Jail's Bait: Time Served (Book 5)

by Phaggotry

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On May 2nd the NCAA franchise was rocked to its foundations when Carmelo Johnson, star QB of the Berkeley Grizzlies 2018 football team, held a press conference where he confessed to having raped over fifty of Berkeley’s female students by slipping them drugs so potent that they remembered mostly none of the crime the next morning.  He also issued a general apology to each woman, the names of which would be only revealed to each woman personally, for the sake of their privacy.  To the further shock of Berekeley campus and residents, once the apology was issued, he stepped off the podium into the waiting arms of LAPD, whom his publicists had contacted beforehand so that he could publicly turn himself in after the confession.  Future updates will be provided when new information surfaces.

(excerpt taken from The LA Times, first print-date Friday, May 18, 2018)

* * * * *

(TV clip, first aired on the WETV cable network, Friday, May 25, 7:30 pm EST)

‘Tonight, on E News:  the Hill family scandal that rocked the hills of Seattle..!  And the will reading that started it all!!!’

‘Good evening, and welcome to E News; I’m Holly Rivera.  On our top story, scandal and intrigue rocks the foundations of the famous Hill family once again...!  Fallout from the late Governor Hill’s will reading is sending shockwaves throughout the celebrity community.  Rumors are flying of gunfire, kidnapping, people walled in, and sex scandals that involve such celebrities as supermodel Jacqueline, Oscar-Winner Karl Khronic, and NBA AllStar Marcus James.  There was even a rumor that surfaced that a previously unkown member of the Hill family stole the entire family fortune- lock, stock and barrel; but we will only focus on those rumors we can substantiate.’

‘For example, we can verify that Governor Joe Hill did leave a video-will, which caused several dramatic episodes at the family ancestral mansion, Crimson Crest, located deep within the oldest and most affluent part of the Bolo Grounds.  Sources have attempting to verify the rumor that there was a whisper of one of the Hill family members, previously given up at birth and presumed dead, was actually shut up in the West wing of the manor, living as a hermit away from the world and the other Hill family members, appearing during the reading of the video-will to claim his share of the inheritance.  As soon as we can get a name, we will reveal it right here on E News..!’

‘Also, we can verify that Animal Control was dispatched the next morning to collect the remains of Marquis Hill’s pet lion, who apparently died from a gunshot right to the heart.  Investigators are following up on this.’

‘And we can also verify two other important clues:   First, Wall Street suffered a huge loss just around the same time it was reported that the Hill family fortune was removed completely from the seven World Banks.  Stocks fluctuated wildly, and it almost seemed like a complete collapse of the global economy- until Wall Street suddenly became stable again, shooting up to the levels they were normally; which, again, happened around the same time it was reported that the Hill family fortune was returned back to the World Banks.  Coincidence..?  We think not.’

‘The second clue we can verify is that this morning at least five members of the Hill family were rushed to Seattle Grace hospital, for reasons we were banned from learning when we tried to get inside the Emergency Room.  What revelation in Joe Hill’s video will could have possibly sparked such a wild reaction?’

‘One further clue:  All the various accusations and wild stories seem to revolve around or involve Jake Re’Vanche, 19 year old son of the Paris supermodel Jacqueline.   What his connection is to the Hill family, or even to the worst of the rumors and speculations surrounding the events of the 48 hours preceding the reading of the will at Crimson Crest, we can only speculate on ourselves.  We do know he is a student at UC Berkeley, the same university where Marquis Hill and his entourage attend.  Our sources have determined that Jake has been seen on campus with Marquis, which shows that there is a connection, however vague.  We will keep you filled with juicy updates should our sources be able to verify any of the other outrageous stories out of Seattle.’

‘On our next top story…’

* * * * *



In a surprise turn, fifty women named in the Berkeley date-rape trial of Carmelo Johnson marched on the courthouse where the trial was being held, giving a signed petition to the judge to release Johnson on his own recognizance; the argument being that none of the girls could possibly press charges against someone who gave each one of them “the best sex they ever had”.  Though appalled by this turn of events, the judge did take this unusual request into consideration and at the sentencing dropped the incarceration term to time served, plus an additional year in WA State Penitentiary, with the eligibility for parole in six months for good behavior.  Johnson’s law team had no comment.

(News follow-up-  excerpt taken from The LA Times, first print-date Wednesday, May 30, 2018)

* * * * *


“Everything is set, ma’am.  All the settings are in place, and everything from the soup course to the desserts are ready and waiting for your word.”

“Thank you.  Now I want this dinner to go off splendidly, so no one makes a move outside of the script, got it..?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Regine, don’t you think you’re just a bit over the top about this dinner?” Claire wondered as the maid Regine just chastised went scurrying off.

“Well, you’re Chatelaine of Crimson Crest, so make it happen, or I’ll demote you,” Regine growled.

