Step Nephew Saga

by Uncut Sailor

4 Apr 2024 2100 readers Score 8.7 (39 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My older brother married a girl with a baby boy Joey. I was 12 when they married and since they lived in another state, I had little contact with my brother and his new family. I saw my brother a few times a year, but his wife and child didn’t make the trip. My brother adopted Joey, and my parents and brother would whisper about Joey when I was young, but it wasn’t until I was in college that I met Joey. I was 18 and Joey was six when we met.

Joey was autistic and nonverbal. He was a cute toe headed little boy with big blue eyes. I tried to bond with my adopted nephew, but never made progress. I finished college with my bachelor’s in special education. I went back to my state for my master’s in special education assessment. My brother died in a car accident when Joey was fifteen. I saw Joey for the first time in his teens at the funeral. My sister-in-law was distraught over the loss of her husband. I moved to a city a few hours away from her when I finished school. I called her to schedule visits, but she was always busy. I stopped by unannounced a few times, and no one came to the door.

I gave up and stopped contacting her and it was completely out of my mind until I got a phone call telling me Lydia was dead. I was Joey’s closest relative and was asked by social services to pick him up. I was granted custody of Joey, even though he was no longer a minor. I went to their house and found a social worker she introduced me to Joey. I found a six foot three-inch-tall blond man sitting in a corner rocking with a teddy bear. He was dressed in shorts and a wife beater his socks were mismatched and his shoes were too. I tried talking with Joey and he didn’t look up. I got down in his face and he smiled at me. He seemed to recognize me from a few years ago.

I had the social worker show me throughout the house and to find out his schedule. I got a list of activities for Joey’s life and thanked the social worker. I ordered a pizza and found drinks in the refrigerator. I fixed a salad and carrot sticks for us and led Joey into the kitchen to eat. He smiled at me and ate the food. He fed himself. I accidently dropped a plate and broke it when I was cleaning up our dinner. Joey didn’t react to the noise from the accident. I wondered and decided to have Joey assessed by an audiologist friend. I got a bath ready for Joey at 8 p.m. I turned to get Joey when I saw him walk into the bathroom, nude. He stood there with his long uncut dick swinging. His body was thin with light blond hair between his pec’s he also had a red-blond treasure trail leading to his ample bush. He got into the tub and was playing with his boats. I helped him with soaping his back and he took the soap and washed himself.

He got out of the bath, and I had his bed clothes on the counter.  He toweled himself off and got dressed. I noticed he didn’t put on his underwear under his pajama’s. I tucked him into bed and went to watch tv. I was checking my e-mail when I heard moaning. I walked down the hall thinking Joey was having a nightmare. I left the bedroom door ajar and looked in at him. He was working on his prodigious erection. He was sliding the skin up and down over his large glans. He looked to be about 8 thick inches. I saw his hips thrust up and he pulled the skin back. He shot into the air and jet after jet fell onto his hand and shaft. He lifted his hand to his mouth and licked the sticky residue off his hand.

I went to my bedroom and had to relieve my reaction to his jacking. I relieved my pressure into my hand and licked my load off my hand. The next morning, I was fixing bacon and eggs when Joey walked in. His erection was sticking out of his pajama bottom fly. He sat down and smiled at me as I placed his breakfast in front of him, he smiled and dug in. I noticed his dick was still sticking straight up and a few drops of liquid was forming at the exposed tip. When we finished our breakfast, I led Joey into his bedroom I laid his clothes out. Joey wiped the clear liquid off his dickhead and licked his finger clean. He got dressed and I went into the living room. I called my audiologist friend and asked him if he could assess Joey’s hearing.

The appointment was for 5:30 this afternoon. I took Joey and he was assessed by my friend. The results indicated Joey was deaf. I wondered if he was autistic and deaf or just deaf. My friend recommended a doctor and the next day I called for an appointment. Two weeks later we went to Dr. Jamison. Doctor Jamison assessed Joey and the audiology report. After examination he ordered a CT scan. The results were optimistic. Dr. Jamison scheduled Joey for surgery in two weeks. I started teaching Joey sign language. He was bright and a quick learner. My personal assessment of Joey was that he wasn’t autistic, just deaf.

I started teaching Joey the alphabet and made flash cards with rudimentary words. He was learning to write, and his vocabulary was increasing with sign language and flash cards. I showed Joey how to pick out clothes and prepare his own bath. I still “helped” him wash his back. The master bathroom had a glass shower door and I noticed Joey come in while I was showering. I got out and was toweling off and he pointed to my dark chest hair. He signed why so much. I answered different men have more hair or less hair. He pointed to my penis and commented why so short. I replied it wasn’t short his was long. He smiled and said he liked the look of my short dark penis. I thanked him and reminded him it wasn’t short just not long like his was. As we were talking/signing my dick hardened. He commented it was long like his was in the mornings. I laughed and agreed. Joey then reached over and swiped the clear liquid off my penis and licked the liquid off his finger. He said it tasted good, like his.

