
by Hunknown

19 Jan 2024 1618 readers Score 9.5 (38 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

ā‰ˆ Ch. 16: SCENT OF A WOMAN ā‰ˆ

Whoā€™s Who in this chapter

Kareem has a long talk with officer Sean McLaughlin (a cop, his only straight friend), who proves to have a surprisingly wide concept of love and affection. Then, at night, McLaughlin fulfils Kareemā€™s dream, sharing with himā€¦ his wife.

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~ A wise straight friend ~

Kareem abruptly pulled his lips away from Lanceā€™s and gasped, looking straight into his roommateā€™s eyes. Ā«Iā€™ve kissed a manā€¦Ā» ā€“ he thought, in shock ā€“ Ā«I kissed a man!! Ā». Lanceā€™s clean-shaved cheeks, between his hands, felt so soft, so warm, but Kareem hastened to retract his hands, staring at Lance with wide eyes.

There was such a complicated turmoil of emotions in Lanceā€™s beautiful eyes! He still felt hurt for the rough, painful fuck he got from Kareem; but at the same time he was ecstatic, realizing that Kareem had not lost his innocence, he was still the wonderful, tender man Lance had come to know and love, as proved by the sweet kiss they just exchanged.

But that kiss was the last drop for Kareemā€™s already off-balance mental state; his mind just couldnā€™t process the impossible notion that heā€™d just fucked a manā€™s ass, had hurt his kind and handsome friend, and thenā€¦ heā€™d kissed him. Kareem stumbled off the couch where heā€™d just raped Lance and went to his bedroom with uncertain steps; he put on the loose shorts he used as sleepwear and headed to the main door, with a void glance in his eyes.

ā€œWaitā€¦ Kareem, wait!ā€ ā€“ Lance tried to stop him ā€“ ā€œIt was not your fault! It mustā€™ve been Oā€™Rourke to bring you out of your mind, with his wicked device connected to your bio-chip! Kareem!!ā€

But Kareem barely heard Lanceā€™s call, and stepped out into the deserted streets of the Cube. It was late in the night, there was no one around, and Kareem felt terribly lonely, guilty and desperate. He looked into his hand, and at first he didnā€™t recognize the phone that he mustā€™ve taken from his room without thinking. A phone. A phone to call a friend. He slowly browsed the phonebook and tapped on a name.

ā€œSeanā€¦ Sean, I need youā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareem whined into the microphone, and the voice that replied from the other end felt warm like a caress: ā€œWhat happened, Kareem? Tell me, I can help youā€¦ā€

ā€œI need a friendā€¦ I need to talk with a friendā€¦ā€

ā€œIā€™m your friend, and Iā€™m here. Iā€™m doing the night shift, Iā€™m patrolling the Zenith Garden, up to the second floor: can you come up and meet me there? The place is deserted, no one will disturb us.ā€

Just knowing that Sean was there at the Cube and was waiting for him made Kareem feel much better: ā€œIā€™m on my way. Thank you, man. Iā€¦ I really appreciate it.ā€

In a few minutes Kareem went upstairs using the elevator and followed the signs to the Zenith Garden, an area heā€™d never seen before. When he entered the place he opened his eyes wide, as it was a sort of indoor garden, with flowers, shrubs and even trees; several gravel paths crossed the garden, and there were many wooden benches at the side of the paths. Sitting on a bench, officer Sean McLaughlin, in his tight dark-green uniform, turned to Kareem and smiled at him.

ā€œMy goodness, youā€™re in a terrible stateā€¦ What happened?ā€ ā€“ McLaughlin inquired, when Kareem heavily sat next to him. ā€œIā€¦ I raped Lanceā€ ā€“ Kareem replied shyly, unable to look at his friendā€™s eyes ā€“ ā€œI shoved him on the couch, pinned him down and fucked him hard, cruelly, until I came buckets into his assā€¦ā€

Sean frowned: ā€œI canā€™t believe it, itā€™s not like you acting this way! Uhmā€¦ Actually, this may be truer than I first thought. Sayā€¦ Did it happen between 10:30 and 11 PM?ā€

ā€œWhy, yes! How do you know?ā€

ā€œBecause tonight Oā€™Rourke, instead of going home at 9 PM as usual, stayed late into his office; I donā€™t know what he was doing, but I know he kept open a direct connection to the A.I. between 10:30 and 11 PM. Kareem, it wasnā€™t you who raped Lance! He mustā€™ve have used that wickedā€¦ torture instrument of his!ā€

