For A Few Fucks More

by Nyguy

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 In June 1893, the handsome medium height, thin, blond and blue-eyed 19-year-old Texan William Anderson had finished the spring semester at Harvard. William had missed the fall semester due to having been abducted off a train by the infamous thieving Rooney Brothers, who raped, branded and turned him into dick loving fairy. William willingly went off to Mexico with the gang, but his father, the ruthless cattle baron Daniel Anderson had him brought back to Texas to take his rightful place in the world. This summer was to be spent with tutors to make up for the fall semester. Then his path was to be graduation, law school, marriage to a Senator’s daughter and election to the U.S. House of Representatives.

A messenger arrived at the classroom where William was being tutored in physics. He handed William a telegram, he tipped the messenger. The telegram contained the news that William’s 46-year-old father had been killed on the ranch in a riding accident. William packed and departed to return home.

 Daniel Anderson received a grand funeral and a solemn burial in Dallas. That was followed by a fine reception for relatives and close friends at the ranch. It was hosted by Mr. Anderson’s 23-year-old other son, Dan and his wife Bonnie. Dan had been taken out of school at the age of 12 and put to work on the ranch to learn the business from the bottom up. He now succeeded his father as the most ruthless cattle baron in Texas. He’d been married off to another rancher’s daughter, he had two sons already and another on the way.

The brothers had exchanged brief pleasantries, but not much else due to the eventfulness of their reunion. That night, Dan showed up in William’s room to get his dick sucked and to fuck William, there wasn’t much talking. The next morning, they were in the office of Mr. Thatcher, the family lawyer for the reading of the will. 

 “It’s a simple documen, its main points are thus” drawled Mr. Thatcher, “'The ranch, house, all properties and funds with exceptions are left to Daniel Anderson Jr.'“

 “WHOOPEE!” hollered Dan.

 “T'he sum of $100,000 is left to William Anderson and 33% of the annual ranch profits are to be deposited in his account. In addition, William Anderson is to take title to The Old House and its surrounding property.'” The Old House was Daniel Anderson first ranch, it consisted of a modest two-story house and 50 acres.

 “'William Anderson shall come into these proceeds on his 21st birthday, until that time, Daniel Anderson Jr. shall have legal guardianship over William Anderson.' Dan, I would be happy to assist in setting up an allowance for William” continued Mr. Thatcher.

 “That won’t be necessary Mr. Thatcher, I’ll straighten that out with Billy.”

 “Also, I have the check for next year’s tuition to Harvard. Your father hadn’t signed it at the time of his death.”

 “That also won’t be necessary, there’s going to be some changes.”

 “Your father was most clear about this matter.”

 “Yeah, well it ain’t in writing. I’m running things and Billy now. Good day Mr. Thatcher, let’s go Billy.”

 That evening there was a formal dinner at the ranch for relatives who were staying overnight. When it was over, Dan went with William to his room.

 “This is how it’s going to be Billy” said Dan who was sipping a glass of whiskey and smoking cigar while sitting in a chair. “Harvard, getting married and running for Congress, are all dreams that died with the old man. We’ll see how you feel when you’re 21, until then your ass and mouth are mine” chuckled Dan as he undid his black suit trousers and took out his large uncut dick and big hairy balls.

 William glared at Dan. His older brother was destroying the life he was prepared for, uncertainty was ahead. Now, he was tasked with sucking Dan’s dick. William dropped to his knees between his brother’s spread legs and began sucking his dick.

 “Hot damn, Billy! You were a great dick sucker before you left for Harvard! Those rustlers trained you well! Now, you’re even better at it” laughed Dan. “Oh, I bet you’ve been sucking a lot of dick at Harvard, haven’t you, you little whore! Do you got a special fella?” laughed Dan.

 William’s head bobbed up and down on brother’s dick, he suckled his balls as well. William had satisfied his urges at Harvard, though not with any of his handsome classmates. That would have been too dangerous. On weekends he went to Boston, to a special tavern and inn frequented by working class men and men who lusted for them. Laborers, railroad workers and immigrants, often married with families were habitues. It was known to be visited by men who wanted to be used like a woman and paid dearly for that. William spent his allowance to get a room, get drunk and take on the dicks of the hulky young Italian men he craved. With them, he could be his true self, sucking their huge uncut dicks and getting fucked up the ass by them, without fear of getting found out. Ever since his lusty night with Javier Mercado, a colonel in the Mexican army, he’d been drawn to darker masculine men. He dreamed of Javier and his fantastic dick and how great it had felt to be with him.

 “Great Billy, you got me roaring to fuck you!”

 William stopped sucking Dan’s dick, undressed and got in his bed, on back and raised his legs. Dan began undressing.

 “I swiped this from Bonnie” said Dan indicating a jar of cold cream he had previously placed on William’s night table, “It’ll do,” he said slathering his hard dick with cold cream. Dan rammed his dick in and up his younger brother’s ass, fucking him mercilessly. William’s hatred of his brother didn’t prevent him from sobbing with pleasure from his brother’s fucking or prevent his own dick from shooting off a load of spunk. Dan howled as his shuddering dick blasted his brother’s insides with his hot juice. He pulled out and poured them each a glass of whiskey, the sipped and smoked cigars nude in bed. 

 “Aww Billy, it’s better off this way. The Senator told Dad that the wedding with his daughter was off, ‘In light of the events.’ Dad accepted that, the Senator knew what really happened with you and those rustlers. He couldn’t have his daughter marry some fairy. The old man changed his will after that. In his heart, he really knew what those rustlers turned you into. You ain’t normal anymore Billy, you know that. Harvard is a waste of time and money, you’re better off here, you can go in a barn and mess around with fellas all you want. Oh, Bonnie’s going have another baby, our third! Understandably, you’ll be performing her wifely duties for the foreseeable future” laughed Dan, as he tugged on his soft dick, “You’ll be taking care of this every night. You’re entitled to the income on the money Dad left you and your share of this year’s profits, but I’m your guardian until you’re 21. I’m going to roll all that money back into your account, you won’t need it. You’re going to earn your keep here, as a ranch hand, it’ll do you good to be outdoors and do men’s work instead of fairy stuff at Harvard. In the morning after breakfast, go see the foreman Zeke…”

 Early the next morning, William dressed in jeans, boots, a plaid shirt and a Stetson hat, he ate breakfast in the kitchen. He walked over to the foreman’s office, passing the other ranch hands, arriving at a small shack on the other end of the property, he knocked on the door.

 “Yeah?” growled a deep voice.

 “It’s William Anderson.”

 “Well! Come on in!” guffawed the voice, William entered.

 The red-headed 25-year-old, craggy and scruffy Zeke was sitting at a desk, smoking a hand-rolled cigarette and sipping a shot of whiskey.