I slid into some shorts, and we went into the den. I saw Joey’s penis poking straight up through his pajama bottoms. My dick wouldn’t go down. We sat in the den with the tv on and was signing to Joey what was said, or the gist of it. In the month since I moved in Joey’s education was progressing rapidly. The movie we were watching had a scene where the hero was kissing the starlet. Joey signed that looked nice. I told him it was a kiss. He leaned over and mimicked the actor with me. I reacted on instinct and parted my lips to accept his tongue. When he didn’t proceed with his tongue, I slid my tongue into his eager mouth. He accepted my tongue and returned my probing with his tongue.

I felt guilty because I was his legal guardian, but we were both adults. When we finished, I commented kissing was for romantic encounters. He asked me what that meant. I replied when two people have strong feelings for each other they kiss. He said he had strong feelings for me. He reached over and felt my bicep and ran his hand over my hairy pecs. I said emotions not feelings with hands. He grabbed my erection and said he liked feeling with hands and smiled. I reached for his erection and slid my hand up and down. He reached into my shorts and pulled my penis out. He slid my shorts off and bent to lick the clear liquid off my glans.

I slid his pajamas off and licked his glans. His dick jumped at my touch, and I then engulfed his glans and part of his shaft into my mouth. He grabbed my head in both of his hands and set the motion. I tongued his glans and the tender spot below the glans. Joey shot into my mouth a huge load. I tried to swallow the vast amount but was unable to. As I lifted my head, Joey bent and licked his semen off my lip and covered my mouth with his lips. His tongue probed into my mouth tasting the last of his load in my mouth. He then bent and took my dick into his mouth. His mouth was talented, and his teeth didn’t rub against my tender flesh. I shot into his mouth, and he swallowed every drop. I guess at 20 he produced a lot more liquid than I did at 32.

That night Joey slept in the bed with me. The next day Joey was scheduled for his first surgery. I had a hard time convincing Joey he couldn’t have breakfast, but I promised him a happy meal for lunch. I stayed with him until he was asleep. The doctor told me he would be about two hours. I was in recovery when Joey woke up. He got to drink, and I helped him to the bathroom. We had an appointment with my audiologist friend the next morning. I told Joey we had an appointment tomorrow. He enjoyed his happy meal, and we went home. That night I cooked spaghetti and meat balls. I left the pasta long and showed Joey how to eat the noodles with a fork. He was an expert in no time at all. We finished our meal and I suggested a shower instead of a bath. Joey came into the bathroom nude, and I was there waiting. He helped me out of my shorts, and we showered together.

We slid into the bed together and I asked Joey if he would like to try something new. He replied he liked our mouths but would love anything involving me. I set a bottle of lube on the bedside table and started kissing Joey. We kissed and groped each other, and I took the lube and squeezed some onto my finger and slid it into my hot ass. I slicked Joey’s mammoth rod and straddled his waist. I bent to kiss Joey and grabbed his throbbing erection and slid backwards onto his shaft. His girth was more than I was used to, and it had been a long dry spell since I had anything but my finger in my hole. I relaxed and slowly slid past the glans halfway down his long shaft. I then slid all the way down to the base. His penis was large, but the base was even larger. By the time I hit bottom, tears were running down my face. I sat there like that a few minutes then I started to slowly slide up and down. Joey reacted and started thrusting up into me. I shot onto Joey as his huge rod pierced me. I felt his release and I slid off him as I felt his dick soften. I laid on top of Joey and we fell asleep.

The next morning our chest hair was stuck together. I led Joey into the shower and cleaned last nights loads off our bodies. I had to suck Joey off in the shower so he could dress for our appointment.  We ate breakfast and headed to the Audiologist. Joey was fitted with hearing aids, and he reacted to sound. I was delighted and we finished up and headed to get a milkshake to celebrate.

At home I started teaching him sounds and how to say words. We had an appointment in two weeks with Dr. Jamison. Joey said hello to Dr. Jamison when we entered the examination room. Dr. Jamison was pleased with the progress and discussed the next phase of Joey’s treatment. It would take six months but then Dr. Jamison would perform the second procedure. Joey and I worked on his speech and vocabulary. He could read lips and figured out a lot before I came into his life, but he never had to do anything, so he didn’t. I had Joey reading at a sixth-grade level before his next doctor’s appointment. He could write simple sentences and we practiced more words every day. I built up sentences with words he could say so I wrote cards and he read them out loud. When it was time for me to return to work, I arranged to have Joey come to my town and live in my apartment. He attended my class and helped more than he learned.