Claire stared at Regine, one eyebrow arched.

Regine suddenly shook her head.  “I’m out of control, aren’t I...?” she asked sheepishly.

“You always did get nervous before a party,” Claire reminded her; “I remember that all the way back in high school.”

“Oh yeah, senior year, when you transferred over to our high school and took my boyfriend away from me,” Regine growled.

Claire replied clinically, “First of all, Danny was your best friend with benefits, not your boyfriend.  Secondly, if he was your man he forgot that soon as he saw me.”

“Bitch,” Regine pouted with a smirk.

“Thirdly, you didn’t give a shit then, so why do you give a shit now?”

“Forgive me; I’m hot-flashing,” Regine replied, fanning her face with her hand.

“Then go eat some ice cream or go get your electric toy- the one with Lionel’s picture taped to it,” Claire said wryly.

“How do you know I want to be involved with Lionel...?” Regine asked, open-mouthed.

“I’m Chatelaine of Crimson Crest,” Claire reminded her with a grin; “I know everything that goes on here, even what might be about to start going on here too.  Now Lionel is worth the wait, however; a great fuck. Remember I once left my husband for that dick.  Funny though,” she said then, “I still have a clean bill of health.  I wonder just when Lionel contracted AIDS..?”

“Yeah, that puzzled me too,” Regine replied.  “I finally convinced him to get fully tested.  He went to pick up the results today at Seattle Grace.  Whatever it is he’s got, we’ll work with it.”

* * * * *

An hour later, Regine stood next to Ray on the grand stairs, while Claire waited in the front foyer, her hand on the Eustacheon knob of the front door, holding it wide open as the guests began to arrive.  Regine had put the word out that this was a black and white affair, which meant that everyone was to dress in black or white.  Regine wore a Breakfast at Tiffany’s style black cocktail dress, with white arm-gloves, while Ray wore a standard black tuxedo.  Claire wore a white silk jacket with a black blouse and a white chiffon floor-length wrap-around.  All the servants wore their finest livery and waited patiently as the first of the limos began to arrive.  

First to enter the foyer was Trey and Danny, both holding champagne bottles and dressed in simple black tuxedos.  “Good afternoon,” Claire said, hugging and kissing them both.  “Please give the gifts to the maids standing thus,” she indicated to the row of servants who waited.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” Trey said to Regine, shaking Ray’s hand.

“We’re going to be receiving the guests in Joe’s den,” she replied; “right this way..?”  And she took Ray’s arm and headed off, Danny and Trey following.

Claire smiled after them, then she heard another set of limo doors close.  Opening the door again, she found Malik and Lamar, who held Jamara in his arms.  Malik was dressed in a all-white tuxedo with his customary grey-blue shades.  Lamar was dressed in all-black for his tuxedo, and 

Jamara had on a white lace dress which made her look like she was attending her own Communion.

Claire hugged them all. “How are you feeling,” she asked Lamar.

“Just fine, Ma,” Lamar replied, beating on his chest.  “The transplant took, and I’m back to being as active as I always was.”

“He’s been picking up Jamara so much, I swear she may forget how to walk,” Malik observed with a smile.

Ma, just so I know that you know how the word is used, what does Chatelaine mean..?

“It’s French,” Claire replied loftily, “and it is the term given to a female manager of an overly large house, mansion or chateau- palace, if you will,” she added, folding her arms confidently.

“Just making sure you knew what it meant,” Lamar replied just as loftily; the two laughed.

“Where’s the nanny?” Claire wondered, looking around.

“Sophie went back to England for the holiday,” Lamar replied; “to see her folks.”

They headed for the den as behind them strode Marquis and Carmen.  Marquis, always imitating of Malik’s taste, was also dressed in an all-white tuxedo.  Carmen was also dressed in an all-white shimmer-gown, all aglow with her pregnant pouch- which only enhanced her dress instead of making her look out of shape.

“You guys look great,” Claire said, hugging her godson and Carmen as well.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” Marquis said, kissing Claire.

“How are you,” Claire asked Carmen.

“On top of the world,” Carmen replied with a happy contentment.

Next came Kap with Angelina, with Kap’s mother Cheyenne rounding the back.  Kap had opted to wear all black, and his fiancée also dressed in an all-black gown with spaghetti straps.  She was just as stunning in her pregnancy as Carmen, just as beautiful in her dress.  Cheyenne had allowed her son to buy her the fantastic ball gown she wore, black on top with ruffled sleeves, with a trailing white hoop dress.

“You three are stunning,” Claire said impressively, hugging Kap and kissing Angelina.

“Thank you,” Cheyenne said, clearly still not used to such opulence.

The group headed for the den, but before Claire could close the door, she turned and saw RahRah standing there with Marcus, both with champagne bottles in their arms.  Behind Marcus were a couple Claire already knew to be his parents, Jared and Maire James.  All three men wore black tuxedoes, and Marcus’s mother wore a black and white polka-dotted gown- it was almost too unsettling to look at directly.

