Buck Goes Pro

by Boy Mercury X

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It was half past 10 AM when Buck stepped out of the bathroom onto the set, an airy atrium awash with natural light centered on a king-size bed. He’d amped up his workout regimen in the weeks leading up to the shoot and it showed. His young muscles were swollen with testosterone, and his thick nine-incher and egg-sized balls swayed as he walked with the confident strut of a young gamecock.

All eyes turned to Jack for his response. Kyu and the four guy crew, and the two bottoms. None were new to the business, and with any other first-timer they’d get right to business. But the unique proprietary dynamic on this particular shoot called for some deference. 

That Buck was a stunning physical specimen went without saying. And if anyone knew how he looked, it was Jack.  

“Looking good, sport,” said Jack, managing his cool. “You don’t have to get hard yet.”

“S’okay,” Buck replied with a shrug.

“You got a long time to go,” Jack added.

“I’m good,” Buck answered.

“Yeah,” Jack sighed, glancing down again at Buck’s stiff prick. “I’ll bet you are.”

It had been years, two decades almost, since Jack had been on a set. He marveled at the new technology with the camera guys, Matthew and Eduardo. Everything had advanced so much, and Jack was hungry to take it all in. He’d always had a keen mind for these things, despite having no formal education in this or any other subject. As he assimilated the changes, it set his blood pumping to think about the possibilities. 

The atrium was in a home in Pacific Heights rented for the filming under a discreet contract. Kyu had acquired a number of these locations during his years in the business, often loaned from well-off gay fans, thrilled to have their homes in his scenes. Like all his sets, he chose this one with the eye of a Renaissance painter, selected for its abundant natural light which he augmented by his own sleek lamps. The space was filled out with lush, leafy plants and carefully placed furniture making for color blocks in clean modern lines.

The high-end looks of the setting were not lost on Jack. It was a sight better than anything they’d used in the Nineties, where cheap hotel rooms were the order of the day. Even when Jack took control and made his own improvements, they never had sets quite like this. It was a little much for him, if he was honest, it left him missing some of the raw quality his own best work was known for. But there was no one he’d trust on this job but Kyu.

He grinned watching Kyu at work, quietly placing his cameras and gauging the shifting sunlight by eye, shifting from one perspective to another until he was satisfied. He’d come a long fucking way from being the skinny kid with a video camera on his shoulder.

“This looking good to you?” Jack asked.

Kyu had volunteered to supervise the camera team as a favor to Jack, and Jack wanted to show appropriate respect and gratitude. He was a big name himself now, and it was no small thing for him to take a back seat. He’d have said he owed his career to Jack, after all, and the techniques Jack pioneered, if it came to that. But they were both gentlemen in their own ways and had an understanding. They didn’t need to discuss these things.

Kyu nodded his approval. He asked, “What name is he using?”

“Not sure,” Jack answered. He’d wondered himself. “Just going by Buck so far.” 

“Ah,” said Kyu, in one of his inscrutable sounds that Jack understood to mean something, though he never knew quite what. “Okay then.”

Kyu quietly indicated to the crew to assume their places. Jack briefly considered checking in once more to see if Buck was sure he wanted to do this. But they’d talked enough over the last few weeks, and he knew the boy was set on it.

“Alright you guys,” Jack said. He’d doubled up his own workout in the last few weeks, and could feel the sleeves of his black polo shirt tighten on his thick biceps as they flexed. A big grin spread over his handsome face. He was really on the set again. “Let’s make porn!” 

“Aright Dad,” said Buck with a cocky smirk.


Jack had hoped Buck would become a lawyer. He'd socked away more than enough to cover a princely education. No one in the family had gone to college before, and though Jack did well for himself without it, he assumed Buck would. But he discovered in his heart of hearts an unexpected swell of pride that the boy wanted to follow in his footsteps. And facts were facts; Buck had the body, the face and the dick. And Buck loved to fuck. 

Maybe I shouldn't have named him Buck, Jack mused, as if the rhyme had predetermined the boy’s fate. 

He’d never been the kind of father who wanted his son to be a junior version of himself, in name or in career. He hated guys who wouldn’t let a son have their own name. The name Buck sounded enough like Jack to link them without being a copy. It seemed like a no-nonsense name for a standup guy, which Jack hoped his son would be, and what he was shaping up to be, discounting normal youthful fuck-ups.

There was no reason the kid couldn't become a lawyer later. Everybody had a past nowadays, what with the internet and all. But the kid really did have the aptitude for fucking professionally, and more importantly he had the attitude for it. Curious, up for anything with a strong will to perform well and maybe a little more desire for appreciation than ordinary people not in the business. Knowing Buck the way he did, once he decided to do porn, the kid would just as likely set up one of those OnlyFans accounts and be doing it anyway. Why not do it well, get paid more for it and own your product? 

The prospect was enough to pull Jack out of retirement to direct. He could still recall his own first scenes, before he was star enough to call the shots. It could be a high-risk line of work if you weren’t smart about it, and he’d be damned if he’d let some random sleazoid direct Buck. He’d help out until the kid knew the ropes and could take care of himself. Just this one scene and a couple or maybe a few more after that.

The kid was already more sophisticated than Jack had been at that age, but at the same time more naive. He’d had a more privileged life for sure, and that meant sheltered too. Jack reflected he’d maybe been too much Buck’s buddy and not enough his father. It had always been hard to know where to draw the line. He wished he could have slowed things down at the end there to help get Buck ready to be an adult. Not forever, just a little longer.

But Buck was 18 now, as of his birthday last New Year’s Day. It was a miracle he still wanted to spend time with his dad. God knows Jack had no time for his own bastard father at that age. From here on, the boy would have to decide for himself what kind of man he wanted to be. And strangely enough, at 44 and change, with a soon-to-be-empty nest, Jack would have to decide the same thing for himself.


