My Best Friend Marcus

by ClosetCase

1 Mar 2024 4076 readers Score 9.7 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Sitting on the couch in our living room, I couldn’t help but think back to the first two times Marcus and I hooked up. He had seduced me on this couch, and the guilt I felt was intense as I realized that I had betrayed his trust, even if he didn’t really know that. He knew Dwayne had fucked me, but he didn’t know how easily I had submitted, or how much I had secretly enjoyed it. Now, he wanted to tell me something. He said he had news.

“I got offered a new job,” Marcus began.

“What!?” I asked, shocked. “I didn’t even know you were looking!”

“I’m not, or I wasn’t.” Marcus replied. “When I got to San Diego, the client was so pleased with my work, they offered to hire me on the spot to come be their full time manager of that division. They felt that my work history with our company would help me help them solve problems faster, and they want me to come work for them. They’ve offered to double my salary, and pay for all moving expenses, plus a hiring bonus!”

“So you’ve already accepted the job?” I asked, cautiously. I may have cheated on Marcus, but I was beginning to feel hurt that what we have was going to end because he was leaving me.

“Yes,” he said slowly, “but I only accepted the position on one condition.”

“What’s the condition?” I asked, an unexpected tear falling from my eye. I was beginning to feel broken, already missing him. I realized in that moment that I needed Marcus. I needed my friend to walk with me through the transition from straight man to bottom slut. I was beginning to accept that more and more I craved getting fucked by strong black men rather than being with women, and I needed my rock, my friend, my lover. And now he was moving across the country!

“The condition is,” he said, putting his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his body, “that you agree to come with me.”

I looked at his face, trying to read him. He just stared at me, waiting for me to react. “You want me to move to San Diego with you?” I asked, making sure I understood.

“Yes.” Marcus said simply.

“But my job is here,” I began, before he interrupted.

“They are giving me full control of my team, which means I can hire whoever I want,” Marcus continued, “I currently have three positions open on the team, and I want you on it. One of the roles is an exact match to what you're doing now. I’m offering you a job too!”

Once he had begun, Marcus began to excitedly share details of the new job, and the job offer, for both of us. He was as excited as I’d seen him about anything at work, ever. It was clear that he wanted this new opportunity, and why wouldn’t he? This was a once in a lifetime ladder climb for his career. The problem was, I wasn’t sure it was such a great move for me. I was doing well at our current company, and had already gotten several promotions. I was almost guaranteed a VP spot in the next 5 years.

“I don’t know,” I began, watching Marcus’ excitement fade somewhat. “I don’t know if I’m ready to give up what I’ve already achieved here to start over at a new job.”

“This will be a lateral move for you, for sure,” Marcus cut in, “but you’ll be able to advance quickly! Plus, this will be a great move for me financially! We could buy a house, really build up our portfolios, do some great stuff!”

“You keep saying WE,” I said, more harshly than I intended, “but only YOU will be making more money. My situation will be unchanged.”

“I said WE because I want us to be together,” Marcus said quickly.

“What do you mean, together?” I asked.

“I’m asking you to move across the country with me,” Marcus said, then the words just began spilling out of him: “I want us to be a couple. I want us to move to a new place where no one knows us and we can be us, not just friends or roommates. I want to be your man, and I want the world to know it! I don’t want to keep pretending that I want to date girls, because the only person I want to date is you. The only person I want to fuck is you. I love you and I want everyone else to know that I love you and you are my person. I felt horrible on Thursday when I couldn’t kiss you goodbye because 'we’re just roommates'! I want to be able to openly love you inside and outside of OUR bedroom. I want us to move to San Diego as a couple.”

My mind was going in a million different directions. I was elated that Marcus opened up and admitted that he wanted more from us. I was unexpectedly sad about the idea leaving Atlanta and moving across the country. I was scared about what might happen when we became a couple. What would happen if Marcus grew tired of our relationship? Would our friendship be over too? Would I be stranded in California without him? If he grew tired of me, would he fire me too, since I would be taking a job on his team?

He could tell that my thoughts were all over the place. “Talk to me baby,” he said softly, leaning over and kissing my neck just below my ears.

“I love you too,” I began. “What you describe sounds incredible, but this whole idea is completely new to me, and I need a little time to think and consider it. Can I take 24 hours and just think?”

I almost gave in when I saw the hurt on his face. “What is there to consider?” he asked.

“I want to be with you,” I continued. “I love what you describe about our relationship. But I also have to consider my job, and that my family lives near here, and do I want the job you’re offering to me? Can we be together here? Can we be a couple here, or do we have to move in order for that to happen? I just need time to think through all of the possibilities and what this means for every part of my life. And OUR lives,” I added quickly.

