Fuck The Police

by domnerd69

27 Jan 2024 5104 readers Score 9.7 (52 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

While Tanner was keeping his new cop slaves busy in the front of the police station, the other side of the building was quiet as the three detained thugs sat around their jail cell. Monte, Leroy and Tyrell would never believe what was happening to Officer Stellato and Officer Bradley just out of earshot.

"This is fucking bullshit, we shouldn't even be in here right now," Monte said as he stood up and walked to the front of the cell, gripping the metal bars tightly in anger. He couldn't believe that his first big bust had gone so wrong. This was supposed to be his chance to prove himself to the rest of the gang and now he was locked up behind bars with his boys Leroy and Tyrell. Once word got out that some whiteboy cop single-handedly took them down they would become the laughingstock of the neighborhood.

"I still can't believe that prettyboy Officer Bradley got the better of us like that," chimed in Leroy while shaking his head.

Tyrell nodded and then looked at the large bruise on his arm that was still fresh from the confrontation, "That pig has a mean left hook, I'll give him that."

"Yeah yeah he's got all those pretty gym muscles but that cop bitch got lucky, next time I'll knock his ass out," boasted Monte but even he didn't believe what he was saying. Monte was in his early 20's and had a decent build, standing 5'11 with some developing muscles, but he had no chance against Officer Bradley's brawny physique. He had tried to put up a fight but all it took was one good punch from the cop to have him knocked out on the pavement. And once Monte was out cold the other two thugs were quick work for Officer Bradley as Leroy was chubby and out of shape while Tyrell was too skinny to stand a chance. The more Monte thought about the incident, the more rage bubbled up inside him, "That whiteboy cop will regret messing with us, I swear, Officer Bradley will—."

Speak of the devil, Officer Ken Bradley suddenly appeared at the doorway followed closely behind by Officer Chris Stellato, silencing Monte with their presence. The two hunky cops paused at the entrance with their hands behind their backs and exchanged a strange look that the thugs couldn't discern. 

"Oh great these assholes," murmured Leroy under his breath before rubbing his empty stomach and speaking out louder, "I'm guessing y'all didn't bring any food?" 

Ken and Chris rolled their eyes and sighed in unison at the question while they slowly began to walk towards the jail cell. As the cops approached, the three gang members began to notice that something was off. While both officers were wearing their NYPD uniforms, they looked a lot less polished than they had just hours prior. Their clothing was covered in wrinkles and their typically styled hair was disheveled. Both cops usually radiated a confident macho demeanor but now they appeared nervous and uncomfortable. Ken and Chris stepped forward until they were standing a few feet away from the cell with their arms still behind their backs as if they were hiding something.

"What the hell do you pigs want?" asked Monte, mustering up some fake bravado to fill the silence, "We don't want to hear any more of your bullshit cop speeches."

Officer Bradley grit his teeth as he thought of a million ways he wanted to respond to the shit-talking thug. To the surprise of the inmates, Ken didn't react at all to the disrespect and instead shrugged it off before hesitantly speaking out, "Argh no..this time is...different." His voice trailed off as he got lost in thought and turned back to Chris, "Fuck this man, I don't care what that punk said there's no way I'm doing this!"

Stellato turned to his colleague with a look of understanding, knowing exactly what Ken was feeling. He remembered how hard he had tried to resist Tanner's orders before finally giving in. Chris answered as if they were alone in the room, "I know Ken, but I don't see a way out of this. He's got us by the balls and you know it."

"Pfff, as if you bitches even have balls to grab," sneered Monte from behind the cell bars, joined by the laughter of Tyrell and Leroy.

"What did you just say inmate?!" Ken yelled back as rage consumed him, "That smart mouth of yours wasn't so talkative when I had you knocked out on the pavement. Don't make me come in there and remind you!" As he spoke, Officer Bradley stepped forward towards the cell and immediately noted how Monte backed away in response. "That's what I thought punk," barked Ken before he instinctively tried to reach down and grab his nightstick with the aim of smashing it against the cell bars. But this time as he reached, the blonde cop's arms could only jerk behind his back and make a clanging sound from the handcuffs still shackled around his wrists. The feeling of the cuffs brought Officer Bradley back to reality as he looked down at his empty belt and remembered that Tanner had already taken all of his police weapons anyways.

“You looking for this Officer Bitchboy?" a voice rang out from behind them.

Already knowing who it was, the two cops grimaced and turned to see Tanner standing in the doorway with an evil smile on his face. The teenaged troublemaker was twirling Ken's nightstick in one hand while holding the pistol in the other. With Ken and Chris turned towards the door, the imprisoned thugs got their first glimpse of their cuffed arms that they were hiding behind their backs.

"Holy shit….What the hell is goin on?!" asked Monte, exchanging a confused look with Tyrell and Leroy before turning back to the teenaged stranger, "Who the hell are you?!"