Claire hugged RahRah. “Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to Crimson Crest,” she said to Marcus and his parents, shaking all their hands.

“Thank you very much,” Mrs. James replied; “and the same to you.”

“We’re being received in Joe’s den down the hall,” Claire said to RahRah.

“I’ll show them the way,” he replied.  He and Marcus gave their gifts to the servants, then RahRah showed the James family down the hallway.

Claire had just closed the door when she heard once again the sound of closing car doors.  Reopening the front door, she was greeted by Danielle and Tyra, with Ranell rounding off the group.  The twins were exquisite in their matching white cocktail outfits and slingback stilettos, and Ranell wore a traditional white ball gown with a black lace sash draping it.

“Girls,” Claire gushed, “you two are visions in double!  And Ranell,” she smiled, “if your brother could only see you now.”

“Yes,” Ranell agreed, “and if Joe was here, I’d have a few choice words for him.”

“Wouldn’t we all,” Claire laughed, showing the girls down the hall to the den.

* * * * *

Fifteen minutes later, Joe’s den was filled with chattering dinner guests, all dressed to the nines.  “Everyone looks so beautiful,” Carmen said in awe.

“We Hills know how to clean up,” Marquis grinned.

“Where’s your mom,” Kap asked Marquis.

“Well, she decided to take her sister Jackie to their parents house for Thanksgiving,” Marquis confessed.

“Wow,” said Danielle and Tyra together.  Kap, Angelina and Carmen all wore raised eyebrows.

“I hear this is the first time since she was a kid that they’ve even seen her,” Marquis added conspiratorily.

“Do we wanna be flies on that wall,” Tyra asked with a shudder.

“I don’t think so,” Angelina replied, rubbing on her stomach.  “Kap, tell your son to stop kicking me- we’re about to eat..!”

“He gets like that when he gets hungry,” Kap explained to the group.  He leaned down and put his hand to Angelina’s stomach.  “Hey fella, give us another few minutes, why don’t you...?”

“Hey,” Angelina said then with a smile, “he’s stopped kicking me; he already listens to his daddy. Thanks, baby,” she said, leaning forward to kiss Kap.

“Funny thing,” Carmen mused, “my boy doesn’t act like that at all, he’s so well-behaved.”

“Sure, rub it in,” Angelina said, rubbing her stomach again.

* * * * *

Just as everyone was getting acquainted with everyone else in the den, Lionel came in, the expression on his face indistinguishable.  He had already dressed before he left for the hospital, and was dapper in a white tux jacket with tails, white tie and black slacks. 

Danny came over to his brother.  “Hey, you look great.  I heard you had to go to the hospital; everything okay?”

“You look dapper as well, little brother,” Lionel replied with a smile.  “Regine had been trying to get me to go check myself out since Joe’s will reading,” he confessed, “so I finally broke down-”

“Now that you’re considering taking up with the mistress of Crimson Crest, huh?” Danny asked wisely.  “I’m a Detective, remember,” he added after noticing his brother’s look of surprise.

Lionel blushed.  “We’ve been spending a lot of time together.  I do like her a lot, and I’ve always been bisexual, I guess… right now, I give her good company, and she’s good for me, too. And she knows I like to double-dip- and she’s okay with that, as long as I keep on top of my medical issues.”

“Have you been taking any meds or gotten on the protocol drugs..?”

“But that’s the thing,” Lionel replied with a frown; “I feel fine.  I’m not catching colds I can’t get rid of; nothing’s wrong with me, even at my great age.”

“So what did the doctor say?”  Danny asked.

“He gave me all the tests.  I went down to Seattle Grace earlier to get the results…” He patted a manila envelope he was holding.

“Well, what are they...?” Danny asked.

Trey, Ray, Claire and Regine came over to them as Lionel held up a piece of paper.  “Joe got it wrong,” he said then; “the doctors re-ran the tess and everything.”  He faced Regine.  “I don’t have AIDS, I don’t even have HIV.  I’m negative.”

The group gasped.  Regine took the paper and studied it, looking again at Lionel.  “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I don’t know how Joe got that so wrong,” Lionel frowned again.

“Joe must have been the ol dog, the rolling stone,” Regine snorted; “he caught it from someone else.”

“And took it all out on you; that dirty shrew,” Trey added with a growl.  “We still owe him to dig up his body and drop it in the nearest dump.”

Danny turned around to look at Ray.  “Wait a moment… you remember Potters, the lab tech at WolfRam &Hart- the one who ran all the DNA tests for Joe..?”

“The one who was always trying to flirt with you?” Ray asked.

“One and the same,” Danny replied.  “I heard that he suddenly caught sick and died last month.  Pneumonia,” he added morbidly.

“AIDS-related..?” Trey asked.