“Ok,” he said simply, looking like a wounded puppy. I wanted to burst into tears right then and tell him I would go, but I needed to think first, so I remained strong. I stood up then, turned to stand in front of Marcus and leaned down, taking his head in my hands and kissing him full on the lips. “I’m not saying ‘No,’” I said. “I just can’t say ‘Yes’ quite yet either.” His mouth moved into a small smile at the word “yet.”

“And, in case you’re thinking about it, no you cannot fuck me into a decision!” I said, smiling now. “No sex until I give my answer!”

Marcus smiled at my playful tone, grabbing my hand and pulling me down onto the couch, on my back before pouncing on top of me. “I’ll fuck you whenever I want to!” he said, laughing. It felt good to have his body on mine, and I briefly considered letting him fuck me despite what I’d just said! I knew, though, that he was just teasing, matching my own playful tone.

“Get off me, asshole!” I laughed as I pushed him up and off me. We both got up, and I grabbed him into a hug, holding him tight to me. Leaning back, I looked up into his eyes, and said, “There’s nothing I can imagine better than being with you as a couple. I just want to make sure this move is right for me and my career.” Our lips met in a soft kiss, before I pushed back and stepped away. I walked back to my room, put on some sweats and a hoodie, and walked back into the living area. “I’m going for a walk,” I announced to Marcus. “Need to get my thoughts together, and then I’ll be back.”

I walked out into the cool air of autumn, and into the park across the street from our complex. Several weeks ago, had Marcus offered what he just offered, I would have pounced on the opportunity, and that thought scared the hell out of me. What I had not admitted, even to myself at that point, was that was beginning to be open to thinking of myself as a slut for big black cock, and I was no longer sure that I was ready or able to settle down with just Marcus. I had enjoyed getting fucked by Dwayne a little too much, and as much as I hated myself for it, the memory of last night’s gang bang had me boning up! Maybe Dwayne was right about me after all.

While those thoughts were bouncing around my skull, I felt my phone buzz, alerting me to a new text message. I grabbed my phone, and saw Dwayne’s name on a message. My heart immediately began beating faster. I was horrified to discover that I was excited to hear from him! I unlocked the home screen and his message popped up.

After my last message, Dwayne stopped texting. I continued walking, actually enjoying the weather, and the ability to breathe fresh air. I decided to try to clear my mind and look at the options one issue at a time.

The job wasn’t really an issue. I’m a hard worker and a team player, so being able to advance in my career at a different company didn’t really concern me. I just needed a reason to give Marcus for why I needed time to think. The family issue was a little bigger deal. I liked that I lived near my family and could see them when I wanted. Moving across the country would mean having to plan trips more carefully. Plus, going public with our relationship would mean coming out to my parents, something that seems crazy to me because until a few short months ago, I was an average straight dude.

The relationship aspect was also a much bigger deal. I hadn’t been able to remain faithful to Marcus here. Would I be able to commit to him in a dedicated relationship? Was a relationship what I wanted? I knew that I loved Marcus; he had been my best friend for years. We had been a support system for each other through highs and lows, and in some way, we had been in a committed relationship for a long time. Now, we just added sex to that. But moving to another city, buying a house together, even the idea of me following him because of a job, seemed permanent. I felt like I was giving up a part of me and my independence for him. And did I really want independence, or was I just scared.

But all of those thoughts were secondary to the Dwayne issue. I was beginning to realize what my subconscious had already known: I liked the way he fucked me. I liked submitting to him. I liked the way he called me “Baby mama” and teased me about being a bitch for him. I liked the way he degraded me, and I hated myself for it. I hated the fact that I got a boner just because I was allowing my mind to think about what was really causing me to hesitate agreeing to go with Marcus. I really wanted Marcus, but Dwayne wouldn’t be in San Diego.

I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn’t hear the footsteps running up behind me until someone ran up beside me and matched step with me. I looked over to see Dwayne walking beside me, dressed in gym shorts and a tank top. He looked intimidating and hot, a stud who could get any white boy to bend over. I was personally proof of that! He gave me a smile as he said, “You been thinking about my cock, white boy?” I couldn’t stop myself from looking down at his crotch, his thick cock pressing his shorts out in an obscene way. “Thought so!” he laughed.

“Actually, no,” I retorted, annoyed at how easily he could read me. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind, and I needed to clear my head.”

Dwayne grabbed my arm, stopping us and spinning me around to face him. “Bitch, what’s got you so upset?”

“Well, first,” I said icily, “I’m dealing with the emotions of having a line of black men fucking me without my permission.”

“Don’t get all emotional on me!” Dwayne said. “I was just helping you see what you really are: a white bitch for black cock. Just accept it and move on. Last night happened, and you can’t go back from it.”

