

“Come on JD!” he called from inside the house.

I decided to leave the rest of my clothes outside as well and hurried inside. Toby’s house was a small two bedroom, one bathroom home, but still seemed big to me compared to the trailer I lived in with my dad. It was just Toby and his dad, who was a trucker and was away weeks at a time in hauls around Mississippi and surrounding states. Where as my mom had died when I was five, his mom had run off with some guy a few years ago. The house smelled of cigarette smoke, but was fairly tidy considering it was occupied by just Toby and his dad - I guess Toby was fairly tidy.

Toby handed me a beer and got one for himself, then picked up a pack of cigarettes and lit one. 

“Want one?” He asked, holding out the pack.

“I don’t smoke.”

He smiled, put down the pack and cracked open his beer. I was feeling pretty drunk by this point, but I figured I’d embarrassed myself enough and opened my beer too. Toby closed the distance between us, cigarette dangling from his mouth and extended his beer toward me. I tapped my beer to his and took a drink. He smiled and took a sip from his beer.

“You’re alright JD.” He smiled that crooked smile of his and took another drink. “Have a seat.” 

I walked over to the couch against the wall. Toby disappeared down the hall and returned with a porno magazine.

“This was in my dad’s stash,” he said sitting down next to me and handing me the magazine. He took a final drag off his cigarette and stubbed it out in a heavily used ashtray on the coffee table. I opened the magazine to a glossy spread of a trashy looking blonde woman sucking a guys cock as he tweaked his own nipples.

“You ever had a blowjob?” Toby asked putting his arm around me.

I blushed bright red and felt my cock harden. 


He flipped a few pages to an image of the same guy, solo pissing on himself from his long, hard cock.

“That turn you on?” Toby asked.

“Isn’t kinda gay? Just a guy?”

“Naw. My Dad has some much gayer stuff… lesbo stuff too. I think he’s bi or somethin’.”

He nudged the boner in my shorts with his beer can, “Got you hard though.”

I stared down at my beer and didn’t answer.

“It’s okay, it’s supposed to, it’s porn. See?” Toby pulled his shorts down, unleashing his hard 8 inch cock. 

I stared at his cock unable to help myself. Toby downed the rest of his beer, crushed the can and set it on the coffee table. I hurriedly chugged my beer and set it down too.

Toby flipped to a page with a picture of two naked men touching their tongues while a woman on her knees tried to put both of their cocks in her mouth.

“Ever done this at least? The kiss I mean.”

With his arm still around me he turned toward me and rubbed my hard dick through my shorts.

“You ever kissed anyone?”

My header was pounding so fast I thought it would explode. I felt hot and dizzy.

“No.” I whispered.

Toby leaned in and kissed me, his lips causing my mouth to open, then he invaded my mouth with his tongue, all the while groping my dick. Something took over me and I pushed my tongue into his mouth and we made out furiously. I felt him unbutton my shorts and yank them off me, then he kicked his shorts the rest of the way off. It all happened so fast but I couldn’t stop myself. He reached over and started to slowly stroke my dick and I reached out and did the same to him. His dick was so much longer than mine, but about as thick; it felt like a steel rod covered in soft flesh.

Finally he broke off the kiss, grabbed me by the back of my neck and pushed my face onto on of his nipples.

“Suck my nipps and keep jackin’ me.” 

I traced my tongue around his nipple then sucked at it greedily. I could taste the water from the pool on him.

“Fuck JD that feels so good!”

His praise ignited something in me, a surge of electric power I’d never felt before. It was the most incredible feeling I’d ever felt. I moved to attack his other nipple.

“Fuck yeah man!”

I felt so powerful, hearing that I could give him so much pleasure. He pulled me off him then quickly began to suck my nipples, first one then the other. I had no idea anything could feel that good. I felt my balls begin to tighten.

“Wait, stop!” I cried out.

Toby pulled away from my nipples and looked up at me quizzically, his hand still stroking my cock and asked “What’s wr-“

His question was cut short as cum exploded from my dick, landing on my face, chest.

“Oh shit,” he said pulling his hand away.