The bottoms, Tyler and Griff, were experienced but not enough to intimidate Buck. Jack saw to that in screening them, though he let Buck make the final choices. Jack had had to fuck enough guys with no chemistry when he started out, and he wanted better than that for Buck, as a father and as a director. Same as in a real life, there was nothing better than chemistry in a fuck scene. It could manifest in a lot of different ways, but it couldn’t be faked for any amount of money.

Tyler was a fairly standard twink bottom, slight but fit, boyish but nearly pretty in the face, which could be useful for some straight tops. Some gay-for-pay guys liked a pretty face in a male partner, pretty enough to be nearly a girl. Some liked a more masculine guy to dominate. Griff provided that, darker and more muscular. He didn’t have Buck’s mass, his big round pecs and biceps and even rounder ass, but Griff was more chiseled. Jack didn’t know yet which type Buck would do better with, so he screened for both, and Buck went with the combo package.

Tyler and Griff framed Buck in the king-size bed and began to kiss him, one at a time and then both together, tongues lapping and fingers spreading over firm young flesh. Buck’s mouth was at turns receptive, eager and aggressive.

It was crazy odd for Jack, of course. He was no stranger to the idea of the kid being sexual. He’d witnessed the parade of Buck’s fuck partners through the house, and the near-constant sound of his headboard banging the wall. On top of that, the kid still jacked off every day from the sound of things, not counting the times he was probably doing it at school or wherever. But he’d never seen Buck in action, with his full-lipped mouth opening for alternating tongues diving into it, and his own wet tongue firmly thrusting back.

It didn’t take long at all for them to get to Buck’s chest or his thick staff of a cock. But it took Tyler’s whole hand to wrap around it, while Griff latched onto a dusky rose nipple, darker and pinker than Buck’s creamy skin. It was almost as if Jack weren’t there at all, to see Buck’s ease with it all.

Tyler and Griff expertly maneuvered around Buck, the boy on his back, and Tyler opened his pretty mouth to take in Buck’s solid cockhead. Griff nudged him aside to take his turn, and they alternated lapping at Buck’s thick erection and swallowing it in deep gulps. The boy cupped his own swollen pec and ran his fingertips over one nipple and then the other, breathing deeply as they hungrily worked his erection.

“Oh my GOD,” Buck groaned, wrapping his strong hands around the crown of both heads to pull them in onto his cock. “I want you both to suck me off at the same time.”

Jack froze. 15 minutes in and Buck was already off-script. Kyu was also motionless, but observant, waiting to see what would come next.

Their heads held firm in Buck’s strong grip, Tyler and Griff’s mouth mirrored each other, working up and down Buck’s cock together, slathered with their spit. Their two mouths together managed his girth, and Buck let his hips slowly pump, fucking both mouths together. On his withdrawls there was just enough of his ass exposed to tease a peek at his hole.

Kyu nodded yes, and with a graceful wave of his fingers indicated to the cameraman to stay on it.

Jack didn't take it as well. God damn it, he thought, vexed at the boy’s improvisation. Sure it looked good, but he was the director. The blessing was that the sight of both guys hungrily worshiping Buck’s straight-up cock and the glimpses of Buck’s pucker would make for a good show. The kid had the instincts all right. If he could show some self control he might just be the total package.

“Oh yeah, that’s so good,” Buck grunted, releasing their heads to let them worship freely. He wrapped both hands behind his head so his hairy pits showed. “Which one of you is gonna get my load?” Tyler swallowed him to the root and Buck gasped, “Bro don’t make me cum yet!”

Tyler took over working Buck’s balls in his mouth, and Griff reached a hand under Buck to spread his smooth white cheeks open. He traced two fingers over Buck’s pucker, now wet with streams of saliva dripping down from their blowjob. Buck arched his back and groaned, and a stream of precum gushed from his cockhead.

Without thinking, Jack lurched forward and then caught himself. It was some sort of protective instinct, stupid and unnecessary, and he didn’t know where it came from. He knew how these scenes went, and the swell in his own pants told him this was right on the money. Keep your director pants on and your dad pants off, he thought. But that didn’t sound quite right either. He reminded himself he was there for a job, and Buck was a pro, or was on his way to being.


Jack got his start in the late 1990s. Even with a backwoods high school diploma, between the choice of breaking his back on construction jobs or getting his cock sucked for cash, he could see the better deal. He'd never had trouble throwing hard on command or going back-to-back with loads. Never had a problem fucking dudes, either. Even back in Oklahoma there were guys hungry for a guy with his looks and his dick. The money in gay porn was better too. His dick was the only compass he’d ever needed, and he trusted it to serve him well. 

The studio wanted to give him a stupid hardon-reference name like they did in those days, but Jack insisted on his own first name, and added Chance. He liked the sound of that. He had no weight to throw around, but he was hot as fuck and no sleazy director actually cared enough to fight him on it. He could see right off how the name “Jack Chance” could be played around with and punned on in video titles, but he didn’t mention that to the directors, banking the idea for some future use. 

It took him most of a year of playing dumb and asking questions during shoots and in post production to figure out the business. If they could do it he could learn it, he reasoned. And if some jackoff was going to make a buck off the literal sweat off his back, no one was better suited to do that than Jack himself. 

When he used a loophole he’d spotted back when he signed their clumsily drafted contract so he could start his own company, the studio was shocked. It turned out the dummy with the big pecs and the power dick could read after all. Jack liked that almost more than freeing himself. He’d always enjoyed being underestimated. 

Even in those days with shit production values, it took some money to start up a company. Jack was just getting to be popular, and he leveraged that into “loans” from some older, moneyed fans. He could have just kept the cash, but he wasn’t inclined to owe anyone anything, so he worked hard to pay down the debt with interest. But what a way to do it. Every thrust in every ass he fucked, he could hear the cash register ka-ching. Every trail of sweat that ran down the small of his back while he humped some pretty boy mapped the path of independence. The cumshots were — well yeah, those were fun. 

