My "Straight" Neighbor

by The Confessionist

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All day on Monday I thought about him. Every waking second; I could barely get my work done.

And it didn’t matter that he hadn’t responded to my text from this morning, I knew he worked a labor intensive job. So I waited– and waited and waited.

After work, I hit the gym at my complex and continued to think about him. He had me in a trance; one I couldn’t shake free of. Everything had my mind replaying the events in my head. His lips on mine, his tongue down my neck; the whispers in my ear. I’d never had a sexual encounter quite like that.

And being in the gym didn’t help, not with blood rushing through my veins; testosterone coursing through me.

I cut my workout short actually, needing to relieve myself badly. But as I walked the sidewalks out of the gym and around the leasing office, a voice called out to me.

“Max!” It was Emily’s shrill of excitement that turned my head towards the pool, not just her; but the four of them. She said something else, but my eyes were locked with Denver’s; with the man who ravaged me the night before. “Max?”

I shook my head and met her gaze, now walking towards the gate to let me in, “Wanna join us?”

My lips parted, did I? Did I need to? Could I handle being so close to him right now, handle keeping such a secret in the presence of him and his friends.

“Sure.” I smiled, nervously walking through the gate and following her.

She wasn’t in a bikini, none of them were. “The pool is like,” she turned her head to me, red hair flowing in the breeze; “our spot. You can usually find us here.” I nodded.

She guided me to their spot in a shaded corner, covered by newly planted palms that certainly didn’t grow here. Denver had resumed conversation with Roman, not paying me any mind. I wish I could do the same, but I couldn’t help my wandering eyes.

He had his head propped with folded arms behind him, completely clothed; but I could undress him with ease. The stubble across his jaw and neck had grown, his skin had faded to a muted tan under the shade; I cursed myself for so closely analyzing the details of him.

But a slender hand atop my thigh broke my focus, “Oh wow, you’re really sweaty.” Emily slid a finger across the slick hairs on my leg with a gleam of interest in her eyes.

“I just left the gym.” I cracked a friendly smile, wondering how she couldn’t tell.

She met my eyes with hers, “Take a dip with me?” She flashed a pretty smile and if I hadn’t known better, I’d think she was flirting with me.

Regardless, a dip in the pool actually sounded nice; refreshing. I nodded and as my shoes and socks came off, I realized I didn’t have a swimsuit; “Wait, I don’t have swimming trunks with me.”

“So?” She stripped off her crop-top, revealing a clasped bra around her breasts; “Do you see anyone here?” She motioned a hand to the empty pool yard. She stood and shamelessly slid her flared shorts down her slender legs, leaving her only in a bra and panties.

I shared a look with Leah who just smiled, then the boys who both cut their conversation and stared at her– Denver stared at her.

Was it… jealousy? That washed over me? A smashing feeling that had me standing up and tearing off my shirt too. “Woop! Woop!” Roman cheered from his seat playfully, all three of them watching as Emily and I prepared for a dip.

I knew I looked good, I knew he’d look if he wanted. So I bent over and peeled my thin shorts down my legs, stepping out of them in just my boxers.

“Okay, get it Max!” Leah cheered too, everyone but Denver who sat silent– frozen.

Emily took my hand with a devilish smile and pulled me towards the deep end. She looked me up and down, pausing where you’d think and playfully bit her lip; “Count of three?”

I nodded, taken aback a bit by her forwardness, by her gaze.

She counted, “Three…” we walked to the edge, “two…” she squeezed my hand and shot me a smile; “one.” And we jumped.

The water felt amazing, rippling up my sides and engulfing me whole. I pushed from the bottom and took a breath of air, shaking my hair and opening my eyes to meet her there with me.

We laughed, wiping at our eyes and face. “Fuck it, I’m in.” We turned our heads to Roman who was already stripping his clothes, freeing his bare skin and chest hair.

Leah followed him, dropping her shorts and flinging off her top; and they both ran at the ledge and jumped.

Everyone but Denver who stayed still, arms now crossed with a crooked smile on his lips. “Come on D!” Roman cheered as he emerged from under the water.

“He won’t.” Emily shot him a glare, turning to me again and taking my hand under the water. “He’s a pussy.” Wrong, so so wrong.

He stayed put for a moment, but when Emily’s arm snaked around mine; basically clinging– he huffed and stood. It was a foreign feeling, a girl's arm around mine, squeezing and pulling me close to her body.