 “The favorite son has returned!” laughed Zeke. “Have a seat.” William sat. “Let me see your hands…Yup, the soft hands of a prince! Yeah, we’ll toughen you up, make a man out of you! I grew up on this ranch. I saw you as a kid, all high and mighty in your fancy suits while I was shoveling cow shit. No schooling for me, I was put to work. Now, I’m running the place, and you’re here to work for me, boy! This here is part of your job” said Zeke as he undid the fly buttons of his jeans and hauled out his big uncut dick and floppy balls. “I hear that you know your way around a dick, now get to work boy!”

 The blushing William dropped to his knees and began sucking Zeke’s dick and licking his balls. Servicing men was now second nature him, he didn’t think about it, he did it and liked it.

 “Fuck yeah, boy! You’re as good your brother says” hollered Zeke. “Hot damn! You’re a better dicksucker than any whore I ever met! That’s it!” 

 William continued sucking Zeke’s exceptional dick, tasting his leaking tangy man juice.

 “That’s enough, now I want to see that ass I heard so much about.”

 William got up and took down his jeans and drawers.

 “Well, look at that! ‘R’ for Rooney! Them varmints branded you like a cow and made you their property. Yes, that sure is mighty fine ass” said Zeke as he groped William’s butt cheek, felt his scar and fingered his hole, William yelped.

 “Yeah, you like taking it up the ass, don’t you, boy?”

 “Yes sir, I like taking it up the ass” whimpered William as Zeke rammed his finger in and out of ass.

 “Well, I like fucking boy ass, bend over my desk boy.”

 The panting William bent over Zeke’s desk. Zeke’s slathered lard on his dick and on William’s ass hole. In one fell swoop, he shoved his dick in and up William’s ass from behind. Zeke was a brutal lover who fucked William the way he had gotten used to enjoying. William craved being dominated by men stronger than him, Zeke was such a man. There was no hostility to Zeke, William was just a bitch to be used, he knew that. Zeke pounded away at William’s ass with his big hard dick, soon it was sputtering his seed deep inside of William. Zeke got some rags, they cleaned themselves up. Zeke poured out another shot of whiskey and lit a cigarette.

 “You go and find Mike; you’ll be corralling with him and two other hands.”

 “Yes, sir.”

 “Oh, you’re to show up at my office every morning, you’ll begin your day by servicing me.”

 "Yes, sir.”

 William went outside and asked a man where Mike was, he pointed to a good-looking fella his own age wearing jeans, a plaid shirt and a Stetson.

 "Good morning, Mike. I’m Billy, I’m supposed to be working with you.

 “Yeah, you’re the new fella. Ever corralled cattle before?”


 “It ain’t that hard” laughed Mike with a great smile, “You look like you can handle yourself.” Two handsome young men dressed the same come over.

 “This is Jim and Frank” said Mike.

 “Pleased to meet you, I’m Billy.”

 “Well, let’s get at it” said Mike.

 For hours and hours, the four young men rode horses, keeping a 100 head of cattle together as they transported them for sale to a meat packing company. They rode back to the ranch together.

 All day, William had been fixated on his manly coworkers. Their lean bodies were showcased in their tight jeans and taut plaid shirts. He noticed their prominent bulges. They worked hard but had carefree spirits, there was masculine camaraderie among Mike, Jim and Frank. William was excited being around them.

 “Good work today, Billy.”

 “Thanks, Mike.”

 “See you in the morning, Billy.”

 “I was thinking, after a long hard day of work, you fellas might want some relief” said William confidently.

 “This is what needs relief” said Frank tugging on his bulging crotch.

 William smiled and nodded, "I can relieve that for you."

 “What are you, a goddam fairy?” growled Jim.

 “Yup, I’m a fairy” said William.

 “Well boys, we got ourselves our own fairy!” laughed Mike.

 “Why don’t we go into to that barn, and I’ll show you what a fairy I am.”

 “Sounds like a plan” guffawed Mike.

 They went into a small, secluded barn. William dropped to his knees. Mike, Jim and Frank stood together; each undid the fly buttons of their jeans. They each pulled out a big hard uncut dick and a pair of hairy sizable young balls.

 William took Mike’s dick in his mouth, as he sucked it he stroked Jim and Frank’s dicks. William switched off sucking and stroking his coworkers’ dicks. When he’d gotten them fully aroused with his mouth and hands, William stood up, he undid his jeans and drawers and bent over a table. Mike, Jim and Frank, all spat on their dicks and William’s ass. They each took turns fucking William. They were all tough men when it came to fucking and William’s dick blasted off two loads of spunk on the table from their dicks being shoved in and out of his ass. Mike, Jim and Frank, all grunted and hollered when they shot off in William. They cleaned themselves off with rags and lay down in a pile of hay, their dicks were all soft and satisfied. They passed around a flask of whiskey and smoked hand rolled cigarettes. There was communal bliss after this mutually pleasurable bout of fucking. William was overjoyed and glowing from pleasuring his coworkers. They fixed themselves up.

 “Which bunkhouse house are you in, Billy?” asked Mike.

 “Uh, I’m staying in the Big House.”

 “Hey!” hollered Mike, “You’re old man Anderson’s son!” yelled Frank.


 “No shit! Our fairy is the brother of the owner!” cackled Jim.

 “Ah, that don’t matter” said Mike, “We’ll see you tomorrow…”

 Back in his room, William undressed and took a hot bath. He was soiled from a day of riding for hours in the sun and having gotten his ass just fucked by three strong men. He dressed in fresh clothes and went to the dining room.

 “It’ll just be us, Billy. Bonnie is on bed rest” said his brother Dan. A servant poured them wine. William devoured a plate of roast beef and fried potatoes.

 “You got some appetite! Hard work agrees with you, Billy. Zeke gave me a full report” chuckled Dan, “You did good and got along real well with the other ranch hands.”

 "That I did.”

 “Well, finish up your supper, I’m so fucking hard and ready to go.”

 “Yes, Dan.” William was compliant, there was no other way to be. Dan held all the aces.

 They undressed in William’s room, he sucked Dan’s dick and Dan fucked him. They drank brandy and smoked cigars afterward. Dan left to go to his room with his wife. William went to bed. He was up early, dressed, had breakfast and reported to Zeke’s office to service him. Then he rode all day with Mike, Jim and Frank, they fucked him in the barn after. Then back to the Big House for dinner and to take care of his brother. So, it went day after day.     

 Saturday was just a half day of work. Then there was line of ranch hands waiting to get into Zeke’s office to get paid. Sunday was a day off, so most men went in groups into town to get drunk and visit whores.

 “Your brother had me deduct for room and board” said Zeke handing William a few dollars.

 “Yeah, sure” said William as he went outside.

