Adventures of a Bellboy

by Jason Smith

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Chapter 3

After my first two days on the job, I had the next night off. My roommates and I went out drinking. Now flush with cash from the tips I had received from my "special requests", I went a little crazy buying shots for my buddies and half the bar we were at. One of the benefits of working the night shift was that I got to sleep off my hangover the next morning before having to head into work.

The first couple hours of the shift were brutal. It was hot as hell, and crazy busy at the hotel. I was lugging heavy bags non-stop until the rush finally calmed down. Although I didn't feel up to working out before my shift, I certainly got in my share of physical activity lifting all these bags.

After things died down and returned to the usual quiet night time in the lobby, I was taking a break on one of the leather couches, scrolling on my phone when I heard Chip pick up the line at the reception desk.

"Good evening, sir.....Unfortunately, the spa is closed for the day....Yes, sir, but it's almost 11:30....Terribly sorry, sir....Um, please hold for one second, sir..." he said, putting his hand over the phone and looking over at me. I knew he was up to something by the look on his face.

"Jacob, hey! Do you think you could do a half decent massage?" he asked, looking desperate.

"I dunno. I used to get them from our trainer after practice...."

Chip didn't let me finish before speaking back into the phone. "Sir, good news. I was able to find someone....Yes, he will meet you at the spa located on the second floor...Of course, sir, happy to help...."

"Bro, what the hell?" I said.

"This is a VIP guest. I'm sure you'll do great. Here is the master key to the spa. When you enter, there is a silver box on the wall to the left. That will turn on the jacuzzi, sauna, steam room, lights, everything. Turn them on, then meet him outside the entrance. And lock the door when you're in, so other guests don't wander in. ok?" he said, handing me the key and pushing me toward the elevator.

What did I get myself into, I thought, taking the key and heading up to the spa. I swiped the key and entered. The room was pitch black. I turned on the light on my phone and found the master switch box like Chip had said. I flipped it on and the place lit up with soft lighting and zen music. The spa was actually very nice and calming. I heard the jacuzzi jets start to bubble. I took a quick look around, trying to familiarize myself with where everything is, and then made my way back out to the entrance to wait for the guest.

A couple minutes later I saw a large man walking down the hall. As he approached, I was taken aback by his size. Wearing a white tank top and short terrycloth shorts, his massive tattooed arms were on full display, as were his tree trunk legs. With tight cropped dark brown hair and a short beard, he looked somewhat familiar.

"Good evening, sir. I'm Jacob. I take it you're in need of a massage," I said, extending my hand.

He smiled, reaching out to grab my hand, almost crushing it with his strong rough hands.

"Oi, mate. Nice to meet ya, Jacob," he said, with a heavy Australian accent.

"Right this way, sir," I said, motioning for him to enter the spa. I locked the door behind us, like Chip had told me.

The guest looked around at the spa as we entered. "The locker area is right this way, sir. You can leave your things here on the bench. It's just us, so no need to lock them up," I joked, as he was already shedding his clothes.

As he pulled his tank top off, I couldn't help but admire his massive hairy chest, also covered in what looked like tribal tattoos. And then it hit me, and I blurted out without thinking, "Oh, shit! You're the famous Aussie rugby player. I knew I recognized you." And then I realized how I had just talked to a VIP guest. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to swear like that. Please, excuse me," I said.

"Relax, mate. Like you said, it's just us in here. You can drop the formalities. I've been with my wife and kids all week, so it's nice to hear a swear word from another bloke to be honest," he said, as he pulled down his shorts and tossed them on the bench. My eyes were immediately drawn to another part of his body, his massive low hanging balls and large uncut cock swinging between his legs. I tried not to be too obvious staring, but this guy was built like a tank. I'd seen youtube videos of him barreling through guys even bigger than him.

"Ah, so you're here on vacation with your family. That's nice," I said, making small talk.

"They're fucking driving me nuts, mate. I had to get out of that room. This was the only excuse that could get me out of there, so I'm glad that guy at the front desk found you," he said.

I offered him a towel to wrap around his waist, but he just draped it over his shoulder and walked confidently, and bow legged, back into the main spa area.

"Well, sir. Full confession. I'm not a professional masseur. I just played sports, and I've had plenty of sports massages, so I...."