But still I watched him– Denver. He lifted his shirt from his body, his muscles flexing as he pulled it off. My breathing hitched, despite the pretty redhead around my arm; the world around me became a tunnel as I focused solely on him. His eyes met mine as he stripped his shorts, his bulge heavy in his boxers.

And he didn’t hesitate in running to the edge and jumping right in front of us, splashing the water into our faces.

He emerged with a head shake, his hair spiking in all directions as he opened his eyes with a smile. “Happy?” He said it to everyone but looked directly at me, reminding me of the same words from last night.

“What a stud.” Roman teased, his arms wrapped around his girlfriend next to us.

Emily’s grip tightened around my arm, her leg now sliding between mine. “A tool, you mean.” She teased too, though I couldn’t help but think there was something else happening; something in this group I didn’t understand.

Denver laughed, leaning his elbows up on the ledge, “A hot tool, I think you meant.”

Emily rolled her eyes and faced me, despite the reaction; a faint blush did run to her cheeks. “So what’re you doing tonight, Max?”

“I didn’t have plans, really.” I answered honestly, feeling more and more uncomfortable as her limbs continued touching mine.

She flashed a pretty smile and cocked her head, “Movie night?”

Before I could answer, Denver interjected; “Where’s my invite?” His grin was wide, something new swirling through his emerald eyes.

“Who says you get one?” She spoke to him, but kept her eyes on me; “So?”

Something definitely was happening. I felt stuck in the middle of some unknowing conflict I had no business being in, “Depends on the movie.” I answered, not trying to dismiss her friendly gesture.

I heard him scoff, but she answered instead; “Anything but action.”

“Ha!” Denver piped, “You’re telling a man no action?” He smirked at us, her arms snaking around my neck now.

She shot him a glare, “Won’t you mind your business?” And to that he only smirked more, then sunk his head under the water. She turned to me with bright eyes, still a twinge of red on her cheeks; “Don’t mind him.” But that was impossible.

“Uhm,” I looked down a second, her breasts now pressing into my pecs. “Yeah, sure. Just us though?”

And just for a split second, a different type of look flashed across her face; one of confusion? Denial? “Well Leah will probably be home.”

I have no clue why the signs weren’t clicking before this moment, but she was obviously flirting with me; but why? “I guess, sure.”

“You guess?” She playfully smacked me on the chest, breaking away from me and smiling.

I didn’t know what to say but I smiled back nervously, turning to Roman and Leah in their own world; to Denver backstroking away in the water. “No, sure. I meant– yes.”

An eerie smile crept to her lips as she tread the water, lifting her legs and sliding them up my legs; getting close– too close. “Perfect, eight sound good?”

I nodded, swimming back to rid my body of her touch. You’d think I would tell her, admit to her that I didn’t swing her way but… the dynamic between these friends; the feeling I got in this pool with them– it brought me right back to my time in the closet.

My chest felt heavy, my cheeks burned in embarrassment though I did nothing wrong. I was sworn to a secret and I didn’t intend on breaking it, but admitting my sexuality to them felt like it would do just that– break it.

Thank God for Roman in that moment, picking up his girlfriend and throwing her into the water; creating a much needed distraction and laughter amongst us all.

It was odd though, considering yesterday I spent so much time with Denver– he basically ignored me now. We shared two, maybe three words with each other. This crushing weight of his secret kept us apart; and I hated it.

But soon enough, the sun was beginning its descent and the air was filled with a cool breeze. We all climbed out of the water, freezing and shivering with no towels. Roman clutched to his girl, Emily was furiously pulling her dry clothes on and Denver… he was enjoying the sight, seemingly unbothered by the chill.

I was pulling on my own clothes, making myself decent for the walk home; but couldn’t help look. His boxers hung lower as they were soaked, clinging to the frame of that cock that drilled me. If I wasn’t so cold I’d probably be pitching a tent.

But we all said our goodbyes, needing to seek warmth at our apartments. “See you in an hour?” Emily’s warm touch took hold of my bicep with equally warm eyes of brown.

“Yeah.” I smiled, hurrying out of the gate to go home.

I basically ran to my shower to bask in the steaming water, relaxing immediately and running through the events of earlier.

Emily was clearly flirting with me, basically inviting me over as a date. And I hate that I let every instinct in me to speak up, fail. All for a guy who demanded I keep a secret for him. I rubbed my temples, how do I get out of this one? If I go to her apartment… is that like– leading her on? I mean, I’m flattered; don’t get wrong. But what do I do if she tries more than what she did at the pool? I am not straight, I repeat– not straight.

