Come in Pairs

by Kesois

18 Oct 2023 11793 readers Score 9.2 (108 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

William sighed as the cool water washed away the sweat after three hours of training. He grabbed the bottle and shampooed his jet-black hair. Then, the soap. He started on his neck, down to his massive pecs and impeccable abs. His finger ran through every crevice of his taut body. Lastly, as part of his shower routine, he wrapped his slippery fingers around his shaft and pumped his cock. William was proud of his physique because he worked hard to achieve it. However, unlike his big muscles, William never had to sweat to get what he was packing between his thick thighs. Everyone can have a perfect body through proper diet and exercise but not everyone is endowed with a big dick. It was for this reason that William was an alpha. With an eight-inch cock and two hung balls full of testosterone, he was the envy of everyone in the locker room. He moaned softly with each stroke. Closer and closer he felt it coming. Every muscle in his body tensed as it prepared for the explosive orgasm. He gripped his cock tighter and pumped it harder. One, two, -...

"Hey, Will,-" William heard a voice from behind, "are you jerking off?"

William looked around and saw his best friend,  Cody, standing there with nothing but a towel around his waist. Being roommates and training bros for years, the two had nothing to hide from each other. Amused by the pissed look on William's face, Cody smiled and looked away. "Sorry, please continue," he said.

"Fucking asshole," William said. Unashamed of his hard cock pointing at his best friend, he stepped out of the shower and dried himself.

"Let me take care of that," Cody said, looking at his friend's white tent.

"Ain't no way I'm gonna let you jerk me off, dude," William said, knowing it was a joke.

"No, I'm serious, bro," Cody said, "consider it payback for hooking me up with Stacy."

"You're gonna jerk me off?" William asked with a smile. They like to joke around and see how far they can push each other. "Be my guest," he said, dropping the towel on the floor.

"I'm not touching that thing," Cody said, "but I know someone. Gave me the best head, bro swallowed the whole thing."

William was intrigued. He never met a girl on campus who could take his full length to the base. "Who?" he asked.

"A freshman fag," Cody said, giving more details of his encounter with the bitch.

"Sounds gay as fuck, didn't know you swing that way," William said.

"That's the thing, bro, fags are the best cumdump. No strings attached and they worked twice as hard as straight bitches. I wasn't into it at first but a hole is a hole."

William stood in front of the door labeled "R107." The door opened and he was greeted by a man wearing glasses and a SpongeBob t-shirt. A nerd, William thought, of course, he was.

"William?" The guy asked, "Alex. Cody told me you were coming."

Alex ushered William inside and welcomed him to his dorm. It was small, as expected, with some papers here and there. "Sorry about the mess, I had no time to clean up."

"These are not yours," William said after noticing the different names on the papers.

Alex smiled at him, "I sell homework," he explained.

"Guessing that's how you met Cody. How much for one?" William asked. He had to admit there was something about Alex that interested him. He was smaller than him but he was cute and apparently a smart hustler.

"Depends on how difficult. Five dollars is the average," Alex answered. He grabbed a chair and offered it to William. "But you're not here for that though right?"

William took a seat and watched Alex drop to his knees in front of him. "How much for this one?" William said. He could not believe he was flirting with a faggot. Alex grinned at him and spread his legs. "Depends on how difficult," he said.

Several minutes have passed but his limp dick would not wake up. William was beginning to worry. "It's my first time with another dude," he said. It was an understandable reaction from a straight guy and an alpha at that. Maybe this was not for him. He was about to stand up when Alex pulled him back down to his chair. Alex took a cloth from his drawer and blindfolded William with it.

"You treat all your customers like this?" William said.

"Only the difficult ones," Alex said, "just relax and imagine it's a hot girl doing it." He knelt back between the thick thighs. He coated his hand with a few drops of oil and circled his fingers around the base of the limp cock. Slowly he tugged it, and again until the sleeping cock woke up. Alex marveled at the full mast.