 “Hello, I thought you might like to come with me to Dallas, I heard of a special place I think we’d like; I’ve been too shy to go on my own” said a good-looking ranch hand the same age as William.

 “Excuse me?”

 “I used to work for the railroad as a train greeter. The Rooney Brothers took me and did to me what they did to you, I heard Zeke talking about you to your brother. When the Rooneys let me go, I went back to the railroad, they gave me $100 and told me to go away. The other fellas didn’t want to be around me on account what I did with the Rooney Brothers, though it wasn’t my fault. So, I ended up becoming a ranch hand. My name is Charles.”

 “Nice to meet you, Charles” William said, shaking Charles’ hand, “I’m Billy. Now, what about this special place?” smiled William.

 “Fairies like us go there.”

 “Hot damn! Let’s go!”

 During the three hours they rode on their horses to Dallas, William and Charles bonded over their mutual experiences of having been abducted, raped and branded by the Rooney Brothers. Charles had been courting a girl but broke off the relationship due to his newfound urges for men. They confessed to each other that having sucked the Rooney Brothers’ dicks and having had their asses broken in by their dicks, that they were forever different from what they had been before. Charles got all sad when William told him about the Rooney Brothers being shot and killed in Mexico.

 “Lucky you, you got to be with them” said Charles, “I wish I could have stayed with them. Instead, I went back home, but I couldn’t live that way anymore. I figured I should go where men are, so I got a job on the ranch. Zeke said I didn’t have ranch experience, I said I was a fast learner, I told him I had experience at other things as well, looking at him in the eye, the way a fairy does to let a man know he’s a fairy and is willing to take care of him. Zeke got my drift, and took out his fine dick, I sucked it. Then he fucked my ass on his desk, he’s a rough fucker!”

 “He sure is, I know” chuckled William, “He fucks me every morning!”

 “I take on the five fellas in the bunkhouse every night, it’s real cut and dry with them. I suck their dicks, they fuck me, but they’re not nice to me. It hurts sometimes, I get sweet on a fella, and all he wants from me is my mouth and ass.”

 “Aww, Charles, that’s how it is with most fellas, they just want to use a fairy and be done with him, you know that. I got to know the Rooney Brothers; they were special, they treated me well. When I was with them in Mexico, I met the greatest man. He was a young colonel in the Mexican army. Handsome, strong and he had the biggest dick I ever saw!”

 “Go on!”

 “He was easily nine inches! I loved taking it all the way down my throat. I haven’t been fucked so grandly before or since. He even kissed me and said I was beautiful.”

 “Lucky you, Billy! Can we be friends? It’s great having another fairy around to talk about stuff like this.”

 “Sure Charles, you’re right. We’re friends!”

 “I tell you, Billy, the greatest man who had me was a Black man. Yes siree, that's the truth. I was staying with my folks in Laredo after that week with the Rooney Brothers and they sent me on my way. I’d go to the saloon every night to get drunk. One night, on my way back home, I saw a Black man pissing in an alley. I couldn’t help staring at him, it had been weeks since I’d been with the Rooney’s, I wanted to be with a man again, but didn’t know how to go about it. I ain’t never seen a dick that big before, he was way bigger than the Rooneys’. ‘You like this?’ he said, holding it out. ‘Yeah, I like that” I said. ‘Come with me boy.’ I went back with him to the Black part of town, he lived in a rooming house, I went to his room.”

 “Oh boy, we were in his bed. His dick was so big, thick and beautiful. His body was so manly. I sucked him like my life depended on it, he shot so much spunk in my mouth. He was a randy fucker, he got hard again real soon. He fucked me on my back, I lifted my legs and spread my ass for his big Black dick. He was the best lover I ever had; he made my dick shoot twice. He bent his head down and kissed me! I had never kissed a man before, it felt so good.” “Afterward, we drank whiskey and smoked, I was so happy. His name was Eldon, he was 25, he worked in a blacksmith’s. Every night, I’d go over to his room to fuck. We had to keep it secret, not just because of what we did but because I was white, and he was Black. That didn’t bother me, he was a man, a man’s color shouldn’t be important, but it still is nowadays. One night I went over, his landlady was a nice Black older woman, she cried when she saw me. She told me that he got into a fight with another Black man who was drunk at work and got knifed, Eldon was dead. She took me up to his room, I’m sure she knew about us. She said I could go through his things and take what I wanted; he had no kin. There was just some clothes and this pocket watch. I took that, it ain’t gold or anything valuable, but it was his…”

 They arrived in Dallas and tied up their horses at a rented stable. Charles led them to the Montgomery, a small hotel with a saloon crowded with men, on the ground floor. They bought whiskeys and sat at a table. An older woman was onstage telling jokes and singing as a piano player played. William was taken aback when he realized that the woman performer was really a man dressed up like a woman. He and Charles sipped their whiskeys, gazing around and taking it all in. The place was filled with boys like them and older men.

 “Good evening, boys. I’m Kevin and this is Thomas” said a handsome suited man in his late 20’s, he and his similar companion sat down at Charles and Williams’ table, setting down a bottle of whiskey. “We’re in town from Austin on business.”

 “That’s nice” said Charles, “I’m Chuck, and this is Billy.”

 “We heard this a place where fellas can have a good time with sweet looking boys such as yourselves” said one of the men, lighting up a cigar.

 "You heard right” said Charles as he put his hand under the table and fondled Kevin’s crotch, “Though, a good time ain’t cheap.”

 “Of course, it ain’t” laughed Kevin, who took out two five-dollar bills, he passed one to Charles and one to William, who noticed the men’s wedding rings. “Is this enough for a good time?”

 “It sure is” grinned Charles.

 “Well! Let’s get to it!” said Thomas in a deep voice. The men rose, Charles and William followed them to the front desk. The clerk gave Kevin a key after money was exchanged. They all walked up the stairs to the third floor and entered a small modest room. Kevin and Thomas began taking their suits off. William and Charles stripped down to their drawers. Kevin and Thomas were now nude sitting on the edge of the bed, their legs were spread, they each sported a large uncut erection and a meaty hairy nut sack.

 William and Charles took their places on their knees between each of the men who had paid for them. The two boys each began sucking on the men’s dicks. There was mutual excitement between the boys as they saw each other sucking dick.

 “Holy fuck! We got us a pair of mighty fine whores!” chortled Kevin.

 “These bitches sure know their place!” roared Thomas.

 The boys lapped up their men’s dripping juices like kittens at a bowl of milk. They felt their men’s dicks twitching from being gratified and knew it was time to offer up their assholes for fucking. William and Charles got up, pulled down their drawers, got on their hands and knees side by side in the bed, offering their asses for the men’s taking.

 "Ain’t that a purdy sight!” hollered Kevin, spitting on his hard dick.

