Going With The Winds

by Draven Moorcock

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Chapter 14


Well, we were safe. I had been helping the crew with taking in the sails, then helping to tie the “Enchanter” to the long pier well into the harbor itself. If the hurricane hit here, I imagined we were in a pretty snug place.

However, Jake had been on the phone a lot after we sailed under the bay bridge with the mouth of the Severn River in our sights and the Annapolis harbor slowly coming into view. I gathered Jake was talking to the owner of a marina that had a large pier, making sure we had a place to tie up for the storm.

Assured that we did, all the sails were rolled up and secured away, and under our quiet electric engines, we glided our way in. Despite it being Annapolis, a great many slips, nine out of then of them too small for “Enchanter’, were empty. Their slip renters had their boats hauled and resting in cradles on dry land for the winter. Many others remained in slips.

“In another week or two, they will be running bubbler systems around the docks to keep the ice away,” Jake informed me, and I nodded, remembering that my uncle and aunt had done the same at their marina, and would doubtless be about that soon as well. I thought about them and my dad, wondering how they were doing and wondered when I would see them again.

After passing a few such docks, and gliding past the Navel Academy, we reached out destination. Jake laid us along the end of the pier, had us snub down a nursing line, then gently backed the ship. The line caused us to pivot in place. Once we were stern in, he backed the ship, and we walked her up the pier. Using several lines, bow and stern amidships and two nursing lines, we secured the “Enchanter” and Jake excused the crew to tend to themselves. Go ashore for dinner if they liked. But he called my name and gestured me to join him in his cabin.

I was a bit nervous. Jake had seemed a shade darker somehow over these last miles of sea. I wondered if he somehow knew I had fallen into bed with Alejandro and Will Lawton. I resolved to tell him anyway, if I could find an excuse to do it. There was more going on between us then maybe wanted to admit, right now. But even though Jake and I hadn’t done more than kiss, I still felt I needed to be careful and utterly truthful to him about where I was in whatever this was between us. Besides which, my butt hurt. I hadn’t been fucked like that in a while. Alejandro was a top but his cock wasn’t as thick in girth as that fat thing Will had swinging between his legs. Mmm, it was hard to walk and not think about it. God, I felt like such a slut. But on the other hand, I wasn’t in a committed relationship. Not really.

Ok, I didn’t feel guilty, but yeah, I felt like a slut.

Martin and Rion were talking about maybe taking us into town and treating us to a dinner at a restaurant they knew of.

Jake told them he needed to talk to me, but we would join them, “right Cass?”

Well, I didn’t know what Jake wanted, but sure, why not?

Once we were ensconced in his cabin, Jake perched on his desk and motioned me into a chair. Did he even realize how that pose made his big, long cock press out against those tight jeans, making me drool?

“So, how can I help you?” I asked, with a bright smile, looking up at him.

Jake gave me a half smile, but his brows were knit in a frown over those gorgeous black lashed grey eyes.

“Cass, I don’t know how to say this, something has come to my attention…”

“I had sex with Alejandro and Will, both… on our way down here.” I blurted.

Jake blinked; his lips parted. Finally, he said, “you don’t say.” His tone was mild but with a funny furry undercurrent.

“Well, yes, I, I know you and aren’t anything, yet, or whether we will be but, I don’t want you to think I would hide anything from you, Jake.”

Jake’s eyes bored into mine. Fuck did his cock not only twitch but visibly swell in his jeans.

He suddenly came at me from his desk, hooked his hands around my waist and bodily lifted me from my chair right into his arms, his lips closing over mine in a sizzling hot kiss that left me breathless. “Jake… your… well you're not mad… are you.” I breathed.

He chuckled, his hands moving to my ass. “Hell no, I think you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever run across, and your fucking adorable and I need another of those fucking kisses with you that drive me mad.”

That did it, we dove at each other, almost bruising lips, our bodies grinding and thrusting to get closer.

Finally, though, with both of us breathing hard, he lifted me off of him against the desk. “Cass, we need to talk. Something has come up.”

“They sure have.” I agreed. My cock was throbbing so hard I thought I would cum any second.