Jack had no training, so he made videos the way his gut said to. No processed looks with poofy hair or shaved-bare crotches, like the studios shelled out. His look was more natural, with dark-blond body hair and real muscles from real work. His videos had balls. Some scoffed at the first few as amateurish or unsophisticated, and others praised them as contemporary masculine revivals of old Bijou and Bullet productions. Jack didn’t think about it all that much, but was smart enough to let fans read into it whatever they wanted. He thought of his vids as just guys doing shit guys do. If people wanted to pay to see them, so much the better. And pay they did, more and more with each release.

He pulled out of his back pocket his plans for plugging his name in video titles. He never could resist a pun. He produced Chance of a Lifetime, Snowball’s ChanceLast Chance (the first of several profitable retirement vids), Second Chance (the first of the even more profitable comeback vids), and so on. He insured his dick for a million dollars as a publicity stunt, and when he released One In A Million Chance it was sent out with a replica of the insurance certificate for his fans.

There was just one kink in the plan, so to speak. Jack never counted on knocking up his co-star Savannah Smiles while filming his bi video, Fifty-Fifty Chance. He’d never lost control like that in a shoot before, not even in the first ones. But he fucked his load right into her, and in a fluke it took hold. Buck didn’t just have porn star parents, he was literally made in and of porn. Buck’s birth wasn’t documented on video, but his conception was, captured by a young film student named Kyu, shooting porn to make rent money.

Once Jack knew he was going to be a father, he got even more serious about making money. Having had his own shitty father, he wanted to do this right, and on his own terms. He’d need to pay off his co-star for full custody, and then he’d have a kid to be responsible for. More than ever, he had an incentive to control who made the real bank off his broad back and his big baby-making balls.

He produced a record number of videos in the months before Buck was born. This was before the internet was what it grew into, and in those days you could have a whole career in porn and no one in your daylight life would ever be the wiser. Jack had no shame about his actual work, but it was easier to let the family back in Oklahoma think he was making a modest living in construction. Now that he was going to be a father, he intended to keep that life at arm’s length, letting Buck have a childhood as ordinary as any, especially since he wouldn’t have a mom around.

That didn’t sit so well with Jack, but he knew Savannah had no interest and no business in being a mother. She had her own fucked-up childhood shit to work through, worse than Jack’s. And just like when it came to making videos, Jack had his own way of doing things. But if things had been different, what a woman she was. The only person to ever make him lose it in a video, with that yielding open mouth of hers and her own powerful gift for pleasure.

Fatherhood aside, even then Jack could see the business was changing. The internet allowed for new amateur sites to provide porn directly to the customer, bypassing the studio system. The performers were cleancut-looking jocks, not as built as Jack or the big studio stars. But for $15 a month, subscribers could get unlimited access to new videos every week, downloaded straight to their computer, rather than the $65 to buy a Jack Chance movie on VHS or DVD. Guys would be subscribing to these sites directly, Jack knew, at least until they figured out a way to pirate them.  

Jack invested in a new amateur site, with no connection to his name. He left management of it to Kyu, the young cameraman he had a good feel for, as 50/50 partners. He had the capital and Kyu had the skill, and together they pumped out young college stud videos weekly. As 50/50 partners, that set Jack up nicely for continuing income going forward, on top of his nest egg. Retirement by 30 would leave a lot of time for working out, surfing, parenting and travel, and Jack had no intention of ever being poor again.  

He knew he’d miss the work. He could see that his full head of hair and fit body would serve him well for years to come. But you couldn’t make porn indefinitely. No one ever heard of a gay porn star older than 40, after all. He was set for life and had a son to raise. It was time to grow up.

That December 31st, while the world braced for a Y2K catastrophe that never happened, Buck was born at the stroke of midnight. The Nineties were done, and Jack Chance disappeared. It was a new millennium.


Two hours in, Buck’s erection was holding up well. He clearly got off on being worshiped by Tyler and Griff. He knew how to give some back too, to Jack’s surprise and relief. He was a complete natural. And, Jack noted, still a little too natural.  

Movie fucking isn’t like real fucking, and not just because there’s a crew crawling around you. There’s a pace to keep, to allow for the shots at different angles. And there are the angles you fuck at that don’t often feel right, but look good on camera. You have to master your body, and remember what you’re doing is for the benefit of the viewer, not your own pleasure.

Buck had gotten himself on top of Tyler, straddling his face, plowing his cock in that hungry throat while he worked Griff’s dick with his own mouth and fist. It was shocking for Jack to see his boy suck cock so well, pretty much confirming it wasn’t his first. Jack had surmised as much, but seeing it was something else. The more alarming concern for Jack was the arc of his son’s back as he picked up the humping pace of his throatfucking.

There was a certain increasingly doggy franticness to Buck’s hip thrusts, more animal and less performance. Although Buck grunted that Tyler’s mouth on his cock was lubing him for Griff’s ass, Jack was unsure he’d make it. Watching the sweat build in him Buck and the rising arc of his humping, he felt certain the kid was perilously near to blowing his load.

“Buck, slow down,” Jack said softly but firmly.  

Buck shot a pissed-off glance over his shoulder. He shook it off and thrust his hips hard into Tyler’s mouth, making the bottom choke out loud as Buck’s erection penetrated to a new depth in his throat.

“That’s enough,” Jack said, walking into the frame. “Take a break.”

“I’m good,” barked Buck, wrapping a strong arm around Griff and pulling him close, his knob still in Tyler’s hot mouth. “Keep shooting.”

Jack paused, rolled his jaw, and rested his hands on his hips. “Take a break,” he said firmly. “Now.”

The crew stepped back, and the performers broke away from each other, even Buck. 

Jack looked around the set, the cutting edge cameras and lights, the foliage and elegant furniture in the space. He paced, and if there was something cheap enough nearby he’d have kicked it.

“And all this… this crap…” he waved a hand around in the air and swatted at one elephant ear sized leaf on a potted plant. “This is just artifice.” He spun around to fix his gaze on Kyu. “I thought we were making porn.”