 “Ain’t that the truth!” yelled Thomas, spitting on his dick.

 The room was filled with the lusty sounds of pleasure from the quartet. The men reveled in the sensations of their dicks fucking tight young boy ass. The boys wailed with delight from being their insides pierced by their strong men’s big hard dicks. Kevin and Thomas switched off between the asses they had paid for. William and Charles each got to experience the cocksman skills of Kevin and Thomas. William and Charles now truly bonded as they watched each other get fucked. Eventually, each of their randy young dicks shot off a load of spunk in their drawers from getting their nether regions willingly violated by a hunk of man meat. Thomas coated William’s chute with his spunk and Kevin filled up Charles with his load. The men pulled thier dicks out of the boy’s asses, wiped their dicks on a towel, got dressed and left in silence.

 William and Charles cleaned themselves up. They lay back in the bed glowing from the wild fuck they just had.

 They drank whiskey from the bottle the men left behind and smoked hand-rolled cigarettes.

 “Show me” said Charles.

 “What?” said William, “Oh, that.” William got up and pulled down his drawers. Charles saw the Rooney’s small branded ‘R’ on William’s right ass cheek. Charles pulled down his drawers and showed William his branded ass cheek.

 There was a knock at the door.

 “I’m the manager! This room has been paid for an hour; you whores got to leave!” snarled a deep voice.

 Charles got up and opened the door. A tall stocky bearded man of about 30 stood there.

 “Sir, we’d be much obliged if you let us spend the night here” said Charles.

 The man stared at the sight of the thin Charles’ sculpted nude young body with dangling young fine dick and ball sack. The man saw Charles’ pretty face and luscious lips. The man also took in William’s beauty.

 “Just how obliged would you be?” the man said in his deep voice.

 “Sir, we would be mighty obliged to you” said Charles putting his hands on the rock-hard dick poking in the man’s jeans. Charles undid the man’s fly buttons and fished out his prize manhood. The man entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Charles and William sucked the man’s dick together, their tongues occasionally meeting each other’s, they further bonded. The man sat back as the boys licked his dick and nuts all over. William and Charles stopped sucking the man’s dick and got in the bed on their hands and knees side by side. The man vigorously took turns fucking the boys’ asses with his dick. Their young dicks shot off again, then William felt the man’s seed flooding his chute. They all cleaned up.

 “My name is Caleb” said the man sitting in a chair, sipping whiskey and smoking a cigar.

 “Pleased to meet you, Caleb. I’m Chuck and this is Billy.”

 “I got a proposition for you two. I could use two purdy boys like you around here. You could work the saloon, have this room for free, come and go as you like. All in return for taking care of me when I’m in the mood. How does that sound?”

 "It sounds fucking great!” hollered Charles.

 “I could get used to that!” yelled William.

 “I’ll be seeing you” said Caleb as he left.

 “Oh boy, Billy! We hit the mother lode! No more hiking through cow shit for a few lousy bucks! We’re going to be whores! We’re going to get plenty of dick and plenty of money! Whoopee!” They finished the bottle of whiskey and fell asleep together in the bed.

 The next morning, they had a big breakfast at a fancy restaurant, then bought some new clothes. At night, they were at the Montgomery Hotel’s saloon drinking whiskey. They began their new careers as boy whores. Mostly, they went off with separate men, sometimes they serviced men together. Whatever their clients wanted. They didn’t care if the men were old or fat, they got their money and hoped their next client was better looking. Caleb came to their room a few times a week to fuck them. A month or so went by.

 One night, William was alone at a table drinking whiskey, Charles was off with a client.

 “Well look here!” said his older grinning brother Dan, taking a seat at William’s table. “Will this cover your services?” he laughed, tossing a five-dollar bill on the table.

 “Yes it will” said William coolly, pocketing the money.

 “Well then, take me to where you service your clients, I’m as hard as rock, Billy, I need some of your special servicing!”

 Back in the hotel room, William was sucking his brother’s dick.

 “Aww, Billy that’s the way! I sure have missed the way you suck my dick! That wasn’t nice, you just up and leaving, the ranch hands sure miss you! I get it, you think you’re a man now and should be on your own. I asked Zeke to send over another fairy to the house to care of me in the evenings. I got me a nice wispy boy now. He ain’t as good as you, but he’ll do. To regular fellas like myself, one mouth and asshole is as good as another.”

 William got on his back, raised his legs and spread his ass to take his brother’s dick. Getting fucked by Dan felt special. After they’d each finished, they smoked a cigarette and drank some whiskey.

 “A rancher told me he $5 paid to fuck you here, so I thought I’d see for myself.”

 “Did he say I was worth it?”

 “Yup, he said you were worth every penny, he’d never had his dick sucked so good before, never fucked such a tight hole either” laughed Dan, “Being on your knees and bending over agrees with you, it’s what you were meant for, congratulations! I’d best be moving on. Good luck to you, Billy.” William went back to the saloon and rustled up a few more clients.

 “I’m in love!” hooted Charles when he returned to the room, waking the sleeping William in the middle of the night.

 “What the fuck are you going on about, you crazy bitch” muttered William.

 “Oh my god, Buck Garrett is the one! I just know it! The fella I went off with tonight, he took me to his room at the Dumont Hotel. He’s 22, so tall, manly and handsome. His dick is about the thickest I ever had down my throat or deep up my ass. He is such a great fucker, he made me shoot off twice! Get this, he was fucking me on my back and bent his head down to kiss me! He kept kissing me when he was fucking me. He’s one of us, not one of those varmints who don’t want the bother of chasing after tail and settle for fairies. No, he liked me ‘cause I’m a boy! He gave me two free tickets for Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show for tomorrow, it’s playing at Hensley Field. He’s in the show, want to go with me?”

 The next night, William and Charles were in prime seats in a massive tent, crowded with Dallas area residents, sitting nearby was the mayor. Buffalo Bill spoke and introduced the acts. There were cowboys and Indians reenacting The Battle of Little Big Horn, sharpshooters, cowgirls, and a bunch of other Western performers.

 “That’s him!” yelled Charles. William could definitely see why Charles was so loco over this man. Buck Garrett was a vision of manliness wearing his tight jeans, light brown leather chaps, brown cowboy boots and denim shirt decorated with glittering rhinestones, beneath his Stetson hat, his long blond hair flowed. Even from a distance his luminous chiseled handsome face was evident, and his blue eyes shone. He rode out on a beautiful white horse and did terrific jumps and circles, eventually dismounting. He then did some sharpshooting and rope twirling; it was brisk spectacular 15-minute display of superior cowboy actions that delighted the cheering audience. William observed Buck’s commanding physicality, that was some mound of dick and balls packed into those tight jeans accentuated by the light brown leather chaps! No wonder Charles was so happy, clearly Buck had a lot to fuck him with. He exited riding his horse to a tremendous ovation.