"The name is Tanner, and I'm your new best friend," laughed the young troublemaker as he approached, still twirling the police baton, "You see I heard blondie over here gave you guys a rough night and I thought he should apologize." The delinquent walked closer until he was standing right behind Officer Bradley. Tanner grinned before raising the nightstick in the air and bringing it down hard on the blonde cop's muscular glutes, "I told you to stick to the script cop slut!"

"ARGhh!" Ken let out a startled grunt as his body jerked forward from the hit. His face flushed red with rage and humiliation at the fact that his own police weapon was being used against him in front of the very thugs that he had brought down just days prior. Steaming with anger, Officer Bradley scowled and turned back to Tanner, "You little shit! There's no way in hell that I'm apologizing to these scumbag gangsters. You got that?! I am a proud officer of the law and you will show me some respect-ARGHHH!"

Before Ken could finish, Tanner slammed the nightstick back down on his bubble butt making it jiggle in the tight NYPD uniform pants. The delinquent laughed and used his other hand to pull out his phone, "Oh is that so? I guess I'll have to send this little video to your chief before I post it online for the world to see." As Tanner spoke, he pulled up a clip on his phone and displayed it to the policemen and jailed thugs. On the small screen appeared footage of Officer Bradley and Stellato on their knees slobbering all over Tanner's dick like total cockwhores. The delinquent had recorded it just an hour prior when he made the two hunky cops service his prick in the front holding cell. Tanner let the video play to the stunned audience before speaking up, "I don't think the police chief would be too pleased to find out that his two best cops are grade A cocksuckers."

Both Chris and Ken had their eyes glued to the phone screen as they stood there in stunned silence. The video captured the two cops eagerly sucking Tanner's big dick, only stopping to share a passionate makeout session before Tanner interrupted the kiss with a cockslap and forced Ken to deepthroat his prick. It was so obscene that if it wasn't for the visible NYPD uniform shirts, one would think Chris and Ken were gay pornstars. They had been so into it at the time that they didn't even notice Tanner had been recording the debauchery. Officer Bradley's eyes bulged wide in horror as he watched himself enthusiastically slobber all over Tanner's cock. Both him and Stellato had the same glazed-over lustful look on their face, almost completely unrecognizable compared to their usual macho demeanors as respectable men of the law.

The hunky cops weren't the only ones who couldn't look away from the video on the phone screen. Monte and his crew were also enjoying the show as they finally began to understand what was happening. The sight of Officer Bradley gagging on cock was a dream come true for the thugs who had spent the last two days behind bars imagining different ways to get revenge on the handsome blonde policeman. They could feel the power shifting away from the cops and into their hands, and they couldn't hold back joining in on the humiliation, shouting out degrading comments while they watched the footage.

"Haha I knew these two pigs were undercover cocksuckers!"

"Damn! Even my girl can't deepthroat like that…"

"No wonder Officer Bradley wanted to catch us so bad, this cop bitch probably was hoping to get some thug cock between his pretty lips."

Ken flushed red in anger and humiliation as his attention shifted between the video footage and the shit-talking thugs. The last remark from Monte was his breaking point and made him lash out, "How dare you accuse me of that! I busted you because it's my duty to put scumbag gangsters like you behind bars where you belong-Arghhh!"

The blonde cop was once again silenced by Tanner slamming the nightstick against his beefy glutes, drawing more laughter from the jailed trio.

"Ah shut up Officer Bitchboy," ordered Tanner while rolling his eyes, "You know what? I think they're onto something. The real reason you arrested these fine gentlemen is because you wanted to slobber all over their big black cocks, isn't that right blondie?" The delinquent grinned at Ken's clear discomfort and lack of response. Wanting to get this show on the road, Tanner decided to take it up a notch as he held the phone up and looked right at Officer Bradley, "Now let's get back to that apology that I ordered. If I don't hear an 'I'm sorry' outta those pretty lips in 30 seconds I'm gonna post this video online for everyone to see what good cocksuckers you two pigs are."

Officer Bradley scowled at the threat while his mind was running wild trying to think of a way out of this mess. The only thing worse than apologizing to these thugs was having his reputation destroyed. He could only imagine the reaction of the NYPD chief to seeing footage of his two toughest cops on their knees for criminal cock. Ken turned to Chris and exchanged a hopeless look as both men were starting to understand just how fucked they were. Nervous adrenaline began to rush through Ken's body when he noticed that Tanner's fingers were slowly inching towards the "submit" button on the phone. Knowing that he had no choice, Officer Bradley sighed and reluctantly accepted defeat, keeping his head down as he grit his teeth and hesitantly let out a mumbled, barely audible, "I'm sorry."

