
by novicewritter1994

9 Aug 2022 1657 readers Score 8.3 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“What… What have I done?” The priest said to himself breathlessly, trying his best not to hyperventilate. The priest looked up pleadingly, his body shaking uncontrollably, at the crucifix at the center of the church. The priest knew there would be no answer though. He believed joining the church and vowing celibacy would have strengthened his faith and rid him of his temptations. The priest truly believed that his faith would help him overcome his great shame, and he would find his salvation doing God’s work.

The priest looked over at the closed door of the confessional, where the lifeless husk of a body of a young man with angelic beauty lay. “It wasn’t real,” the priest thought desperately to himself “it must have been a hallucination, brought on by the heat or exhaustion. Yes… that must be it. I should head to Dr. Burns and ask him for advice.”

The priest picked himself up of the church floor with renewed hope that everything would be fine, doing his best to ignore the growing urge to feed once more. As he made his way out of the church, the priest eyed the confessional booth, fighting the truth of the sin inside it.

The priest entered the Dr. Burns’ reception area, but saw no one at the front desk. The priest made his way towards the office, when he heard the booming voice of the doctor call to him from the hallway. “Father! What brings you to my humble office today? I hope all is well.” The priest replied “Unfortunately, I’m not doing so well. I’ve had violent hallucinations that I believe are due to the heat.” The doctor eyed the priest suspiciously, not quite sure if he was being serious or not. To the doctor’s eyes the priest seemed perfectly fine, better than fine actually. The priest had always been attractive to the doctor, but today he seemed absolutely beautiful. The doctor could feel his pulse quicken and his palms begin to sweat. Even as infatuated as the doctor was with the priest, something felt off. “Well, we better run some tests and see what’s wrong,” the doctor said leading the priest into his office “tell me everything”.

As the priest sat in the office explaining the ordeal of the passed 24 hours, the doctor listened intently. The priest, though, felt uncomfortable. The priest never quite felt comfortable around Dr. Burns. The priest always told himself that it was because the doctor didn’t share his faith, but deep down he knew it was the way the doctor made the priest’s cock twitch.

Once the priest finished his story, Dr. Burns got up and told him he was going to get the nurse to run a blood test and would look into getting the priest an appointment for an MRI at the local hospital. The priest thanked Dr. Burns as he left the room. Once alone the priest whispered a short prayer to himself “Dear Lord, please let this all be in my head.” The priest was on the verge of tears, finally beginning to believe that this may have all just been a hallucination.

“Feed.” It was faint and came from deep within, but that monstrous voice was unmistakable. “No, please… no more,” the priest cried “I can’t.” the priest knew though he would not be able to fight the thing inside him much longer. Just then, the doctor walked in with the nurse and said “Father, it’s time for your blood test.” As Dr. Burns put a hand on the priest’s shoulder, the priest turned looking up at the doctor’s deep blue eye. For a moment Dr. Burns saw an inhuman look in the priest’s eyes, then he was overwhelmed with lust.

Dr. Burns bent and kissed the priest. The priest getting up from his seat, pushes the doctor onto the floor. The nurse standing behind the doctor, looked up from his files, shocked, only to be pulled in to a deep kiss by the priest. While the priest and the nurse kissed, the doctor pulled down the priests pants and the nurse’s scrubs, freeing both cocks. The doctor sucked on the cocks, alternating between them. The nurse moaned loudly as the priest tweaked his sensitive nipples and Dr. Burns slurped on his now fully erect cock. The priest helped Dr. Burns to his feet and bent over the doctor’s desk. “Get your tongue in my hole!” the nurse sat himself on the ground below the priest, and slurped down licked his balls while the doctor began to rim the priest. Dr. Burns, so lost in his lust filled trance, didn’t even notice the slime now oozing out of the priest’s hole. The doctor rimmed the priest passionately, getting his tongue deep into the priest’s throbbing hole. “I’m ready to be fucked” the priest moaned.

Dr. Burns and the nurse share a glance and a grin before laying across from each other, their cocks touching, pointing upward. The priest, looking down and realizing their intention, grinned back at them. The priest positioned his hole above the two cocks, leaking the slime on top of the hard cocks. The priest pressed both cocks to his hole and moaned loudly as the pressed their way into him. The moans of pleasure resonated from deep inside the priest as he felt his hole stretching to accommodate the two hard cocks.

After a couple of minutes of getting used to the stretch, the priest began to ride the nurse and doctor much more easily. The priest continued to get fucked ferociously until bot the doctor and the nurse were moaning loudly. The louder they moaned, the greater the urge to feed and the more vigorously he rode the cocks. “I’m gonna cum,” the doctor said between pants and moans. “Me too” grunted the nurse. The priest continued to bounce on their cocks, lost in mind-numbing pleasure and the irresistible urge coming from deep within him.

“I’M CUMMING!” the nurse and doctor said in unison. As they filled the priest with their hot seed their moans of pleasure. The fullness of the priest’s hole and the feeling of being filled with shot after shot of jizz from the two men set off an explosive orgasm in the priest. The priest’s vision went blurry as he felt his orgasm begin in his prostate slowly radiating out to the rest of his body. As his orgasm reaching its peak he saw the young man’s beautiful face in his mind’s eye. That face tuned into the lifeless shell right left in the confessional, right as the priest’s cock exploded with cum. A stream of hot thick cum shoots out of the priest’s cock and onto the office floor.

As the priest comes down from his orgasm, he closes his eyes. He doesn’t need to look. He knows what he’s left behind. The lifeless husks of two more bodies. The priest realizes now there is no hope. No chance of a hallucination. The only truth is the thing inside him. The unrelenting urge to…


by novicewritter1994

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