Silent and in the dark, William took a deep breath and tried to visualize the hottest porn he could remember. "You're bigger than Cody," William heard. Fuck, now he's distracted again. His eight-inch cock was becoming soft again but he jumped when a tight rubber band snapped around his cock. William took off the blindfold to see a silicon ring at the base of his throbbing cock.

"It will keep you hard," Alex said, "put the blindfold back on." His voice was firm.

Was that a command? How dare this fag order me around? William thought. "I-"

"I'm not asking," Alex said, pulling the two bull balls with his hand.

William gasped from the sudden pain and looked at Alex with growing irritation. "I don't like that," he said, "I-" Interrupted again by his balls being pulled, William grunted as the pain climbed to his abdomen. "Urghh! Fuck! Okay fine, stop it!" He put the blindfold on and breathed out a sigh of relief when his balls were finally released.

Alex moved his hand expertly, teasing the throbbing cock. He could feel the veins popping out of the raging beast collared by the cock ring. He picked up the pace and pushed William closer to orgasm. Alex had enough experience with cocks that he developed an instinct which tells him when a man is about to shoot his load. Just like volcanoes, cocks, no matter the size, provide signs to warn of an imminent eruption. Contracting abs, involuntary pelvic movements, increase of breath, retraction of testicles, and precum production. To Alex, William was an open book.

"I'm close- ugh… ah- oh god oh fuck- I'm gonna cum oh ahh god…" After his failed attempt to cum in the shower, William was pent up and full of sexual frustration. He thrust his hip forward, fucking the hands around his cock. "I'm cumming! Fuck! Ahh! Ah-" Seconds before he could shoot, the soft hand let go and William was left hanging, thrusting nothing but air. "What the fuck?! Dude! Why'd-" William reached for the blindfold but felt a tight warning around his balls.

"William," Alex said sternly, "put your hands down." He pulled the heavy set of balls.

"Fucking bitch! I told you I don't like that! Let go!" William protested and unclamped the slender finger around his balls with his bare hands. In a competition of strength, there was no doubt who would win. William took off the blindfold and pushed himself up but came to a realization. There was a cold and tight feeling just above his ankles. He looked down to see his feet handcuffed to the legs of the chair. Was he enjoying it so much that he didn't notice? When did this fag put them on? He thought.

"Sit down," Alex ordered.

William tried sliding the cuffs off the legs of the chair but they wouldn't come off. It was an interrogation chair, designed to tie down and torture people. William reached for Alex with both arms but the nerd stepped back. Pissed after getting tricked, William threatened Alex for the keys. It usually works even with Cody but not this time. He was a loud dog to Alex, barking but unable to bite. "Take these off now or I swear to God I'll beat the shit out of you!"

"Sit down," Alex said again but William wouldn't listen. "I have a class in an hour," Alex said, "we can do this now or after I come back."

There was a second of silence. William's boiling temper simmered down against the ice-cold threat of being left for hours tied naked in a stranger's bedroom. He sat down.

Alex loved the burning hate in the defiant eyes of the jock. He approached William and walked around him. He tied the blindfold back. 

"Hands behind your back," William heard Alex say. He hated being under the mercy of the fag but he wanted to get the hell out so he just did what he was told. He heard the clicks of metal cuffs and just like that he was completely bound to the chair. Unable to move and completely in the dark his senses increased tenfold. The tingling sensation of fingers playing with his pecs from behind made his blood rush. He moaned when the fingers pinched his nipples. William could hear his heart beating hard, struggling to pump blood into his throbbing cock. "Cute titties," Alex whispered in his ears, his hot breath sending shivers down his spine. "Do you play with your titties when you jerk off?" William shook his head meekly.

"Well, looks to me you like it. You're leaking a lot down there," Alex said. "Do you want me to touch it?" William nodded. "What's that?"

"Y-yes," William said. Fuck he's desperate now. This teasing was sending him into overdrive.

"What about your titties?" Alex said, "We can't just leave them alone." Alex went to his drawer and pulled out two nipple suction cups. He put each one in place and watched William squirm in pain and pleasure as the pink nipples were pulled in the clear vacuum. "Like that?" Alex asked, flicking the nipple cups gently, William rewarding him with a soft moan. "I'll take that as a yes."