The three thugs were smiling ear to ear, enjoying how defeated and broken Officer Bradley appeared, especially compared to how cocky and proud the blonde cop had acted just hours prior. Monte heard the whispered "apology" but he wanted to fully humiliate the hunky policeman, laughing as he responded, "What was that pig? Speak up!" 

"You heard him blondie, say it louder. Now look him in the eyes and tell him what you're sorry for!" ordered Tanner with a grin.

Ken scowled in frustration, this was an affront to everything he stood for as an officer of the law. Knowing that Tanner would just threaten to post the video if he resisted, Officer Bradley slowly lifted his head to meet Monte's glance. The thug had a smug expression on his face, clearly taking great pleasure in the cop's downfall. Looking at Monte with eyes full of simmering rage, Ken spoke out louder, "I'm sorry…for arresting you."

The gangsters couldn't contain themselves, bursting into laughter at the cop's reluctant apology. Not wanting the humiliation to stop, Leroy got a hold of himself and responded, "Hmmm I don't know…I don't believe that this pig is actually sorry."

Tyrell nodded and then rubbed the bruise on his arm from their initial encounter with Officer Bradley, "Damn right, it's gonna take a lot more than that before I'm ready to forgive this asshole."

"Good point," chimed in Tanner as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small chain of keys that had been looted from Stellato's belt. "Ay blondie, I think these upstanding citizens deserve a more…personal apology, don't ya think?"

"Don't even think about it kid!" Ken replied, eyes wide as he connected the dots on what the teenage troublemaker had in mind. The hunky cop began to squirm his arms around desperately in the cuffs fearing what was to come.

Officer Stellato finally felt the need to speak up as well, snapping out of his lustful trance to back up his brother in arms, "Tanner, these are dangerous criminals who belong behind bars, you can't release them! This isn't a fucking game!"

"Then why am I having so much fun?" shot back Tanner, twirling the keychain around his finger as he approached the door of the holding cell. He exchanged a grin with the jailed thugs before pulling out one of the keys and pushing it into the lock. *CLICK*

The sound of the lock coming undone was enough to make Officer Bradley's entire body go tense. Letting the adrenaline take over, the blonde cop quickly stumbled forward and slammed his beefy body into Tanner sending the smaller teenager flying across the room, landing on the hard floor with a grunt. With the delinquent out of the way, Ken tried to rapidly maneuver his body to block the unlocked door from opening but it was too late. Monte had been prepared and kicked the door ajar just in time. Before Officer Bradley could react he felt multiple hands grabbing him and yanking his brawny frame into the cell.

"Wait no-ARGGHH!" yelped Ken as he was dragged further by the gangsters and then shoved face first against the back bars of the holding cell. He probably could've fended them off if not for the handcuffs keeping his arms in place behind him. Instead his muscular body was pinned against the metal bars by Leroy and Tyrell while Monte reached down and squeezed the helpless cop's beefy ass. Officer Bradley tried to squirm away to no avail, grunting out, "Arghh, get your hands off me!"

Monte tightened his grip on the blonde cop's glutes before leaning in closer so that he was speaking directly into Ken's ear, "I told you we'd get revenge on you pretty boy. You'll regret ever messing with us by the time we're done with you." While the thug spoke his hand wandered all over the hunky policeman's backside, squeezing and groping the beefy butt as it bulged through the tight material of the NYPD pants.

Officer Stellato watched in horror as the three inmates mobbed his colleague like a pack of wild animals. He instinctively rushed forward to try to help Ken but Tanner got to the cell door first. The delinquent slammed it shut before yanking out the key and tossing it into the cell at the feet of the thugs. Chris scowled and then turned to see Monte starting to yank down Ken's tight uniform pants, "Leave him alone you bastards!"

The gangsters ignored Stellato, too busy having the time of life with their new police playtoy. Monte had Ken's pants pulled halfway down his thick thighs, revealing the blonde cop's perfect butt and cock. "Haha look at this pig's fat ass!" sneered Monte as he slammed his palm down hard on the muscular glutes making them jiggle on impact. Tyrell and Leroy joined in on the fun, both using one hand to pin Officer Bradley against the cell bars and the other to smack and grope the cop's bubble butt. Their leader Monte licked his lips while he gripped both asscheeks and spread them wide to expose Ken's wrinkled hole which was still leaking Stellato's cum as it puckered open and closed. "Damn fellas, looks like someone got here first!" snickered Monte, running his finger over the wet asslips, "I fucking knew you were a cockwhore the second I saw you. Acting all tough and respectable in that NYPD uniform but secretly spreading those legs and offering that cop cunt up to any criminal that wants it. Isn't that right?"

