Spit-Take: Barrett Barrell Vs. Timmy Sun

by E. Roan

9 Apr 2024 1297 readers Score 9.7 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Barrett Barrell was a monster of a man. At a young age, he started working as a professional wrestler because he was just too mean to fit anywhere else. He had no training whatsoever, and his roughhouse style showed as much. He loved beating people up--he found it came naturally for him, and he got paid well for it.

He might've become a world champion somewhere, in some promotion, had he ever cared enough to learn technique or focus. But technique, and sportsmanship, and glory--none of those things were important to him. He stepped between the ropes because he wanted the guy on the other side of the ring to tremble with fear.

As he got older and fatter and balder, he found that fear easier to elicit. Even well into his early 60s, no one wanted to get in the ring with him, and those that did found themselves humiliated to the point where they'd have to move states or change names or wear a mask just to get booked. Barrett broke minds--he took their spirits and squeezed them dry. He was a bully in every sense of the word, and the sort of abuse he liked to inflict became something of an addiction for him. If he got his opponent to cry even a little bit, it was a good night.

Barrett Barrell was not someone you'd call handsome. His huge, thick lips hid crooked teeth and wide, slobbering tongue that seemed to spend more time hanging out of his mouth than in. His blue, sunken eyes drooped with wicked intent. He sniffed constantly. His cheeks were round and red. His sagging chest was enormous, and could not be concealed by his leather vest. His belly hung down below his belt line, and wobbled with his gait.

And yet, despite all this, there was something strangely hypnotic about him. He walked around town looking like he owned the place. No one dared say anything bad about him. Everyone feared him. People whispered behind his back, but no one would dare speak to him directly.

No one ever told Timmy Sun, his opponent for the evening, any of this.


Timmy Sun walked out into the arena to no music, and no particular fanfare. It was his debut match, and no one expected much from him. The booker called him "Twinkletoes" behind his back when he went through the curtain. Timmy heard it. He thought he'd be embarrassed, or angry, but instead he just kind of accepted that this sort of thing would happen, given how much smaller he was compared to other wrestlers.

He was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to care. They certainly didn't pay him enough to care, and pay was all he cared about--win or lose, a paycheck was going to get handed to him at the end of the night. That's all that mattered.

He wore a sleeveless white shirt emblazoned with a gold star, with pink speedos and boots. He adjusted his pink wrist tape and tried to ignore the front row drunks that called him a sissy. They probably wouldn't remember him tomorrow. But still: he was new, and vulnerable, and maybe a little afraid.

He hopped onto the apron, and stepped through the ropes.

The ref stared at him. Timmy looked tiny even next to the official. Maybe the ref was wondering if this whole match was some kind of sick joke. Timmy knew he could handle physical abuse; he was sturdier than his toned, 5-and-half-foot body made him look, he thought. He had heard his opponent was a fat old guy so he figured he could probably just wait till his opponent gassed out and get a surprise roll up pin or something. That's the way these old timers usually were at indie shows--all intimidation, no stamina. Or maybe he'd just lay down for a pin after a few minutes and let the guy win. It didn't matter to him either way.

But then Barrett Barrell's entrance music--"Lovin' You's a Dirty Job"--came on. Timmy raised an eyebrow and peered down the ramp-way. There was a big dude in an ill fitting leather vest and jeans limping towards the ring. His belly hung over his belt. He was balding but still attempted a mullet. He had a bushy black mustache that twitched. His arms were thick, perhaps the only part of his body with any visible strength. He walked slowly, purposefully. He seemed to enjoy being stared at, and met Timmy's gaze with an unflinching, unblinking expectation.

Barrett smirked as he reached the bottom of the ramp-way. He leaned forward and spat on the ground between his feet before walking up the steel steps, his cowboy boots clanking as he climbed.

Timmy started thinking thoughts that were, in hindsight, not the brightest thoughts he'd ever conjured up. The winner of a wrestling match always gets more money, you see. If this old guy had a limp and poor cardio, Timmy decided he could take control of the match by getting in Barrett's head. He was going to goad him into attacking first, run from the big man, and wear him out. Then he would finish him off with a surprise pin. It was a perfect plan, he thought.