"You'll be fine. You look strong. What'd you play?" he asked, looking me up and down as he draped his towel over the railing and slowly descended into the jacuzzi.

"Football, sir. American football," I said. He grinned at the correction. "Can I get you some water?"

As he leaned back against the edge of the jacuzzi, his thick tatted arms stretched out along the side, he looked up at me, "Any chance you've got some beers? I was wanting to go down to the pub, but my wife would be all over my balls the rest of the trip if she knew I was out drinking."

Knowing there was only water and tea in the spa fridge, I responded, "I can have some sent up from the bar right away, sir."

"Perfect. Thanks, Jacob. You're a lifesaver."

I went to the phone and rang Chip, requesting someone to bring up some bottles of beer right away. A couple minutes later, I met Chip himself at the door, carrying a tray with stacked pint glasses and an assortment of bottled beers.

"How's it going?" he asked.

"Dude, this guy is a professional rugby player," I whispered.

"I know, and you should see his wife! I'm surprised she's not giving him a happy ending," he joked.

"Fuck off, man," I laughed. "Thanks for bringing up the beers. We'll see how the massage goes. Who knows, maybe it's my second calling," I said, nodding to him as he left. I locked the door and retuned to the jacuzzi area.

As he saw me carrying the beers back in, he hollered at me from the jacuzzi, "Atta boy, Jacob! Well done, mate!" 

I poured one of the beers into a pint glass and carried over to him, realizing that I'd probably get fired for serving beer, in glass, in the jacuzzi. But fortunately, nobody is around to report me.

After the took a sip, he said, "Mate, it's fucking weird you standing there in that suit, watching me drink beer in the tub."

I didn't know how to respond to him, so after a few seconds, he added, "Oi, grab yourself a beer and join me. The water is nice, mate!"

"Um, I'm not supposed to drink while I'm working, sir," I replied.

"I don't see your boss in here, eh? Come on. I'll tell them you were a perfectly stiff angel," he said, chuckling.

He had a point, so I agreed, walking over and pouring myself a beer. I walked back toward the jacuzzi and started taking my uniform off. When I got down to by white briefs, I started walking toward the steps into the hot water when he stopped me.

"Hey, bare nuts only in the water! What, you scared I'm gonna see your willy?"

"No, sir. It's just, unusual to get naked in front of a guest, sir," I said.

"Mate, stop calling me sir. I just want to hang out and have some beers with a fellow jock that has some testosterone running through his veins. Drop them skivvies and join me in here."

I was starting to like this guy, and I'd never had a full on conversation with someone that had such a thick Australian accent. So I agreed, pulling down my briefs and wading down into the water, buck naked, with my beer, sitting to his side.

"Cheers, mate! Just a couple of blokes having some beers, free of the ladies, eh?" he said, as we both sipped our beers. I noticed his was almost 3/4 done.

"So, are you enjoying your trip?" I asked.

"Eh, it's alright. We like coming to America because not many of you Yanks follow rugby, other than you it seems, so we don't get mobbed as much as in Europe or Australia. But the kids are driving me mad, and with them in the same suite, I'm not gettin' any from my woman for days."

"If you don't mind me saying this, my buddy said your wife is really hot."

He laughed. "Yeah, she is. But everyone assumes we fuck all day. After the third kid was born, it's pretty dry, mate. It's tough, though, because I get horny as fuck after working out, so I gotta cum at least once or twice a day, and she's definitely not into that."

"Dude, I'm totally the same way. I mean, having to get off after working out or practice."

"You got a girl that helps you with that then?" he asked.

"I did, man, but she moved on to college, so I'm on my own now," I said.

"That sucks, mate, that you lost her, but I miss those days when I could just fuck anyone I wanted."

"So what do you do then, just jack off all the time?" I asked.

"Yeah, something like that," he said, giving off a bit of a sly look. Changing the subject, he held up his empty pint, "Another pint, bartender?"

I nodded, wading over to grab his glass and got out of the jacuzzi to walk over and pour us each another beer, not bothering to cover up. Even though he was much bigger than me, I was used to walking around naked confidently in locker rooms with other jocks, so it felt natural.