“He dropped too fast… had to be,” said Danny speculatively. “And I know for a fact that Potters and Joe used to run fuck-trains together- maybe they started fucking each other after all.”

“I think the hidden piece of the puzzle just surfaced,” Ray added then.  “Poor Potters.”

“Well at least you can say you have a clean bill of health,” Regine added, sounding relieved.

“Not to let anyone know my business, but I was wondering why I never caught anything, as much as I slept with Lionel,” Claire added.  “Makes sense now.”

“TMI,” Danny grumbled as Trey chuckled, kissing Danny on the cheek.

“Well, you can go upstairs and get ready now, Regine,” Claire said with a leer; “now that Lionel can take his place in the master bedroom...!” she added with a wink at Lionel.

“You know, I liked you better as Stella the maid; at least she kept her damn mouth shut,” Regine said with a scowl at Claire, who laughed.  Lionel smirked, receiving a smack on the arm from Regine. 

“Whats all this...?” Danny asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Claire, please ring the dinner bell,” Regine said then loftily, looping her arm in Lionel’s and striding off.

* * * * *

The five-piece orchestra was playing light classical music to provide an elegant background motif as the dinner guests filed in and sat down at the dining table in the Great Hall.  Crimson Crest pulled out its best and finest; the table was covered in 18th century lace and the cutlery and flatware was made of 24 carat gold; the goblets and water glasses were cut from Sworosky crystal and the plates were bone china rimmed in 24 carat gold.  The candelabras glowed with white pewter candles which made everything shimmer, down to the Sterling silver gravy boats and butter dishes.  Even the napkins were of 30 thread-count, embossed with the Hill Family Crest.  Everyone complimented Regine on the outstanding décor, to which she continually blushed.

Ray pulled Trey back before he went inside the Great Hall after the others.  Crooking his finger, he walked over to the other side of the wall, Trey following.  “Shhhh.  I got the DNA results back,” he said as Trey approached.

“So, what is it?  Are you Jamara’s father?” Trey asked, eyebrows up.

“Let’s just say that they won’t have to look too far if the kid needs an organ or something,” Ray said, his meaning implicit.

Trey’s mouth grew wide with happy surprise.  “Wow… I have a niece.  Are you going to tell anyone?”

“No… and neither are you. Especially you can’t tell Danny,” Ray added intently.

“But- but I don’t keep anything from Danny,” Trey said with a frown.

Ray leaned in for emphasis.  “Check this:  Danny is Marquis's godfather; Marquis is Kap’s best friend, and his lover to boot.  You think they would keep this from him, and not tell him that the baby sitting down the row from his seat is actually his little sister…?  And if Kap tells his mom… I damn near burst a vein trying to keep her from feeling guilty about the baby she gave up.  I don’t want my child getting all confused for no reason.”


Yet Ray hand a finger now pointed into Trey’s startled face.  “You owe me, Trey.  I didn’t fight you over Danny, I stepped aside when I should’ve bust yo ass over it.  And you asked me point blank if we had a chance to be brothers… well, I got you better- this is twin shit.  Your loyalty is to ME right now, kapech??”

“Well, if you put it that way…” Trey said, shugging his shoulders in mock defeat.  “I’ll give you my silence as proof of my loyalty.  One thing, though…” he added.


Trey put his hand around his twin brother’s shoulders.  “You can’t bust my ass.  I’ll have to unhappily put you in the hospital if you even think about trying something like that.”

“Not even on your best day, hombre,” Ray smiled pleasantly, patting Trey on the head as they went into the Great Hall, the last to sit down at the table.

* * * * *

The first course, Shark-Fin soup, was brought to the tables by servants wearing the finest livery.  “Have you ever tried Shark-Fin soup before..?” whispered Kap to Marquis.

“No, but my aunt wants this dinner to be upscale,” Marquis whispered back; “just go with it.”

Kap tasted the soup.  “What, this tastes like tunafish stew,” he blurted out.

Marquis, Carmen and Angelina heard; they burst out in giggles- which they tried to stifle when they saw the anxious look on Regine’s face.  They all began to quietly eat their soup.

“So did you hear..?” Tyra spoke up then.

“What happened, is this Berkeley news?” Angelina asked.

“Yup- turns out that Necie broke up with Melo when he turned himself in,” Danielle said with a sly look at her friends.

“Whoa..!  She didnt wanna stick by her man, huh?” Carmen said with a giggle.

“No, that wasn’t why she did it...!” Tyra replied with a mysterious grin.

“Well, get on with it, cousin..!” Marquis said, all ready to laugh.

The twins leaned into the others.  “Well- it turns out that she was hot-fire mad, not because of his confession of all the date-raping, but because he told her point-blank that she wasn’t date-raped; he got with her on a real level.  She dumped him on the spot,” Danielle said.

“Why would she do that?” Kap asked.

