
by Bruce Silver

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Chapter 5

Dog Show Part 2

Saturday morning started off as usual with Dingus’s potty break and breakfast. With the past few days of training walking in his bitch suit was much easier now especially with the additional time to rest. Brian wiped off the water from Dingus’s paws that he trailed in from the morning dew. Breakfast was bland oatmeal with some fresh cut fruit. After they finished Brian locked him back up in his cage. Nervous about his today, Dingus paced his cage as he was too wired up to sleep and after resting all day yesterday, he was feeling much better today. Listening to the background Dingus heard his Master leave the house. Laying on his bed he watched the T.V. as his dick throbbed in his cage. His horniness cut through his nervous energy as he humped his bed waiting for Master to return.

Brian arrived at the hair salon to get his look down right for the evening. Afterwards he stopped by to pick up his tuxedo and shoes. Making his way back home he stopped by for some coffee.

“Good morning how may I hel-, oh hey Brian, how are you doing today.” Asked the barista.

“Morning Gale, I am doing great how about you?”

“Eh, working on a Saturday but at least it’s a beautiful day! You want your regular?” exclaimed the barista.

“Yeah and add an extra shot of espresso. Today is going to be busy.”

“You got it, boss. Any plans for the weekend?”

“Oh yeah, entered my dog into a dog show and I can’t wait to see how he does.” Brian squealed with excitement.

“Oh wow that’s awesome! That must have been tough training him for something like that, huh?” asked the barista.

“It’s not for everyone but with a firm hand and rewarding good behavior you can tame any bitch.” Brian winked at him.

The barista laughed and handed him his drink.

“Good luck, hope you get first place!”

Brian waved and left.

               The rest of the morning and into the afternoon Brian packed his SUV with his weekend bags and other gear he might need for the show. Going over his list he double checked his bags making sure he was prepared for the whole weekend.

The Dog Show was held by a secret group of Fetish and Kink men who operated in a closed society. With his new position at work, he continued to network with his peers and found an older man named Duke, who like Brian, had a passion for domination. It would be more correct to say that Duke actually found Brian as he had walked in on him one day and saw over his shoulder the video stream of Dingus in his cage. They had met up for drinks one evening and Duke confronted Brian about his taste for power. By the end of the night Duke had found a new participant to bring into their closed group. Over the next several months of their friendship, Brian went to their meetings and gatherings. He found new friends and others who like him enjoyed dominating their inferiors. His new place with them allowed better opportunities at work as well as gaining favors from senior members. Tonight was more then just a show, it was his initiation into the group as a fully fledge member and he was not going to screw this up. Once everything was loaded up, he went towards his closet and grabbed Dingus.

“Hey there sleepy head! Wakey wakey Dingus!” Brian cooed at his pup.

Dingus opened his eyes he was groggy but awake.

“Get up boy! Let’s get you ready.”

Dingus got up and went to the door stretching his limbs as much as he could with his bondage.

Attaching his leash, Brian led his pup to the Garage. Inside the Large SUV had its trunk open with a ramp leading up to it.

“Ok, walk up the ramp Dingus!” Brian ordered as he tugged hard on the leash.

Carefully Dingus walked up the ramp looking forward, he saw a large metal crate with the door open.

“Turn around and back up into the crate Dingus.”

Dingus backed into the crate and waited. Underneath his chest and stomach Brian slid a small bench that connected to the bottom of the crate allowing him to rest upright without having to put any pressure on his paws. There was a large head rest that Dingus could lay his head on for the duration of the ride. Brian inserted headphones into his ears and played hypnotic music with voices in the background that Dingus couldn’t make out. Brian snapped on a blindfold completely isolating him in his crate. The bench had straps that went around Dingus securing his body in place and four chains at the corners of the crate attached to the limbs of Dingus further holding him down. Brian was comfortable with the restraints knowing that he wouldn’t be able to move and he was safe for the car ride. Closing the crate, he locked the front and closed the trunk. The crate was made of solid steel with no openings except for the front gate that was barred like a prison cell with an open slot at the bottom for bowls to be inserted.