"Arghhh no that's not true! I'm not a fuckin queer, stop touching my ass-Urghhhhhh," Ken grunted loudly while the gangsters groped his glutes and ran their fingers over his sensitive leaking hole. His mind was running wild from the humiliation of being treated like this by amateur street thugs in his own police station. Officer Bradley had always walked through the halls of this precinct building with a strong sense of pride, determined to be the best policeman possible and serve his city. Now he just felt powerless and weak, unable to resist while his sexy muscle body was molested by the very inmates he had locked up. The most degrading thing of all was that some part of him seemed to enjoy the sensation of Monte's fingers rubbing his wrinkled asslips, biting his lip to muffle a moan before speaking out with as much authority as he could muster at a time like this, "Arghh, you scumbags really think you can get away with doing this to a policeman?! If you thought I was rough on you during the arrest just wait until I get out of these cuffs-urghh ah shit!"

"Shut your ass up white boy," barked Monte, giving Ken's glutes another good squeeze. The gangster used the other hand to grip his own bulge before turning to Leroy and Tyrell, "You know fellas, I can think of one way to make this pig stop talking."

Outside the holding cell, Officer Stellato was squirming his arms around in the cuffs while he was forced to watch his NYPD brother in arms being treated like a big piece of meat. He turned to Tanner and tried to reason with the young troublemaker, "Come on kid, even you know this is too far. You can't just stand there and let some scumbag thugs violate a proud NYPD policeman!"

"That's where you're wrong big boy, I can and I will," taunted Tanner in return, enjoying the hopelessly frustrated look in Stellato's eyes as he continued, "And just think, I couldn't have done this without your help!"

Chris wanted to argue with the accusation but then remembered that all of this happened because he had failed to arrest Tanner and his crew during their looting of that disgusting sex shop. And then on top of that, just hours prior Officer Stellato allowed the troublemaker to disarm and cuff him which directly led to Ken's capture. The realization that his failures brought not only his own downfall, but Ken's as well, made the former alpha cop hang his head in shame.

"Aw don't feel bad, look how much fun blondie is having!" chirped Tanner as they both watched Officer Bradley get shoved down to his knees while the thugs surrounded him in the cell. The troublemaker stepped behind Chris and ran his hand over the cop's ass bulging out of the skintight NYPD pants. Tanner leaned in closer to whisper near Stellato's ear, "You did this to him. Admit it big guy, you've always wanted to see that pretty boy get gangfucked by criminal cock, isn't that right? So let's enjoy the show!" 

Back in the cell, Officer Bradley was kneeling on the floor while the gangsters stood over him and yanked down their trousers to reveal their rock hard dicks. Ken's eyes went wide at the sight of the three big black cocks hovering near his face. The blonde cop took a deep gulp and went into panic mode at the thought of trying to fit these 10inch pricks into his mouth. Having no other choice, all he could do was try to reason with them, "Wait wait fellas, let's talk about this! I already told you I was sorry. There's no way in hell I'm gonna suck you bastards off!"

Monte grinned before reaching down to grip his prick and slap it against Officer Bradley's handsome face, enjoying the stunned and frustrated reaction from the kneeling policeman. Wanting in on the fun, Leroy and Tyrell followed suit and soon enough Ken was getting cockslapped by three monster dicks one after the other.

"Arghh," the blonde cop grunted as his chiseled jawline and cheekbones were treated like a punching bag for black cock. He had no choice but to kneel there and take it, forced to breathe in the sweaty man musk every time the big pricks collided with his nose and lips. Overwhelmed with humiliation and helplessness, Ken could already feel his brain slipping back into that cock-crazed trance that Tanner and Stellato had awoken just hours prior. 

"You know I've always wanted to get sucked off by a hot cop," said Monte, smacking his massive member across Ken's face once again. The gangster made sure to rub his cockhead back and forth over the soft pink lips before reaching down to grip the officer's throat, "So how about you open that pretty little mouth and give us the apology we deserve."

The sensation of Monte's engorged 10-inch, veiny and thick cock rubbing against Ken's lips was enough to make the hunky policeman's whole body shudder. Even with his mouth closed, Officer Bradley could still slightly taste and smell the funk of the thug's sweaty prick, reminding him of how undeniably good it had felt to suck Tanner off. He could feel part of his scrambled brain yearning to open his mouth and get a better taste. "Urghh, wait…this isn't right…anything but this…" groaned Ken but unfortunately his resistant pleas just gave Monte the perfect opportunity to cram his hard dick between the parted lips with one big thrust making the cop gag loudly, "Wait-GURRGLLFFF!!"

"That's it pig, open wide and show me how much you wanted this all along!" ordered Monte as he forced his cock deeper into the blonde officer's mouth.

“URGHLffffff!!” Officer Bradley choked at the intrusion, immediately trying to pull back only to feel Monte’s hand grip his hair to keep him in place. The thug’s cock was monstrous, spreading Ken’s lips to their absolute limit as it drove in further and filled his throat. He couldn't believe that he was really on his knees sucking off the lowlife gangster that he had arrested just days prior. 