Kyu sat silent and still. Whatever he thought of Jack’s comment was known only to him.

“There’s snacks and drinks,” Jack announced. “Bottoms, liquids only.” He turned to look at Buck. “Come with me.”

Jack stepped to the room just off the atrium and Buck swaggered after him, his thick cock still slick with Tyler’s throat juices. Jack knew the look on his face well enough to know this wouldn’t be any fun.

“What the fuck was that about?” Jack asked in harsh but hushed tones.

“I was doing fine,” Buck answered. “I know myself.”

“You were going to shoot down that kid’s throat,” Jack replied with an exasperated eye-roll. “And you have a long way to go.”

“I can knock out another load, no problem,” Buck sneered.

“And you’re going to waste your big load, the one you’ve been saving, in his throat?” Jack rested his palm against his forehead where his head ached. "Buck, it may have eluded you, but we’re not filming an endoscopy here. We want that load where we can see it.”

Buck rolled his eyes, grumbling, “Yeah, whatever.” He stroked his cock absentmindedly. “You just…Never mind.”

“What?” Jack asked.


“Say it. Get it out, Buck.”

“You can’t even let me fuck without telling me how,” Buck spat.

“Yeah, I’m the director. That’s my job here.” They stared at each other, identical jaws thrust forward stubbornly. “Damnit Buck, I’m trying to help!”

“You’re supposed to be retired!” Buck grunted. “Why can’t you let me do this on my own?”

The boy turned away, running a hand over his big pecs and the sparse hair at the center of his chest. It hadn’t grown in as much as his father’s at the same age. It might never be quite the same as Jack’s.

“Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this together,” Jack said, surprised at his own words.

“Yeah, well, it wasn’t my idea,” Buck muttered and walked away.

It hit Jack like a hammer that what Buck said was true. It had never been his idea to begin with. 


Jack told Buck about his own career when the boy turned 18. He wasn’t one for secrets between himself and his son, and he had no shame about it. But it was hard to find the right balance between being a father and being a buddy, especially since it was just the two of them, with no other parent to ally with. In the end, Jack figured if he was old enough to be in porn at 18, Buck was old enough to know at the same age.

The day Jack told him, he pulled out nine of his old vids, transferred from VHS to new technology, and a box of magazine clippings and promotional materials from when he was a star. Buck took the box back to his bedroom and stayed there for about four hours. Jack never knew how much the kid nutted during that marathon, but at the end he emerged from his room dewy and flushed and said, “That was cool. I want to make one.”

Jack could have argued, but Buck was Buck, and he was going to do what he was going to do. He was always willful, but now he was 18 and his choices were really his own. He said he’d use his own first name, like Jack had done, though he couldn’t settle on a last name.

He reached out to Kyu, who had his own porn company, Q BOYS, a cute play on his first name. He had a stable of young performers in every ethnicity whose careers he shepherded with the same great care he lavished on filming. He was famous now for his videos, stylish productions that were half-smut, half-high art. His use of lighting was second to none, the Vermeer of gay porn. It wasn’t Jack’s style, but Kyu was the best. Of course he’d help. 

Maybe it was just nature. You put two porn stars’ genes together, they’re going to make a porn star. Maybe it was nurture, Jack raising him to be proud of his body and comfortable with physical contact. Maybe it was just a matter of time. But Buck, as Jack had known for a while based on the boxes of condoms he went through regularly, liked to fuck. He started with girls and expanded to his bros, and that was when things got really loud.

Jack facetimed his old co-star, Buck’s mother, Savannah Smiles. He’d had full custody of Buck since birth, so he’d never needed her permission for anything, but he checked in with Savannah from time to time. Sometimes he just liked to see her. And now, even though Buck was 18, it seemed the thing to do.

When Jack left the business, fans speculated about what happened to him. His favorite What-Ever-Happened-To-Jack-Chance? rumor was that he was a kept man, the gem in the harem of a Saudi billionaire. This particular speculation tickled Jack, because although it was totally off the mark about him, it was pretty close to the truth about Savannah. She lived the life of a pampered pet in Denmark, the prize concubine of an expatriate Middle Eastern prince.

She was the most beautiful woman Jack had ever seen, onscreen or off. Fuck, that’s why he’d nutted in her during a shoot like a damn high school kid. Her Lebanese/Scots heritage blended into an ideal form that drew him in and left him helpless. Not only could he still remember the feel of her lips and tits, her round ass and smooth belly, Jack still jerked off to their videotaped scene years later. It was a shame they’d accidentally made a baby, because without that complication they could have really been something together.

She laughed on hearing about Buck. “Well, he is his father’s son,” she said. 

“He is,” Jack acknowledged. It gave him a hardon to hear her liken him to their handsome boy.

But looking at Savannah now after so long, all Jack could think was how much Buck looked like her. He had Jack’s jaw and brow, but his mouth and eyebrows and dark hair were all his mother’s. Even his build, masculine as it was, owed more to Savannah, his pecs and glutes more rounded and abundant than Jack’s squared muscles. He even had her same dusky rose coloring in his lips and nipples.

“You’re looking good, Sav,” Jack said, feeling strangely shy about his attraction.

“You too, Jack,” she said, watching him reach a fist into his pants. 

She reclined in her posh bedroom in her negligee, looking every part the pampered courtesan. She pulled out her tits for Jack as he stroked himself, and spread her own legs. She still had him by the balls, he thought. Hell, she must have arranged herself just this way for the call. And he had her too. He could see it in her eyes as he jerked down his pants and let his cock stand free. If there was one thing Jack knew, it was sexual chemistry, and theirs was undeniable and unfakeable.

Jerking his cock, he licked his lips at the sight of her plush curves, and the smoky coloring of her lips and every opening into her silky body that was so irresistible to him. The thing that really got him was her smooth belly. He felt a strong desire to pump another baby into it, to see her again with something of his in there, mixing with her. Being a father was his calling, and Buck would be moving on. The thought of filling her up with another son tugged at his balls, and he spewed a hot load onto his own furry belly while she built to her own climax. 