As I handed him his pint, we toasted, and I brought the subject back. "Come on, man, you're a famous athlete, a beast, and even if your wife isn't taking care of you, you've got to have chicks hanging off your nuts all the time. That's what I was expecting being a college jock, but I'm gonna miss out on that, so it's gotta be even better for you, man! I promise, man. I won't tell a soul." 

He kinda chuckled at my persistence and my apparent admiration. He finally muttered, "Blowjobs, mate," taking another swig of his beer.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Look, there are plenty of chicks ready to get banged by professional athletes and a lot of the guys go for that, but most likely, they'll end up pregnant, or the girl is just looking for publicity, or she'll make some claim to get money. It never ends well when you fuck one of these young gals. So, for me, I settle for a blowjob to get me off."

"Ah, I gotcha, man. Damn. It's like a curse. So much hot pussy, but you can't fuck it or you'll have even more problems," I said. "But, man, your dick is even bigger than mine, and I can't find a chick that can take more than a couple inches of mine."

"Dudes," he responded.

He surprised me and I almost spit out my beer. "What??"

"Guys. They give the best head, and they can deep throat like crazy. And they can't get pregnant, haha," he joked.

"Bro, you're not gonna believe this," I said, standing up in the water, a little too excited, but the beers had loosened me up. "I got my first bj from a dude just the other day. And you're right, man, he could fucking take it all the way!"

"And how was it?" he asked.

"Best head of my life, man!" I exclaimed.

"Told you, mate!" he said, reaching out to fist bump me.

I realized our glasses were once again empty, so I got us another refill. When I got back to the jacuzzi, he was sitting up on the side, with just his legs dangling in, and his huge cock and nutsack on full display.

I wasn't sure if he was just cooling off or getting bored. "You doing ok, sir? Let me know whenever you want your massage, or if I can get you anything," I said. I was enjoying hanging out with him. Somehow, swapping stories about getting sucked off by other guys seemed normal with him. But I also realized I was still working, so I wanted to make sure he was happy.

"Ay, mate. This is exactly what I needed. Some time with a mate, having some beers," he said, smiling over at me. "But now that you remind me of the massage I booked, my feet and calves are killing me from walking around all day, so maybe you could give me a rub," he said, holding his right leg out, causing his massive quads and calves to flex.

"Of course, sir," I said, standing up and positioning myself in front of him, taking his right foot in my hands and starting to rub them.

"You know, mate, I bet that southern accent goes over well with the ladies outside of Texas," he said.

"Haha, I wouldn't know. I've never really been many places. But I bet you have the same luck with your Aussie accent," I said, causing him to shrug and grin.

"How old are you, anyways?" he asked.

"Almost 19...You?"

"33 mate. I'm getting to be an old man," he joked.

After rubbing his foot, I moved up to his huge calf. I was like massaging a grapefruit attached to his leg. Although inexperienced in massage, I knew enough to use my fingers to run along the lines of his muscle. I could tell he was enjoying it. A couple times, he leaned his head back and moaned as he exhaled.

I moved to the other foot, repeating the rub, as he looked down at me. Although we were both quiet, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It almost seemed like we were old friends.

I finished with both feet and calves, as he leaned back, resting on his hands, causing his abs, chest and arms to flex. Damn, this guy was jacked.

I moved up to his left quads, impressed by the density of his muscles, while also trying to use as much of my grip strength as possible to massage them deeply.

"That's nice, mate," he said, reaching for his beer to take another gulp, downing half his pint.

I stepped forward, using my other hand to start massaging his right thigh, as he spread his hairy legs to make room for me to get closer.

Having been focused on his legs, I quickly realized my face was just a couple inches from his crotch, and that distance was decreasing as I continued to move up his thighs. "Mmmmmm, nice, Jacob," I heard from above.

Face level with his crotch, I started running my hands along his inner thighs, diverting my fingers before making contact with his nuts and shaft, but after a couple motions, I noticed his dick starting to slowly chub up.

I chalked it up to the proximity of my hands, and kept on with the massage. But it kept growing, and damn was it big...and thick. It was soon at a full 45 degree angle, rock hard, with precum starting to ooze out of the slit. I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"Don't worry about that, it happens all the time during a massage," I said.

"I didn't apologize for it," he replied, still looking down at me, inches from his now hard cock.