 Charles nudged William and they left and went outside to the back of the tent.

 “Hello sir, my name is Charles, we’re here to see Buck Garrett” said Charles to an old man at the tent’s entrance.

 “Yes young man, you’re on the list, go straight and make a left” he said friendly.

 There was Buck hanging out with other performers, passing a flask of whisky.

 “Charles! You made it! Did you like my act?” said Buck Garrett in his deep man’s voice.  

 “It was great and so were you!”

 “Happy to hear all that!” said Buck who hugged and then kissed Charles on the mouth as he groped his ass. William was taken aback, but soon saw those around in sight took such things in stride. It seemed that show people were different from regular folk.

 “This my friend Billy.”

 “Nice to meet you, Billy” said Buck firmly shaking William’s hand.

 “You sure are some cowboy!” said William.

 “Thanks for the compliment! Charles, I’ve been so fired up all day thinking of you!”

 “Me too! Let’s go! See you later, Billy…” Charles and Buck went off together. William went back to his seat to watch the rest of the show. Then he went back to the Montgomery and met a few men to spend time for money with.

 Once again, he was woken by Charles coming into their room in the middle of the night.

 “Oh Billy, I can barely walk! Buck fucked me twice with that prize pecker of his!”

 “Glad to hear it.”

 “I know this sounds crazy” said Charles as he began packing a suitcase with his clothes, “Buck asked me to go with him on the show’s tour across the country! We leave in the morning!”

 “Nah Charles, it don’t sound crazy at all. I saw how he looked at you, that man is sweet on you, good luck to you.”

 “I’ll write to you, and we’ll see each other again.”

 William hugged Charles and kissed him on the mouth, “Go on, go be with your cowboy!” The boys were teary, Charles left. The next few weeks, William carried out his usual routine of whoring at the Montgomery. He was lonely without Charles, but experience had taught him that life goes on after disappointments.

 One night, Caleb came over to him as he entered the Montgomery’s saloon..

 “That man there, is interested in you” said the manager Caleb indicating a handsome mustached Mexican man of about 30 wearing a black suit. He was sitting alone at a table with a tequila bottle, smoking a cigar and sipping a shot, “He asked me to recommend a boy, go on over to him.” William walked to the man’s table.

 “Good evening, sir” said William.

 “Have a seat, chico” said the man in a deep voice, William sat. “I work for a very important man, he sent me to find a beautiful white boy to spend some time with” he out a $20 bill on the table, “Your jefe speaks highly of you, that you are skilled in the arts of pleasing a man.

 “Yup, I sure am skilled at pleasing a man, sir. I’d be happy to please your employer.”

 “You are most beautiful, but I would have to test your skills before sending you to my employer.”

 “I understand, sir” said William as he reached his hands under the table and caressed the man’s mound of throbbing manhood through his trousers. William felt for the buttons, undid them and took out the man’s warm big uncut dick and hairy nut sack. William stroked the dick and fondled the balls under the table. The man stared into William’s eyes as the hand job caused his dick slit to ooze juice and as he took a puff on his cigar and sipped tequila.

 In a flash, William raised himself off his chair and got under the table. There, William saw the man’s great dark Mexican dick and studly balls. He opened his mouth and began licking the man’s dick and balls. Then he set about to suck the man’s dick.

 For the next 10 minutes, the grinning man sat in his chair sipping tequila and smoking as William sucked his dick under the table. William’s dick sucking skills brought pleasure to the man as his dick shot off blasts of his spunk in William’s mouth. He swallowed every drop down, after buttoning the man’s trousers, he then slid into his chair and was back at the table.

 “Excelente!” said the man, passing the $20 bill to William who pocketed it. “Here” said the man handing a business card for the Dumont Hotel, on the back was written Suite 507, and the initials F. V., “Show this to the guards at the door.” “Yes, sir” said William as he rose and left.

 The Dumont was one of Dallas’ finest hotels. William entered the grand lobby and walked past the well-dressed important people around, to the elevator. “Fifth floor” he said to the elevator operator. William exited and walked down a hallway, there at Suite 507 were standing two young handsome Mexican guards with rifles. He showed one of them the business card he’d been given.

 “Si!” said a grinning guard who opened the door and led William in. They walked through the fancy living room, the guard knocked on a door, “Excellency, your maricon is here” said the guard. “Si!” roared a deep voice, the guard opened the door, William entered the fine bedroom, the guard shut the door.

 Sitting in a wingchair was a nude powerfully built handsome 35-year-old mustached Mexican man. His legs were spread, and his massive thick hard uncut dick and mighty balls were on view. William rapidly undressed to his white drawers, sunk to his knees between the man legs, and took his dick in his mouth. The man sighed with joy as William passionately sucked his dick and licked his balls. He stroked William’s hair and patted his head during the dick sucking. William made eye contact with the man, seeing that he was in a state of bliss from William sucking his dick. In time, the man gently pulled his dick out of William’s mouth. William rose, got into the bed on his back, he raised his legs, spread his ass and offered it the man.

 From a jar, the man scooped and then slathered his dick with cream. He put the tip to William’s ass hole and slowly entered him. William gasped at the sensations coursing through his body as the man penetrated him all the way. The man began fucking William with gusto, William responded by bucking his ass against the man’s dick. He was a great lover and William was sobbing with ecstasy at having this Latin cocksman have his way with his ass. William’s dick shot off gushes of spunk in drawers from being fucked so well by an enormous Mexican dick. The man hollered in Spanish, then William felt his insides being coated with a flood of hot spunk.

 “Muy Bueno!” said the man in a deep voice, “Chico, you may clean yourself up in there” indicating a bathroom. William left the bed, gathered his clothes and went to the lavish bathroom. The tub had a bath drawn, William submerged himself in the warm water which cleansed him and soothed his aching just fucked ass. He soaped himself up, he dried off and dressed. He returned to bedroom clean, glowing and boyish.

 The beaming nude man was sitting in a wingchair sipping tequila and smoking a cigar. 

 William was about to leave silently but was possessed.

 “Pardon me sir for being so forward, do you know Colonel Javier Mercado of the Mexican Army?”

 “I should! I am the Minister of the Army!” laughed the man, “Why do you ask?”

 “I spent some time in Mexico and got to know him.”

 “Interesting, have a seat chico.” William sat in a wooden chair near the man, from a small table them man poured him a shot of tequila, William sipped it.

 “Javier is from a noble family and spent a few years in the military for experience, he just became a senator, he has a bright future. How did you know him?”

 “Well sir, my pals lost a lot of money to him in a poker game, he offered to forget the debt if I let him fuck me.”

