Don't Scream

by Bo Fantasy

20 Oct 2023 3372 readers Score 8.9 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

Chapter 1

What’s your favorite scary movie?

“No I really can’t tonight.” I couldn’t stand the thought of another night out, my stomach still turned just thinking of it.

“Come on bro, just one drink?” He put up a good fight, his puppy dog eyes pierced through mine.

“I’m sorry, man. I gotta finish this study guide, there’s no way I’ll pass tomorrow if I don’t.” My hands did a lot of talking for me, annoyance written all over me.

“Alright well..” my room mate grabbed his windbreaker from the chair, “.. I’ll see you later then!” and shortly he was out the door, leaving me alone in our dorm room.

God I hate physics.

I spent the next three hours studying my brains out and taking small breaks to eat food when I could. My mind was so over it and now it’s already ten oclock, guess I’m in for the night. I put away my books and made up my bed, readying myself to go to sleep. But a notification on my phone caught my eye, a notification from Grindr.

When was Charles gonna be back?

Suddenly I was super horny and thought, why not? Charles will probably be back closer to midnight, why not take advantage of the empty room? It didn’t take much persuasion for me to ease into my bed and start scrolling through guys. The only thing bad about the college hook-up scene for me, is that most of all these guys are still closeted. I’m out and proud, have been for years. Yet half of these profiles are blank and based off their proximity to me, I know they live here in the dorms.

I, for one, have no shame. I’m decently tall, dirty blonde with green eyes, athletic and I like to think I’m pretty funny. I don’t really have trouble finding a hookup, there are just so many flakes. Not that I’m looking to hookup right now, I just wanna talk for a minute and let loose if you know what I mean.

Eventually I came across a profile I never would’ve expected, one that read “Loomis4U”. Now, I’m not the biggest fan in the world, but even I know what Loomis is from. The Scream movies. There wasn’t much in the profile to go off, but the profile picture was the ghost face mask.

“Hey there ghostface!” I messaged the profile in curiosity. It is spooky season, it’s probably just a horror movie fanatic. Either way it was interesting, and also kinda hot.

The profile responded back saying hi too, it didn’t take them long. We started chatting a bit and I found out that he has a ghostface kink, he likes to have sex while wearing it. That made me hard, really hard. Something about the mask kinda just did it for me, plus he already admitted to being a student at my university. It seemed like maybe this one could go somewhere. We sent some pics back and forth, his dick was pretty big and his body was amazing. Only think I couldn’t see was his face.

I eventually came and ended our conversation with agreeing to meet up some time soon. And then I went to sleep.


The next morning I had class and after I met with the crew. Seven of us to be specific, we all met here and became fast close friends. Charles, my room mate is a bit of douche but you can never stay mad it him for long. Brittany and Cara, two best friends that came to school together, both of them fun and both drop dead gorgeous. Jane, a sarcastic bookworm that is usually the voice of reason. Benji, a football prodigy that has his eyes set on Cara. And Nick, the newest addition to the group after beginning to date Brittany. Then there’s me, the lovable gay guy with the confidence of a monster truck. Together we work but separately it almost doesn’t make sense how.

We all usually meet in the cafe after the first rush of classes, gossip and talk and laugh, then all go our separate ways until the day ends. Today, I had nothing planned after class and neither did Jane.

“Wanna chill at Mangoes?” Jane had asked me while everyone was departing. Mangoes is a fruit stand on campus with music and a lounge, just a place for students to hang out for a while.

“Sure!” I agreed and us two headed that way.

Jane was a bit of a mystery to me, the way she carries herself is odd. She exudes this off putting energy to most people but getting to know her she’s actually super sweet and smart. After getting some fruit bowls, we sat down on a couch by ourselves to chat. Soon I was spilling my guts about the ghostface guy lastnight, and to my surprise, she thought it was kinda hot too. We laughed at the absurdity, but she convinced me to message him and plan a hookup tonight.

Jane and I talked a while but eventually departed and I headed home. Along my walk he finally responded, ghostface agreed and asked if he could come to my room. I was hesitant at first, none of my hookups have been in my dorm yet. Charles wasn’t the best at letting me know when he’d be home. Soon enough we made plans to meet at the park on campus. I’ve hooked up once there and he even admitted to doing it once too. Butterflies crept in my stomach and I was really excited to do this.

The next couple hours dragged on today, waiting and waiting to meet with this ghostface guy, he still won’t tell me his name. But soon the time had come and I was all prepared and ready.

I made my way to the park under the moonlight. I know I looked good, I wore skimpy shorts and a cropped tee. My horniness couldn’t help it, but my dick was easily poking through my shorts. We agreed to meet at a very specific bench, one situated down a trail between Main Street and the water fountain. Finally I made it and there was no sight of anyone there just yet. I sat down on the bench and pulled out my phone, texting ghostface that I was here.

During these few moments in the dark, I started to think that maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I mean this guy clearly is into a killer, I mean it is fiction so is it really that bad?

Riiiiiiiing. My phone started to buzz, a random number was calling me. I silence my phone and decide to ignore but in more more than a second, the caller called me right back. I declined it again, thinking he must have the wrong number. But it rang again, a third time.

”Hello?” I answered the phone kind of irritated, how dare someone ruin my hookup moment.

”Hello Devin.” I heard a low raspy voice ask through the phone, something about the voice sounded so familiar.

”Hi? Who’s this?” I answered back, unsure how they knew my name.