Tyra’s eyes sparkled with mirth.  “She felt left out.  And according to her, no one makes her feel like a fifth-wheel.  So she left him.”

The group laughed and laughed.  “I cant believe your friend is that much of a dunce-bunny..?” Angelina groaned with chuckles.

“It gets better…” Tyra nodded.

“No, I cant take anymore..!” Kap said, mouth full of laughter.

But Danielle held up one hand.  “It turns out, that she found someone who lent her a shoulder to cry on.  They’ve been seeing each other ever since…”

“And who would this jerk be..?” Angelina asked, wide-eyed.

Tyra could barely get it out.  “Lets just say that his shoulders were healed enough to be able to hold Necie now….”  The twins let the clue sink in.

“HOOCH???” exclaimed Kap, Marquis, Angelina and Carmen together.

“One and the same,” the twins replied in unison.

“OH MY GOD…!!” shrieked Kap, Marquis, Angelina and Carmen- who were all suddenly shushed from all sides from frowning adults.

They calmed down, and leaned towards each other once again.  “I wonder if Melo knows about this,” Kap said absently, not noticing Marquis's slight frown at his mention of the name.

Angelina shook her head.  “He’s probably too busy trying to strangle himself, trying to get away from Jake.  You know Jake's trying to tag along with Melo to save his sorry ass from the shower gangs….”

“I heard they wound up in the same cell,” Carmen replied.

“Wow, for real- hey, wait a minute; my dad told me he’s getting out this morning, and he said his cell-mate was getting out today too!  He’s bringing him to dinner!!!” Marquis said with a sickened expression on his face.

Kap turned to Marquis, horror in his face.  “Jake is bringing Melo to dinner..?  TONIGHT???”

“Don’t say it- just don’t say it,” Marquis said, dabbing his napkin in his water glass and touching his face.

Carmen, however, was frowning.  “Well, hear me out… jail changes a man.  And they were in there together for almost six months, in the same cell… don’t you think maybe that…?”

Just then, the dinner bell rang a second time.  Suddenly the servants were taking away the soup dishes and replacing them with the second course- Summer Bean and Roasted Tomato salad.

“Not bad,” Kap said to Marquis, tasting the salad.  “Anyway- no, Carmen.  I don’t believe they would wind up together.  If Jake even tried to push up on him, Melo would’ve finished what Marquis started and strangled Jake to death.”

“Not if he’s Jake’s guest… and lo and behold- here comes Jakey..!” Tyra announced.

The doors to the Great Hall were opened by servants, but instead of the next course, to the surprise of all, Jake Re’Vanche Hill- for that is who he was now- walked into the Great Hall.  He was dressed in a black suit, cream silk shirt and red silk tie.  This outfit seemed to be his special pleasure.

He was also walking into the Great Hall hand in hand… with Carmelo Johnson.

Six sets of mouths dropped in shock as Melo and Jake, both grinning, came to the dinner table.  Melo was dressed in a red silk shirt which stretched across his bulging biceps, and sported cream colored slacks and matching shoes.  It was obvious to everyone that even though they were not prepared for the black-and-white dinner, they had matched colors for the event.

“Good evening, everyone,” Jake proclaimed with a smile.  “Happy Thanksgiving to you all..!”

“Happy Thanksgiving,” most of those seated replied back.  RahRah got up and came over to them, pulling Jake into a hug.  “Welcome, son,” he said then. 

“Happy Holidays, everyone,” Melo added, looking around at everyone- and then becoming startled as he saw his parents get up and come over to him, his mother reaching him first with a great hug.  “My baby-boy!  Are you okay?  I was so worried…”

“Son,” Mr. James said, grabbing him and pulling him into another hug, “I’m so proud of you for taking your lumps.  Now they can’t demean your name.”

“I’m afraid they can still do that, Dad,” Melo said with a small smile; “Here, I would like you to meet Jake Hill.  He was my cellmate in prison.”

“Yes, you are just as handsome as all the rest of your family,” Mrs. James said, taking Jake’s hand and shaking it.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Jake replied with a smile.  “You are even more beautiful than I’ve been told.”

Mrs. James let out a titter, blushing.

“How about a hug for your big bro?”  Marcus asked, grinning as he came over to embrace Melo.

“Good to see you, Marcus,” Melo said, patting his brother on the back.

“It’s so great to see the whole family together,” gushed Mrs. James as she placed one hand on each of her sons, “and in such an elegant place..!”

Meanwhile, Jake was being introduced to Mr. James.  “Ive heard a lot about you,” Mr. James said, extending his hand formally.

“I can explain-” Jake began, eyes wide.

Mr. James laughed.  “No, it’s been all good, my boy, all good.  I trust you’ve also learned the error of your ways?”

“Yessir,” Jake replied.

“Then you take care,” Mr. James said then with a firm handshake and a smile.