Even though Barrett outweighed him significantly, Timmy seemed confident enough. He walked right up to the heel, snarled, then spat directly into Barrett's face before taking another step back.

The crowd erupted in cheers and gasps. Barrett's eyes widened. He took off his vest and wiped his face. When Barrett brought the vest away and revealed a crooked, inspired grin, Timmy briefly thought that, perhaps, he had gone too far.

Barrett charged forward and grabbed Timmy by the throat, and lifted him up with one hand. The little man flailed around helplessly, and kicked his pink boots uselessly against Barrett's wide chest. With one swift motion, Barrett choke-slammed him back-first onto the mat. Timmy bounced once, twice, three times, before coming to rest.

The referee rushed over to check on him, while Barrett sauntered over to the ropes and leaned against them, laughing with the crowd. The ref helped Timmy up. Timmy's head lolled on the swivel of his neck. He looked confused, as if he didn't understand what just happened to him.

"Are you okay?" asked the ref.

"Uh... Yeah...? I... think?"

"Well then, we'll start this match. If you don't want to do this, say so now."

Timmy's vision cleared. He saw Barrett leaning nonchalantly against the ropes. Timmy only thought of money, and getting at least one good hit in on Barrett for attacking him before the bell.

"No... let's do this."

The ref blinked incredulously. "Alright, man. I gave you a chance." He signaled for the bell, which rang in response. The match was on.

Timmy ran up to Barrett and attempted to lock up with him. Barrett, whose brows rose in humor that this boy would try to chain wrestle him, simply slapped Timmy across the face. The pink-adorned twink flopped over from the blow. Barrett followed up with a short falling elbow to Timmy's chest, and had he wanted to, his 300+ pounds probably could have netted him the easiest paycheck in the world right there.

Instead, Barrett climbed atop his prone opponent, summoned as big of a wad of a spit as he could, and shot it square into Timmy's face. The crowd roared with hysterical surprise and disgust. This wasn't just normal spittle either; this was something special. The amount of saliva Barrett sprayed in Timmy's face was so thick, it began dripping from his chin and nose. Not satisfied with merely spraying him, Barrett continued to squeeze bullets of spit out of his mouth, over and over again, until most of Timmy's face was covered. Barrett pulled away and raised his hands to the booing crowd while Timmy tried desperately to wipe the gooey mess off his face using his hands.

When Barrett turned back around after jeering the crowd, he was shocked to see the little twink still on the ground, flopping like a fish. Did Barrett even need to fight that hard to beat this little twerp? When Timmy staggered back to one knee, Barrett grabbed him by the hair and clutched Timmy's jaw hard, forcing his mouth open. Barrett spat right inside Timmy's mouth.

Sun gagged on the saliva and stumbled backwards, as if he had taken a hit.

Barrell laughed. "You're ridiculous. I'm going to have fun with you, you little fag. You're mine tonight."

Barrett straddled Timmy again. Timmy groaned, which left his mouth open wide. A perfect target--Barrell continued spitting on him, intermittently slapping either side of Timmy's face between his projectile wads. Both sides of Timmy's face were red with palm prints now, and it was hard to tell where his sweat stopped and Barrett's spit began.

Timmy struggled to get out from under the 300 pounder, but each slap drained his senses. He was helpless. He could barely keep his arms up, much less force Barrett off of him. The more he fought, the harder Barrett would slap him. His eyes glazed, and after a particularly hard slap across his cheek which crackled like thunder, his guard simply drooped to the canvas.

Barrett realigned himself atop Timmy and pinned his shoulders flat. The ref slapped the mat to count the pinfall--One! Two!...

Barrett pulled the out-cold twink's shoulders off the mat. The crowd booed him, but their hatred just painted his face with wicked satisfaction. "I'm not done yet!" he yelled at the audience. "You're all on MY time."