And Denver knows this. He let all that transpire in the pool, egged it on, teased it. Why? Isn’t he the slightest bit concerned that I’d break our little secret? The slightest bit concerned of the neighbor he just met. Well he didn’t act like it.


But despite the annoyed thoughts running through my head, my heart fluttered at the notification on my phone. A text, from Yes Sir.

Excited for your date? It read.

I rolled my eyes but smiled, a blush I couldn’t stop if I tried.

Is that what it is? I responded.

And was surprised by such an immediate response. Well she thinks so, wouldn’t ya say?

My heart rate spiked. This is your fault.

My fault? Enlighten me. He responded, and I could just hear the smirk behind it.

I went to type a paragraph. I wanted to explain it all to him, about me feeling trapped; about me having to keep this secret. But I silently feared it would push him away; and I know I just met the guy but… I couldn’t take that– not right now.

Is this some scheme to make you jealous? I texted what I was thinking.

Probably. Is all he said.

I paused. Is it working?

He didn’t respond right away this time, in fact it took enough time for me to dry off and change before he replied.

Have fun tonight ;) He avoided my question.

I checked the time, just ten minutes til eight. Fuck you.

In your dreams baby. And he was right, but it stung.

I left our thread at that and got ready. Ready for what? My guess– a really weird fucking night.

But I pushed the nerves aside and left in a comfortable outfit, ready for whatever was in store. When I approached her door, I almost turned away; I almost texted Emily and canceled. But this surge of pride came over me, like I had something to gain from just doing it. Would it gain me favor with Denver? His friends? I didn’t know, but I knocked on her door all the same.

She opened the door with a wide smile, “Hey hey!” She wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me like I hadn’t seen her just an hour ago.

“Did you pick out a movie?” I asked, walking to the couch and taking a seat.

She fled for the kitchen behind me but said, “Yeah, something scary.” And returned with a bowl of popcorn; “Is that okay?”

“Fine by me.” I shrugged as she plopped next to me, too close for comfort; her skinny thigh pressed tightly against mine.

She grabbed the remote and played with the tv, flipping to Max– how original, and starting Cabin in the Woods.

Before the movie really got started, she got up to dim the lights; setting the mood I guess. And for the first half I was actually quite interested, she didn’t make any moves; I know I didn’t. But as the gore sped up and the poor characters started dying– I realized what position I found us in.

Emily had a leg over mine, her head on my shoulder. I suppose I didn’t realize because this was quite normal for me and a girl friend– see the difference? But I remembered her intentions, remembered why I was here and heat filled my body.

I think she noticed the change in temperature, maybe mistaking it for something other than anxiety. But she nestled her head further into my shoulder and draped a hand over my lap– right on my…

“I gotta use the bathroom.” I blurted and stood from my seat, the smile fading from her face.

She nodded, “Okay, down the hall.” And I tried not to bolt the way she motioned, but I had to get out of there.

When I shut the door to the bathroom, I took a breath; not realizing I was holding it. I looked in the mirror at my paled face, sifted my hand through my hair and sighed. I thought I could do this. I thought years of college and highschool could’ve prepared me to just… fake it– for a night.

But I couldn’t.

I drew my phone from my pocket and saw a message from him, sent twenty minutes ago.

Having fun yet? It read.

I shook my head. Save me.

And was relieved at the quick response, almost like he stalked his phone for my reply.

Hahahaha. I couldn’t help the smile on my lips, regardless of his taunts.

I replied, growing a pair. If you don’t help me, I spill everything.

You won’t. He texted.

I took a sharp breath, maybe he’s right; but it’s worth a shot. Try me.

A knock on the door made me jump, “You okay, Max?” Emily asked from the other side.

I cleared my throat, “Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine. Just a second.” I responded, flushing the toilet without using it and washing my hands for added effect.

My phone buzzed. You owe me.

I let out a sigh of relief. What’s his plan? Not a clue, but I had to tend to the redhead outside the door. So I slipped my phone in my pocket and opened the door.

Luckily she wasn’t waiting directly outside the door, but when she heard the door open she piped from the living room; “Everything okay?”

“All good.” I smiled and joined her back on the couch, instantly resuming our position from before.

I let it happen this time, hoping– no, praying that Denver would save the day. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to do this for long, I don’t know how much more I can handle.

And within a few minutes, a pounding at the door spooked both of us. “Emilyyy!” His voice rang from outside and I tried to keep the smile from appearing on my lips.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Emily snapped from her seat, rushing to the door and peeking out of the peephole. “Go away Denver!” She yelled, but something told me there was a slight smirk in her voice.