“I will, sir,” Jake promised.

Just then the dinner bell rang a third time.  Regine was standing, clearing her throat.  She seemed a bit flustered that the dinner was not going at the pace she’d hoped.  “If we could all take our seats, the servants can start bringing out the main course,” she said a little nervously.

“Of course, we apologize,” Mr. James replied then, herding everyone to the table.  Meanwhile, Jake and Melo selected two as yet unused seats side by side, and Melo stepped forward.  Without realizing what he was doing, he had pulled out the seat next to his for Jake to sit first, as if this was a practiced habit.  This, of course, spoke volumes to their relationship.

Before anyone could say another word, the servants began taking away the salad dishes and and bringing out the main course- two turkeys, one baked and dripping in its own juices, and one fried, still sizzling to the naked eye.  And there were platters of steak and roast beef, Barbeque, and fried chicken by the bushel.  There was Pasta Primavera and also two types of Lasagna, and baked Macaroni and Cheese.  There were seven kinds of vegetable platters, sugar beets, baked biscuits, croissants and cornbread, mashed potatoes and three types of gravies, sweet potatoes, canided yams with marshmallow dressing, five kinds of rice.  Everything smelled so mouth-watering and over-powering, it made anyone want to dive headfirst into the table.  And every few yards stood two champagne bottles and two pitchers of sweet tea and a pitcher of ice water.  Everyone gasped by the sheer overwhelming amount of food that stretched the yards-long table.

“All right, we can talk and give thanks later,” Regine said aloud; “dig in, people!!!”

“We’re so happy to be here with our families,” Jake smiled, “isn’t that right, baby?”

“You’re so right, my love,” Melo grinned, leaning over to shove his tongue down Jake’s throat right there at the table.  Jake grabbed the back of Melo’s neck and responded in kind, the two of them slobbering down.  Eyes widened in surprise from all over the table.

“I guess that solves the mystery of Jake’s sexuality,” RahRah replied archly, cutting into his slice of steak.  Please pass the peas...?” he asked aloud.

* * * * *

It was twenty minutes into the meal.  

“You know, your grandma Rena, she loved Thanksgiving Day,” RahRah sighed to Jake; “I wish you had known her.”

“So do I,” Marquis replied coldly.

RahRah held up a placatory hand to Marquis.  “She really wasn’t a bad person, and I still blame myself what happened to her.”

“What’s all this?” Jake asked, curious.

RahRah sighed once again, and filled Jake in on the circumstances that led to her death.  Afterwards Jake sat back in his chair, with a stunned look on his face.  “Wow.  I never knew… and my Grandfather Trey has her heart now..?” he asked, looking over at the man, who was currently engrossed in conversation with Danny.

Before waiting for an answer Jake got up and went over to Trey, excused himself, and knelt down next to him, putting his arms around him and kissing his cheek.  “When I embrace you, I’m also getting the chance to embrace a part of my gramdma too,” Jake smiled at Trey, a tear trickling down his eye.

“That’s very good of you to say, Jake,” Trey said, ruffling Jake on the top of the head, his eyes shining with tears. “She led a tragic life, but I am grateful she was there for me in the way she could be.”

RahRah’s eyes also filled with emotion.  Marquis snorted and rolled his eyes.

“What was that..?” RahRah asked Marquis.

“Nothing, Dad.”

“Hey Marquis, can I talk to you for a moment...?” Jake asked aloud, standing to his feet.

The crowd went silent.  Every eye turned towards Marquis as he studied Jake for a moment, and seemed to decide.  “Sure, Jake.”  He stood and followed his brother out of the Great Hall.

“Should I go with them?  They won’t fight if they’re standing over the baby,” Carmen worried.

“I-I’m sure they can handle themselves as gentlemen,” RahRah replied hesitantly.

“I think someone should go with them; Kap?” Angelina turned towards her boyfriend.

Kap, however, was staring balefully at Melo, who suddenly turned towards him.  “Can I talk to you for a moment, please...?” Kap asked, getting to his feet.

Melo frowned curiously.  Then he got to his feet as well.  “Sure thing.  Excuse us.”  And with that the two men left out of a different doorway.

Everyone stared after them as they vanished.  “What the…” Angelina said, frowning after them.

“That aint good, I’m telling yall; that aint good…” Tyra said, reaching for the bowl of macaroni and cheese.

* * * * *

Melo followed Kap out of the Great Hall and down a ways to a more secluded section of the mansion.  Kap turned to face Melo, only to be greeted with courteous-ness.  “How’ve you been, Kap?” Melo asked with a quiet smile..

But Kap launched right into it.  “What the hell is this?”

“What do you mean?” Melo asked, his smile faltering.

Kap spat, “Dude, you only went to prison to prove to me you were worthy, and you make me wear your chain, and then you come back from prison on the arm of my worst enemy...?”