“Ay where you think you goin?” laughed Monte as he tightened his grip on Ken’s hair and began thrusting his dick in and out, showing no mercy to the disgraced cop. The look on Officer Bradley’s face was priceless, with his chiseled jawline extended to make room for cock, his pretty pink lips spread obscenely around the girth, cheeks ballooning out and tears forming in his dreamy blue eyes. The room was filled with the sound of gagging and slurping, a far cry from the authoritative orders that had previously come from the policeman’s mouth. Monte exchanged a smirk with Leroy and Tyrell before slamming his dick in deeper, “Damn that mouth feels good as hell, do they teach cock worship in your police training or somethin? Must be why y'all always walk around like you got a stick up your ass. Well lucky for you cop bitch, we got 3 big sticks for that white hole!”

Ken wanted to speak up and defend the honor of the NYPD but his mouth was too busy getting crammed full of cock so all he could do was gag and whimper in response. Monte’s thrusting had become relentless as the thug made sure to slam his entire length all the way down the policeman's throat. Officer Bradley struggled to keep up with the pace while drool dripped from his stretched lips down his chiseled chin. But the worst part of all was that the longer the facefucking went on, the more Ken felt a part of him begin to reluctantly enjoy the taste of the gangster’s dick. He tried to remind himself how wrong all of this was but the endless pounding to his throat scrambled his senses and left him helpless to his own lust. The blonde cop’s watery eyes rolled back as the inmate thrust forward once again, “GURGGLLFFFF!!”

“Ay let me have a turn on that pretty cop mouth,” spoke up Leroy as he gripped his cock which was similar in length to Monte but much thicker. The pudgy thug was hard as a rock from watching his friend skullfuck the asshole policeman who busted them, and he couldn't wait any longer. Unable to hold back, Leroy gripped Ken’s hair and yanked his head back, dislodging Monte’s dick from his throat with a wet slurp. It didn't take long for the second gangster to have his fat prick lined up with the blonde cop’s mouth, “Open wide piggy!” 

“Urghhhfff,” grunted Officer Bradley as Monte’s cock was finally pulled from his lips, leaving strands of saliva dripping from his lips. Part of him felt relief but he would be lying if he said there also wasn't a part of him that wanted more. Ken’s eyes bulged wide at the sight of Leroy’s thick black cock dangling in front of him, worried about what it would do to his throat,  “Arghh, wait, it's too fuckin big man, there's no way that thing will fit in my mouth!”

“Haha you better hope it fits pretty boy, otherwise I'll have to find somewhere else to cram this thing,” Leroy replied with a grin, enjoying the look of panic in Ken’s eyes from the implied threat. 

The thought of that monster cock pounding his ass was enough motivation for Officer Bradley to reconsider the blowjob. With a defeated sigh, the blonde cop leaned forward and reluctantly opened his mouth, struggling to get his lips around the massive cockhead. “Mmmffguffll,” slobbered Ken as Leroy’s fat prick barely fit, stretching his lips beyond belief and making him look absolutely ridiculous with his cheeks ballooning out from the girth, “Urghhhhflff!”

“Good choice pig, guess you're smarter than you look,” sneered Leroy, enjoying the sensation of the hunky cop’s warm mouth. Not wanting to take it slow, the pudgy thug forced his cock in deeper, drawing more gagging sounds from the kneeling policeman. He exchanged a satisfied look with Tyrell and Monte as he began to thrust, “You weren't lying man, this cop bitch was born to suck cock!”

“GURGGGGLLFFF!” Ken choked again, struggling to breath while his lips and throat were stretched to their limits. All he could think about was how much it would hurt to get fucked in the ass by a cock this thick. The only way to avoid that would be if Leroy blew a load in his mouth instead, and while Ken wasn't looking forward to that, it was definitely the preferred option. Mustering what was left of his determination, Officer Bradley decided to make it his mission to get Leroy to cum from the blowjob. Surprising the gangsters, Ken began to work his tongue all over Leroy's fat prick while bobbing his head up and down. He gagged as he willingly took the full length down his throat before coming back up and repeating the action again and again until the pudgy thug was moaning loudly.

The inmates were too busy enjoying their new cop fucktoy to notice that Tanner was having his own fun with Officer Stellato just outside of the jail cell. The brawny policeman was slightly bent over with his pants around his ankles while the young punk stood behind and groped his exposed bubble butt.

“Mhmmm I'll never get tired of playing with this muscle ass,” Tanner said as he spread the beefy glutes to get a better look at the cop’s pretty hole which was still filled with the large vibrating buttplug. The delinquent prodded the base of the sex toy, making it twitch in the policeman's ass before he slowly dislodged it inch by inch until it was fully out. Finally free from the plug, Stellato’s hole was left gaping as it puckered open and closed uncontrollably. Tanner licked his lips at the sight before reaching down to run his fingers over the abused asslips, leaning in close so that he was speaking into Stellato’s ear, “Look what you’ve become tough guy, letting me twiddle your cop cunt while your fellow boy in blue gets bitched out by thugs.”