”You mean you don’t know?” The voice grew in anger then immediately calmed down. “How about this for a reminder..” his tone dialed down to a flirtatious growl, “What’s your favorite scary movie?”

Realization hit me all at once. “Oh my god you scared me!” I started to half giggle into the phone. Clearly this was ghostface, but how in the world did he get my number?

”I scared you?” He asked in equally scary tone. Maybe this was all apart of the fun for him?

”Yeah, you scared me!” I exclaimed into the phone. “Where are you?” I asked him. “Backing out already?” I wanted to play with him just a little bit.

”You mean at the bench? Yeah I’m on my way.” He flirted back with me, his voice was so low and it really turned me on.

”Well I’m waiting!” I said into the phone, unsure of what to say now. I’ve never had this type of foreplay.

”I know.” He stated clearly and this weird pause came after.

Before I could collect my thoughts, my vision went black as I felt two hands cover my eyes from behind. I yelped off the bench and turned to see him. Ghostface. He was standing right there, on the other side of the bench. The white mask stood out amongst the black robe that went with the costume, but soon I noticed red. Glistening red streaks lay all over his body and just a couple drops right on his face.

Suddenly I froze in fear, am I about to die? Then his arm starts to move, revealing a knife just like in the movies. Oh my god I’m about to die. My feet worked quicker than my brain and soon I was darting down the path, tears forming in my eyes.

“Wait wait!” I heard him call behind me. “I thought you were cool with this!” His voice sounded normal. I turned behind me and saw him stopped in place just a little bit down the path from me. His silhouette in the trail sent goosebumps down my spine. I stopped too, in a safe distance to start running again if need be.

”You’re fucking crazy!” I shouted down to him, my heart thumping in my chest.

”No! No!” He called back to me. “I’m just in consume!”

”You scared the fuck out of me, you’re covered in blood, what the fuck!” I screamed at him.

”Fake blood..” he started walking towards me and for some reason I didn’t turn to run. Fake blood? “..I’m dressed at ghostface for crying out loud!” His voice sounded almost sincere.

”You scared me.” I repeated again, my heart still thumping in my chest. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding. This was just a part of the thrill for him, and for some reason my dick was still very very hard.

”I know.” He stopped in place now, about 25 feet away from me. “Prepare to be horrified.”

Before I knew it, someone different was behind me, pulling a bag over my head and knocking me to the ground. I tried to shout but something covered my mouth. Everything happened so fast, I didn’t have time to react.

”Now what’s your favorite scary movie?” I heard his dark raspy voice again. My words hitched in my throat and I knew I was crying again. “Answer bitch!” He yelled and kicked me in the stomach.

”Scream! Scream! That’s my favorite movie!” I yelped, just wanting this to stop. “Please don’t kill me.” I was shaking in fear.

”Correct answer.” His voice was cold and I still haven’t heard anything from the other person here. “I won’t kill you if you follow my rules.”

Rules? What rules? I’m tied on the ground, fearing my life, and there’s rules?

“Don’t you wanna know the rules?” I heard his voice much closer to me now, his tone filled with seduction. “Don’t you!?” He kicked me again, his temperament not easily gaged.

”Yes.. yes..” I whimpered out.

”Good..” he said as he pulled my pants down. I started to cry more but what was I gonna do? “.. first rule is to never talk back to me.” He slapped my ass hard and pain jolted through me.

”Second rule is the last rule. Easy.” I could feel his breath on my bare ass. “Don’t scream.”

Right after those words, he jammed a finger right up my ass and I fought urge to scream. I really am going to die.

That night I was raped by ghostface, he had his way with me for roughly ten minutes. His dick was giant and he went in with only his spit as lube. It hurt and I was in pain the whole time. He would put his knife to my neck, I could feel the steel threaten to spill blood. But I listened to the rules, I didn’t talk back and I didn’t scream not once. He came inside of me after awhile and told me he’d see me again. He also told me if I told the police or anyone else, that I’d die. And I believed every word. I got home around eleven o’clock, ashamed and broken.


”Devin! Devin! Wake up!” I was woken up by my room mate Charles on top of me, shaking my shoulders.

”What!” I yawned at him, not at all fully awake.

”Bro hella police are here! If you got anything in here you need to get rid of it right now!” He looked so panicked, jumping around the room searching for anything bad.

The memories of lastnight started to flood back in, god I with that was just a really fucked up dream. Wait..

”Wait.. you said police? Why are police here?” My heart started to race.

”I don’t know bro! Just get up and help me!” He kept going around the room.

I got myself up and helped Charles tidy the room quickly. I told him I was gonna figure out what’s happening and left out of the door. Students flooded the hallways, gossiping and whispering. I turned to my next door neighbor, Matt.

”Matt! What’s going on?” I look around confused.

”Bro you’ll never believe it, but a student was found dead in their dorm room this morning. All stabbed up and shit, like, brutally murdered.” His words burned ice cold. Murder?

”Who?” I asked him quickly.

”I’m hearing it was Gabe Jepton, some sophomore on the first floor.” He talked with wince. 

I’ve heard of that name but didn’t know the guy well. I turned around without saying goodbye to Matt, I needed to focus on what I just learned. Someone was murdered lastnight, with a knife, in my building. I got this nasty feeling wash over me. I feel like I know who did this. And now I think I know who’s blood was all over ghostface lastnight.

part 2 coming soon