Going over his list Brian was satisfied and changed into his tux. The tuxedo was classic styled formal wear that was tailored to his size. The black and white outfit gave him the James Bond look with a sharp silk bowtie and cummerbund. Flipping his French cuffed sleaves he inserted gold cuff links. Next, he put on his sheer black dress socks and attached them to garters around his calves. Using a shoehorn, he slipped into his black polished dress shoes and threw on his jacket that completed his outfit. Satisfied he jumped into his SUV and made way to the gathering for his initiation.

After driving for 6 hours the sun started to set. Brian pulled into a forest area with large tall fences. The main gate was closed and an attendant waited at the front for those looking to enter.

“Good evening, Lord, how may I assist you?” asked the attendant.

Brian said nothing, only handing him a business card with a wax stamp at the back outlining the crest of the country club.

“Very well, here is your Mask. Do not remove this mask for any reason unless you are in closed quarters or in a privet setting. Please respect the other guest in attendance, a valet will be at the entrance waiting.” Replied the attendant with a low but respectful tone.

Brian rolled up the window and made his way to the entrance of the club. The building was immaculate with a fountain at the center of the driveway. As Brian pulled up a valet waited for him to stop the car. Brian placed the mask over his face, it was patterned after an owl with feathers adorned around the eyes and forehead.

Valet opened the door and Brian stepped out of the car.

“Good evening, Lord, hope your ride was a pleasant one.” Greeted the valet driver.

“Thank you, please be very careful with my belongings.” Brian ordered.

“Of course, my Lord. Please make your way inside as your presence has been announced to the masses. Here is your room key, please do not hesitate to ask for anything while you stay with us this weekend.” The valet bowed and took Brian’s car keys.

Heading up the stairs Brian was nervous but excited to become a part of this exclusive club. An attendant greeted him at the door and led him to the main room to meet with the other guests. The doors were large dark cherry wood with gold accents. Swinging open the sounds of chatter filled the room with laughter, smelling of fine cigars and cologne. Entering the room Brian didn’t recognize anyone immediately until a large stocky fat man walked towards him with his pet at his side.

“Ha! You finally made it! I was scared that you were getting cold feet about tonight!” Duke’s loud robust voice cut through the room.

Duke was a large man almost resembling John Goodman with black hair streaked with grey. His suit was well tailored and even with his mask one knew who he was. At his side was a thin twink much smaller than his Master and whose body was smooth and hairless. Duke’s slave is named Minni. Minni wore a pink latex hood adorned with cat ears on top with pin holes for eyes and a hole around his mouth. A thick pink leather collar wrapped around his neck. Much like Dingus, Minni had on a bitch suit as well, however Minni had both arms and legs amputated at the knees and elbows. He walked around on all fours with pink latex coverings on his front and hind legs, padded and reinforced for comfort. His dick was locked in a tiny pink metal chastity cage that Duke had taken time to shrink down to a small nub. As he crawled next to his Master a long pink furry tail was inserted into the ass of the slave swaying side to side with each step. Upon getting closer Brian saw Minni wearing a short chain that connected to his collar and his tits. Duke held in his hands a pink leather leash attached to Minni’s collar completing the ensemble.

“So good to see you, and I cannot wait to see your pup!” Duke’s voice was loud as he shook Brian’s hand.

Minni crawled toward Brian’s shoes. Brian stuck his leg out pointing the tip of his shoe up and heel to the ground as Minni licked his shoes.

“Good boy, Minni! God, I love what a slut he is.” Duke laughed.

Brian’s cock twitched in his pants watching Minni completely debased and subservient to his Master. Duke was one sadistic son of a bitch and many of the members knew of his depravities.

