Derek's New Lad

by Baryon

23 Apr 2024 1498 readers Score 6.4 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Look, it's not that I don't like you anymore. We're still cool. But I'm just not interested in fucking you. C'mon man, you're not that cute 20year old boy I met you as. You're just a middle aged dude with thinning hair and a saggy arse. Nothing wrong with it. It happens to all of us" Derek's condescension was more bitter than his scorn. Here I was, butt naked in all my glory, legs spread, arse offered to my longtime sugar daddy, and he was telling me he wasn't interested in what was being presented. My dick shrank.

 I met Derek in back in `002 in Dublin when I was at college and looking around for money to earn everywhere I could. Derek is rich. I mean minted. How he came by his money is somewhat a moot point. He seemed to be an occasional owner of short lived nightclubs of rather ill repute. The ones constantly getting busted for drugs and catering to the less savoury side of the gay scene. That's where he met me, in one of his dives. I worked part time as a dancer there for a while and became a favourite of his and his pervy older mates. Derek was about 40 back then, and still in fair enough shape himself. He and his pals craved young meat. As a fit 20year old lad I was just up their street. So Derek took me as his favourite boytoy.

I learned everything I needed to know about courting cash from jaded old men who would do and give anything to get a whiff of a fresh young boyhole during my long liaison with Derek. I still got to score lads my own age of course. Derek quite enjoyed seeing me and some other hot twink or young jock perform for him before he got his tongue into our cracks. It wasn't the worst way to spend a youth.

But that's 20years ago now. My youth is spent. I'm older now than Derek was when we first met. I'd gone my own way when I left college and travelled. I'd only returned this year and hit up old Derek who has never left the scene. He's still rich ( and out of prison!) and still chasing -- and getting -- plenty of hot bussy. I thought he'd still be interested, if only for old time's sake. I obviously overestimated my level of preserved sex-appeal. He's right. My hair has been thinning which is why I'm normally a skinhead now. My body is not firm and flushed with youthful vigor anymore. And my arse probably is sagging. But.... "No , I really don't need to see your ol' butt-cheeks my mate" said Derek, with a note of stingingly embarrassed affection. "you know you don't have to pretend. We can have fun together, just not with each other. Besides, you should know I'm always on the cutting edge of new talent. Know what I mean?"

Yes, Derek. I know exactly what you mean. I turned and got up from his coffee table where I had positioned myself in offering and with eyes downcast in a shame I didn't want to reveal, motioned myself to the clothes I had strewn about and began to dress again. "wait!" said Derek, still ensconced on the sofa "didnt I just say we could still have fun?"

I was at a loss. Wtf do you mean, Derek? Im here, having just offered you a plunge into a hole that 20years ago you and your mates were crawling over each other to get a shot at, and which you now evidently would rather not even look at, and yet you're saying we can still have fun? Like at what? Snakes and Ladders? Cludo? Just then I heard the door of his bathroom open and shut and the sound of bare feet pattering down the marbled staircase to the living room.

The door opened. In stepped a vision which might have been the me of 20years ago. A beautiful lad, black haired, pale skinned, and butt naked. A hefty dong swinging between his legs and a boyish smile revealing a mouth pearly-whites beneath his full red lips. "Ah! Here we are. Cormac, may I introduce you to Aaron!"... The boy grinned wider as Derek got to his feet and having grilled his schlong, patted his firm arse, and planted a kiss on his lips, began to strip himself.

So this is what Derek meant; we two tired ol' pervs were to have our lusts satiated together by Derek's new boy... Well, yes, but not the full story. Derek wanted to make a point that me and him, although both now unattractive has-beens, were not on the same level. He was still the daddy. I was the spent, supplanted, cucked and humiliated ex-fav. I had to be put through a rite of passage.

I was commanded to submit to Aaron's rough humiliation of my aging body. He slapped my arse, shoved my face into his immaculate twink asshole, pulling it out before I managed to get my tongue in there and then smacking me across the chops for presuming to try. Meanwhile he was enthusiastically fondling and kissing Derek. Both of them now got to work degrading me.

They treated me like a dog, alternatively allowing me to get my lips on their cocks or up their arseholes before cracking me back down to my place. Obviously, I wasn't into Derek now myself. I mean, he's in his 60s, but the power he and his new lad exerted over me was such a turn-on. And Aaron was simply delicious. A real bel ami boy. Finally our romp climaxed in Derek's spacious bathroom with Aaron squatting over me, teasing me with his sweet rosebud pucker  as Derek watched and wanked on side, . We came in blissful unison.

by Baryon

Email: [email protected]

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