ā€œYeah, Lance said the same, and youā€™re right, I felt like the first time, when Oā€™Rourke forced meā€¦ forced us to feel an unbearable horniness. But should it make me feel better? Only a beast succumbs to his lust to the point of hurting aā€¦ dear friend. If I were a man, and not a beast, I wouldā€™ve restrained my impulsesā€¦ā€

ā€œNot under the excruciating pressure Oā€™Rourke has forced upon you, Kareem! That device can bring you to an unnatural paroxysmal state that no man could resist! Please, believe me, Kareem, stop blaming yourself. Howā€™s Lance? How did he react?ā€

ā€œHeā€¦ damn, I feel so ashamed!... He didnā€™t stop loving me. He even tried to comfort me! Shit, I hurt him bad, I made him scream loud for the pain, and when doneā€¦ he comforted me. I donā€™t deserve such a nice friend, and he doesnā€™t deserve being mistreated like I did.ā€

ā€œLance just guessed that it wasnā€™t you hurting him, but Oā€™Rourkeā€ ā€“ Sean said with the most convincing tone he was capable of ā€“ ā€œWe all know it. And you know it, too. Youā€™ll find a way to make amends to Lance, Iā€™m sure heā€™s not angry with you.ā€

ā€œNo, heā€™s notā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareem replied, under his breath ā€“ ā€œNot after Iā€¦ I kissed him. I kissed him, Sean! I kissed a man! Youā€™re the only person, here, who can understand me. I canā€™t talk about this to Lance, or Doc Stevens, or Perry, they canā€™t understand, theyā€™re gay! But youā€™re not, Sean, youā€™re as straight as me. I kissed a man, dude. Not a peck on the lips, I kissed him like I used to kiss my fiancĆ©e!ā€

McLaughlin stood silent for a while, pondering what to say. Because he had many things to say, but he was afraid of Kareemā€™s reaction. They were friends, theyā€™d shared intense moments and torturous experiences that had strengthened their bond; but Sean knew that Kareem wasā€¦ particularly strict about what a man should and shouldnā€™t do.

ā€œBuddyā€¦ā€ ā€“ he began, cautious ā€“ ā€œyou know Iā€™m totally straight, you donā€™t have any doubts about that, uh? Take no offence, but when Oā€™Rourke forced me toā€¦ ehmā€¦ touch you, I felt my whole being revolt against it. Not to mention when I had to feel your arousal and your shattering orgasm, after Oā€™Rourke linked our bio-chips: it wasā€¦ devastating for me, and for a moment, a fleeting horrible moment, I hated you. But it wasnā€™t your fault, back then, just as much as itā€™s not your fault what you were forced to do to Lance.ā€

ā€œBut what I want to point out is that we both spend most ā€“ or all, in your case ā€“ of our life here at the Cube; sure, I can go home most of the nights, while you canā€™t, but both of us are part of the Cubeā€¦ and the Cube is part of us. Here, everything is different than outside. Here, things that outside are considered almost a taboo are the norm. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m not saying that the Cube made me gayā€ ā€“ Sean chuckled, seeing a sudden tension in Kareemā€™s expression ā€“ ā€œIā€™m only saying that living here made meā€¦ widen my perspective.ā€

ā€œWidenā€¦ in which way?ā€ ā€“ Kareem inquired, suspicious, and Sean smiled: ā€œYour question and your tension are exactly what Iā€™m talking about. Here the vibes are more relaxed, the people of the Cube are way less judgmental than outside; I observed them, and I learned from them to be lessā€¦ bigoted, less strict. In a word, less intolerant. Say, why do you think homosexuality is despised so much in the outer world?ā€

Kareem, for a moment, was shocked, realizing that he didnā€™t have a prompt answer to that question. He had to resort to his studies in sociology to reply: ā€œMostly because they want to protect the traditional model of family, a man and a woman giving birth to childrenā€¦ā€

ā€œI agree. Or better, that was the reason, at first; but then, over time, the intolerance against homosexuality has grown stronger; a man not only must have sex only with women, but he must abstain from a whole lot of behaviors that are actually harmless, per se, but still are now regarded as forbidden and despised forms of ā€˜Uranian behaviorā€™.ā€

ā€œBehaviors likeā€¦ what?ā€

Instead of giving an answer, McLaughlin cautiously moved his hand and placed it over Kareemā€™s, and gently grabbed it. Kareemā€™s first impulse was to retract his own hand, but he didnā€™t want to hurt his friend, so he forced himself to stand still; but his eyes darted around, in alarm, afraid to be seen by someone.