“That’s my problem,” I began. “Marcus wants to take our relationship public and exclusive, and I feel guilty about what I’ve done!” As I said that, it was like a dam burst and I spilled the whole story to Dwayne, including how hurt Marcus had been by the video he saw of me getting gang-banged. For his part, he listened quietly as I shared and cried, instead of his typical teasing and degradation of my manhood. It actually felt good to have someone to pour out my thoughts to. Dwayne listened, and when I’d finished sharing all my worries and desires, he reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into his muscular body in a tight hug. It was the kindest thing Dwayne had ever done for me, and I was grateful.

After holding me for a minute, he pulled back, looking down at me as he said, “If Marcus has given you a chance to start a new life as a couple, you should take it. I know you think I’ve tried to mess it up by fucking you, but really, I’ve just been helping you accept who you are so that you can really enjoy what you have with Marcus. He’s your man. I can fuck you good, but I’m not husband material. He is, AND he can fuck you good, too. Tim told me that night Marcus fucked him real good out on the couch. You see, the truth is that we always desire and want what we can’t really have. You want me, because you can’t have me. You’ve got a man, who loves you. You have him. Don’t mess that up!”

I had never thought of Dwayne as very philosophical, but what he said made sense. “You know I’m right, white boy,” Dwayne continued. “Think about you and me, and then think about you and Marcus. You felt good while I was boning you, but you felt ashamed when you left. With Marcus, you feel good when he’s in you, and you feel good when he’s holding you after.”

Dwayne was so right! How could I have been so stupid? It really came down to that. Did I want a life of good sex, but shame and loneliness after? Or a life with the man I loved, with good sex as an added bonus? I was ready to go tell Marcus that we needed to start packing.

“Thanks, Dwayne!” I said, hugging him again.

“The only thanks I really want is another round of fucking that fine white pussy!” he replied, smiling as he returned to his predatory ways. “But, since Marcus is home, I need to go and apologize to him for what I’ve done to you.”

“I don’t know if that’s a great idea,” I said. “He was really pissed.”

“That’s why it’s better if we just go now and clear the air.” Dwayne wasn’t taking no for an answer, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me as we began walking purposely back to the apartment I shared with Marcus.

I opened the door with a sense of trepidation, unsure of how Marcus would respond. I walked in, Dwayne behind me, seeing Marcus sitting on the couch flipping channels. “Hey Marcus.” I said cautiously as we entered. Turning his head at my greeting, Marcus started to say, “Hey babe…” before the words caught in his throat. He jumped up as he shouted, “What the fuck is he doing here?” Then, before I could answer, he looked at Dwayne and shouted, “You’ve got fucking balls coming here after what you’ve done.”

“BABE!” I shouted, stepping up to Marcus and putting my hands on his chest. “Dwayne is here to apologize to you, and the three of us need to clear the air so WE (pointing between myself and Marcus) can move forward.” Marcus stopped, still glaring at Dwayne, but standing still and quietly, waiting.

“Marcus, man, I’m sorry.” Dwayne said. “I shouldn’t have fucked John that first night, and I shouldn’t have come back last night and done it again. As fucked up as it sounds, I was trying to help him see who he really is, so that he would give himself to you fully. As it is, I almost fucked up what you guys have together, and I’m sorry.”

“What do you mean, ‘who he really is’?” Marcus asked.

“He’s a white bitch, man,” Dwayne replied. “He was made to take black cock. The sooner he realized it, the better off you’d be. You’d have a regular pussy to fuck.”

Marcus relaxed some as he said, “I think I was doing pretty good turning him into my bitch without your help!”

“Hey!” I replied, a little insulted.

“What?” laughed Marcus. “I’ve been fucking you for months. You’re my bitch, and I made that happen!”

I couldn’t argue with him there.

“Marcus,” I said, changing the subject slightly, “I want you to know that I’m ready to move with you to San Diego.” The smile on his face was endearing. “But, I do need to tell you one more thing so that we have no secrets.” His face turned serious once again as he looked down at me, waiting for what I said next. “It’s true that Dwayne came over last night, and came in without being invited, and told me that we were going to have sex. But, he also made me fuck myself on his cock. I couldn’t say no to him, and all too quickly I was a willing participant. I wanted to feel him fucking me again. I’m so sorry for being unfaithful to you.”

Marcus considered that for a moment, before he replied, “I forgive you. I guess Dwayne is right, you are just a bitch for black cock! Thankfully, you’re my bitch for my black cock!”

I grabbed him in a tight hug. I can’t believe I almost gave up what we have for something that would never make me happy. My happiness increased as I felt his arms wrap around me, holding me against his muscular body.

“If you two love birds are finished,” Dwayne said from behind me, “I have an idea.”

We turned to face him as Marcus said, “What’s that?”

“We could share the bitch, one last celebration before you two move away.”