When she came, he was still slow-pumping the last of his cum from his balls. His chest rose and fell heavily in sync with hers. Afterwards they both laughed breathlessly, like two kids. He ran a finger through the lava blast of cum and then ran it over the screen, pressing it to her perfect lips. 

“The Sheik’s not going to declare a fatwa on me?” he joked afterwards, wiping his belly with his tank top.

“Haddad’s not like that,” she smirked. “He’d be more likely to fly you out so he could watch.”

“Hey, I could take a trip. I’ve never been to Denmark,” Jack offered eagerly.

“Ah Jack,” Savannah dismissed the notion with a soft sigh. “Maybe we should let the past be the past.”

“Yeah,” Jack shrugged. “I just… Did you ever think we should have done it again? Made another Buck?”

“No, Jack,” she chuckled. “Never. I like my life. Very much.”  

He could see it. She’d found her place, and God knows she deserved it. Like a lot of women in the business, she had a bad start in life. So many ended up worse than they started, but not Savannah. She parlayed her brief stardom into a life she never even knew existed, but one that gave her everything she wanted. She was taken care of the way she needed to be. Deserved to be. She was happy.

“We could have really been something, though,” he replied wistfully. “Made movies together. Got married.” 

He pictured their life together, even now in their forties, still in love and fucking and having adventures. Maybe it was a mistake to invest so much of himself in a son who would grow up and go off on his own, just as he once had.

“Jack, nostalgia’s a liar. A charming liar, but a liar. Besides, you’re already married,” she teased. “To Buck.”

“What? Sav, you don’t think —” he exclaimed.

“I don’t mean that way,” she laughed. “There are a lot of ways to be married. Who would ever want to come between the two of you?”

It hit him how much you can long for someone you could never be with. He laughed to think how he’d made his living off that very concept, inspiring so much longing in his fans, but it was something he was still learning about himself.


Jack wandered into a bathroom to regroup. In the mirror, he looked all of his 44 years. His strong jaw had softened, and there were gray hairs in his dirty-blond beard and hair. He was more fit than 90 percent of guys his age, more fit than most guys half his age for that matter.But he was thicker in his belly than he used to be. There were creases around his eyes, and he looked more tired than he thought he felt. 

You’re not peak, he thought to his reflection. And you never will be again. So grow up

The funny thing was, Jack really thought it had been Buck’s idea for him to direct. But looking back on it, they’d just been talking, and Jack’s brainstorming maybe got a little out of control. He knew so much about making porn, and that had gone untapped for so long. The idea of filming again triggered in him storylines, angles, marketing. All the things he thought maybe he’d forgotten were still there, dormant, waiting for a purpose. He thought he could share that with Buck, that they could make something together.

But it had all been him. He couldn’t pinpoint any moment in which Buck said he wanted Jack to direct, or wanted Jack involved at all. In his zeal Jack had assumed. Or maybe he was so enticed by the idea that he could hold onto his boy just a little longer.

You fucked up royally this time, buddy, Jack told himself. You put everything on hold to be a dad. Now the boy is moving on. And you’ve got nothing

Savannah was right, sitting there in her boudoir like an odalisque oracle. Nostalgia is a liar. She was the smart one. She had her sheik and her life of Nordic luxury. Kyu had his business and his reputation and his boys. Buck had the world by the balls and his whole life ahead of him. And what did Jack have? A pathetic ploy to stretch out his glory days with his son.

What the hell was he thinking? Were they supposed to be porn bros? Make movies together?  Fat Chance. There’s your title, he derided himself, cursing Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Even by porn standards not an eloquent monologue, but it was the best he had at the moment. He’d fucked it all up, and unlike Buck, he didn’t have the excuse of youth.

Jack decided to quit the shoot. He’d go home, or to a bar, hopefully find someone to bang and leave Buck’s scene for Kyu to direct. Hell, Kyu was running the show anyway, humoring Jack’s belief that he was making any real contribution. This was Buck’s time, his millennium, and he was his own man. The man Jack made, in fact, for better or worse.

Jack splashed water on his face and dried off with a hand towel. As he did, he heard snickering, and instinctively pulled back into the shadows and went silent.

“Did you see him checking out my camera?” asked one voice. “I was like, Yeah, sure Grandpa. It’s amazing. What a dinosaur.”

“Who the hell is he anyway?” asked the other.

“Pfft, used to be some big deal,” answered the first.

Jack pinned down the voices. They were Matthew and Eduardo, the cameramen who worked for Kyu.

“The son is hot,” said the second voice, Eduardo. “But can you imagine? Having your dad watch you get a blow job?”

“Or give one!” squealed Matthew.

“I’ve seen some shit, but that’s kinda fucked up, right?” asked Eduardo.

“Yeah,” answered Matthew, “but kinda hot too.”

The two laughed and Jack decided he should just man up, walk out and let them know he was there. No point in being coy. He’d already fooled himself enough for one day, and it was time to face the truth.

“Hey,” said a third voice, one Jack knew well. Buck’s. “You guys talking about my dad?”

“Oh... Buck,” answered the first voice, Matthew. “Sorry man, didn’t know you were there.”

“Yeah,” Buck replied, “I am.”

“Buck, no offense...” interrupted Eduardo.

“Hold up,” Buck went on, talking over Eduardo. “Cause there’s a fuck lot you don’t know.

“Like I guess you didn’t know my dad was the only guy to ever sweep the Grabby Awards. Best Actor, Best Movie, Best Cumshot, Best Director. He won in every category but Best Bottom. But that’s not something he aspired to. Later that year he swept the AVNs for Take A Chance At Sugarbakers, his bi movie. I can go on if you want.” 

“Buck...” Matthew tried to interject.

