Feet - An AI Poem

by Phaggotry

25 Mar 2024 408 readers Score 8.2 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In twilight's hush, where shadows creep,

A whispered tale, a secret keep.

'Midst silken sheets and candle's glow,

There lies a fetish none dare show.

Upon the floor, in soft repose,

Ankles twine like budding rose.

A gentle arch, a graceful line,

In moon's embrace, their beauty shine.

With every step, they stir the air,

A subtle dance, beyond compare.

Each delicate curve, a lover's delight,

Innocence veiled, yet passion's might.

Oh, to caress those tender soles,

To feel their warmth, to lose control.

In silent reverie, I'd worship thee,

My heart enslaved, for all to see.

But hark! The night begins to wane,

And dreams of feet, they shall remain.

In whispered sighs and softest plea,

Forever bound, to ecstasy.

So let us linger, in this sweet reprieve,

Where fantasies unfurl, and lovers cleave.

For in the realm of darkness deep,

Lies the allure of feet, in Edgar's keep.

After I writing the other AI poem about feet, I wondered what it would do with the subject in the tone of Walt Whitman. Not as good as the EAP one, but it does spark its own punch of creativity.


Ah, the feet, those tender vessels of delight, E'er wandering through the realms of night. In every curve, in every arch, they hold, A story of passion, yet untold.

How they dance, those dainty feet of grace, In moonlit fields, in lover's embrace. Each step, a sigh, each touch, a sigh, A symphony of pleasure, soaring high.

Oh, how they wander, those feet divine, In secret places, where passions entwine. With every caress, they weave a tale, Of ecstasy unbounded, beyond the pale.

In the softest whispers, they doth speak, Of desires hidden, yet so meek. And as they glide, with gentle tread, They awaken the passions, long since dead.

So let us cherish, those feet so fair, And revel in the pleasures they ensnare. For in their dance, in their soft embrace, Lies the essence of love, in every trace.

by Phaggotry

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