Melo held up a hand, backing away.  “Now, you hold up, Kap- you made it perfectly clear that you didn’t want anything to do with me..!”

“Well, of course I did, Kap stammered, but since when do you hear what I say..?”

“When did you write me in prison?  When did you come see me..?” Melo asked pointedly.

“Now you know I wasn’t coming to see you up there,” Kap replied; “that wouldn’t have looked right; I’m with Marquis.”

“You know when I realized you and I never had a chance..?” Melo looked at Kap with disgust.  “When Hooch came up to see me.  Hooch, who I don’t give a shit about.  You know he’s with Necie now..?”

“I heard,” Kap scoffed.

“The point is,” Melo went on, “he knew I didn’t care about him and he came to see me anyway.  Necie, as mad as she was with me for all the girls, wrote me.  And the only one I waited to hear from, to see… the one who I wanted to give my heart to… I heard nothing from.  I even wrote you, and you never got back to me.”

Kap looked away, uneasily.

“Even Jake was getting letters from people,” Melo said with narrowed eyes.  “Which showed me that you chose Marquis, which in my opinion was the safe choice.  You weren’t ready for a nigga like me, the one that could make you feel ten times the way Marquis makes you feel.”

Kap turned back to Melo to dispute his last statement, but the look on the man’s face kept his mouth shut.

“So I backed off,” Melo continued, “and Jake was there, offering me a shoulder to cry on.”

“So he seduced you...?” Kap frowned skeptically.

Melo shook his head.  “No, it wasn’t like that.  At first we hated each other; but since Jake was the only person I knew up there, we joined forces to stay safe in prison.  We were already cell-mates, so we pretended to be together to keep everyone else away. Well, after spending so much time, forced together, pretending to be in love, well… one thing led to another, and what was once pretense became truth.  Now I can’t see my life without him.  And he’s not the person he was six months ago... he only wants to belong, to be loved.  And I can give him that; I can love him with a passion that most people will never know,” he added pointedly.

Ouch, Kap said inwardly; aloud he asked, “What about his mother?  Will she have a problem with you dating her son?

“Jacqueline has nothing to do with this,” Melo declared.  “Jake keeps her in line; she won’t complain about me again.”

Kap snorted.

“And by the way, I NEVER made you wear my chain.  I asked you to hold onto it for me until I could come back for it,” Melo reminded him.

“I’ll have it sent to you, now that you’re out,” Kap said.

“I’ll ask my brother to get it from you.”  He checked his watch then.  “We’ve been gone for a while.  Look, I apologize for all the things I did to you, and I went to prison to pay some of that debt.  I’m not here to make trouble, and maybe one day we can actually be the friends you wanted us to be in the beginning.  But right now, I just want to spend Thanksgiving with my baby and my family.  Excuse me.”  And Melo inclined his head respectfully, turned tail and headed back to the Great Hall.

Kap stared after the retreating man, somewhat unsure how to react.  “Guess I just got told,” he murmured to himself as he started back to the dinner table.

* * * * *

Jake led Marquis down the hallway to Joe’s den, and they both went inside.  Jake went over by the desk to stare at the life-sized portrait of J. Mayson Hill.

Marquis came over to stand behind him.  “How can I help you, Jake...?”

Jake reached into his jacket pocket, and turned to face Marquis, holding out a small gift box in silver wrapping.  He took a deep breath.  “This is for your little boy.”

Marquis hesitated, and then reached out to take the box.  “You can open it now,” Jake added then, nervously.

Marquis unwrapped the box and opened it, looking inside.  “A silver spoon..?”

Jake nodded.  “It’s pure Sterling, with a baby blessing engraved on the handle.  They’re all the rage in Paris… and there’s one more thing.  Please bring it in now,” he said aloud.

Four of Crimson Crest’s male servants brought in a large crate they all carried, which they deposited in front of Marquis.  As they left, Marquis began to hear a sort of growly-squeal which sounded so familiar to him… the crate had been pre-opened, and all he had to do was to pull up the top…

Inside the crate, amongst some straw and other padding, lay a white furry baby thing which was currently sleeping.  Its baby snores set off bells and whistles for Marquis; he suddenly remembered almost 5 years before, when he opened up a similar package- “Oh my god…” he replied in awe.

Jake nodded, smiling nervously.  “It’s a white baby lion cub, not even 6 months old.  He’s to grow up with your son… the way you had Leo.”

Marquis looked at Jake, startled.  “Ive been looking everywhere- do you know how hard it is to find one?  A fully white coat, without a blemish…”

Jake laughed.  “Yes, it’s extremely difficult to find; I had my people search the seven continents.”

Marquis reached into the crate with trembling fingers, touching the soft fur and the little body.  The baby cub in its sleep reached out and began to nibble on Marquis's finger with its tiny fangs.  It was so much like the way baby Leo used to nibble on his finger that tears sprang to his eyes.  “He looks so much like… its like Leo, reborn..!”