Before anyone knew what was happening, Barrett sat back, and pulled the nearly out-cold Timmy into his lap. Now lying helplessly against Barret's chest, Timmy slowly regained his senses, only to find big, leather-gloved hands rubbing gobs of spit-slime all over his front. He had coated Timmy's chest and abs in his spittle, and tweaked his nipples with so much ooze it practically dripped off the perky tips. Timmy scrambled away and rolled to the outside, looking for a towel. He frantically asked anyone sitting at ringside for one. While he did this, Barrett got an empty red solo cup, and filled it with water. Timmy eventually found a towel from behind the announcers, and started wiping his face off. When he brought the cloth away from his face, though, there Barrett was waiting for him. The big man sprayed the majority of the cup's contents in the boy's face. Timmy stumbled and rolled and held his eyes, his vision blurred now by a new type of liquid. Barrett laughed, poured the remaining water on Timmy's head, hiked him up by his pink speedos, and rolled him back into the ring against his will.

As Barrett took the long way round back to the ring, he noticed that his knock-kneed opponent was sporting a semi-chub in his pink speedos. Barrett had smacked around more than a few jobbers in his time, but given what Barrett had done to this bitch thus far, he wondered if a unique opportunity had presented itself to him tonight. Either way, one thing was certain--He was going to make sure Timmy never forgot this night.

Barrett stepped through the middle ropes, pulled Timmy up to his feet by his waist, and hoisted the little man up in the air. Barret held him there, and constricted his tree trunk arms hard around the outside of Timmy's own. Sun was trapped completely, and Barrett began to swing him from side to side like a ragdoll.

"You're gonna call me 'Daddy' by the end of the night," Barrett promised. He squeezed hard enough to make Timmy whine.

The jobber felt his own arms compress into his sides, into his ribs. He struggled to breathe, to move. His face turned red. The crowd, the lights swayed wildly behind Barrett. The only thing he could really see clearly was that Barrett was licking his lips with a long, nasty, drooling tongue. The only thing he could feel was Barrett's power, his pressure as it closed in all around him. And his belly. His fat, jiggly, overhung belly, which Timmy currently found himself dick-first against.

Barrett jerked Timmy up, then back down again. Timmy coughed and moaned. The motion forced his semi-chub to rub against, inside and out of Barrett's navel.

"You like this, don't you, faggot?" Barrett asked.

"...Yes," Timmy whispered. He hoped it wasn't loud enough to be heard. He answered reflexively, with lust and a hint of survival instinct kicking in.

Barrett smiled. He squeezed tighter. Timmy melted further into the fat, into the crushing arms.

"I'm your Daddy now. Now be a good little sissy and tell Daddy what you want, or I'm gonna break you in half."

To underline his seriousness, Barrett summoned as big of a wad of spit as he could, and shot it square into Timmy's face. The crowd roared with hysterics, and Barrett laughed at the glazed, pathetic expression Timmy had after getting pinged in the eye by his spitwad.

"You like that, jobber fag?"

Timmy muttered something. His moans got in the way of comprehensible speech.

"You like being my little bitch?"

Timmy groaned, his eyes focused on some distant, alternate reality where he had a chance at winning.

Barrett lifted Timmy up higher in the hug. Timmy's feet dangled in the air.

"Say that you're a bitch, or it's over, boy."

Timmy whimpered in an octave Barrett Barrell had never heard a man make before.

"I'm your little bitch, Daddy!"

Barrett laughed so hard that his whole belly jiggled, which did nothing to help the now completely hard and helpless jobber in his arms.

Barrell let go of Timmy's waist, and let his feet return to the floor. Timmy would've have fallen over, knock-kneed as he was, had Barrett not been in front of him. The old, fat heel grabbed the twink's neck, pulled him close to his face, and hocked the fattest wad of spit he could in Timmy's mouth. With a sadistic grin, he slapped the poor little jobber across the face. He slapped him again and again, and the crowd cheered with every palm that moved Timmy further back. Finally, Barrett reeled back, then belly bumped the little man into the turnbuckle. Timmy stacked against the ropes, and his head hung.

Barret leaned in and growled in Timmy's ear.

"You're such a little sissy, aren't you?" Barrett taunted. "I bet you're always playing with yourself, right? You're probably gonna go home after this and jerk off thinking about how this fat guy humiliated you in front of a whole crowd. I bet I changed you forever, Didn't I?"

Timmy tried to say something, but his mouth was full of Barrett's spit.

"What's that, bitch?" Barrett asked. "Didn't you hear me?"

Barrett spat in Timmy's face again. Timmy's eyes watered, and his nose ran. He coughed, spitting up more saliva.