ā€œThis is what Iā€™m talking about, Kareem. You know Iā€™m totally straight, you know for sure that I donā€™t feel the faintest sexual attraction for you, and that my gesture has nothing to do with sex. Itā€™s just a way to make you feel my sincere friendship, my support. Nevertheless, you are alarmed, and feel your masculinity threatened. Why? Why must it be so? Think about it, thereā€™s no reason. We men give up on beautiful and warming gestures toward our male friends without any reason. Holding a friendā€™s hand when he needs to be comforted, caress his face to cheer him up, look straight into his eyes to share a moment of deep friendship are all things that outside are seen as the devil, even when, like in our case, there isnā€™t the least sexual meaning in such gestures.ā€

ā€œIā€¦ Youā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareem stuttered, while his whole being, his mind and his physical sensations were totally focused on their hands touching ā€“ ā€œIsnā€™t it a bitā€¦ ā€˜unmanlyā€™?ā€

ā€œNo one judges you, here at the Cube. No oneā€¦ but you, Kareem. Donā€™t you realize it? You are the only one, here, who feels bad because Iā€™m holding your hand!ā€

ā€œIā€¦ I donā€™t feel badā€ ā€“ Kareem said under his breath, ashamed but excited ā€“ ā€œI actually think itā€™sā€¦ beautiful. Heart-warming, even. I knew we were friends, but nowā€¦ I know it even more! Uhm, wait, it doesnā€™t sound rightā€¦ā€

ā€œHa ha!ā€ ā€“ Sean laughed, making Kareem smile like a child ā€“ ā€œWell, not the most correct sentence, but I perfectly got it. Yes, a gesture is worth a thousand words, sometimes. And what I learned living at the Cube is to never give up on a kind gesture, a friendly eye-to-eye, a brotherly tight hug or even a comforting caress, as long as thereā€™s no hidden sexual allusion on either part. You know what? While I hate knowing you locked here, Iā€™m glad you canā€™t ever see me when Iā€™m outside. Youā€™d see a different me, then; a person I donā€™t like, bound as he must be to the strict, stupid and bigoted social rules.ā€

ā€œIā€™d like you even outsideā€ ā€“ Kareem warmly said ā€“ ā€œbecause I know who you are. Weā€™re friends, with all our strengths and weaknesses. I wish I could say the same, that outside I was a different man, but I just arrived here, with my horrible load of prejudices, social restraints and strict educationā€¦ā€

ā€œYouā€™re perfect as you areā€ ā€“ McLaughlin said, extending a hand and gently placing on Kareemā€™s bearded cheek. Kareem stiffened, but only for a moment, and soon relaxed and smiled back at his friend: ā€œThank you, Sean. Iā€¦ I really needed to hear that. Though itā€™s not true, and you know it.ā€

ā€œWellā€¦ thereā€™s room for improvement!ā€ ā€“ Sean exclaimed, and they both chuckled.


~ Friendship, affection, orā€¦? ~

ā€œIā€™m so glad I called you, tonightā€ ā€“ Kareem said after a pause ā€“ ā€œbecause if anyone else at the Cube had talked to me like you did, I wouldnā€™t have listened to a single word. I feel much better, nowā€¦ but my problems, unfortunately, are not solved.ā€

ā€œWhat you mean?ā€ ā€“ McLaughlin asked, and Kareem tilted his head on a side: ā€œWhat am I supposed to do here? How am I supposed to live my life? Oā€™Rourke makes me take a potent aphrodisiac every morning, and if I restrain myself, he resorts to his wicked remote controller. Everyone I meet, my boss, my coworkers, my roommate, are gay and Iā€¦ I try not toā€¦ā€

Kareemā€™s voice cracked, but he soldiered on: ā€œI try not to bend my nature to sexual acts I despise, but what for? Whenever I refuse to have sex, or I miss a chance to have sex, or even when Iā€™m not good enough at doing it, Oā€™Rourke teaches me a humiliating and debasing ā€˜lessonā€™. You know it, youā€™ve witnessed my disgrace, forced to suck cock, to be fucked in the ass. All I wish, all I dream aboutā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareem concluded with wet eyes and trembling voice ā€“ ā€œis to feel again the touch of a woman, inhale her scent, dive again into her moist depthsā€¦ But Iā€™ll never feel these things anymore, Sean. Never again. How long will I be able to stay, and feel, a man?ā€

McLaughlin didnā€™t say anything; he knew he was lucky, able as he was to go back home almost every night, to find there his beautiful wife waiting for him. In silence, he took again Kareemā€™s hand and held it tight, so as to give Kareem, if not hope, at least some comfort.