Jake laughed. “No, something not so hot, my friend. Come here.”

Jake pulled me around behind his desk sitting down and pulling me onto his lap.

“Ok you should know that there’s been a complaint made against you and Al.”

“Hunh?” I felt like a cold slap of water had hit me in the face. “What complaint?”

“Exactly,” Jake said, dryly. “Have you had any run ins with Miles Standish lately?”

Well, that momentary mystery just slotted into place. “Yeah. I woke up yesterday with his partner’s mouth around my cock. I was about to cum, but I resisted, and Lawrence gave me this line about him not being in love with Miles anymore, that it had always been a marriage that was as much a business arrangement. Lawrence was a call boy escort in Vagas, and in exchange for siccing Lawrence on clients and whomever, he’s made Lawrence more than moderately well off. At that point, while he’s trying to get back to sucking me, there is a knock on my door and it’s Miles. Lawrence leaped off me and into the bathroom.

I wasn't about to pretend he wasn't there. I answered the door and told him Lawrence was in my bathroom.”

“You call it a head on a boat,” Jake reproved me with a grin. I could see he was actually enjoying this.

“Right, head. Well Miles tried to just barge in, but I told him no way. That was before I opened the head door to reveal Lawrence to him. They both left in a huff.”

Jake nodded. “Anything else with Miles?”

“Oh yeah, he got me alone on the beach at Still Pond and went into this spiel about apologizing but how he needed to protect poor innocent Lawrence. I wasn’t buying it. I figured he uses Lawrence as bait to compromise people, and I called him on it and told him to keep his distance. Apparently, he has his own story about it?”

“Unhunh.” Jake ran a hand through my hair as he held me there and coaxed me into exchanging another kiss. I didn’t need a lot of coaxing.

“I guess you believe my version, whatever his is?” I asked after another glorious moment of slow necking. “I mean, it's not as if I have had a whole lot of time to earn your trust.”

“I believe you because though you had no idea why I called you in here, you wanted me to know the truth, even about something I have no business knowing. And, as for that; as far as you in bed between your bf and another man. Hell, I just wish I could have been there. Will is a hot man and so is, I have to admit your beautiful Alejandro.”

“Maybe next time we can arrange that.” I suggested.

Jake gave me the most beautiful smile. "Anyway, don’t you worry about Miles. When he tried to bribe me from the start, showing me what I could get by cooperating, I knew then he was a sleaze.”

Jake frowned. “Now the only question for me is how to reverse what he wants, you and Al off this ship, and instead make sure that sleaze ball and his boy toy are the ones off this ship. Martin seems to trust Miles a lot. He is Martin’s financial advisor, after all. But yeah, Cass I want them both off this ship. In fact, if he isn’t off this ship at some point, I’ll be tendering my resignation.”

“Oh, don’t do that. We can figure this out, Jake.” I told him, kissing his jaw, which of course led to more kissing. “So… what did Miles want you to actually do about me and Al?”

“Ease you off of here, as I said, but in the meantime…” Jake’s voice trailed off. “He wants me to, I guess, flirt with Lawrence, distract him from you.”

“What? That’s fucked up.”




“There is more going on here.”

“Ya think?”

I gave Jake a gentle jab in his side. “No, really. What does Miles hope to get out of this? What’s he trying to set up. Wait… what did he try to bribe you with?”

“Oh yeah, A job as his captain on his yacht, a yacht he hasn’t bought yet.”

I pursed my lips, thinking, and Jake caught my jaw in his hand and directed me down for another kiss.

“Stop that, I can’t think with you kissing me.”

“Well don’t pucker your lips then.” He growled.

“What if …” I started a thought only half-baked coming into my head. I stopped. Whatever it was, I needed to wait till it formed. “I think we should bring in Will Lawton on this. He will understand the legalities.”

Jake paused. “Now that, is a good idea. And if we need to go to Martin, we will need Will on our side.”

There was a knock on the door and Jim’s voice boomed. “Captain we're all going ashore in a half hour. We’re going to go eat that the Cockerel, and then head to the Mariner for drinks and dancing after, so dress sexy!”