“You probably didn’t know,” Buck continued, “that when he walked onto the set of Pure Chance packed into his Speedo, Mike Branson and Tom Chase quit on the spot. Or that by the time he retired, there were almost a dozen knockoff performers named Chance, because his name was gold. 

“He gave your boss his start. But you didn’t know that either. He invented techniques you guys are still aping today. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.”

Matthew and Eduardo were finally silent, and Buck took a breath.

“And you probably don’t know that in Fifty-Fifty Chance after he did an internal cum shot in Savannah Smiles, he pulled his dick out for the camera to see, then fucked the loads out of two guys and finished again on Savannah. And he did that all in one take. His scene was so hot the cameramen nutted watching it.”

Jack bit into his knuckle to keep from laughing. The mouth on that kid. He couldn’t help but feel pride in his boy, and in himself. 

“And I assume you didn’t know,” Buck went on, his voice rising, “my father was not a gay porn star. He was the gay porn star. His dildo wasn’t just a dildo. It was made from a mold of his hardon as is, no increase in size like every other porn star dildo, because he didn’t need it. And when it went on the market, it sold faster and better than any porn star dildo before or since. They ran out in one weekend, across the country. 

“He literally destroyed the mold and never made or sold another after that. The last one was auctioned off in London, and the winning bid was Madonna’s, for a million dollars. And when she made the winning bid, the auctioneer threw it to her, right there on the spot. And that dildo didn’t just get thrown. It flew over the heads of every losing bidder. And when it came down Madonna caught it. In. Her. Hand.” 

Buck cleared his throat, and when he spoke again it was in a calm but firm voice. “My dad is walking around here with that million-dollar cock in his pants right now. And that, just so you and your two-dollar dicks will know, is the man you owe your careers to, and the best director you will ever work with in your lives.”

“We didn’t know,” said Matthew.

“Well now you do,” Buck chided. 

“Sorry Buck,” added Eduardo.

“That’s Buck Chance, by the way,” Buck declared with a note of swagger. “Now get back to work.”

Buck Chance? Jack mused at his reflection in the mirror. He liked the sound of that.

Jack looked in the mirror. His eyes were clear. He was thicker, yeah, but what other guy his age looked half as good? He flexed his big square pecs and jutted out his handsome jaw. He looked hot as fuck, to be honest. Second peak, even. And Buck was right; it was time to get to work.


By nearly 5PM, Buck had sucked and been sucked, rimmed and been rimmed, and fucked both Tyler and Griff in nearly every position conceivable. Outside of breaks, he’d maintained a hardon and a good attitude. All that was left to do was deliver a cum shot.

As he took his place standing behind Griff, positioned on the edge of the bed on all fours, Buck hesitated. He didn’t say a word, but his chest heaved with deeper and deeper breaths, and his eyes darted back and forth to Jack’s. 

Observant as always, Kyu nudged Jack and whispered, “Talk to him.” 

Jack was unsure. He’d stayed on set but tried to lay low, letting Buck manage himself and deferring to Kyu on the filming. But he had to admit Buck looked like he was in trouble.

“You guys are all doing great,” Jack announced with feigned cheer, stepping up to the bed under the set lights. “Almost home. Just want a word with my… top.”

He leaned in close to Buck and clapped a hand on his son’s sweaty shoulder. “Talk to me,” he said in a hush.

“Dad,” Buck whispered, “what if I can’t?”

“Buddy, no problem,” Jack whispered in response. “We can stop right now. You don’t even have to.”

“Yeah right,” Buck smirked. “No money shot? Come on.”

The boy had a point.

“Buck, you’ve got this,” Jack told him. “You’re hard, you’ve been fucking for hours. You’re gonna blow like a volcano. You’ll see.”

“My dick is kind of numb,” Buck whispered. “Just the head. What if it, like... just dribbles out or something. Or if I nut inside him?”

“Buck, it’s all good,” Jack answered. He’d seen this before with guys who managed to fight off cumming for a long time, the sense they wouldn’t be able to let go. “Even if you nut in him, dribble, what the fuck ever. You’re a stud. Fuck man, you’re 18, you probably always cum like a pornstar.” Jack pressed in closer. “I know you cum like a pornstar. I do the laundry. You’ll see.”

Jack let his fingers trail from Buck and turned to step away, but Buck’s head spun back and his breath caught sharply, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Dad,” Buck said quietly, “stay.”

Jack looked to Kyu, who nodded yes. Jack smiled at Buck and settled in by his side.

Buck sunk his near painfully swollen cock into Griff’s well-lubed hole, and Jack stood back just enough to give the camera room. He asked Buck how that felt, and even anxious as he was, Buck had to admit it was good.  

“That’s my boy,” said Jack. “You’ve got this.”

Buck immediately rammed Griff hard, knocking the musclebottom off his hands. He reeled back and slammed in again, and then started a fast jackrabbit fuck. 

Jack and Kyu glanced at each other. They both could see how far things had gone off the rails. All the elements were there—Buck looked incredible, and the fading sunlight gave them all a golden glow. But the fucking was forced, killing whatever chemistry they’d had before. For most studios this would be enough, but this was Jack’s production. And it was his son. He’d need better.

“Here, let me show you,” Jack said, pulling close behind and sliding his hand onto Buck’s hip as it slammed Griff’s ass. “I know you want to go full-on dog-pound because you’re kind of numb down there and trying to shoot. But let’s take this slow and build you back up.”

He managed Buck’s pace with one hand on his hip and other on the sweaty small of his back, just over his firm white ass. Jack slowed him and then let him speed up to a more natural thrusting motion. While Buck eased into it, Jack helped angle him best for the camera, and held on as the boy enjoyed a good grind.

“There you go,” Jack said, his hands still in place. “That feel good?”

Buck nodded, working Griff’s ass, and Jack turned to the camera crew. “Matthew, you’re good right there. I want another minute of those nuts hitting Griff’s ass. Eduardo, come in a little closer and be ready for the money shot. Kyu, can you get a cam on Buck’s face?”