“I’m sorry!” I felt like I was going to burst into tears from the shame. 

“Don’t worry man, that’s what’s supposed to happen. Like I said in the pool it’s just us guys.”

He leaned back against the couch putting his arms behind his head. “How about you suck me off? You have to get me off now right? Those are the rules.”

“But I-“

“It’ll be our secret. Come on man. I need it.”

The thought of him, of anyone needing me broke something open inside of me - a violent surge of need, need to please him anyway I could. I lowered my mouth to his cock and tentatively licked the head.

“Fuck yeah!” Toby moaned as he put his hand on the back of my head and guided me down lower. 

I could taste his flesh mixed with a hint of something salty. He used his hands to pump me up and down then hissed and grabbed my face.

“Be careful with your teeth!”

I pulled away, mortified that I’d done something wrong.

“It’s okay, try again,” he said, guiding me back to his cock. I sucked him in, carefully bobbing up and down, trying not to gag on his long cock.

Toby moaned with pleasure and told me how good, perfect and amazing I felt. His words, the idea that I was making him feel that way, was better than my own orgasim and I realized my dick was hard again.

“Oh God, don’t stop don’t stop!”

He grabbed my face tight and held me in place as jet after jet of his cum shot into my mouth and down my throat. It was warm and salty and I wanted more.  He wailed with pleasure as his dick convulsed in my mouth and I wanted to make him cry out like that over and over again.

He finally released me and sat back to catch his breath.

“Dude, that was fucking hot. You made me shoot harder than Large Marge!”

“You got a blowjob from Marjie Flint?!”

“Yeah, fingered her too. Everyone has gotten a blowjob from that fat slut. Well, except you I guess.”

I don’t know why I was surprised, everyone knew about Marjorie Flint’s reputation of being easy, but I couldn’t get the stunned expression off my face.

“Don’t judge man, a guy has needs.”

Toby wrapped a hand around my still hard cock. His hand engulfed me almost completely, and he stroked me slowly.

“Need to go again?”

He didn’t wait for my answer, he just got on his knees in front of me, staring into my eyes. Stroking me with his right hand, he used the left to smear the my cum from earlier into my chest.

“You like how my nut tasted in your mouth?”

Completely enraptured I whispered “Yes.”

Toby gave me his cocky grin and held his left hand up to my mouth, brushing my own cum on my lips.

“Who’s tastes better?”

I greedily sucked on his hand, licking up my own cum. He pulled his hand out of my mouth and squeezed my nipple hard. I leaned my head back and moaned loudly.

“Answer me,” he demanded, twisting my nipple even harder.

“Uhhhhh! Yours, yours does!”

“You gonna keep coming over for this? Make me cum as much as I want whenever I want?”


“Good boy.”

He dove onto my cock, taking it in his mouth, sucking me greedily, and my soul broke open. I’d never felt so alive, such pure pleasure and power than when he called me a good boy and rewarded me further by taking my cock in his velvety mouth that felt surprisingly cool on my engorged virgin dick. I don’t think I lasted more than ten seconds before I was calling out to God, clawing at the couch and pumping jets of cum into Toby’s mouth.

He stood over me, grabbed my hair with one hand and pulled my mouth open with the other then slowly dripped my cum from his mouth into mine. When he’d deposited all of my load from his mouth to mine he spit into my mouth for good measure.

“Swallow and tell me who tastes better.”

“You do.”

He released my from his grip, sat down next to me and lit another cigarette. 

We sat in silence for a moment before he said “We didn’t do anything wrong, just two guys helping each other out.”

He took a long drag from his cigarette and continued, “It’s fine as long as we don’t tell anyone. Lots of guys help each other out but you can never talk about it, not with anyone. Except me. You can tell me anything JD, anything at all. I promise.”

I could barely get out the words, but I managed a meek “Okay.”

Sitting on the bench in the park, tears streaming down my face, I was so lost in my memories that I barely noticed a man sit down next to me.

“You okay kid?”

I jumped, startled by his voice bringing me back to the present, alone and homeless in a park in a big, strange city.

To be continued...

by Pothos Scout

Email: [email protected]

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