"Y-you're my Daddy..." Timmy choked out, as if the sentence would save him.

Barrett gave Timmy another slap.

"That's right, baby boy. I am. I'm glad you're capable of learning, but the lesson ain't over."

Barrett chopped Timmy's chest, and left a huge red hand print between his pecs.

"I'm your bitch, Daddy!" Timmy cried out, unprompted.

Barrett rubbed his hands together. He loved humiliating the jobbers, but this was an entirely new level of power over a twink he simply could not be trusted with. He was in heaven.

"Good boy," Barrett cooed. Timmy's head rolled, unable to keep focus. Barrett knew, then, that he could do whatever he wanted. Who was gonna stop him, TImmy? Hardly. The ref? Not if he wanted to keep his job. The crowd? No way, they were loving every second of this.

"You're mine now, little boy."

He grabbed Timmy's arm, and draped it across the top rope. He placed his hands on Timmy's chest, aimed, then chopped it so loud that it echoed in the arena. Timmy cried out in pain, and crumpled onto the second turnbuckle.

"Daddy owns you," Barrett taunted. "You'll never be able to get away from me. You'll always be my little bitch."

Barrett, sensing that Timmy couldn't do it himself, lifted Timmy back to his feet.

"Not that you were ever going to have one, but your career is over."

Barrett ground his forearm into Timmy's face. And as he did so, he did a quick check of Timmy's pink speedo--the jobber was still completely hard, his flagpole threatening to snap the spandex right off his sissy hips.

"But don't worry, you're not out of wrestling. I'm going to take you to new heights."

Barrett spun his victim around. He grabbed the hem of Timmy's spandex and yanked it hard. He jerked it up and down till it disappeared between Timmy's cheeks. Timmy squealed and grabbed the top ropes in surprise.

"This is just the beginning for you."

Barrett yanked the wedgie of Timmy's speedo so hard that it lifted his feet off the ground. With his cheeks exposed, the heel started slapping his bare butt with thunderous chops.

"Now I really AM your Daddy!"

Barrell slapped Timmy's butt harder and harder. The jobber screamed in pain as Barrett bounced him up and down by his speedo-strap. He pulled on the spandex until it reached up Timmy's lower back, and compressed the jobber's balls. The fabric creaked, and threatened to snap. Timmy's ass began to turn pink from the spanking, a similar color to his trunks.

"Say it, bitch. Say I'm your Daddy. Make sure everyone hears it."

No amount of noise the audience could make would drown out the sound of Barrett's spanking, or Timmy's cries.

"YOU'RE MY DADDY!!" Timmy sobbed.

Barrell laughed. He loved the way the jobber's eyes were rolling back in his head, and the way he screamed. He loved the humiliation he was inflicting upon this poor soul. Barrett reached around and took hold of Timmy's cock through his dripping spandex. He squeezed it with one hand, let go of the wedgie (which snapped hard back onto Timmy's cheeks) and continued to abuse Timmy's rear with his other calloused hand.

Timmy squirmed in agony with each smack. Barrett rubbed his thumb over the cock head, and let the fabric slip and grind into the glands. Timmy's legs buckled underneath him. He couldn't stop shaking. He felt weak. He felt powerless. He didn't know how to express his feelings about what Barrett was doing to him--all he could do was whimper and cry and follow instructions. He couldn't even look back at Barrett without being ordered to. He couldn't meet his gaze. He was so embarrassed that he ever thought he stood a chance.

Barrett smiled wickedly, and leaned in.

"Good boy."

Timmy started crying. He couldn't process the sting in his rear, the ache in his loins, the sleaze in his mouth and mind, and he especially couldn't do it all at once.

Barrett turned Timmy back around. He grabbed Timmy by the throat, just hard enough to remind him of who's in control.

"You love this, don't you?"

"Y-yes..." Timmy sniffled. "Yes, Daddy, I do..."

"Then let's show everyone how much you love it."

Barrett reached around and hiked Timmy's wedgie up between his crack and used it to march him out of the corner. Timmy cried with each tip-toe step he took. When Barrett got him to the center of the ring, he nipped at Timmy's ear.