Suddenly Leah and Roman emerged from the hallway, “What’s going on?” Leah asked. I had completely forgotten they were even here.

“Denver.” Emily whipped her head at us three, meeting my eyes for a second too long then reaching for the lock on the door, and opening it. “What the fuck do you want?”

And there he was, that smirk on his face; “So mean, you gingers are.” He walked in, just a white top and gray sweatpants, a sizeable bulge hanging in them. “I was bored.”

“We’re busy.” Emily deadpanned.

I was staring, you know where; and a blush crept to my face as I met his eyes. “What movie ya’ watching?” Ignoring her reply and walking into the living room.

I saw Emily share an annoyed expression with Leah, “None of your business.” She retorted, but he only plopped on the couch, right in the middle– next to me.

“My favorite.” He smirked, giving me a look that only I could see.

Leah grabbed Roman’s arm, “Okay, we’re going to bed.” And pulled them down the hall, shooting a look at Emily that basically read– sorry, I don’t know what to do.

And left us three alone in the living room. “Cabin in the Woods.” I answered the question he asked and nudged him in the side, silently thanking him.

He winked, “Ooo, scary.” He teased me, and out of sight from Emily, grabbed his crotch and adjusted; making sure I saw.

My jaw tightened, everything tightened. “Denver, why are you here?” Emily persisted as she rounded the couch and sat in a single chair, legs crossed and arms folded.

“Am I not allowed to miss my friends?” He shrugged with a smirk on his lips still, not hiding that he clearly had ulterior motives.

But the gears began turning for me. Of course he’d act that way– this way. Emily and Denver have an entirely different conversation happening, one that didn’t involve me. Little did she know, he was here to help me; not to help her.

She shot him a knowing look, “Whatever.” And just as quickly, resumed the movie.

There were only forty-five minutes left, I guess I could’ve held out; but who knows what would’ve progressed in that amount of time. I was glad he came, glad he saved me. Just like he said he would. And Emily sat silent in her single chair for the rest of it, not realizing the proximity of Denver to me.

Not realizing the silent communications we made with our eyes.

After the movie ended, Emily seemed bored and basically half asleep. Meanwhile Denver, well he had this look in his eye that I could only describe as– just wait til we leave. Emily didn’t seem to care anymore that I would be leaving, instead she only side-hugged me and glared at Denver as we said our final goodbyes.

Her front door shut behind us and almost immediately, his hands squeezed my ass. “You’re welcome.” he smirked down at me.

I twisted to him, smacking his chest and smiling too; “You are a tool. But thank you.” I met his heavy eyes, not thinking before my gaze drifted lower and lower and landed on his equally heavy bulge.

“My eyes are up here.” He moved my chin with his hand, directing me to look at him. “A hot tool.”

I rolled my eyes and began my descent down the staircase. “Well I guess I’ll get home.” I muttered, actually quite tired; from the time and from faking it for so long.

“No you won’t.” He said, causing me to turn on the stairs and look up at him questioningly. “You’re coming to mine.” It sounded like an order as he breezed past me.

I didn’t hesitate to follow.

By the time we made it outside, he spoke up again; “So…” he smirked at me, “what did the girl do?”

I laughed, following his lead to his building; “Touched me.” Is all I had to say to make him burst out laughing, not able to catch his breath until we entered his building.

“Well I’ll be damned.” He continued laughing up the stairs, “Here I thought she pulled your dick out and that was the final straw.”

I grimaced at the thought, “I don’t think you get me very well.” I followed behind him and into his apartment. He was correct in noting yesterday that the girls had a better apartment, his was barely decorated at all.

He shut the door, locked it. “On the contrary.” He pulled at my arm to spin me into him, “I think I know you very well.” I met his eyes and felt the heat rise to my cheeks, the blood rush to my… yeah.

His arms snaked around my waist, hips pulled into mine– I felt it, all of it. “Why am I here?” I asked like it wasn’t obvious.

“You owe me, remember?” His eyes filled with desire as his voice dripped in seduction.

He descended upon me, his lips crashing into mine.

It was a primal feeling this time, between the both of us. The way his hands explored my back, inched their way under my shorts. The way I tangled my fingers through his hair, wrapped my legs around his waist.