Regrettably, Kareem was right: there was no hope for him to enjoy again the love of a woman. Ā«Butā€¦ is it really so?Ā» ā€“ Sean pondered, when a sudden idea formed in his mind; it was damn risky, and even a bit unsettling, to tell the truth; but after all, Sean had shared Kareemā€™s orgasm, once: can there be anything more intimate?

ā€œListenā€¦ā€ ā€“ McLaughlin said seriously ā€“ ā€œI donā€™t promise anything, and probably I wonā€™t be able to do it, butā€¦ tomorrow night, after 10PM, stay in your room, lying on your bed on your back, erā€¦ in the nude. And wait.ā€

ā€œWait what?ā€

ā€œYou just lay down and waitā€ ā€“ Sean repeated with a quizzical grin ā€“ ā€œNow I have to go back to the headquarter, and you have to go back home. Iā€™m sure Lance is worried about you.ā€

ā€œYeahā€¦ If only I knew what to tell himā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareem said, dubious, shaking his head, and Sean smiled: ā€œYou now know other ways to convey your feelings, other than using words.ā€

Kareem nodded, smiling, but soon his smile faded into a cautious, embarrassed expression: ā€œSayā€¦ Do youā€¦ Do you think that a manā€¦ a straight man, I meanā€¦ can feelā€¦ something for a guy and stillā€¦ be a man? Sometimes, when Iā€™m with Lance, I feel so confused, I see him as a friend, just a friend, no sexual feeling or anything, but heā€™s more than a friend, I donā€™t know how to put it in words. I feelā€¦ affection for him, I would jump in the fire if he was in danger, Iā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareemā€™s voice lowered to a shy whisper ā€“ ā€œI may actuallyā€¦ love him. Uh?ā€

Sean looked straight into Kareemā€™s eyes, and when he talked, Kareem was not sure whether he was answering to the question or talking about himself: ā€œManly friendship, bromance, affection, man-loveā€¦ Can you really draw a line between them? I, for one, cannot. I donā€™t even try. You shouldnā€™t, either. Play by ear, and do whatever makes you feel good. And be sure that whatever you do, you will still be the wonderful man you are.ā€

They stood up, smiling, and said goodbye to each other with a tight hug. Kareem watched McLaughlin walk away along the gravel pathway, immersed in the beautiful Zenith Garden, and sighed: Ā«Heā€™s such a good friendā€¦Ā» ā€“ he thought, smiling ā€“ Ā«and Iā€™m so lucky to have him by my sideā€¦Ā»

Kareem walked back home with renewed energy, but when he got to his apartment, he hesitated, as Lance was there, waiting for himā€¦

He entered the living room, and it was dark and empty; he peeked behind the curtain to Lanceā€™s room, and there he was, lying on his bed, slumbering in an exhausted sleep. His disheveled hair, his face streaked with tears painfully reminded to Kareem the brutality of his onslaught over his kind, special friend.

Kareem sat on the border on the bed, and looked at Lanceā€™s features, still so handsome despite the recent horrible experience. Slowly, Lanceā€™s eyes opened; there was no alarm or reproach in them, and an uncertain smile appeared on his face. Kareem had so many things to say, so many terrible acts to apologize for, but the grip around his throat didnā€™t let out a single word. Silently, he extended a hand and placed it on Lanceā€™s smooth cheek, and after a moment Lance did the same to him. ā€œIā€™m so sorry, Lance. I wouldā€™ve rather hurt anyone else, but not you.ā€

ā€œI knowā€ ā€“ Lance replied, warmly ā€“ ā€œand I love you for that. Erā€¦ I donā€™t mean that love, I meanā€¦ friendly affectionā€¦ā€

ā€œHowever you like to call itā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareem replied, serene ā€“ ā€œā€¦I thinkā€¦ I feel the same. Maybe. Donā€™t know. All I know is that I feel like shit for what Iā€™ve done to you. Yes, yes, Oā€™Rourke is the one to blame, butā€¦ I shouldā€™ve found the strength to restrain myself.ā€

ā€œYouā€™re no superhero. I donā€™t want you to be. Youā€™re my friend, my special friendā€¦ or whatever we want to call it, and thatā€™s all I want you to be.ā€

Kareem leaned over Lance, gave him a tender peck on his lips, as if it was the most natural thing for him, and flashed a tired smile: ā€œLetā€™s sleep a bit, now, myā€¦ whatever. We both need some rest. Good nightā€.