 “He has great taste; you are a beauty. Tell me, whose pinga is bigger, mine or his?”

 “Yours definably, sir!”

 “Who is the greater lover, me or him?”

 “Oh of course, you sir!”

 “Spoken like a great whore!” laughed the man, handing William a $5 bill. “Well, I must get some sleep, you wore me out. Have a good evening.”

 “Thank you sir, nice to meet you.” The two guards whistled at William as he headed to the elevator.

 William got back to his room and drank whiskey. He thought it all over, he could stay on at the Montgomery being a whore and saving money, until he turned 21 and got his inheritance or he could do something bold like when he was with the Rooney Brothers. The next morning, he packed his things in one suitcase. He told Caleb he was going away for a while. “Good luck, kid.”

At the Dallas train station, William bought a one-way ticket to Mexico City.

 Two days later, William arrived in Mexico City, he thought it was like Dallas, large and smart. He walked around and saw the magnificent Capital Building. He rented a room at a nearby modest hotel. He went to a clothing shop and bought a nice dark blue suit, a white shirt, a fine tie and shiny black leather shoes. He took his purchases to his room. He went downstairs to the front desk and put some pesos on it.

 “Good evening sir, where is there a saloon for maricons?” he asked the cordial middle-aged clerk, who picked up the pesos and wrote an address down on a business card.

 William walked a few blocks and found Esmeralda’s and went in. It was a typical saloon with a bar and small tables and chairs, it was crowded with upper class-looking men and young well-dressed men. William bought a glass of tequila from the bartender and took a seat at a table; he sipped and smoked a cigarette. He watched the stage show, an older man dressed up and overly made up as a woman in a colorful Mexican dress and hat was singing as a nearby piano player played.

 “Buenos noches” said a tall, suited man who sat down next to William, he was bearded and handsome. “What is a nice chico like you doing in a place like this?”

 “I ain’t so nice” said William as he slid his hand under the table, his fondled the man’s dick and balls through his trousers, he had a big one. The man threw some pesos on the table, William pocketed them. He had no idea what it was worth in dollars, he didn’t care. What he cared about was taking this strange Mexican’s dick. He hadn’t had dick in nearly three days, and he needed it. The man got up and William followed him to hallway that led to a room with a stocky man at a table. William’s client gave the man some pesos, then William followed his client to a small room, there was a cot, a table with a wash basin, towels and a jar of cold cream.

 The man sat in a chair smoking a cigar, William go on his knees between the man’s stretched legs, he undid the man’s belt and his fly buttons. The man’s dick was a Mexican uncut marvel of thick long dark man flesh. William eagerly took it in his mouth and expertly sucked it and did the man’s balls. William and the man were both very happy getting what they both liked. The man took his dick out of William’s mouth. William got up, undid his jeans, pulled down his drawers and sprawled in the cot on his hands and knees. The man greased up his dick and rammed in and up William’s ass. It was a straightforward and rough fuck that was mutually satisfying, William’s dick blasted off in his drawers and the man soon shot blasts of hot spunk up William’s chute. The man pulled put, cleaned himself up and left. William got up, cleaned himself up and went in the hallway.

 “It is customary for putas to leave a tip” said the smiling stocky man at the desk.

 “Certainly senor,” said William putting some pesos down.


 “De nada.”

 William left Esmeralda’s; he’d gotten what he needed. He went back to his room, had more tequila and slept soundly. In the morning, he got dressed up in his new duds. He went to the Capital Building, he got a visitor’s pass and took a seat in the Senate gallery, along with a school group and other well-dressed people. There were lots of speeches in Spanish by Senators who were mostly old. William saw Senator Javier Mercado sitting at a desk. He wore a lavish dark suit and was even more handsome and manly then he was the night he spent fucking William. Eventually, Javier gave a fiery speech in his commanding deep voice, yup he was going places. Hours passed and a senator pounded a gavel that the session was over.

William left the gallery and went to the lobby. There was a desk with a uniformed official. William wrote on a slip of paper:

 I am here.

 William Anderson.

 He folded the note and put it in an envelope.

 “Can you please have this delivered to Senator Mercado; it is urgent.”

 “Certainly, sir” said the official, calling over a uniformed young man who took the note. A few minutes later, a handsome suited young Mexican man arrived.

 “I am Senator Mercado’s aide, please come with me.” William followed him through a hallway and up a flight of stairs, they entered an outer office.

 “The Senator will see you” said the young man indicating the door to an inner office. William entered and closed the door behind him.

Javier was nude, reclining on a small sofa, smoking a cigar. His massive Latin sizemeat and virile large balls were on display. He and William stared at each other, then William sunk to his knees before the man he had journeyed for. William took Javier's dick in his mouth and slowly licked it with devotion, he licked the bulbous head, the lengthy thick shaft and those great balls. He tasted and was intoxicated by Javier's juices. Javier reveled in the sight of this beautiful white boy orally worshipping his dick. When he was fully erect and pulsating, he nudged William. He stood and undressed; his dick was throbbing from the excitement of being with the man he desired so much. He got on the sofa on his back, raised his legs and spread his ass.

 Javier greased up his dick and firmly thrust it into William who yelped in delight at once again having it up ass. Javier vigorously fucked William like the Latin cocksman he was. He bent his head down and kissed William. He was overwhelmed. Soon William’s dick was spasming and shooting gobs of spunk from the exquisite pleasure Javier had given him with his dick. Javier grunted and his dick blasted spunk up William’s ass. They cleaned up, Javier poured them tequila, they smoked cigars, while nude on the sofa.

 “So chico, why are you here? What are your plans?”

 “I wanted to see you again. I don’t really have any plans, I thought we could spend time together.”

 “That is not possible, being a Senator is consuming, also I am married with two children, in the evenings there are social obligations.” Javier reached into a drawer and handed William some pesos. “If you’d like to visit my office as a whore, that can be arranged, my aide, Esteban can schedule that. I fuck him every morning, which usually satisfies me for the day, but when there’s time, I like to fuck another boy in the afternoon. Excuse me, I have other duties to attend to” he said as he started getting dressed. William got dressed and left.

 “I would like to schedule an appointment with the Senator” William said to Esteban, sitting at his desk.

 “The Senator could see you next Tuesday at 3:30 PM” said Esteban.

 “Thanks” said William looking at him differently, now aware that Esteban was a fellow fairy who sucked Javier’s dick and got fucked up the ass by him. And so, once a week William was officiously scheduled by Esteban for a paid fuck session with Javier in his office.

 Since his reunions with Javier weren’t as involving as he had hoped for, William became a regular at Esmeralda’s. He’d go there to drink in the evenings, he became well acquainted with the back rooms and its attendant, as many high-class Mexican men paid to fuck William. He also became acquainted with one of the bartenders. Magnetic 20-year-old Luis was tall, built, handsome, masculine, and had cleanshaven alluring facial features with a winning smile. Luis had no judgements of William for being a whore, as he often sold his superb dick to men who were interested in sucking it and getting fucked by it.