The new sensation introduced to him made William question his body. He never thought he could feel so horny with just his nipples pinched and sucked.

With the pink titties taken care of, Alex moved on to his next target. The eight-inch cock was begging for his attention. With a slow and deliberate stroke from the base to the head, Alex squeezed the precum out of the monstrous cock.

"Arrgghh! That's it! fuck! Yes… ughh…" William felt every inch of that stroke. Again the fingers circled around the base of his cock and slowly stroked it to the tip. Then, again. Irritated by the snail-like pace, William thrust his hip up and fucked the fingers only for them to let go. "Goddamnit! Don't stop! I'm so close!" William yelled.

Alex ignored the jock and returned to his work. He stroked the cock so slow that William began writhing in frustration and letting go when the jock tried fucking his hand. Alex was merciless. Like a well-oiled machine, he did his job without fail.

"Are you familiar with the story of Sisyphus, William?" Alex asked while keeping his steady rhythm.

"The fuck you talking about? Do I look like a nerd?" William said, pushing his cock forward.

"It's a metaphor for futile work," Alex explained, letting the leaking cock go again. "Basically, Sisyphus was punished by Zeus who made him push a boulder up a steep hill only for it to roll back down again right before he could reach the peak. In this case, your Sisyphus and I will make you work hard. I will bring you to the edge over and over again until you break."

William laughed at the idea. A fag breaking him? "The only thing breaking is your nose when I get out of here!" It would take more than this to take me down, bitch! William thought.

Taking the challenge, Alex moved to the next stage of his edging process. The consistent slow strokes turned erratic and unpredictable. Fast then slow, Alex gave William no chance to catch his breath. Every time the jock showed any sign of orgasm, Alex would counter it. He pulled the balls when they retracted, punched the abs when they contracted, and stopped any stimulation entirely to let the overworked body cool down. This torture went on an endless cycle. Alex was starting to see cracks in the bravado of the jock. Glistening with sweat and heaving for air, Alex knew it was only a matter of time until this arrogant boy begged for release.

Being an athlete pushed William to his limits. He was built to endure. His body could take the punishment but he was beginning to worry. This was not just a battle of the body but of the mind. No amount of stamina could save him from the relentless mind-shattering sensation of being brought to the edge only to be denied again and again. The fag was fucking with his mind. He was hanging on a cliff and Alex was the only one who could save him. Yes, everything depends on Alex. If the fag wished, he could just edge him for hours. No, he can't. He won't. Panic was setting in. What if? He thought. His mind raced. No, he won't- His thought was interrupted by a ringing sound.

"Oops," Alex said, "that's the time. Sorry, but I have to go to class."

Shit. Shit. Shit. "What about me?" William said, still catching his breath.

"What about you?" Alex said.

"Finish me off, man!" William yelled. This fag was playing with him, he had to be. "Look, just let me go and I'll do it myself."

Was that a tinge of desperation he was hearing? "I really don't know where the keys are. They're probably somewhere here but it would take time to find them and I'm running late."

"Fuck! Skip class! You're not leaving me here!" William said.

"I'm not leaving you alone," Alex said, pushing a button on a tiny remote. The cock ring around the base of the shaft began vibrating. It was set on the lowest setting enough to keep the cock hard but not strong enough to make William cum. Alex put Airpods on both ears of the tied jock and pressed the play button on his phone. "You can listen to my playlist until I come back." Lastly, as a precaution, Alex forced a dildo gag inside the rebellious mouth of the cocky jock.

William tried pushing the dildo out of his mouth but it was strapped behind his head. He could feel its entire length filling his mouth and its head tickling his tonsils. He couldn't tell if Alex was still in the room because he couldn't hear anything other than the voices coming from the AirPods. It was an audio recording made by Alex, giving him instructions to breathe in and out in intervals. Then, there were phrases and words. He could barely hear them amidst the humming sound. "Obey… listen… Alex… Good… exhale… Boy… Obey… me…" William had no choice but to hear the synced faint vibration and humming which drowned whatever thought trying to surface from his mind.