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~ A womanā€™s touch ~

The next day, for a change, was totally uneventful, which let Kareem and Lance catch their breath; since Kareem had arrived, both their lives had been like a rollercoaster ride, and not a pleasant one. But that day was perfect. Kareem went to work, Lance went to ā€˜run some errandsā€™ (which Kareem suspected meant visiting some clients), and they both came back home for dinner.

After dinner, they talked for a while, but it was just a light-hearted chit-chat, as they didnā€™t want to ruin the relaxed vibes with anything serious. Then Kareem took a long shower and watched the clock: it was almost 10PM. ā€œIā€¦ I need to go to bedā€ ā€“ he hurriedly said to Lance, who replied, with a knowing grin: ā€œWhatā€™s the hurry? Do you have something in mind?ā€

ā€œNot me. Sean. I donā€™t know what he planned to do, but he told me to lay on the bed, on my back, naked, at 10PM, and wait.ā€

ā€œAndā€¦ do you think I can wait with you? Iā€™m curious!ā€

Kareem shrugged his shoulders, taking off the towel from his waist: ā€œItā€™s fine with me. But probably there will be nothing to see.ā€

ā€œI wouldnā€™t call that ā€˜nothingā€™ā€¦ā€ ā€“ Lance giggled, eyeing Kareemā€™s body and focusing his gaze on his crotch. Kareem reclined on the bed, chuckling, and Lance sat on the border of the mattress. For a few minutes they just waited in silence, not knowing what they were actually waiting for. Kareem, a bit disappointed, broke the silence: ā€œMaybe Seanā€™s plan didnā€™t go asā€¦ MMMMHH!!ā€

Kareem suddenly tilted his head back, closed his eyes and parted his lips; his tongue peeked out of his mouth, as if he was kissing someone. ā€œOohhā€¦ Baby, it feels so goodā€¦!ā€ ā€“ he breathed, and went on ā€˜kissingā€™ the thin air. Lance was aghast, and even a bit worried: ā€œWhatā€¦ Whatā€™s happening? Who are you kissing?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t knowā€¦ but sheā€™s got the juicy lips of my fiancĆ©e Beverly. Mmmhhā€¦ Come baby, donā€™t stop, kiss meā€¦ā€.

ā€œMcLaughlin must have linked himself to you using Oā€™Rourkeā€™s device!ā€ ā€“ Lance exclaimed, opening wide his eyes ā€“ ā€œI think you areā€¦ making love to Seanā€™s wife!ā€. Kareem froze, as for him taking a friendā€™s woman was the most horrible thing a man could do; but it lasted only a few moments: ā€œHeā€™s such a good friendā€¦ He knew that I neededā€¦ ooohhhā€¦ I needed the touch of a womanā€¦ NNNGGHHā€¦Yeah Beverly, you like this hairy chest, donā€™t youā€¦ Kiss itā€¦ Kiss it allā€¦ā€

Kareem was keeping his eyes closed, to prevent anything to break the illusion he was living, an illusion that in his mind had the beautiful face and the gorgeous body of his fiancĆ©e Beverly; the sensations he was feeling were exactly what Sean was feeling, in his bed, kissed by his wife, and Kareem arched his torso, to get more of those soft lips worshipping his manly chest. Almost on autopilot, Kareemā€™s hand reached to Lanceā€™s neck and pulled him down on his chest, moaning for the pleasure.

Lance, at first, didnā€™t know what to do, as he didnā€™t want to break Kareemā€™s illusion of making love to a woman, but when Kareem growled, with a low-pitched voice that exuded an irresistible sensuality, an enticing ā€œYeah, suck those man-titsā€¦!ā€, Lance couldnā€™t resist and locked his lips around the manā€™s meaty nipple.