“Come come, lets get you properly introduced to some of the members.” Duke led Brian to the group of gentlemen at the bar.

Although Brian has attended meetings and gatherings before many members do not show regularly with the exception of mandatory meetings that include initiations of new members. Brian knew some of those in attendance but others were a mystery to him. The Masks they each wore hid the identities of each member. Only Senior members and above were known to the club as the facilitators of the operations but little was known about them. The club had a total of 65 members with 15 senior members and 3 councilmen. The three council men stood at the bar laughing and drinking.

“Good evening, councilmen, May I introduce our soon to be newest member. Lord Brian.” Duke spoke to the gentlemen.

“Pleasure to meet you, Lord Brian. I am Councilmen Grant.”

“Evening, Lord Brian, I am Councilmen Ali.”

“Good evening, Lord Brian, I have been excited to meet you at last. I am Councilmen Xio.”

Brian reached out and shook each hand memorizing their voices and names.

“We are excited to add you as our newest member, it is my understanding that Duke has given you the rules and requirements for joining our establishment. I hope that you are ready for tomorrow’s event.” Xio spoke to Brian.

“Yes, he has been a great help with learning the rules and have everything ready for tomorrow’s show.” Brian spoke confidently.

“Wonderful, I cannot wait to meet your pup. Dinner will start in about 30 minutes, please make your way around the room and relax a bit. Also, you may bring your pup out now if you so desire.” Xio replied.

The 3 councilmen departed to mingle with the remining members in the room.

“Awe man, I am excited for tonight and tomorrow! You have really come a long way and I am proud of you. Let’s get you a drink.” Duke said.

“Sure, I’ll have a Gin & Tonic with two limes.” Brian asked.


 Duke squeezed Brian’s shoulders and looked at the bartender ordering drinks.

“Alright, so tonight is all about introductions so make sure to greet each member. Remember that when you make your introductions DO NOT SAY YOUR NAME, greet them and wait until they introduce themselves first. If they don’t say their name don’t ask or pry just say hello and move on. Some of these members can be very secretive even within our own events but privacy is of the upmost importance to us. I would recommend getting your pup now before you make your rounds cause they will open up to you.” Duke instructed.

“Understood, sounds reasonable. Where are the rooms?” Brain asked.

“Over there at the big blue doors, ask the attendant and he’ll take you to your room.” Duke replied.

“Remember what we talked about. Be confident and reserved. These guys are sticklers for proper etiquette, especially for newbies. After your done with your rounds come find me and we’ll head to dinner together.”

“All set my Lords.” The Bartender set the drinks in front of the gentlemen.

Duke gave him his drink and took his drink.

“Cheers, may tonight be the start of many more to come.” Duke held his glass up.

“Agreed! Cheers, Lord Duke!” Brian replied.

Brian went to the blue door and handed his key to the man who then escorted him to his room. Inside his room was beautifully decorated with his belongings at the entrance and the crate located at the foot of the bed. He reached into his luggage and pulled out his phone.

“Hey Dingus, how are you doing?” Brian asked.

“Woof!” Dingus replied.

“Good boy, are you ready to come out?”

“Woof! Woof!” Dingus barked excitedly.

Brian unlocked the front cover and released Dingus from the crate. Dingus stretched and crawled to Master Brian wagging his tail like a good boy.

“Very good pup! Now, here are some rules. When we meet our guests, you are going to lick their shoes as I introduce you. You are going to be on your best behavior and allow them to touch, pet, grab and fondle you however they wish. Understood?” Brian’s voice was stern.

“Arf!” Dingus let out a sheepish bark.

“Don’t worry, you’ll do great. I trained you for this, Dingus.” Brian laughed as he pet his dog.

He attached his gold leash and headed back the way he came to the main room.

Both blue doors swung open revealing Lord Brian and his dog Dingus. The other members spoke with one another and as the two walked into the room their eyes begun to turn to see who it was. Brian could hear whispers started to get louder as attention was focusing on him. Walking to the bar to refresh his drink, Dingus followed along his Master with perfect strids.

