Politicians Son

by djfmonkey

7 Dec 2023 877 readers Score 9.5 (41 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

 Part 11 - Election night is here

 Election night was here, we were back in our home state and both Tyler and I were eligible to vote for the first time. It was neck and neck all night long, and obvious it was going to be a long night. Ty and I had to get away from all the hustle and bustle we snuck away and were sitting on a couch in my hotel suite watching the results alone, his head was on my shoulder, as we gently teased each other with our wandering hands. We watched as the news networks called each of the east coast states with some for dad and others for his opponent, it was dreadful like one step forward two steps back, and what scared me the most was how many “To Close to Call” states there were. Lyle knocked on the open door, he seemed to know where we were and said it was going to be a long night and we would have to get some rest before we were called down to the hotel ballroom in the wee hours of the morning, then joked don’t wrinkle your suits, we need to look clean and fresh and pressed when the time comes, win or lose, heads held high with thankful smiles.

 Well we took his words to heart went in and bid mom and dad goodnight as he and their strategists were working numbers, scenarios and phones. Dad said thank you, and shook our hands and gave us both hugs and said he would personally wake us when the time came, then his smile wiped the worried look off his face and he said he loved us both, yes dad said he loved me which wasn’t unusual, but he told that to Tyler too. Tyler replied with a hug and pat to my dad’s back I love you too, here’s hoping we win.

 Tyler and I roamed down the hall making fun of and gushing about that moment. We both took a quick look behind us, as no one was looking and we both ducked into Tyler’s room and locked the door behind us. we both were tired, stripped and took off and hung our clothes and showered together, I washed every last inch of his smooth body which made my dick stand at attention and even in the running shower water I could tell was dripping precum.

 I washed his dick and ass doubly hard and spent time massaging his prostate with my soapy fingers deep in his hole as he bent over and held onto my shoulders trying to keep from falling. His dick was medium, not hard, not soft, but I managed to take it into my mouth as the excess water made me choke a bit. We both had cum and we continued to finish up and dry off assuming I would dress and head back to my room after our little shower quickie. We walked back to the room and sat on the bed as we turned on the TV and we just laid there for several hours both still stark naked sitting up against the headboard glued to the TV. His hairless smooth but muscular legs brushed up against mine as our hands soon began to wander in playful tension release mode, as we both stayed glued to the TV results coming in. After about an hour or so we were both ready and willing for round two, only this time in the bed. Now we were going at it pretty good and the TV was just white noise in the room as our concentration was primarily on one another now. Tyler always had lube, I don’t know how but he always had it nearby, he began working my ass like there was no tomorrow and he joked about whether he was fucking the “first son” or just a loser, either way he had me first. Once he penetrated my ass and began his pumping assault the two of us just seemed to pass the time away just fucking, then we both noticed the TV announcing another state for dad, I can’t even remember which one it was, but Tyler said we needed to celebrate as he began pumping harder again. It seemed the longer and harder he pumped the TV gave us good news, so Tyler was bound and determined to keep on fucking me till the final results were announced, Tyler announced with every fucking pump it was another vote for dad. So naturally we kept it up, my god neither of us have ever been edged so long in our short but entire lives and we never had a reason to hold back before, but this was great as we would switch places and I fucked Tyler. We made a pact not to cum until we knew the results. I don’t ever know what possessed us to do such a thing, I guess we were just believing in the superstition we created at this point, but I almost lost my nerve several times and Tyler forced me to stop. At one point he slid me to my back where my dick was just pendulum-ing up and down on my stomach and began almost leaking out, starting the flow when he grabbed it and squeezed it hard and somehow managed to keep it in, man it was a fucking battle until the urge finally subsided.

 At one point we both just got sleepy and must have fell asleep, inside one another, wrapped up in each other’s arms, neither of us had cum yet. Then suddenly a knock on the door outside, “Tyler? Royce? Are you both in there? Its Dad open up.” Tyler scurried out of bed and threw on some sweats, as I did the same, and flipped open the other bed covers, and I climbed into it. Tyler then opened the door, as there was no hiding it at this point, as dad reached in and turned on the light as he announced that he thinks we’ve won but it’s really still too close to call, we needed to get ready to greet the reception down in the ballroom. I made believe I was sleeping, (and I wasn’t really lying cause we actually were) as I stretched up yawning asking what time it was, dad said 7AM, holy shit it was already morning, as Tyler walked over and opened the curtains and the light shone through. Dad just said were meeting at 8am “get cleaned up and ready now”, as he closed the door and walked away. Tyler ran to me in the freshly pressed linens of the now freshly used bed and we picked up where we left off. We turned on the TV and dad was ahead in all the uncalled states but it was just too close for them to call it yet, Tyler jumped my bones and lubeless, inserted that magical dick into my ass and began pumping, all the while saying “PRESIDENT Whitfield, President Whitfield, President Whitfield, President Whitfield, as he pumped himself dumping a entire nights edged cum into my sore but wanting ass. He then flipped over and gave me the best blow job he had ever given me, holy crap where and when did he learn to do that, or was it just the pent up emotion (or fluids) that went firing into the back of his throat probably bruising his neck as the soothing cum flowed down his throat. We both headed for the shower and we washed each other multiple times before dressing each other and continually checking each other out.