"Do you think anyone cares? No one does. Not after this. After tonight, no one will ever look at you the same way, again. They'll all see you as a jobber. You belong to me. Now take your speedo off and show the world how hard I made you."

Timmy looked terrified. He knew he should have fought back, should have put up some resistance. But he didn't. He was too afraid, and too horny. He didn't know what else to do. So he took his speedo off and stood there naked before Barrett and the world. His dick flopped out, and twitched as a droplet of pre dripped from the tip.

"Good boy." Barrett slapped Timmy's ass again. Timmy bucked, and his dick flicked around like a helicopter. "That's right. Good boys get rewarded. Now open wide."

Timmy, reluctantly, opened his mouth. Barrett snatched Timmy's speedo from his hands. He hocked a spitwad into the speedo, balled it up, and shoved it inside Timmy's mouth as a makeshift gag. Barrett spit on Timmy's face shortly thereafter, too, just for good measure.

"There we go." Barrett laughed, patting Timmy's naked, reddened rear. "That's better. That's how you should be."

Timmy blushed, ashamed. And yet, as soon as he heard "Good boy," he felt his cock twitch with new life. He felt thirsty for another round of spit and abuse. He wanted to be punished again. He wanted to feel Barrett's big hands smack him anywhere they desired. He wanted to do all of this, and more, forever. Not for money. For Barrett.

Barrett could see Timmy's mind twirl with dirty thoughts, and decided it was time to finish the match.

"You're doing great, baby boy," said Barrett. "I'm impressed. You really are a natural. But I think you forgot we're in the ring. So you gotta take a break... for a nice long hug. Let's see how well you do without your oxygen."

He grabbed Timmy's erect dick and turned the drooling, gagged jobber to face him. He reached around Timmy's trim waist, then scooped him up in a huge bear hug. He squeezed hard, and rubbed Timmy's leaking dick up and down on his fat stomach.

Timmy's eyes bulged. His jaw was stuffed with his own pink speedos and a liter of Barrett's spit. He couldn't breathe. His dick throbbed as it slicked Barrett's stomach, and his ribs ached from the crushing pincer. Barrett held Timmy in place, and used his other hand to smack the jobber's now raw, red-stung cheeks. He smacked him again and again until the jobber dangled helplessly on his shoulder, reduced to a sobbing, humping doll in his arms.

Barrett readjusted the bear hug to where Timmy's naked hips were grinding into the navel of his overhung belly. Barrett squeezed hard on the small of his back, and ground the twink's body into his own. His grip pulsed in time with Timmy's hips.

"Yeah, baby," cooed Barrett. "Now close your eyes, and just hump Daddy's belly while he squeezes you dry."

Timmy did as told. His hands went limp in Barrett's grip. The world seemed to fade away. All he could feel was Barrett's hot breath on his cheek, and his rough mustache scratching lightly across his skin. Oxygen was but a concept at this point. If he could breathe any air at all, it was just the scant molecules from his nostrils, and that was hardly enough to make up for what he'd lost.

Barrett liked this position. He liked holding the jobber in his arms, how helpless Timmy's little thrusts into his stomach were. He loved seeing the look of despair on the jobber's face melt away to horny resignation. He loved knowing that Timmy had no choice but to submit to his superior strength and will. Timmy would've let Barrett squeeze him to oblivion if Barrett demanded it, since the alternative--disobeying his superior--would've been worse. He was certain Timmy would cum at this rate, and make a horrible mess on his belly. And normally he might've allowed that. Maybe some other night he'll make Timmy cum on his fat stomach, then force him to lick it clean. But not tonight. No--tonight he had something particularly devastating for his new jobber-for-life in mind.

"It's time for my finisher, baby," Barrett kissed Timmy's cheek. Timmy nodded stupidly, his eyes fluttering with little recognition. Barrett knew that Timmy's mind was just barely hanging on by a thread. He let him sag to his feet, then took hold of the jobber's neck, leaned forward, then spat in-between Timmy's eyes. Timmy just moaned through his speedo-gag. Barrett, satisfied that Timmy was too broken to move or escape, spun him around to face the crowd. Timmy's little jobber dick, hard from the eternity of heel-abuse Barrett subjected him to, wobbled and threatened to pop.