“Gin & Tonic with two limes, make it a double.” Brian requested.

From behind a group of members approached him.

“Good evening, hope you are excited for this weekends festivities.” Another Lord spoke at Brian.

Brian turned around.

“Oh, I am very excited. Have been waiting for this moment for too long now.” Brian replied.

The other Lords all wore masks like Brian. The one speaking wore a peacock mask.

“My name is Lord Maxwell and who might this be?”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Maxwell. This here is my dog; his name is Dingus.” Replied Brian.

Dingus blushed under his muzzle embarrassed by the name given to him by his Master.

“My my, what a gorgeous dog you have I am very envious of you.” Lord Maxwell spoke.

Dingus almost forgetting his orders, slowly trotted towards Lord Maxwell and begun to lick his shoes.

“Oh my and how well mannered he is as well! What a good bitch.” Lord Maxwell exclaimed.

Maxwell was a tall slender man with little to no profile with gold thinning blonde hair. At his side was his slave who was more of a butler wearing a tight suit, collar, and muzzle.

The other members greeted both Brian and Dingus, some giving names while others withheld. All were well dressed and their slaves beautifully adored with fetish gear signifying their inferior status as owned property. Though one of them one stood out, a middle-aged European man with a well-defined body, golden blonde hair, blue eyes, and a thick beard. His mask was in the shape of a fox with orange feathers and blue jewels. At his side was a large muscular slave on all fours with long jet-black hair tied and styled, giving him a royal appearance rather interesting for a slave. His gear was made of white leather with golden metal accents and locks. Even his leash was golden like his.

“Good evening, my name is Lord Gunter. It appears that we both have similar taste in bondage.” Gunter smiled under his mask.

“Good evening, my name is Lord Brian. Yes, you’re correct except I must admit your taste is much more appealing than mine.” Brian responded. Excited both personally and sexually.

“This brute’s name is Rex. He is my dog.” Lord Gunter spoke.

Both Dingus and Rex went to each other’s Master’s shoes and licked them.

“My dog’s name is Dingus.” Brian introduced.

“What a fitting name for such a lowly animal like this. Yet he is very beautiful and obedient.” Gunter spoke as he watched him lick his shoes.

Both Gunter and Brian continued to talk as Dingus and Rex looked at each other. Rex was of middle eastern descent with golden brown skin and burnt sienna eyes. His outfit consisted of a collar, ankle and wrist restraints, white fur tail plug, hand mitts, and knee pads. He sat on his hind legs at his Master’s side with an arched back puffing his chest out showing his large nipples that perked out begging to be played with. Compared to Dingus, he was a giant with his muscled-out body. Dingus was intimidated by Rex but oddly turned on as his dick started to strain in its cage. At his eye level, Dingus could see that Rex was getting hard in his white jock watching Dingus next to his Master.

*Soothing bell rings*

“Gentlemen, Dinner is Ready. Please make your way to the Dining Hall.” An attendant spoke loudly over the crowd.

“Well, looks like our time is cut short.” Gunter spoke.

“Not necessarily. Care to join me for dinner.” Brian flirted.

“Yes, thank you Lord Brian.” Gunter said with excitement.

The dining hall was grand with large circular tables with white cloth lining covered in silver dishes & cutlery and other dinnerware.

“Hey, looks like you made some new friends.” Duke spoke.

“Hello, yes I invited them to join us if that is alright?” Brian replied.

“Of course! The more the merrier.” Said Duke.

“My name is lord Gunter, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Gunter spoke to Duke.

“The pleasure is all mine; my name is Lord Duke. This little kitty is named Minni.” Duke tugged at the leash.

“Look at that, what a pretty little thing it is. This big boy is named Rex.” Replied Gunter.