Officer Stellato couldn't help but whimper from the sensation of Tanner’s fingers rubbing against his gaping hole. The punk’s cruel words stung because they were true, Chris was already hard as a rock just from watching the gangsters violate Officer Bradley. Seeing his hunky colleague on his knees inside the cell, willingly slobbering all over that big black cock, gagging on it, licking it, slurping on Leroy’s balls, choking on that monster dick over and over. Stellato hated how much he was enjoying the show and couldn't look away from Ken’s disgraceful downfall. Any thoughts of trying to resist slipped away when Tanner's fingers slipped into his hole. “Arghh, Tanner…please,” he groaned out, hanging his head in shame before looking up to watch Ken again, feeling the lust consume his brain, “Please….please fuck me!”

Back in the cell, Leroy was moaning loudly while Officer Bradley gave him the blowjob of a lifetime. The thug had planned on fucking the hunky cop but Ken’s mouth felt too good to pull away. He could feel himself getting closer and closer until he was right on the edge, throwing his head back and groaning loudly ”Oh fuck I’m gonna cum, I'm gonna fill that slutty cop mouth up, oh shit!”

“Mmmmmgurggglff,” Ken slurped as he felt Leroy’s fat cock pulsing inside his mouth, knowing the orgasm was close. At first he was proud of himself for saving his own ass from a lot of pain, but then remembered that getting a mouthful of thug cum wasn't exactly a dream come true. The blonde cop tried to pull away at the last second but it was too late, Leroy’s dick burst in his mouth and flooded his throat with load after load of thick cum. The sheer amount was enough to make Officer Bradley choke as he was forced to swallow it all down.

Leroy finally pulled his cock out, making sure to coat Officer Bradley’s chiseled face with the last few loads of cum. The thug sighed with satisfaction before looking down at the disgraced cop, “God damn, that was one hell of a blowjob. Nice to know you pigs are good for somethin. No wonder your motto is protect and serve!” 

All Ken could do was cough up cum in response as he kneeled there in humiliation. The realization setting in that he really just sucked a gangster off in his own police station like a total cockwhore. He had vowed to always bring honor to the badge and now here he was looking like an absolute disgrace with his handsome face covered in tears, drool and cum.

Monte reached down to grip Ken’s chin and force the policeman to look up at him. The sight of the cop’s ruined face was the hottest thing in the world, but as much as the thug wanted to give Officer Bradley a second facial, he had other plans in mind. Instead Monte gripped the collar of Ken’s NYPD shirt and yanked him up to his feet before dragging the cop to the front of the jail cell, directly facing Officer Stellato and Tanner with just the metal bars separating the two groups. The gangster then grabbed a fist full of Ken’s blonde hair and shoved his head forward so that the cop’s cum coated face was pressed into one of the gaps between the cell bars.

“That’s better, I wanted to make sure our audience here had a front row seat to what I'm about to do to your bitch ass,” barked Monte while standing behind the blonde policeman, one hand still forcing Ken’s head against the bars while the other hand reached down to grip his own hard cock, still slick with saliva from the blowjob. The thug lined up his prick with the cop’s hole before leaning in to whisper in Ken’s ear, “Check out how hard your fellow boy in blue is from watching you choke on black dick. And if he liked that, I know he’s gonna love this!”

Officer Bradley grit his teeth as his handsome face was pressed against the cell bars, getting a close up look at Stellato’s unmistakable erection. The thug wasn't lying, the other cop really did appear to enjoy the view of the brutal skullfucking. Ken began to wonder if Chris had always thought about him this way during all their years together on the police force. His thought process was quickly cut short by the sensation of Monte’s huge cockhead pressing against his puckered hole. The blonde cop went into panic mode, squirming his muscular arms around futilely in the cuffs before letting out a defeated sigh and lifting his head to look Chris in the eyes. Stellato’s expression was a mixture of shame and lust, fluctuating between wanting to help Ken and wanting to see the thugs abuse him more. Officer Bradley shared that same conflicted feeling as Monte’s big black dick slowly began to spread his asslips, making the hunky cop grunt out, “Arghh, just get it over with you bastards! You won't break me no matter what you do–oh fuck! ARGHHHHH!”

Monte didn't need to be told twice, taking the policeman at his word by forcing the entire length of his 10 inch cock into the muscular lawman, enjoying how Ken’s gruff voice quickly turned into a high pitched squeal in response. Not wanting to take it easy, the thug immediately began to thrust in and out while talking shit, “God damn this cop cunt feels even better than I thought it would. Ay, you know what this means right pig? It means you're my bitch for real now, I own this fat cop ass!”