Kyu picked up a camera himself, entering the scene.

"Thanks, big guy," Buck whispered, giving his dad a wink as his thrusts sandwiched Jack’s hand deeper into the crevice between his own flesh and the musclebottom’s ass. 

“Tricks of the trade,” Jack shrugged, acting as if he weren’t acutely aware of the sound of Griff’s hole suctioning in Buck’s meat.  

He looked carefree, but under the lights and in the hot stew of sweat and sex, it was getting harder to stay a dad, with all his porn star instincts telling him to get into the scene, and how. His one hand ought to slide further down into Buck’s trimmed pubes, the other should rise up to twist one of his dusky rose nipples. His hips told him they should be grinding his stiff cock into that plush ass, and his tongue should be finding its mate in Buck’s mouth, between his parted lips.  

“You’re good,” Jack said, suddenly pulling his hand from Buck’s hip. Putting his lips to Buck’s ear he whispered “You’re a fucking champ. I’m so proud of you.”

The way his lips grazed Buck’s ear made his hardon throb. 

Fuck, shouldn’t have done that, Jack thought, feeling a thick surge of precum fill his briefs.

He stepped back to let Kyu’s cameramen do their work. But with each step Buck’s eyes followed him, and the further away Jack moved, the more anxious Buck looked and the more his pace again faltered.

“Jack,” Kyu whispered to him, “get back in there. We can edit around you later.”

Jack had salvaged a lot of situations as a director, and more as a dad. But this was a new one, even for him. It was going to take a special touch.

He analyzed the scene and the actors. He didn’t know the bottoms well, but he knew Buck. He knew him better than anyone. After a moment he approached Tyler, standing opposite Buck, his dick in Griff’s mouth. He tapped the twink on the shoulder and said, “Take five, buddy. Griff and Buck, stay where you are.” As Tyler stepped aside, Jack gave him a grin and a wink so he’d know he wasn’t the problem. 

Jack took Tyler’s place opposite Buck, then crouched down so his face was near Griff’s. He cleared the view of Buck for the cameras, but locked eyes with his boy as he pounded the bottom’s ass. With supreme confidence and pride, Jack said, “Give it to me, Buck.” 

Buck’s lips turned up into a smile. He fucked Griff beautifully, his hips rolling and the sweat streaming down his sides. There was tension building in his eyes, just like it should, and pleasure too. “Dad,” he gasped, “I need a target.” 

Jack looked down at Griff’s tan muscular back bridging the space between them, but Buck shook his head no. “Take off your shirt?”

Jack felt another hot surge in his briefs, but simply nodded his head, sure.  

He pulled the black polo up over his head and threw it down on the floor beside him in one smooth motion, the way he’d learned when he stripped in a couple of videos. He stayed crouched down and ran a hand over his furry chest, feeling how thick and strong his pecs were, maybe even bigger than when he was a star. More than peak. He smiled at Buck, tapped the center of his chest and said, “Come on slugger. Knock it out of the park.”

“Aw yeah,” Buck grunted. 

The kid’s hips pulled back and drove home with renewed vigor, and Griff groaned as his ass filled with Buck’s meat. Buck picked up his pace and pounded his bottom, all motion and muscle, and Jack could see just how good it would look on screen, with the tension cresting and Buck’s mouth opening in a way that looked so familiar.

“Give it to me,” Jack said, slapping the center of his chest. The kid’s load would never make it that far, but if he aimed for it they’d get a good shot on camera of Buck’s load on Griff’s tan back. “Give me that load. Just us here, just you and me.”  

Buck shivered and knit his eyebrows as he looked pleadingly into Jack’s eyes. You’re there boy, you’re there, Jack said with his smile. Buck’s lips opened in a soft O, and Jack could see it clearly, the same expression in Savannah’s face as when Jack fucked her on the set when they made Buck. His lips were even the same shape and shade as his mother’s, and Jack’s briefs contorted around his throbbing erection as he saw it.

“I’m cumming, I’m…” Buck groaned as he pulled out of Griff and held his cock up in one fist. He didn’t pump, just held it straight up as his balls pulled tight. Jack could see it in slow motion as Buck’s big handsome cock swelled more than seemed possible, a pearl of cum beading on his piss slit, wet and white. 

A milky spurt sprayed from Buck’s taut cockhead and hit Griff’s lower back, less than a foot away. Everything went still, as if that was it. Then Buck’s cock triggered again and spewed a magnificent comet of cum that arced up over Griff, landing with a hot splat on the dark blond thatch of hair at the center of Jack’s chest. By the time the first glob of cum hit Jack, the next volleys were already spewing, smacking Jack‘s pecs and shoulders, the last of it streaking Griff’s back. Everyone gasped and Jack had to fight to keep his own cock from spurting in response. 

Still reeling, Buck looked down to Griff’s slick hole, still gaping for him. He plunged his full length deep in again, easing the rest of his load into the soft insides of the musclebottom. Jack had never heard seen any top pull of a shot like that, and knowing it was Buck was more than he could take.

Jack bounced up on his heels. He rounded the bed, sidled up next to Buck and nudged the boy aside, Buck’s spent semi sliding out of Griff with a pop.

Jack ran a hand over Griff’s tan ass cheeks, plush and smooth, inspecting the throbbing hole, still gaping from the absence of Buck’s cock, slick with his boy’s breeding.

“Griff,” Jack said, unbuckling his belt, “you mind if I take a dip?”

Griff hiked his ass up and growled as Jack’s button fly burst open in a series of pops.

Jack jerked his now-saturated briefs down, letting his own erection stand free like a solitary tower. Necks craned and jaws dropped at the sight of Jack Chance’s million-dollar cock, and even Buck looked on in awe.

“Keep filming, boys,” Jack told the crew. “We’re making porn.”

Jack sighed out loud as he plunged his erection into Griff in one swift move. He’d have gone slower, but Buck had prepped the bottom well, and the hole welcomed Jack’s length and girth. Fuck, it was so lubed and so well plowed by the only cock that could stand up to Jack’s powerhouse: his boy’s. Buck’s.