“Mhm, what a very good boy he is. He must have been a handful to train.”

“Ha, well that is a fair assumption he was quite the beast to tame. However, I found that once you find that sweet spot even the mightiest king will fall.” Gunter laughed as he stroked Rex’s head.

Rex kept his eyes down and clenched his jaws as he sat on all fours, obedient and submissive even as his Master debased him.

“HA!” Duke let out a huge laugh and nudged Brian with his elbow.

“Would you listen to this guy! I love it!” Duke bellowed.

Heading to their table they sat down as their meal was brought to them, a five-course dinner. They ate and talked the evening away while their pets and slaves were either at their feet or next to them patiently waiting. On Duke’s lap, Minni laid across his legs like a real cat. Both Rex and Dingus were under the table at their Master’s feet.

Dingus was scared and didn’t know what to do. This was his first time meeting other slaves. Rex initiated first contact, leaning forward he nudged his muzzle with his nose and pawed at his side. Not knowing what to do Dingus flipped over on his back and whimpered. Rex got on top of him and looked him in the eyes. Dingus could feel his cock getting hard as Rex rubbed his face into dingus smelling his leather muzzle and gear. Rex was hard in his jock rubbing his bulge on Dingus’s caged dick. Without warning Rex began to kiss him shoving his tongue deep down his mouth. Nervous at first, then lust took over as Dingus kissed him back as his dick was throbbing in its cage leaking precum everywhere.

Unknowingly, Gunter and Brian had lifted the table cover watching their dogs make-out like horny animals.

“Mhm, looks like our pups are into one another.” Gunter spoke to Brian.

“Yes, they are, can’t say that I blame them. I find you rather dashing myself.” Brian flirted.

Gunter blushed a deep red.

“Lord Brian, I couldn’t help but notice that you went with the Bitch suit route. Have you thought about what I mentioned?” Duke spoke to Brian.

“Yes, I have, and I am still considering it but right now I think that this is good enough. Bedside’s I love watching him struggle with his restraints.” Brian laughed a little as he took a bit to eat.

“I completely agree with that. Old Minni here use to wear those but now wears this.” Duke spoke softly. Rubbing Minni’s plump bubble butt and teasing his plug.

Duke slid his fingers into his mouth as Minni wrapped his light pink lips around his fingers sucking them dutifully.

“Since then, he has been VERY obedient and honestly I would do it again if I had the chance.” Said Duke.

“I’ll let you know if I ever decide on it.” Brian smiled.

Out of every member Duke was known as the most sadistic but in earnest he truly loved and cared for his Minni.

After dinner Duke said his good nights.

“Ok, here’s the plan for tomorrow. We will have all day to mingle and party with the other members. Around 5pm the councilmen will announce the competing members for the dog show. Remember, in order to past their test you need to beat 3-5 members running in the show. Here’s a tip, beat the fuck out of it and have him crawl to you begging for more every time. Even if he does the trick right. Those judges are complete sadist, and you’ll get higher points.” Duke coached Brian.

“Enjoy yourself and relax, you’re a shoe in already I spoke with some of the other members, and they love you and Dingus over here.” Duke laughed.

“Get some rest and maybe some more…” Duke winked at Brian.

“Lover boy over there has the hots for you.” Duke patted him on the back and said his good nights.

Brian, courageous from drinking all night, approached Lord Gunter.

“Evening, I was hoping if you would join me tonight at my suite for some…fun.” Brian spoke nervously.

Gunter smiled.

“I would be delighted. Meet you around, let’s say, 11?” Gunter replied.

“Perfect, see you tonight.”

Shaking hands, Brian kissed his knuckles like he was royalty and slipped him his room number.

“Can’t wait, Lord Brian.” Replied Gunter.

Gunter leaves the dining room with Rex following next to him. Brian watched him leave as his cock twitched thinking about all the possibilities this new club is going to open for him and Dingus.

by Bruce Silver

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024