I discussed Joey with my supervisor, and he agreed my sister-in-law should have had Joey tested at a younger age. He passed all the tests and was on the gifted side of intelligence. We discussed Joey with the State director and he agreed to allow him in special education so he could get up to high school level. By the end of the school year, Joey was a high school graduate. He completed his procedures and was hearing a lot better with hearing aids.

I helped Joey apply to a college and he was accepted. He started college the spring term of 2019. He was establishing his identity the first semester in college. Joey had a good body with a trim frame. I took him to the gym and showed him how to work his body. His height and slim form seemed ideal for swimming. Joey trained and sculpted his body. He worked his body and formed six pack abs and muscular shoulders. His form attracted a lot of attention in the pool. His copious package attracted attention from swimmers. The gym we worked out in had gang showers and many guys showered when Joey was in the shower. Outright staring happened and many guys sported erections in the shower from looking at his schlong.

Joey started college with a sculpted body and a new wardrobe. A lot of coeds paid special attention to Joey. He had no interest in them. The jocks welcomed him into their network. He was urged to join the college swimming club. The club sport groups were not sanctioned by the University, but there was still a following for their events. At their first event I attended to support Joey. I noticed a man in the crowd. He was the spitting image of Joey, except for his age. He was about 45. He still had the blond hair with a few silver threads in it. He also sported a short blond-red beard. I couldn’t get over his resemblance to Joey. He seemed to be watching Joey with special attention.

After the meet, I met Joey outside the locker room. He accepted my hug and congratulations. He came in third in his match. He had stiff competition. The blond man I noticed before, walked up to us and introduced himself as Roderick, Rod for short. Rod was a swimming coach for a local teen club. Up close the resemblance between the two blond men was remarkable. Rod said he would like to help Joey improve his swimming skills. He worked with youth but was interested in coaching Joey. I invited Rod to coffee to further discuss his interest in Joey’s swimming.

Rod ordered a Chi Late at the coffee shop. I had coffee and Joey had a cola. We discussed where Rod worked and the logistics of getting Joey to the facility. There was a bus that Joey could catch at our apartment that had a stop at the pool Rod coached at. Joey was to start going to lessons on Monday. Joey had a bus pass and took his books and bag to the pool. I had to work and on Friday school was out for a holiday. I took Joey to the pool Friday. I saw Coach Rod in his swimsuit at the pool. His body matched Joeys and his body hair was the exact same color as Joey’s. I noticed his swimsuit was overflowing just like Joey’s.

After the lessons, I invited Coach Rod over for dinner. He had said he was a bachelor and would enjoy a home cooked meal. Coach Rod arrived at 7 and we enjoyed the meal together and the wine he brought. Joey had a study group meeting at 8 and Rod said he would be leaving too. I said he could stay, and we would finish the wine. Joey left and I topped off out glasses and led Rod into the living room. Rod said he never married and mostly focused on swimming. I commented that Joey and he resembled each other. He said he noticed, but a lot of people looked similar. I told him I we had no idea who Joey’s biological father was. He said his interests didn’t result in pregnancies. I said Joey was twenty and Rod had said he was 45. I told him who Joey’s mom was. He looked surprised and said he had a friend in high school by that name. He said she was a senior, when he was a freshman. He was on the swimming team, and she paid special attention to how his swimsuit fit.

 He said they fooled around a little and had sex one time. He said that was what convinced him that he was batting for a different team. He never saw her again after graduation. He heard she married and moved out of state. I asked him if we could perform an experiment. He said sure. I asked him to drop his pants and let me see his naked body. He said I was being forward. I said no I knew Joey’s body and wanted to see if his butt and cock were like his. He stood and dropped his pants. There was Joey’s cock and balls on another man. He turned around and I saw Joey’s ass and hair pattern. Granted that wasn’t proof, but it checked out. I asked Rod if he would take a DNA test and he said sure.

The results were in and in the case of the teen aged daddy, Rod you are the father. Joey and I moved into Rod’s house. He inherited the home from his parents. It was in a suburb near the pool. Joey was spending more time at school and Rod, and I formed a relationship. I was amazed how much Rod felt like Joey when inside me. Rod maintained his swimmer’s body and enjoyed my hairy muscular body. We grew close and were more than just fuck buddies, we were lovers. Joey on the other hand was spending more time on campus and asked to live in the dorm. The fall of 2019 Rod and I were empty nesters. Joey had a dorm room on campus, but still visited to do laundry and eat on Sundays. Sometimes he would bring a friend for dinner.