“OH fuck! Arghhh it's so fucking big, arghhh you’re killing me, shit!” screamed Officer Bradley, unable to keep it together as his beefy glutes were pounded again and again. The brawny policeman’s asslips were stretched to their limits around the girth of Monte’s monster cock. Every brutal thrust made Ken moan louder than before, his face still pressed against the bars of the cell facing Chris and Tanner. It was one thing to get fucked by a fellow cop like Stellato, but to get fucked by a lowlife thug like Monte was the ultimate humiliation. The relentless waves of pain, shame and pleasure were already starting to turn Ken’s brain into mush, unable to resist the lust growing inside him once again. He could feel his own cock throbbing every time the gangster slammed into him. Filling the room with the sounds of his desperate moans, Officer Bradley looked up to make eye contact with Stellato, blurting out through a series of groans, “Urghhhh…Chris…what the fuck happened to us man?! Arghhh!”

Officer Stellato watched Ken’s facial expressions switch back & forth between anger, lust and humiliation while Monte pounded away at the broken cop. Meanwhile, Chris was having problems of his own with Tanner’s fingers toying with his battered hole, tracing the asslips, jamming their way inside and prodding his prostate. It wasn't long until he was moaning just as loud as Ken, two helpless muscle cops getting bitched out by amateur criminals. Stellato couldn't help but start squirming his fat ass back on Tanner’s hand in heat before responding to Ken, “Ughhh I don't know man, it just feels too fucking good arghhhh, maybe we should just…. give in.”

“That’s right, you should listen to your muscle slut partner here and just accept that you cop bitches were meant to get crammed full of criminal cock!” Monte barked while picking up the pace even more, really pile-driving Officer Bradley’s beefy glutes. The thug was on cloud nine and couldn't get enough of the bitchy whimpers coming from the cocky blonde policeman that had gotten them locked up.

“Mmmphh, fuck, urghh, we swore an oath to the badge, arghhh, we can't betray that for cock, mhmmpfff!” grunted Ken, moaning too loudly for anyone to believe his words of resistance. His face still pressed against the cell bars while Monte slammed into him at a brutal pace. Officer Bradley could feel himself giving in a little more every time the criminal’s dick smashed against his sore prostate until he couldn't fight any longer. Tears of shame formed in Ken’s eyes as they rolled back in lust while his asslips clenched down around Monte's girth as if they wanted more. His muscular body was helpless to the lustful heat consuming every part of him, making Ken whimper out desperately, “Ughhh, don’t….don’t stop….mmmphh.”

“Hahaha there's the cockslut we always knew you were deep down Officer Bitchboy!” quipped Tanner before turning back to Chris and shoving him forward so that he collided with the outside of the jail cell, face to face with his Ken, just the metal bars dividing them. The teenage delinquent stood directly behind the beefy policeman and lined up his cock with Stellato’s hole, continuing to talk shit, “Ay blondie, watch how happy your cop buddy gets with a dick inside him!” With that said, Tanner thrust forward, driving the entire length of his prick into Chris, going in easy thanks to the buttplug that had previously filled the officer’s ass. “Oh fuck yeah I'll never get tired of this cop cunt! And he’ll never get tired of getting fucked ain't that right pig?” grunted Tanner as he gripped Stellato’s hair and forced the cop's head between the same gap in the cell bars that Ken’s face was pressed into, their stubbled cheeks rubbing against each other.

“Oh fuck!!! Urghhhh,” moaned Officer Stellato while Tanner's cock filled his glutes and Ken’s face pressed against his own. The vibrating plug had left his asslips extremely sensitive and he couldn't deny how good it felt to have Tanner inside him once again. He lifted his head slightly so that he was looking into Ken’s dreamy eyes while he got fucked, enjoying the sensation of their faces being so close.

On the other side of the cell bars Officer Bradley was moaning just as loud as his fellow cop. No longer showing signs of resistance, Ken couldn't help but thrust his glutes back on Monte’s prick like a total cockwhore. “Ugh ugh fuck…Chris…it feels so fucking good man ughhh,” groaned the blonde cop as his eyes locked on Stellato’s and they shared a moment while they both got pounded by criminal cock on opposite sides of the jail cell bars. Memories of how good it felt to kiss his fellow officer flooded back to Ken’s brain and he couldn't stop himself from leaning in so that their lips touched. The quick peck sent a jolt of desire throughout both of their muscular bodies and soon enough they were having a full blown make out session between the gap in the metal bars. Ken’s tongue clashed against Stellato’s while they moaned into each other's mouths, completely lost in the passion of the moment, forgetting the humiliation of being bitched out by lowlife criminals in their own police station.

“Haha you two really are nothing but cockhungry muscle pigs aren't you?” Tanner sneered while slamming into Stellato’s sweet ass, enjoying the view of the kissing cops. He thought about his first impression of the two hunky policemen and how far they had fallen since he blew up their lives. There was almost no sign of their formerly macho demeanors left as the officers kissed passionately while bouncing their bubble butts on cock.