Jake looked downward in shame, tears of his own running down his face.  “There’s no pet on earth that could replace Leo in your heart, but this one is from the same pride-stock, I did find out that much.”

Marquis kept stroking the sleeping cub, lost in its white fur. “Does he have a name yet?”

Jake wiped his face and shook his head.  “No, you guys get to name him and everything.”  He looked again at his brother.  “Will you accept this gift, with my continual apologies for your loss...?”

Marquis looked at Jake, his face indecipherable.  “I never thought I could let go all that you did to me… but for you to do this… for my son… “

“I love my nephew already,” Jake replied honestly; “I just want another chance for us to be brothers, you and me.”

Marquis gave him a reluctant grin.  “You really make it hard to hate you right about now.”  He reached out his hand.  “Thanks for the gift.”

Jake reached for his hand, but then lunged forward and embraced a startled Marquis.  “Thanks for the chance.”

Marquis stiffened, and then relaxed, awkwardly reaching up to patted Jake on the back.  “Happy Thanksgiving… little brother.”

* * * * *

Just around the corner stood RahRah and Carmen, peeking from behind the door.  “You know, I think they’re going to be okay,” RahRah whispered clinically.

Carmen smiled, caressing her pregnant pouch.  “I think so too; no bloodshed.  And Jake gives such nice gifts,” she added, her voice low.

“You don’t seem to be surprised that Jake gave your fiancée a white lion cub for your baby,” RahRah replied with suspicion.  “Why aren’t you more shocked...?”

“Let’s just say that Jake didn’t only write to you during his incarceration,” Carmen whispered with a mysterious smile; “and maybe I gave him some advice… after all, losing Leo devastated 

Marquis; I believe he loved that pet more than me and Kap combined.  Giving him one of Leo’s pride-stock was quite possibly the one gift Jake could give to get back into Marquis's heart.”

“You’re going to be an amazing daughter-in-law,” RahRah remarked.

Carmen smiled with the dazzling radiance a woman in her second tri-mester naturally gave off.  “Thanks.  Care to bring your grandson back to the dinner table...?” she asked, offering up one arm and caressing her protruding stomach with the other.

“With pleasure, dear lady…” RahRah replied with a grin, taking her offered arm and escorting Carmen down the hallway.


“I can’t eat another bite,” Ray said, putting down his fork.

“Neither can I, and I’m eating for two,” Carmen groaned happily.

“Attention everyone.”

The group ceased talking once Malik had gotten to his feet, a champagne glass in his hand.  The servants all began pouring glasses for each one, giving non-alcoholic beverages to those underage or with child, of course.

Malik cleared his throat.  “I figure, since my father used to make the Thanksgiving toast, that I should take the reins, and say something before they bring out dessert, and we all get ‘negro-itus’ and can’t hear anything else,” he said to the saound of laughter ringing the room.

“You know, when I was younger I had no idea what the term family meant, because it was just me and my ma,” he said, smiling at Regine.  “And now, I look around this extraordinarily large table and I see not just my ma, but uncles, aunts, cousins, and of course, my own family; Lamar and our beautiful daughter.  And I can’t imagine what life was like without you all.”

“Even me..?” Jake called out, and Marquis reached out to ruffle his hair to tease him.

“Especially you, Jake,” and everyone laughed.  “But that’s what I mean; each one of you brings something to the table, something outrageous, something dramatic, something beautiful, something womderful… and that’s what I’m thankful for this year; I’m thankful for my this group of people right here, the Hill family.  We have struggled, we’ve survived, we’ve faced the worst and celebrated the best- all with the public watching our every move…!  Crazy, isn’t it..?”

The group of dinner guests laughed again.

Malik smiled and went on.  “And now we see evidence that J. Mayson’s legacy did not die, and the next generation of Hills are already coming along.  However we are judged, however we are scrutinized… rightly, wrongly… we are the great and the least, the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in tragedy and triumph, we are the Hill Family.”  He held up his glass to everyone, who held up theirs to him in turn. Yet his eyes were only on Lamar’s smiling face as he shouted to the rooftop:

“To the Hill Family!!!”

“The Hill Family,” everyone shouted back, and drank their fill as the servants began to bring out the desserts to the sound of the final dinner bell.



It is with a heavy heart that I announce to you that there will be no Jail’s Bait 6… though some may disagree with this next statement, there really is no more to tell.

I can tell you now that though this is the end of the story of Jail’s Bait, this isn’t the end of the line for the famous/infamous Hill Family, as with any other eclectic group of blood-related people…

I can tell you they will continue to have blue-sky days as well as Greek-tragedy days…

I can tell you that there will be weddings and funerals, births and deaths, loves and hatred, friends and enemies…

…but can I tell you if they lived ‘happily ever after’..?


But they lived…



by Phaggotry

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024