ā€œAwwā€¦ fuck! Shit, yeah!ā€ ā€“ Kareem moaned loud, suddenly feeling double the pleasure, and his excited reaction spurred Lance to throw his cautions to the wind and feast on Kareemā€™s gorgeous body.

In his bed, McLaughlin arched his torso, groaning for the pleasure; so far, having his nipples sucked and pinched had never turned him on in a particular way, but that night he felt his nipples unusually sensitive, and every brush of his wifeā€™s tongue on the pointy titties sent strong shots of pleasure straight to his groin: ā€œOohhā€¦ Anne, youā€™re wonderfulā€¦ mmmhhā€¦ I feel on fire tonightā€¦ā€. Anne raised his turgid lips from Seanā€™s chiseled chest and gave him an enticing grin: ā€œThen Iā€™ll make you burn like neverā€¦ā€, she murmured, and started kissing his husbandā€™s navel, the belly button, the thin treasure trail leading to his stiff manhood.

Kareem, still keeping his eyes closed, gently guided Lanceā€™s head along the same path, slowly pushing him down to his crotch. And when he felt two soft, feminine lips closing around his cock head, he instinctively grabbed Lanceā€™s head and lowered it on his throbbing member.

ā€œOh godā€¦ nnngghh!!ā€ ā€“ both Sean and Kareem moaned loud, won by the sheer pleasure, stronger than any blowjob they ever had. Lance munched on Kareemā€™s cock like there was no tomorrow, totally devoting himself to that wondrous symbol of masculinity filling his mouth and sliding down his throat. He felt dizzy, realizing that in that very same moment, Kareem was feeling on his member the lips of Seanā€™s wife, too, and something clicked inside him, he wanted to be better than her, he wanted to give to Kareem, his Kareem, a better service than any woman.

Sean gasped and moaned: ā€œYesā€¦ like thisā€¦ ooohhā€¦!!ā€, as his wife, so far, had never taken his cock so deep into her mouth; feeling the tight throat muscles open up to give way to his engorged helmet was for Sean a thrilling experience that almost made him shoot his load. Anne, wisely, let his husband cool down a bit and lowered his mouth to his balls.

ā€œYeahā€¦ lick my ballsā€¦ my big hairy ballsā€¦ fuck yeahā€¦!ā€ ā€“ Kareem moaned, and Lance rushed to suck one plumb gonad into his mouth, to bathe it with his saliva and roll his tongue around it, to then move on to the other. Kareemā€™s breath was labored, and an almost continuous moan escaped his lips, while Lance stroked his big cock with utmost sensuality.

McLaughlin stiffened and gently touched his wifeā€™s head: ā€œOh, babyā€¦ Youā€™re so hot tonight! Youā€™re making me feel good like neverā€¦! Slow down, I want it to lastā€¦ā€

Lance sensed that Kareem was dangerously close to an untimely climax and left the cock head unattended, to concentrate on the stiff dark-skinned shaft that he found extremely enticing. His tongue sensually bathed the entire length, kissing the sides and giving gentle bites to the rigid meat. Kareem kept his eyes tightly shut and squirmed on the bed for the desire and the pleasure.

At some point he stifled a gasp and growled: ā€œYeah, ride me, babyā€¦ Point my hard dick to your juicy pussy and take it allā€¦ Make me drown into your wet tenderness!ā€

Lance froze for a moment, as he was still feeling a bit sore, after the powerful onslaught Kareem had given him yesterday, but he had no hesitation, he straddled Kareemā€™s hips and pointed his rock-hard cock to his clean-shaved hole. Trying to guess the womanā€™s moves by Kareemā€™s sighs and moans, he slowly impaled himself on the thick rod, taking it all, inch by inch, ignoring the dull pain radiating from his hurting ass, until he was fully seated on Kareemā€™s groin.

ā€œNnngghhā€¦ Youā€™re so tight tonight, Anneā€¦ā€ ā€“ McLaughlin groaned ā€“ ā€œAre you sure Iā€™m not hurting you?ā€. Anne flashed a sensual smile: ā€œYouā€™re so damn sexy when youā€™re so caringā€¦ You deserve a special treatment, tonightā€¦ā€.