He carried me to his bedroom, a mess but I didn’t care. I wanted him– needed him. He dropped me in his bed, standing over me while tearing off his shirt. His breath fell rugged as he pulled at my legs, shifting me to the edge of the bed; my legs hanging off. He pulled off my shoes, kicked off his own; and put my calves over his shoulders.

He bent me in half, leaning into my ear; “Do I get my good boy tonight?

Yes, sir.” I breathed out, craving the touch of him.

His tongue flicked at my ear, breathing deeply through his nose; my neck craned, my body shivered. He let out a breathy chuckle, “What would you have done without me tonight?” I didn’t answer, I could tell it was rhetorical. Another lick down my neck, circling at my throat. “My good little boy needed me…” I shuddered as a hand gripped my hair, “didn’t he?

I opened my eyes to him staring at me, “Yes, sir.” I answered.

He planted a tender kiss to my lips, then to my jaw, then my neck. “On the fucking floor.

He leaned up and kept his hand in my hair, dragging my body off the bed so that I fell to my knees in front of him, my back against his bed. He craned my neck with a tug and spat in my face, slapped me right after.

God, I love owning you.” He smiled down at me, I smiled up at him. It didn’t matter what he wanted, I’d do it– he knew it.

He smashed his bulge into my face, rubbing it left and right. I breathed in his scent, a scent I would never forget.

You like that, hm?” He cooed above me. I tried saying it, I did; but the sound was muffled against his sweats. “You like this cock buried in your face, don’t you?” I tried again, just muffles escaped. He chuckled, satisfied. “Put it in your mouth then.

He let go, allowing me to crane my neck and look at him; such a lustful look in his face. “Yes, sir.” I smiled, curling my fingers around his waist band and pulling his sweats to his ankles; just his thin boxers between me and his length.

I went to pull at them too, eager to swallow him whole but he smacked away my hands; “With your teeth.” He ordered.

I licked my lips before repeating, “Yes, sir.” and buried my face in his abdomen, gripping the band of his boxers between my teeth. I started pulling and felt a steady line of spit landing on my nose, I didn’t need to look to know where it came from.

But it's not as easy as it sounds, pulling from one direction. I began revealing his pubes, his shaft; but his boxers were stuck on his backside. I yanked again.

Fuck that.” He muttered before taking my throat in his hand and pinning me against his bed, using his other hand to slide his boxers down. He bent down to my face, looked me in the eyes with a wicked smile; “Let’s play a game.”

He let go of my throat and stood straight, his cock flopping right in my face. He smacked my cheek, “Open up.” His tip entered my eagerly opened mouth, his hand in my hair again; my eyes looking up at his sexy body. “It’s called Ten.” My eyebrows knit together, Ten?

He chuckled deeply, tightened his grip and thrust in my throat. “One.

I gagged as he pulled out, his other hand now around my jaw and thrusted again, “One.. Two.” And pulled out, letting the slime from my throat make a mess on my shirt.

I still didn’t understand, but that spell of his worked its magic over me. His head tilted, his hair tousled; that fucking smirk on his lips– he trusted again, holding me there. “One..” I gagged. “Two..” My eyes squeezed shut, my throat burned. “Three.” And he pulled out.

I coughed and sputtered, but he only continued. Another thrust, more gags; another count. “..Four.” And he let me free. I was panting, covered in saliva.

He kept going, and I understood the game.

One..” I gagged again, “Two..” slime oozed from my lips, “Three..” I coughed, heaved; the slime poured. “Four..” My eyes stayed shut, I wanted to win– needed to win. “Five..” I was running out of air, I couldn’t breathe. “Six..” I tapped on his thighs furiously, squeezing for mercy. “Seven..” He didn’t care. “Eight..” my abdomen was puffing, my face was beet red. “Nine..” I pushed him away from me.

I doubled over to the floor, gasping for air that burned my lungs. His hand found my hair and lifted my body upright, “Tsk, Bad boy.” He kneeled down to me, smearing the slime all around my face as I still tried to catch my breath. “Looks like I do get to punish you.

He grabbed my throat, dragged me onto his bed; crawled on top of me and admired my failing body. Who could’ve ever won that game? Was it rigged that way? Did he want me to lose?

My heart still fluttered at the sight of his smirk, my dick still raged within my shorts. Why? Why was I like this? Why did I like this?

He was in my ear again, “You’ll be a good boy this time?” He whispered so delicately– yet roughly.

“Yes, sir.” I managed, agreeing to his orgasmic torture.

He breathed in my ear, bit at my lobe; “Then turn the fuck around and let me have my way.

And that, he did.