"Oh, right, sir," I said, continuing to massage his inner thighs. "That is pretty impressive though, man," I said, looking up at him, his throbbing cock partially blocking my view of his face.

He grinned, and said, "Wanna help me out with this, mate? My wife's not gonna do it."

Even though I wasn't sure whether this was an actual 'special request', I still wanted to please the guest. But I was also strangely drawn to want to put his dick in my mouth, which was a new feeling for me.

I nodded, and reached forward, wrapping my hand around the base of his girthy hairy cock, pulling it down to meet my lips. I ran my tongue around the head, starting to taste his salty precum and causing him to moan.

Knowing it was going to be a challenge to suck someone of his size, I opened my mouth and slid his head in, swirling my tongue along the foreskin and the underside of his meaty dick, feeling it throb against my tongue. I slid down further, taking more of his cock into my mouth, the thickness of it stretching against my lips and jaw.

"Fuck yeah, mate. That feels so good," he said, placing his hand on the back of my head and slowly pulling me into him.

The sensation of his warm dick in my mouth and the taste of his precum was strangely arousing to me, my own cock now rock hard under the water. There was something about this masculine jock stud that was getting to me, and making me want to service his manhood.

As soon as his head brushed against the back of my throat, I pulled back. I started to go up and down on his dick, but only taking in about three or four inches. That apparently wasn't good enough for him, as his hand began to pull me down further onto his cock than I was planning to go.

As he pulled my head down, it caused me to gag, and I jumped back in a slight panic.

"Sorry, sir. It's just, I'm kinda new to this," I said, looking up at him while I caught my breath.

"That's alright, mate. No worries. I'll guide you. Just relax and breathe through your nose, go slowly," he said, both authoritatively but also comforting.

I reinserted his cock into my mouth, giving a few bobs to massage his swollen head, before moving down further on his shaft. As I reached the halfway point of his dick, where I'd gagged before, I paused, trying to relax and breathe through my nose as I pushed a little farther.

"Atta boy," he said, encouraging me.

There was was pressure against the back of my throat, and then something clicked back there, and his cock slid in a couple more inches, now into my throat for the first time. I struggled not to gag, but eventually regained my composure, as I realized I was deep throating a famous rugby star.

"Fuck yeah, mate! That's the way to do it!," he exclaimed loudly, his masculine voice echoing across the spa.

Having passed that threshold, it was now easier to take more of his cock. And before I knew it, my nose was buried in his hairy pubes, his entire dick down my throat.

I slowly slid off his cock, and then looked up at him, smiling. "Damn, man. That's the first time I've deep throated another dude."

"See, even straight guys are better at sucking dick than chicks," he joked, gently tapping me on the side of my face.

I decided to go back in, taking his cock into my throat again, as I ran my hands up his muscular abs and chest, feeling his dense muscular body and coarse chest hair. This guy was all stud. His hands were back on my head pulling me up and down on his hard cock, almost to the point of face fucking me. I'm glad we were alone in the spa, because he was pretty loud and verbal with me as his cock continued to slide in and out of my throat.

After a couple minutes of his cock destroying my mouth, I needed a bit of a breather, so I pulled off and reached over for my beer. Looking up at this naked hairy stud in front of me, I was cognizant of the feelings I was experiencing. Surprisingly, I was actually lusting after him, the first time I'd ever felt that kind of sexual magnetism for a guy. It was throwing me for a loop.

As my thoughts were racing, he surprised me by leaning down, putting both hands on the side of my face and kissing me. His soft lips and rough beard sent shivers down my naked body, further confusing me on how I was reacting to this guy.

He pulled away from our kiss, looking me in the eye and tried to read my confused facial expressions.

"You ok, mate?"

"Yeah, man....It's just that, I'm straight, but, like, you're seriously making me horny like this, so I just don't know what to make of this," I said.

"Relax, mate. You don't need to make anything of it. We're just two hot jocks, and we're having some beers, having a hot time, making each other horny as fuck. Let's enjoy it, eh?"

"Yeah, man. All good," I said.

"You look like you're roasting, Jacob. Why don't you get out of the jacuzzi," he said, standing up and motioning me to climb the stairs out of the hot tub.

