Prisoner of War

by 138b

7 Jan 2024 2375 readers Score 8.3 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

PFC Johansson is suddenly woken up by a slap and cold water thrown in his face. 

 While groggy from the shot he hears some guy in a British accent say, “is he all right colonel? Did the ‘Jerrys’ let this one live for once.  Poor bastard.”

 PFC Johansson then suddenly wakes up to see that there are two faces right in front of him and as his basic training he attempts to lunge for them.  He then hears a voice that he believes is British say, “get in here lads.  Settle this Yank down some.  He is disoriented some.”

 The next thing that PFC Johansson experienced was being tacked by four guys while now he pinned down on his bed cot.  Johansson struggles to get out from being restrained by lifting his head and trying to get out of it until he hears the same British voice say, “please try to relax Private.  You are amongst friends.  My name is Colonel Davis.”

 Johansson just replied back, “tell your fucking goons to get their fucking hands off me, and where the fuck am I Colonel Davis, Sir. ”

 Davis then said, “ease up on the Private, he is a bit disoriented.  Jones get him a cup of tea.”

 PFC Johansson replied back, “I could use some coffee instead sir.”

 Davis then said, “get the our 'American cousin' one Smythe.  I know the ration is limited right now but let’s show our him some of our British hospitality here.”

 Smythe then just angrily says, “right Colonel Davis, sir!  Fucking British hospitality to a Yank colonist in a fucking Nazi prisoner camp it it is.  Coffee for the barracks only costs me a Nazi Jerry’s knob up my arse once a month when Helmut is manning the prisoner commissary.”

 PFC Johansson has no idea what that exchange was about but when Smythe does return with a quarter mug full of coffee he just passed it to him and said, “’ere you go 'cousin'.  It’s all that could be spared, you being a Yank Private and all.  Only officers are allowed half a cup but f Monty or your General Eisenhower was ‘ere I’ll brew him a full one, give him some of my special whipped up cream in it as well but the Krauts don’t allow for that.  Not ‘ere.  Tell ‘im the truth about this place Colonel, sir.”

 Colonel Davis then just said, “that’s enough Corporal Smythe.  I’ll debrief the Private Johansson myself.  You are dismissed.” 

 As Smythe went away Colonel Davis said to Johansson, “how is the coffee Private?”

 PFC Johansson just said, “tastes like boot leather, Colonel and I don’t know how formal we are around here with military ranks and all: my first time being a prisoner of war and all.  You can call me Matt.  I go by that name in the US, Colonel.”

 Colonel Davis just said, “a pleasure Matt.  I’m Nigel, and yes, the coffee does taste like boot leather.  Jerry probably made it from it.”

 Matt laughs a bit before saying, “so why am you, the rest of the POWs and I here Nigel?”

 Nigel just said bluntly, “for our seed.  Need something stronger than coffee Matt.

 Matt just said, “yes please.”

by 138b

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