He clapped his hands around Griff’s hips to hold him in place and rode the musclebottom like he was born to it, his chest full and high and his hips bucking strong and smooth. His haunches rolled back and in again for maximum penetration. He could deliver a payload any second he chose, with a thick flood straight out of his slapping balls and through his manmeat. 

This was what he was made for, fucking and breeding, on camera. Plowing pussy and ass. He was a fool to ever stop. With the cameras, the cameramen and the performers all turned to him, his skin warm under the lights, and the sound of his cock smacking into a hole so hungry for him, Jack was home.  

Tyler and Buck leaned in, and Jack could feel their presence on either side. He dropped his thick arms around their shoulders to pull them in close, sandwiched between their warm bodies. He couldn’t resist turning to catch sight of Buck’s face, the mouth so like Savannah’s. He licked his lips and Buck nodded, smiling slyly, Yeah Dad, do it. Fucking do it.

He turned suddenly to plunge his tongue into Tyler’s mouth, kissing him deeply. His eyes were closed so he could imagine the other mouth, the one he wanted instead, but Tyler’s would make do. But then he felt a hand on the hairy thatch at the small of his back, and he knew it was Buck’s. It was more than he could take.

“Oh fuck yes,” Jack groaned out loud, equal parts Dad and Jack Chance, and pulled his erection out of Griff’s soft warm ass.

The first jet of Jack’s load arced up higher even than Buck’s had, and landed with an audible smack on Griff’s back. The next shots rained down, crossing and mixing with the streaks of Buck’s load on Griff’s beautiful brown back.

Jack’s body heaved as his monster load poured out of him, to the awe of the performers and crew, even Kyu who’d seen it all before, and his boy, Buck. 

As Jack stabilized, he ran a hand to wipe the sweat from his face. He was so giddy he nearly laughed.

He turned to Buck and said, “Okay, let’s get these bottoms off.”

“Yes sir,” answered Buck, his hand still on Jack’s sweat dampened back.

“What do we do?” Eduardo asked Kyu.

“You heard the man,” chuckled Kyu, sinking back into his seat. “Keep filming. Jack’s back.”


Jack and Kyu got everyone squared away after the shoot. Buck ate like a wolf, standing there naked, the remnants of the shoot flaking dry on his skin. Jack told him to hit the shower, and as he walked away Jack and Kyu watched his high, round ass cheeks slowly spring with every step.

“About the things I said,” Jack offered to Kyu. “I just…”

“I know,” Kyu replied, nodding, to Jack’s relief. They had a history that couldn’t be upset by a few rash words.

“What a crazy fucking road it’s been,” Jack sighed, shaking his head.

“Yeah, but it’s the road that got us here,” Kyu replied.

Jack turned to his old friend. “You always say things like that, like you know something deep.”

Kyu shrugged and in his monotone replied, “Just shooting the shit, Jack.”

Matthew and Eduardo put on some Madonna and danced to “Express Yourself”, a song much older than either of them, as they mopped the floor of the atrium. By the time they were finishing, Buck emerged from the shower. His pale skin was flushed from the hot water and he looked fresh and clean, but his yawn conveyed that the long day was catching up with him.

“I’m still hungry,” he said, rubbing his eyes.

“You want to go to a steakhouse?” Jack asked. He liked steak after filming a good fuck.

“Sure,” answered Buck with a smirk. “If you’re paying.”

“Okay, big spender,” Jack laughed. “I’m not going to make you blow your first paycheck on my meal.”

The February air was bracing as they made their way to Jack’s car. It was chilly even for San Francisco. Buck slid into the passenger seat, and Jack turned on the ignition, and rolled the car onto the road, facing the setting sun. 

“I was thinking maybe Double Your Chances,” Buck said after a brief silence. “For a title.”

“Oh yeah?” asked Jack. “For today? I like that.” He glanced at Buck’s handsome profile, careful not to draw Buck’s attention. The car was always where they had their best talks, side by side, facing forward together. “You and me, huh?”

Buck shrugged. “Yeah. Sorry I had a thing this morning,” he said, his drowsy eyes on the road ahead.

“It’s cool,” Jack replied. “I messed up too.”

“We’ll do better next time.” 

“Next time?” Jack asked.

“Duh. I still have to bottom,” Buck said. 

The car lurched as Jack’s foot suddenly gunned the gas pedal. He let it ease back into a smooth cruise, and said, “Oh?”

“I was thinking of Dante Phoenix,” Buck mused.

“Oh, him! Yeah. Black guy with the wing tattoos? Big dick?”

Buck nodded yeah, and Jack immediately envisioned the scene. He could see the composition of the shots and the lighting. He could see the look in Buck’s face, the soft gasp of his open mouth as Dante Phoenix entered and filled him, the same way Savannah did when Jack entered her to make their boy. What a sight that would be.

“So you’re gonna bottom?” Jack asked, adjusting himself in his seat.

“Of course I’m gonna bottom,” Buck laughed. “It’s not the Nineties.”

“No, it’s not,” Jack chuckled. “No it’s not.” 

As he drove, he thought of all the things Buck could do. All the things he could do. He’d never done a movie with trans performers. He’d like to a fuck a transguy. That would be fucking cool. 

He could pull together an old timers all-star movie. A round-up of the guys from the Nineties. See what Mike Branson and Max Grand were up to. He’d always wanted to fuck Max Grand, but somehow the time had gotten away from him, as it tends to do.  

“How much longer till we get there?” Buck asked, impatiently bouncing his leg. 

“Just a little longer, partner,” Jack answered, taking a glance at his boy in the full swell of all his pride and admiration and love. There was so much potential to be realized. “Just a little longer.”

Jack set his eyes on the road ahead and drove on.

- END - 

Special thanks to A4F Tales for thinking through this story concept and his many contributions.

by Boy Mercury X

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024