Marcus looked contemplative for a moment as he looked down at me. He didn’t ask me, as he knew I was powerless to say no to Dwayne’s cock. “You know,” he said, “That might be a great way to clear the air and be able to leave on good terms!”

“Strip!” Dwayne said, to me. Almost immediately I was taking off my shirt and dropping my shorts, standing naked in my living room in front of the two black men. Dwayne stepped up to me, standing directly in front of me, with Marcus behind. I was sandwiched between the two muscular black men, and there wasn’t anywhere I’d rather be. Dwayne grabbed my head and pulled me into a passionate kiss, then letting go, he spun me around to kiss Marcus as Dwayne ground his cock against my ass. I felt Dwayne step back from me, and when he spun me around again, he was naked. He kissed me one more time, before taking my neck and pressing me down, bending me at the waist to take his cock into my mouth.

I heard rustling behind me, and correctly assumed Marcus was de-robing as well. I assumed correctly, because very soon I heard him spit, and then felt the familiar sensation of his cock head at my hole, already pressing in. He didn’t stop until he was balls deep. I was being spit roasted, and they began a matching in and out rhythm, Marcus’ thrust pushing Dwayne’s cock into my throat.

“Ready to switch?” Dwayne asked Marcus. I felt Marcus pull out, and I was spun around. Almost immediately, I was refilled with cock. Dwayne pressed in my ass as Marcus took my throat. “Damn, this is good pussy!” Dwayne said. I could hear the smile in his voice as he said to Marcus, “You a lucky man to have this pussy all to yourself! I’d move across the country to keep this pussy to myself too!” They shared a laugh as they fucked into me. It’s funny, but it’s almost like their friendship was restored as they shared me.

Finally, Marcus pulled out of my mouth, and said, “Let’s all take this to the bedroom.”

Dwayne, who was still firmly planted up my ass, said, “Watch what this bitch can do!” He wrapped his arms around my torso and stood me up, then stood up fully, mimicking the position from the previous night. My feet were dangling down, so I wrapped them backwards around his waist and was once again impaled and hanging off his cock.

“Damn, that’s hot!” said Marcus. “We’re going to have to try that sometime!”

Dwayne fuck walked me back to my bed. He set me down on my feet, and then withdrew his cock. He then climbed on the bed, laying down on his back, as he said, “Climb on, white boy!” I moved to sit facing him, but he turned me so that my back was to him. “Look at your man while you fuck yourself on my cock! Show him what a bitch you are!” I sank down on his big black cock, impaling myself fully on him. Once I was in his lap, he reached his arms around my chest again and pulled me back to lay, my back on his chest, and my legs were down on each side of him.

“Now, Marcus,” Dwayne said, holding me in place. “Why don’t you come join me?”

I couldn’t understand what he meant, but obviously Marcus knew. I felt the bed move as Marcus joined us, kneeling between our legs and scooting up close to me. Marcus grabbed my legs and pulled them up, wish-boning them out. That action served to move Dwayne’s cock toward the back of my ass, and suddenly I knew what they were doing!

Marcus placed his cock at the top of my ass, next to Dwayne’s and began pushing in. “FUCK!!!” I yelled as I felt stretched beyond anything I’d ever experienced. I suddenly had two big black cocks in me. Once Marcus pressed fully in, they began fucking. The pain was intense, but then it settled down into a dull ache as the pleasure began to build. Once the pleasure started, there was no stopping it. I can’t describe how incredible it felt, but within 5 minutes of their double penetration, I came, hands free, and my cock never lost its hardness.

As good as it felt, the best part was that I was staring into my best friend’s eyes, the man who love me and whom I loved, as I enjoyed allowing myself to be the slut I had become. This three-way allowed Marcus to see me as I really am, fully known by him, and I could still see love in his eyes. They both finally climaxed in my ass. I was gaping open as they pulled out, and cum was everywhere. We all collapsed on the bed, a tangle of arms and legs and bodies.

When we finally got up, Dwayne told us he had to get going. Marcus grabbed him in a bro hug, and said, “Thanks man!”

Dwayne hugged him back, and laughingly responded, “Anytime! In fact, anytime you need me to come visit and make that pussy happy, just let me know!” We laughed, and then Dwayne left.

That evening, Marcus and I shared a shower, shared a meal, shared all of our thoughts, and agreed to take the jobs and move together, as a couple, to San Diego. Then we went to bed, and in contrast to the raunchy threesome of that afternoon, Marcus made tender love to me, in what we now call OUR bed. The crazy thing is, I ended up cumming twice while he made love to me. I felt loved, wanted, known, and protected. I couldn’t wait to see what the next chapter held as WE journeyed it together, me at the side of my man, my best friend, Marcus.

I hope you've enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you'd like to read more of my stories, I have 70 original stories and counting posted on my Patreon page.

by ClosetCase

Email: [email protected]

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