“Damn, I wish everyone these clowns arrested could see them now,” grunted Monte, maintaining his brutal pounding of Ken’s hole while also spanking the muscular glutes leaving red handprints all over the paler skin.

All Officer Bradley could do in response was moan into Stellato’s mouth. Completely consumed by desire, the blonde cop's tongue clashed against his colleague’s again and again. Ken could feel Monte’s cock pulsing inside him, knowing it was only a matter of time before the thug blew his load. The idea of getting pumped full of gangster cum should have disgusted Officer Bradley, but his new sexfueled state of mind made part of him yearn for it. He could feel himself thrusting his muscle ass back even harder in desperation, driving Monte's dick closer and closer to release.

“Mmmphrgg,” Officer Stellato whimpered into Ken’s mouth while Tanner pounded away at his hole. He was lost in a state of absolute sexual bliss that only increased as the younger punk neared climax.

“Oh fuck, the way you keep squeezing that sweet cop cunt down on my dick is gonna make me…oh fuck, ARGHHHHH!!” grunted Tanner as he finally erupted inside of Stellato, flooding the sexy cop with an endless stream of cum.

“Shit, me too! Yo cop bitch, you ready to get filled with thug cum? You better be urghhh!!” Monte barked, reaching climax just moments after Tanner. Officer Bradley’s asslips clenched down tightly around his girth, milking every last drop out of the big black dick. 

Once they were finally spent, both Tanner and Monte dislodged their monster cocks from the moaning policemen and let the two sluts collapse to the floor out of exhaustion. Ken and Chris looked like absolute whores lying there, still wearing their tight NYPD shirts but naked from the waist down with cum dripping out of their wrecked holes that puckered open and closed uncontrollably.

“God damn, look at that ruined cop pussy, I gotta get a piece of that!” said Tyrell, the only thug left that still hadn't blown his load. He leaned down and rubbed his finger around Ken’s gaping asslips before sinking it inside.

“Uurghhh, oh fuckkk, pleaseeee,” whimpered Officer Bradley, totally broken as he squirmed his ass back on Tyrell’s hand, “Mhmmm don’t stop, need more cock inside me arghhh.”

“Ay we don't got time,” Monte said while pulling his pants back up and looking over at Tyrell, “Sorry bro but we don't know if any other pigs will show up. Time for us to bust outta here!” 

Tanner chimed in while standing over Chris outside the cell, “Hey why don't you guys take blondie with you? I got my hands full with Stellato, and something tells me that Officer Bitchboy in there needs to further apologize to your whole crew.”

“I like the way you think,” replied Monte with a grin, leaning down to pick up the cell key from the floor as Leroy and Tyrell grabbed Ken’s arms and legs and lifted the broken cop. Monte unlocked the jail door and held it open while the other two thugs struggled to carry the muscular officer out of the cell.

Officer Bradley’s head was starting to come back down from the sexfueled daze but he was too exhausted to resist as the thugs carried him towards the exit. His eyes fluttered and caught the image of Stellato still lying on the ground outside the cell, groaning out, “Wait…..where are you taking me? Arghhh….Chris wake up…ughhh.”

“Haha your lil pig friend can't save you now bitch boy. We’re gonna take you back to our gang hideout and let the rest of our crew have a piece of that sweet cop ass,” boasted Monte before turning back one last time to Tanner and exchanging a respectful nod, “Ay gotta give you some props for pulling this shit off, we owe ya one!”

“Happy to help!” Tanner replied, watching the thugs disappear around the corner with their new cop sextoy. Once they were gone he looked back down at Stellato, enjoying the sight of his cum leaking out of the stud’s wrecked hole.

Chris finally snapped back to reality, lifting his head and realizing that he was now alone in the room with Tanner, “Ughhh…what…where’s Ken?!”

“He’s on his way to his new life as a gang fucktoy. That’s right, your cop buddy is gonna get stuffed full of black cock until he begs for it. Don't you love a happy ending?” sneered Tanner as he looked around the room and noticed the security cameras that undeniably had captured the whole night of debauchery. The teenage delinquent kneeled down before gripping Stellato’s hair and forcing the cop to look up at him, “Now you're gonna get your ass up and help me edit the footage on these cameras. You don't want the rest of your boys in blue knowing what a total cockslut you are right?” 

Officer Stellato’s glossy eyes looked up at Tanner as the hunky cop sighed in defeat, “I can’t let anyone see me like this. The security control room is around the corner…I can show you.”

Tanner flashed an evil grin, “Good boy, and you know, I'm thinking of installing some hidden cameras of my own in here, so I can always keep an eye on you and any other potential cop slaves. And I know the best place to start…now tell me, where are the showers in this place?”

by domnerd69

Email: [email protected]

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