 “Hey, tomorrow is my day off, would you like to go out with me for dinner?” said Luis to William one night. “I sure would!”

 William was dressed up, as was Luis when they met the next night. They had a great dinner at one the city’s best restaurants and watched the show which had musicians, singers and dancers. After the show ended, they went back to Luis’ apartment. They kissed. They undressed. Luis had a stunning big thick uncut Mexican dick and stupendous bull balls which William lavished with his lips, tongue and mouth. William was on his back in Luis’ bed, his legs were raised and spread, Luis was fucking him. It was magical for both, each of their dicks shot off spunk at the exact same time.

 “That means we were meant to be together” said Luis in his deep voice as he kissed William, they slept together. The next morning, they had breakfast and Luis showed William around Mexico City. At night, they each went to work at Esmeralda’s. William got his things from his hotel room and moved in with Luis. Luis had been an art student but had to drop out of school when his father died. From his earnings at Esmeralda’s and selling his dick to men, he was able to send money to his mother and sisters back in his native village.

 “Awesome!” exclaimed William when he saw the large reclining nude portrait Luis had done of him a few weeks later. William was moved by this stunning image of himself which radiated Luis’ love for him. William’s thin sculpted body, striking face which was rendered with enigmatic depth, his fine young dick and balls, and the totality of his youthful beauty were captured forever by Luis’ talented brushstrokes and unique use of color. Then there was William’s haunting blue eyes which stared out into those of the viewer.

 “You made me want to paint again” said Luis.

 “Ah! It is my lucky day!” boomed a voice one night at Esmeralda’s as William was getting a drink. “Come, let’s sit” said the man, it was the man from Dallas who had procured William for the Minister of the Mexican Army, and whom William had sucked off under a saloon table.

 “I need another beautiful skilled white boy whore for a very special event, are you interested?”


 “Excellent!” said the man who handed William a small sack of gold coins, “You will get another at the end of the event.”

 “Sounds good.”

 “Our last encounter was rather brief, but memorable” laughed the man.

 “A longer encounter can be arranged.”

The man handed William some pesos, they got up and went to a back room. William sucked the man’s dick and then got fucked by him on his hands and knees in the bed. They cleaned themselves up, the man went on his way, William went back to the bar.

 On an October night, there was much fanfare outside the Mexico City Opera House for the gala opening night of the season. Crowds watched high society figures arrive in their finery. Inside the auditorium there were 12 second level boxes where the very elite sat in seclusion to watch the opera. The President, the Minister of the Army, generals, tycoons and Senator Javier Mercado, were there with their wives and supplicants. When the lights dimmed and the orchestra began playing La Traviata’s overture, the doors of those 12 boxes all opened. A dozen of Mexico’s most powerful men clad in tuxedos made their way to a special lounge. They were not interested in opera, just the spectacle of the occasion for appearances sake. As earthy Latin men of the world they didn’t give a shit about the famous soprano who had been hired for an astronomical fee to play Violetta, they craved to fuck beautiful white boys.

 William was in that special lounge wearing only a red loincloth which covered his manhood but left his ass exposed. Three other white boys dressed in red loincloths were there as well. The 12 titans began arriving at this chamber of debauchery which contained velvet couches, stools and a bartender. The next 90 minutes were a bacchanalia. The four white boy whores provided total services on command for their Latin masters. Each had taken the 12 men’s dicks in their mouths and up their asses, in various permutations. The boys all shot off in their red loincloths. There was subtle recognition among, but no conversation between William and Jorge, and the Minister of the Army during their sex acts. William had been hired as just one the four whores and behaved as such.  

 Each of the men had been fully serviced by the boys amidst smoking cigars and imbibing their preferred libations. Using basins of warm soapy water and pristine cloths, the boys cleaned up their conquerors’ regal penises. The freshened up and refreshed grandees left the lounge and then rejoined their glamorous wives and the crème de crem of Mexican high society in the opulent lobby at intermission. There was strategic mingling combined with the afterglow of profound sexual gratification.

 William and the other boy whores hurriedly tidied up the lounge and took quick warm baths as they were all quite soiled by the copious amounts of spunk in their asses they had been incited from the men. The blasé young Mexican bartender was sucked off by one of the whores. It was time to get in position for the insatiable elite men again who instead of returning to their boxes and wives, went back to that special lounge where another 90 minutes of carnality would be repeated all over on the boy whores.

 After tidying up, bathing and dressing, each boy was given a small sack of gold coins and went on their way. William went home to Luis’ apartment. He drank tequila and passed out in bed. In the middle of the night, Luis arrived home from his shift at Esmeralda’s. He dick was hard and he was eager for William to take care of it. William awoke when Luis got into bed. Though his jaw was sore from stretching his mouth out to recently suck 12 big dicks, he ardently sucked his lover’s dick. Though his ass burned from having multiple large dicks fucking it, causing him to shoot off four times, William still desired to please his lover. He raised his legs and spread his ass for Luis to fuck him. Luis threw William an intense fuck, causing William’s dick to shoot off yet again, then Luis hollered, his seed drenched William’s tender insides.

 Sometime later, William and Luis were in a train viewing the scenic Mexican countryside through the windows of their private sleeper car, they’d never fucked on a train before and enjoyed that experience. They arrived in Dallas on a Wednesday morning. They checked into a Dumont Hotel suite. Then William went to the office of Mr. Thatcher, his family’s long-time attorney. It was William’s 21st birthday, he signed many legal documents. William now had his inheritance with interest, plus two years of his share of the profits from the family ranch and the deed to the Old House. Those vast sums, plus his savings from whoring, made him a wealthy man of property.  

 William’s celebratory birthday dinner at one of Dallas’ best steakhouses was a special event. Sitting at table with William and Luis, were Charles and Buck Garrett. They were visiting during a break from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, they would soon be traveling to New York City and then sailing to England for the troupe’s European tour. Charles and William had been corresponding, updating each other on their lives.

 The four young men ate excellent steaks and drank vintage wine. A stately waiter wheeled William’s elaborate and inscribed birthday cake to the table. Luis, Charles and Buck sang him “Happy Birthday.” William blew out his candles; since he had everything he wanted, the only wish that came to his mind was that his happiness would last as long as his life.

 After dinner they all went to William’s Dumont suite, for the real celebration. The four young men all undressed. William and Charles were best friends, they wanted to share their lovers with each other. Buck and Luis being randy horndogs were happy to try out each other’s bitches. Buck’s thick long slab of white meat was getting royally sucked by William and Luis’ magnificent pinga was slobbered on by Charles.  