The jobber stared blankly as Barrett lifted one of his pink-taped wrists up. The big man tucked his own head under Timmy's pit. Timmy's ass, buzzing with pain from Barret's spanking, hardly noticed Barret's fingers trail across the surface of his sizzling flesh on the way to securing a grip on the back of his thigh.

The Atomic Drop is not a new wrestling hold, and since Barrett is a much older wrestler, it is not a surprise that he employs it. However, the leather-clad heel had never before applied it to such brutal effect. It is usually reserved for opponents who are weak, frail, or easily dominated. Barrett found it especially effective when applied to someone's groin area, which is why Barrett thought it'd be a proper end to the combination of abuse he routinely liked to give out. It can be used to take advantage of someone's natural submissive tendencies, of which Timmy Sun, clearly, had several.

"I call this the 'Barrell Burster,'" Barrett said. "You'll see why."

Timmy's cock twitched and throbbed as Barrett hoisted him up by the legs. He held Timmy high in the air for a minute, the jobber's taint and balls and hole exposed, held aloft in a humiliating v-shape for all to see. Cell phone cameras snapped. Barrett laughed, and bounced the jobber a little bit just to test his lack of resistance. Timmy moaned and squirmed and slumped. Barrett gave him a moment to acclimate himself to the idea of being on full display, as he intended to do this again and again to him for the rest of his wrestling days.

"Oh yeah, you're definitely gonna break!" Barrett laughed. "I bet you're gonna burst hard, aren'tcha?!"

Timmy nodded dumbly.

"Yeah, you want Daddy to drop you?" Barrett asked.

Timmy nodded again. Barrett grinned.

"Okay, here we go! Time to make a mess, little guy!"

Barrett stepped forward--outstretched one knee, and brought the other down fast. The key to a good Atomic Drop is to hit your opponent's tailbone on your knee. This isn't normally a finisher, but if you aim a horny jobber's wide-spread taint down on your knee, after an excruciating ten minutes of abuse, well, it might just get the job done.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Timmy's speedo-gag expelled from his mouth, and he screamed as Barrett dropped him down. The impact on his taint--and vicariously, his prostate--was like an earthquake. His little jobber dick shot a thick stream of hot jism straight upwards into the air, all over his own chest, face, and onto the floor. The jobber's eyes rolled all the way back in his head. Barrett looked down at the messy, slippery puddle and smiled.

"Look at that," Barrett laughed. "Your barrel burst."

He bounced Timmy up and down on his knee as a way of wringing a few more shots out of the little bitch. He then unceremoniously dumped him to the mat, into the puddle of his own cum. Barrett covered Timmy's face with his fat stomach, and ordered the referee to make the three count.

After the bell rang, he sat up and slapped Timmy across the face a few times."Lovin' You's a Dirty Job" began to play. Timmy's twitching dick moved more than he did. Barrett laughed and, for one last time that night, straddled Timmy.

"Get ready, baby boy," Barrett popped his knuckles. "This is going to be big one."

Barrett made a horrible sound in the back of his throat, and let the largest, thickest gob of spit dangle from his lips. It drooped slowly down towards Timmy's open, lolled mouth. Timmy watched, his brow furrowed, his vision blurred, as the most disgusting thing he'd ever seen hung suspended in midair above his face. It touched the tip of Timmy's tongue, and oozed down his throat. With Barrett's stern gaze fixed upon him, he swallowed, and suppressed his urge to cough it up. Barrett was impressed.

"You swallow like a champ, don't ya?"

Barrett leaned down and grabbed Timmy's jaw hard, then shoved his tongue into Timmy's mouth. Timmy's eyes widened. Barrett's tongue forced its way past the jobber's lips, and filled him up. It squirmed and slammed into the roof and walls of his mouth. Timmy's mind went blank. All thoughts left his brain. Barrett held Timmy's head still while his tongue worked its magic. The lights went out in Timmy's eyes. Eventually, Barrett withdrew his tongue, ropes of spit trailing between the heel and the jobber. He slapped Timmy hard across the face, then left him in the center of the ring.

"I am always in need of a training dummy," Barrett said before he left. "Come back if you need some more of this."

Barrett's job was done--Timmy was someone else's mess to clean up, now.

by E. Roan

Email: [email protected]

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