Anne started riding Seanā€™s cock with passion, and Kareem let out a long, sensual moan, feeling around his cock both the velvety wetness of the womanā€™s pussy and the tight slickness of Lanceā€™s chute. ā€œOhhā€¦ Beverly, youā€™re driving me insaneā€¦ I waited for this moment for so longā€¦ nnngghh!!ā€

McLaughlin restrained a groan, as his wifeā€™s cunt usually enveloped his member like a glove, but that night it felt tighter, and was giving him an excruciating pleasure heā€™d never felt before. He knew heā€™d set Oā€™Rourkeā€™s device to link Kareem to his own bio-chip, making his friend feel what he was feeling; what Sean didnā€™t know was that by mistake heā€™d activated a two-way connection, and the unusual tightness of his wifeā€™s pussy was actually Lanceā€™s ass stretching around Kareemā€™s thick manhood.

ā€œYeah, Beverly, ride it!ā€ ā€“ Kareem said aloud, climbing to the plateau of his pleasure ā€“ ā€œTake it all! Oh fuck, youā€™re making me feel so goooodā€¦!ā€. ā€œOohhā€¦ Donā€™t stop, Anne!ā€ ā€“ McLaughlin urged his wife at the same time ā€“ ā€œIā€™m almost thereā€¦ Oh, fuckā€¦ Donā€™t stop! Nnngghhā€¦ Yesā€¦ Yesā€¦ YESSS!!!ā€

ā€œFUCK YEAH!!!ā€ ā€“ Kareem shouted, while every single muscle of his entire manly body stiffened in the throes of an excruciating orgasm. His cock throbbed and exploded inside Lanceā€™s ass, flooding it with an unstoppable torrent of man cream. Sean, in his bed, tilted his hips to shove his cock into his wife pussy to the very last inch, bathing her inside with an equal torrent of manly seed. The pleasure was intense, almost overwhelming, butā€¦ it seemed incomplete, in a way. Gasping for air, McLaughlin felt a second orgasm explode in his groin, taking him aback, and he shouted loud for the almost unbearable pleasure, while the stream of semen went on flowing with renewed potency.

Kareemā€™s eyes rolled back, when the second powerful wave of pleasure hit him like a hurricane; the contraction in his prostate suddenly regained vigor and pumped more man juice into Lanceā€™s ass, filling every recess of it to the brim.

Watching Kareem squirm and gasp for air, lost in a seemingly endless orgasm, was too much for Lance to bear, and his untouched cock started shooting powerful ropes of sperm that fell in long white streaks on the thick black felt covering Kareemā€™s torso.

It took several long minutes until the many orgasms trailed off and they all could catch their breath. ā€œWowā€¦ā€ ā€“ Anne murmured, with an ecstatic expression ā€“ ā€œYou were loaded tonight, Seanā€¦ā€. She reclined over his husband and held him tight, enjoying the last traces of her orgasm. Sean covertly extended a hand under the bed and switched off the electronic device, cutting the link with Kareem.

ā€œSheā€™s goneā€¦ā€ ā€“ Kareem murmured, watching Lance still straddling his hips; Lance was nervous, as he didnā€™t know how much Kareem was aware that in addition to the sensations coming from Seanā€™s wife, he had actually made love to him. Cautiously, he raised his hips from Kareemā€™s shrinking cock, and leaned forward, to look Kareem into his eyes.

ā€œAre youā€¦ OK?ā€ ā€“ Lance asked tentatively, and Kareem smiled with a great tenderness: ā€œMore than OK. Iā€™m in the seventh heaven. I know you canā€™t understand, but feeling again the touch of a woman wasā€¦ magic. It let me feel again a man, a real man.ā€

ā€œIā€¦ I can guessā€ ā€“ Lance replied, and his handsome features were suddenly clouded by a shadow of sadness: apparently, despite Lanceā€™s efforts, all Kareem enjoyed of the thrilling experience was feeling again a pussy around his hopelessly straight cock. Lance moved to climb off the bed, but Kareem held him: ā€œYou are wonderful, Lance. After what I did to you, yesterday, you comforted me, you felt for me, and now you gave meā€¦ this. Youā€™reā€¦ special in so many ways, my friend, or betterā€¦ my ā€˜whateverā€™ā€¦ā€

Much to Lanceā€™s surprise, Kareem took his face into his hands, pulled him down and gave him a churning, passionate kissā€¦ and this time, unlike the day before, it went on, and on, and on.


In the next chapter: Alastair, the ā€˜imperfectā€™ technician living on the 4th floor, deactivates the Cubeā€™s communication system, letting Kareem and Lance send an outbound message. Oā€™Rourke is suspicious and tries to make Kareem confess, but things donā€™t go as he planned.

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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