As I stepped out, he met me head on, wrapping his massive arms around me and pulling me into his warm muscular hairy body, our hard cocks pressing against each other, as his hands slide down to cup my bare ass.

"Damn, mate. You've nice a nice ass," he said, squeezing it firmly.

"Thanks, man. Nothing like yours, man. You rugby plays have massive legs and glutes," I replied.

He released me from his embrace. "So, I think you were in the middle of something," he said, grinning and glancing down at his still rock hard cock.

"Oh, right. Yeah, man," I said, getting down on my knees in front of him.

"Now you can call me sir," he said. I grinned at his comment, as he grabbed my head and pulled me onto his cock until he had slid it all the way back down my throat. This time I didn't even gag.

While continuing to bob up and down on his cock, I reached around to get my own feel of his muscular hairy ass, feeling it flex each time he thrust his dick down my throat.

"Fuck that mouth feels good on my cock!" he said in his deep Aussie voice, letting me know that I was doing it right, despite his being only the second dick I'd had in my mouth.

After a couple more minutes of him stretching out my throat, he pulled his dick out of my mouth and told me to stand up.

I stood up, thinking he was going to kiss me again, but he grabbed me by the waist and spun me around in one quick move, causing me to lean up against the massage table, basically pinned, with my back facing him.

He started kissing my neck as his hand slowly reached around and ran down the front of my body, until his hand was wrapped around my hard cock, causing me to gasp as he squeezed it. I then felt his mouth move down my back, lightly kissing my skin, until I felt it on my ass.

His strong hands then grabbed my cheeks, pulling them apart. And then I felt his tongue against my hole, lightly brushing against it, just like Mr. Hardigan had done to me in the locker room. I moaned out at the sensation of his muscular hands on my ass and his tongue massaging my hole.

"Fuck, man!"

"Mmmmm, this ass tastes so good," I heard him say from behind me.

I pressed my ass back into his face, my torso now resting on the massage table, enjoying the new sensation this was giving me.

After a couple minutes of his tongue pressing into my hole, I felt one of his large fingers slowly slide into my ass, another first for me. It was not at all what I had expected. While my ass clinched at first, once I relaxed and let him press it into me, it actually felt amazing. Strange, but amazing.

I think he was waiting to see what my reaction was, and once he realized I was enjoying it, I felt a second finger press into me.

"Ohhhh fuuuuck!" I yelled out, feeling some pain as his thick fingers stretched against my hole, but also a wave of pleasure from within at the same time. I breathed in deeply, trying to relax and let his fingers press further into me, making my dick twitch from the sensation.

"Atta boy," he said from behind me once his fingers made it all the way in. He started pulling them out and pushing them back in, slowly finger fucking my tight hole. "You like that?" he asked.

"Yes, sir!" I managed to get out, between my grunts and moans of pleasure, my face pressed against the thick fabric of the massage table.

"Have you ever been fucked?" he then asked me.

"No, sir," I replied.

"Well, I'm gonna fuck you. I want this ass," he said in a deep primal voice, as he reached over and grabbed some massage oil to lube up his hard cock.

"I don't know, man, if I can...."

But before I could put up a half protest, I felt his swollen head slowly press into my hole.

"Oh fuuuuuuck," I moaned, clenching the side of the table.

Even though he had loosened my hole with his fingers, his thick cock was still stretching my ass as he slowly guided it further into me. Fortunately, he moved slowly, knowing I needed time to adjust to his size. Again, the mix of pain and pleasure was somewhat confusing to me, but the pleasure part was winning out.

It wasn't long until I felt his skin pressed against my ass, his cock now fully inside me. He grabbed my waist, slowly sliding his cock out about half way before pushing it back in.

"Fuck yeah, lad. That ass is so fucking tight," he exclaimed.

"Fuck me, sir," I said, encouraging him.

Having the green light, he started to slowly pick up the pace, with a smooth rhythm, sliding his cock in and out of my virgin hole, grunting with pleasure with each insertion of his massive dick.

The feeling of him inside me was intoxicating, almost making me dizzy with the rush of pleasure running through my body as he continued to fuck me from behind. At the same time, I couldn't believe that I was getting fucked by a dude.

I felt him pull out completely and give me a light tap on the ass. "Get up on the table," he commanded.