 In the ballroom dads campaign manager began announcing to a very tired crowd and giving his thanks and appreciation and then he introduced the team before bringing me and Tyler out then my mom and finally my dad who got a raving standing ovation. Both Tyler and I, in fact everyone on the stage were clapping and smiling in unison for a good 10 minutes as my dad finally settled everyone in the room down saying “it’s not over yet officially but as far as he was concerned it was over, we have won” and the applause began. Of course his opponent hadn’t conceded yet but dad explained that “even the absent tee ballots wouldn’t make a difference now and they could still contest, and he believed that they will contest the results but today is ours let’s celebrate.” After another raging round of applause and celebration balloons and confetti fell from the ceiling and then dad settled everyone down as he thanked everyone on the stage. Then he got to me and brought me and Tyler up to the podium and we had a three way hug as he told everyone how very proud he was of me and Tyler and how Tyler’s parents should also be complimented on sticking to their guns on our privacy which the press rarely left us alone, and how damn proud he was of us, his words brought tears to my eyes as Tyler realized how emotional that moment was for me he grabbed me and hugged me as he kissed me on my cheek and my dad just stood back in the moment clapping at us as if saying “that’s my boy”. Mom moved in to hug dad at that moment as the party continued.

  We went home to the Whitfield home a few short miles away, where Tyler's parents arrived the next day and we all spent the days just waiting at the residence. Dad held daily press conferences on our front steps which often included Tyler and his parents. Along with our new entourage of secret service personnel. Yes now even I had a permanent secret service detail. The secret service had developed nickname for all of us which I had no choice in but they dubbed me “short cakes” after I ordered two helpings of pancakes at breakfast one day. Although Tyler was not under protection, when he was in my company he was known as “Speedo” since we spent much time in the pools while he was practicing for his meets. Two days later dads’ opponent had finally conceded, and Dad was officially the president elect. Holy shit in less than 3 short months and we’d be living in the freaking white house! Holy shit reality is sinking in.

  After the Phone call finally came and our small relief celebration died down Mom, dad, Tyler, his parents and me settled in for a late breakfast or I guess it could be brunch. Wed been living together almost in seclusion for the past few days and Tyler’s parents were beaming with the fact that they were a part of all this. Yet even though we were pretty much secluded, Dad had daily visits from staff and press meetings. Then the line of potential new staff members and nominees began as they made final decisions on who they would nominate. Dad held firm to his conservative backers and even senator Stafford, who although a good close friend, seemed to be arguing with dad a lot. Dad slowly slipped names out in front of the press on purpose, as he felt they could vet a potential person rather rapidly and if there was any dirt to be found the press would do it. Of course the full congress would need to ratify the choices but dad put conservatives, moderates and liberals in to his potential staff and cabinet, a move unprecedented and surely one that would make the world take notice. Most of all dads high hopes of truly being bipartisan, if only they could all get along with each other.

 Dad flew back to Washington the next day and continued to work on a transitional team as he met with the soon to be former president and various other members of congress whom he already mostly knew, but now they were vying for position with my dad.

 Tyler’s parents were heading home too, and begged Tyler to go with them, but Tyler refused. After much arguing his mom at least asked him to please apply to the colleges so that maybe he could start in January or even September. He assured them he would begin to finish the process that he started in our senior year but wound up putting on hold. My mom too was after me to update my information as well as now my choices would be changed due to circumstances, safety and security. Sadly this seemed to mean Tyler and I would be on different paths, although we tried desperately to find a common college that we could both fit into together. I however couldn’t attend until September at the earliest as we had to deal with moving into the White House and inauguration in January, and I wanted at least a short term experience of living at the White House after all I had been a part of this amazing journey for the last 12 months and just wasn’t ready to let it go.

 To be Continued

by djfmonkey

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