“You know it, Jim.” Jake called back, before lavishing another kiss on me, saying, “Go on beautiful. Get dressed to go out. I’ll see you on deck.”


Fuck but Cass had my full attention, now. He might have fallen back into bed with Alejandro and now Will, but it didn’t change the fact there was something growing between us, and it wasn’t just our rock-hard cocks. Looking forward to a night out with the guys and particularly Cass, I took a quick five-minute shower, and came out to find someone in my cabin… grey jeans, a navy-blue shirt, a denim jacket and a scarf flung carelessly over one shoulder. My eyes were caught by the ass as the head turned and I realized it was Lawrence, whose eyes went straight down to my cock. I grabbed a towel and started drying myself.

He came over, almost darted over and took the towel. “Here, Captain, let me do that.

“Lawrence…” I started to protest, but then remembered what was going on. I needed to see if Lawrence was complicit in his older partner’s schemes. “Mmm, nice.” I murmured as he moved in close and dried my hair then working down my back.

“Lawrence, did you by any chance tell your partner I rebuffed you?” I said, using Mile’s word for it.

“Hunh?” Lawrence gave me an empty look, startled, but then blushed as his brain caught up with him. “Well, yeah, I didn’t want him to think we did anything. I mean we didn’t do anything, really. I wanted to…” Lawrence added. He started drying my legs working his way up to my cock and ass. My cock started to fill out and rise and Lawrence’s dark eyes were all on the organ swelling upward in front of his nose.

“I wanted it too, Lawrence.”

“He looked up at me and smiled, moving toward my cock. “I don’t think I really told him you, um pushed me away or anything. I just didn’t tell him why I left the cabin, and he said you must have kicked me out.”

I nodded. I didn’t detect that he was lying but then my cock was taking over my head as it rose up.

“Lawrence, what's your husband doing? Is he trolling you to get something? Should I be worried?”

He started to bring his lips to my cock, but I stepped back a little, denying him the taste of me. He eyed it hungrily. “Umm, he might be. I don’t’ always understand him, and I want you anyway.”

“I can see that.” I chuckled. “So did he tell you to come here and try to seduce me?”

Lawrence hesitated, looking so sexy as he stared at my cock. Finally, he said, “Maybe… He wasn’t trying to stop me.” He shrugged.

“Why, why was he setting you and me up? To catch us?”

Lawrence smiled sheepishly, and I suddenly wondered if maybe the young man was a little slow, a touch disadvantaged in the brain department, not retarded or anything, just oddly childlike when it came to social interactions and understanding.

“He likes to do that. To catch me having sex with others. He usually tries to even record it if he can.”

“Do you know why?” I asked him, more to see what he understood then anything.

Lawrence looked puzzled for a while. “I think it makes him hard.” He said, finally, and grinned.

“Does he know you’re here with me right now?” I asked him, letting my pelvis rock forward. He stuck his tongue out and licked the bead of pre off my cock slit. Dayum that felt good, but I had no time, nor did taking advantage of him much appeal to me, no matter how hot he made me.

“Come on, I need to get dressed. You head back to your man. Tell him this for me?”


“Tell him I am on board.” Can you remember that?”

“Yes Sir.” He reluctantly got up, but he did go, not without a backward look of total wanton lust on his handsome as hell face.

I turned around in place after Lawrence was gone, wondering if I should go with leather or my tightest, most faded worn, and ripped jeans. I wanted Cass to drool. But then I remembered we were first going to the Cockerel, and finally settled on some very tight silver dance slacks and a black muscle t under a blue sweater which in turn was under my black leather jacket with four silver stripes at each cuff. Yeah. I looked in the mirror, smiling at how nicely my cock was displayed in the dance slacks.

Time to go out and have some fun, and maybe tease the shit out of that sleaze, Miles. We needed to find out what he was after and act to stop his ass from succeeding. As for Lawrence, I was of two minds. Was he just a not so innocent but slightly dumb and gullible pawn, or was he playing a double game with me?

I shook my head at myself in the mirror, wondering if I was being too paranoid, all of a sudden. But something told me I wasn’t. Something was up. We just didn’t know what it was.