Next to You: A BangChan FF

by Hakariboii

4 Dec 2023 498 readers Score 9.0 (2 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

No matter how many times you wake up next to Chan, you’re never used to it. The extra warmth in your bed, the limbs tangled together, the smell of his shampoo tickling your nose. It’s been over a year, and the giddy feeling you get when you roll over and see his sleeping form has yet to fade away. 

The sound of his heartbeat woke you up, peacefully pulling you out of unconsciousness and bringing you back to reality. Or was it the fingers carding through your hair, catching every knot and untangling it? Whichever comforting feeling, it makes you stir, rubbing your face against his bare chest.

“Hi, sleepy head.” Chan whispers, a small chuckle following his words at your tired whines. “Time to wake up.”

“No.” You mumble. “Don’t wanna.”

“Ah, come on.” His hands trail to your cheeks, pulling your head out of his chest to look at him. There’s an affection laced in the way he looks at you that makes everything feel more unreal. Should you pinch yourself? It’s almost too good to be true. “We already slept in. How much more time do you need?”

You hum in thought, like you have much to consider. Wrapping your arms around Chan’s body, you wiggle up until your noses are brushing together. He cracks first, a playful smile on his lips as he closes the small space to kiss you. It’s soft, and not nearly long enough, leaving you chasing after him for more.

“All the time.” You mumble as you finally capture his lips. “There’s never enough when I’m with you.”

Chan responds by deepening the kiss, a fire behind it that could make you black out. You don’t know how your lips are moving — every coherent thought has left your mind as his tongue moves against your own. Every taste of him makes you even more light headed, fingers tangling in his dark curls to try and keep yourself grounded. You don’t even register the way his hands slide down your bare torso, hooking onto the waistband of your boxers to pull your hips flush against his.

The movement presses your throbbing erection against his, boxers acting as a buffer. The feeling makes Chan chuckle, using the grip on your hips to keep you still as he slowly rolls his. “Mm, good morning to you, too.”

Like everything else in this relationship, you’ll never get tired of the way his body feels against your own. How perfectly he rolls his hips, making sure to pleasure every inch of your length without much effort. The effect he has on you is dizzying; it doesn’t take much to make you melt like chocolate against him. Moaning into his mouth, you match the movement of his hips with your own, desperate to feel more of him.

“You’re needy this morning, baby.” Chan scolds you lightly, hands creeping down to land a smack on your ass. “First you want to sleep in, and now you’re humping me like a feral animal?”

Though playful, his words make you flush with embarrassment. You are needy — how are you expected not to be around him?

“‘m sorry.” You say with a gasp as his grinds increase in pressure. Fuck, your mind is fuzzy, static playing where your thoughts should be.

“Don’t be sorry.” He’s pulling your boxers off, letting your cock press against the fabric of his own. “I like when you’re desperate. Let’s me know you want me as much as I want you.”

It almost seems impossible that he would want you more than you want him; it’s always been obvious how head over heels you are for him. Anything he asks of you, you do without hesitation. Being with Chan is like winning the lottery. You have all you need. You want for nothing.

Well, almost nothing.



His dark eyes are staring at you, eyebrow cocked as he waits for you to speak. The way he’s looking at you makes your throat dry out, making you swallow your spit to try and speak without croaking.

“Can you…” your words trail off as you cup his face, thumb running across his bottom lip slowly.

There’s no need to say anything else. The message is received, given the way he pulls you on top of him as he rolls to his back. A hand holds the nape of your neck steady, bringing you in for another kiss while his shoves his boxers off, tangling them in the cotton sheets along with yours.

“Flip.” He says with a bite to your bottom lip, smirking at the loud moan you give. You obey quickly, switching positions so your head is at his crotch.

If you’re desperate, he’s nothing but eager, mouth quickly wrapping around the tip of your cock and taking all of it down his throat. It happens so quickly, stunning you with surprise. You grip onto his thighs, deep groans falling from your lips as you listen to the sounds he’s making. Sloppy and quick, the sound his spit is making is like music to your ears. 

You’re so caught up in it that you momentarily forget what you’re supposed to be doing. Until Chan lays another slap to your ass — this one harder, echoing off the bedroom walls.

“Fuck, s-sorry.” Quickly wrapping your fist around your cock, you begin to pump it. “It’s just-your mouth feels so nice.”

Chan releases your cock, head hitting the pillow with a thump. “I’ve barely done anything, baby. It must be hard being so desperate. Can barely-fuck me.”

There’s no question that he can easily take control of the situation, and you let him. But, it’s also nice to shut him the fuck up sometimes. And you do a great job of that, taking his entire length immediately. Bobbing up to about halfway, you drop back down, making a show of choking on his cock.

Sometimes it’s nice to have him moaning underneath you.

He follows your lead, diving back in with a faster pace. The sounds that fill the room are absolutely sinful, blending together with the pleasure you’re drowning in and making your cock twitch. 

His tongue runs across the base, carefully swirling around it and tracing the ridges. The feeling makes your eyes roll back, taking your mouth off his cock and into your hands as you wrap your lips around his balls. Chan moans against your cock, becoming more aggressive with his movements as his cock starts to twitch in your hand.

Right as your teeth barely scrape the thin skin, his orgasm hits. Hot waves of cum gush out, painting your fist and parts of your face. You don’t stop until his hips jerk, head lolling to the side and resting on his thigh as he works you through to your own. 

“God damn.” You hiss as you bust, filling his mouth with your release. The feeling of him swallowing around your cock has it twitching already even if your body is screaming for a reprieve.

No matter how many times the two of you lie together, bodies tangled and sweaty, you’ll never get used to it. Each time feels the first time when he lovingly kisses your thigh, easing you off his body and back onto the plush bed. There’s a giddiness you can’t shake, a love makes your heart ache every time he kisses your nose and whispers praises as he cleans you off.

If this is a dream, you hope no one ever pinches you

by Hakariboii

Email: [email protected]

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