 William and Charles were in the bed on their backs, legs raised, and asses spread and were getting powerfully fucked side by side by each other’s man. Buck thrusted his hips and rammed his hog in and out of William’s ass and Luis’ immense Mexican tool repeatedly impaled Charles’ chute. Grunts, groans and sobs were heard during this special bout of group man sex. Lots of spunk was shot all over the bed and in Charles and William. When they were all spent, the beaming quartet drank whiskey and smoked cigars before passing out together in the soiled bed.

 The next morning, they bathed, dressed and had a hearty room service breakfast in the suite. William and Luis saw off Charles and Buck to their train to New York City. William and Luis bought horses and rode to the ranch.

 “Hello, Billy” said William’s brother Dan after a butler led him and Luis to the study.

 “Hello, Dan” said William, “This a courtesy call, Luis and I will be living in the Old House.”

 “Nice to hear” said Dan.

 “I was real sorry to hear about Bonnie” said William.

 “I know, thanks for those lovely flowers” said Dan. Bonnie, Dan’s wife had died in childbirth, their third son survived.

 "Bonnie’s widowed mother tends to the boys in another wing of the house, I visit and play with them. Otherwise, it’s just me and Luke here. After Bonnie died, I needed the kind of companionship that a boy can give. Luke came to the ranch for a job. Zeke took one look at him and knew there was a better use for him and sent him to me. Luke was virgin when it came to men, until I had my way with him. I was his first man; I broke him in in every way there is. He took to his new life real well. Luke! Come here” called out Dan.

 A handsome, medium height thin blond and blue-eyed young man entered the study.

 “This here is my brother Billy and his man, Luis. This is Luke” said Dan.

 “Pleased to meet you” said Luke in a masculine voice as he shook William’s and Luis’s hands.

 “Show it to them, Luke” said Dan.

 Luke pulled down his trousers and drawers, his right ass cheek had been branded with an ‘A’ for Anderson.

 “Did it myself, ‘cause Luke and me are real close. Well, I’m sure we could all use a drink!” said Dan, Luke began pouring out whiskeys for everyone.

 “Luis” said Dan puffing on a cigar as he sat back in a chair, “Billy and I haven’t been together in along time. I know I want to, and I can tell by Billy’s face he wants to, he can’t resist me. Ain’t that right, Billy?”

 “No Dan, I can’t resist you.”

 “Do I have your permission to fuck Billy, Luis.”

 “Sure, whatever William wants is right by me. Dan, do I have your permission to fuck Luke?” chuckled Luis.

 “Of course, Luis!” chuckled Dan, “It would be my pleasure for you to do so.”

 Dan and Luis were sitting side by side, they each undid the fly buttons of their jeans, and each took out their impressive manhood. The two men smoked cigars while their bitches sucked their dicks. William was excited to be sucking his brother again. Luis got to enjoy Luke’s mouth which had been well trained by Dan to provide a man with maximum pleasure. Eventually, Dan was fucking William on the couch, they were in a state of bliss at doing that again. Nearby on the couch, Luis was ramming his proud Mexican log in and out of the bleating Luke’s ass. Luis’ was the biggest dick Luke had ever taken, his ass accommodated real well to it, to his and Luis’ delight.  

 Dominating the room, hanging over the fireplace was the large imposing portrait of the late Daniel Anderson, William and Dan’s father. Mr. Anderson stood tall wearing a plaid shirt, jeans and a Stetson hat, with his heroic facial expression, gazing at the group man sex exhibition among his sons in his study.

 “Luis, Billy will show you to a privy” said Dan after they all shot off and recuperated, “I hope you all will stay for supper.”

 “Mighty kind of you, Dan” said Luis.

 “We’re all kin now” said Dan.

 After bathing, everyone had a jovial meal in the dining room. When it was over, William and Luis rode their horses to the Old House and went to bed. In the morning, they checked the spread out. They set up a studio in a shed for Luis to paint in. In the study, William noticed a set of Charles Dickens on the bookshelves. He was transported back to the times he read David Copperfield aloud to the Rooney Brothers who had raped, branded and bewitched him.

 William sat at the desk, took out some paper and started writing. He later bought a typewriter and continuing writing every day, while Luis painted in his studio. At night, they had a fine dinner cooked by Mrs. Loomis, their widowed and well-paid live-in housekeeper who didn’t think a young white man and a young Mexican man living together and sleeping in the same bed was at all unusual.

On Sundays, William and Luis went to the ranch to have dinner and to fuck with Dan and Luke. Once a month on a Saturday evening, Dan hosted an exclusive poker game for Dallas’ movers and shakers. Ranch owners, tycoons, elected officials, and visiting dignitaries received coveted invitations. Besides the high stake games, an attraction was William and Luke who were in attendance to service the high rollers. It was a small world when Mexican Vice President Javier Mercado showed up to play poker, he and William picked up right where they left off from that night at the opera.  

 Plains Captive was the first novel William completed after a few months. It was the action-packed tale of Mary Henderson, an 18-year-old Texas oil heiress who was abducted off a train by the outlaw Leary Brothers. It was suggestively implied that Mary was violated by the brothers; she then falls in love with them and becomes part of their gang, committing robberies with them.

 William financed the book’s publication, publishing it under the pseudonym, Alice Mathers. It was a bestseller, and over the years was followed by a series of novels chronicling the gang’s adventures while being pursued by the law, bounty hunters and Mary’s father and fiancée, several seamy episodes took place in Mexico. William also under another pseudonym  published Sons of the Plains, a rustic family epic about a ruthless Texas cattle baron and his two feuding sons. Starring Walter Huston, the 1937 Oscar-winning screen adaptation is considered an early classic Western. William wrote several other Western yarns that achieved popularity, many of which were also filmed.    

 Luis’ paintings sold well, he became a successful portraitist, and had exhibits in New York City. It wasn’t until the 1930’s when Nelson Rockefeller donated 10 of Luis' paintings to the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection that he became moderately known for his arresting images of the Old West and of Mexico. In 1985, the first major retrospective of his work was held at the Whitney Museum of Art and was highly acclaimed. That show inspired interest in Luis’ biography, his relationship with his long-term male companion, the Western writer William Anderson (1874-1958) was concretely documented through historical papers and Anderson relatives’ testimony. That they were buried next to each other in the Anderson family plot was also discovered.

The centerpiece of the Whitney’s exhibition and the catalogue’s cover image was a previously unknown and subsequentially critically lauded masterpiece. This was a large oil on canvas work painted in 1893, titled Guillermo (Luis Figueroa 1873-1959). It was a captivating painting of a beautiful nude young boyish blond man with entrancing blue eyes.

by Nyguy

Email: [email protected]

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