I complied, getting up on the table on my back, as he crawled up from the other end between my legs, lifting them and exposing my ass.

Perched above me, he looked down at me with a lustful grin, spit into his hand and then grabbed his hard cock, guiding it back into my hole. His eyes were locked on mine, watching my reaction as he entered me.

As he started sliding in and out of my hole, I was fixated on his muscular body, now covered in sweat, as his abs and chest flexed with each push into me. My hands explored his body, first, his bulging chest, rounded shoulders and massive arms, and then reaching around to grab his ass, pulling him into me each time he slammed his body weight down on me, feeling every inch of his dick fill me from the inside. I could tell he liked to have his impressive physique acknowledged by my curious roaming hands.

He leaned down to kiss me, his heavy breath on me getting even faster. "I want to cum inside you, mate," he said, staring into my eyes. All I could do was nod yes, as I was in a trance from the pleasure he was giving me.

And then I felt it, the first pulse of his dick deep inside me, causing his cock to get even bigger, as I felt his load start to spray inside me.

He yelled out in pleasure and his eyes rolled back into his head as he continued to pump me full of his manly seed, his whole body convulsing and flexing all at once. The sensation felt so good inside me as he continued cumming. I reached down and barely touched my hard dick before it also started erupting, spraying cum all the way up on my chest, some hitting me in the face.

"Fuuuuuckkkkkk!!!!" he groaned, pushing his dick into me one last time once he finally stopped cumming.

Sweat was dripping off his face onto mine as I looked up at him. His eyes opened and he locked eyes with mine, smiling, and leaned down to lick the drops of my cum from the side of my face and then kiss me, my load swirling across both our tongues.

We kissed for what seemed like five minutes until he slowly pulled away, sitting up and putting his hands on my chest.

"Shit. I never want to take my cock out of his ass. I think I pumped a gallon of cum in you. You may just be my favorite fuck yet, mate," he said.

"Thanks, man. You're definitely the best one to fuck my ass," I said, smirking a little.

"I thought you said this was your first time?"

"Yeah, I did!" 

He laughed, playfully slapping me on the cheek. He still felt hard inside me, as he slowly pulled it out.

"Oh fuckkkk," I moaned as his large head plopped out of my hole. All these sensations were certainly going to take some getting used to.

He collapsed on top of me, his weight nearly crushing me. Our bodies pressed against each other, our sweat and my cum coating our torsos, felt amazing.

"So, sir, did you get what you needed out of your massage?" I said, my face resting against his.

"I certainly did, Jacob. But I do have a little confession," he said.

"What's that?"

"I saw you in the lobby working the other night, and I knew then that I wanted to fuck you," he said.

"Is that right, sir?"

"Yeah, those pants you wear really show off that amazing ass of yours. Your buddy Chip helped arrange this meeting.

"Well, I guess I'll have to thank him too then. I certainly wasn't expecting to get railed by you, but I have to say, it was pretty fucking hot, man," I replied.

"Very hot, indeed, mate," he said, leaning in for one final kiss. "Alright, we better hit the showers though."

We got up, my legs a little shaky, and made our way to the locker room, where we took turns soaping each other up, our hands exploring each others' bodies one final time.

After we dried off, we decided to have one last beer together before he left to head back up to his family, giving me a quick peck on the cheek and a light tap on the ass as he left.

I cleaned up the spa area before turning all the lights and music off and heading back down to the lobby, where Chip was standing behind the reception desk, with a shit eating grin on his face. As I walked, I could still feel the fresh load inside me.

"Sooooo, how was the massage?" he asked in a fake innocent tone.

"Funny, bro. I think you know, since you were the puppet master tonight. Christ, the guy almost split me in two," I joked.

"I know. I hear he has a massive cock. How was it?"

"It was was actually pretty fucking hot, to be honest," I said, replaying the scene back in my mind and recalling how good it felt.

"I knew if I told you he wanted to fuck you, you wouldn't go for it. I knew you'd at least blow him, but I figured he'd win you over. Well, in the off chance you let him fuck you, he gave this to me to give to you," he said, handing me a white envelope.

I walked over to the couches and sat down as I opened it. Inside was a white card that just said "I knew you'd be amazing" with an international number written down, and twenty one hundred dollar bills. Holy fucking shit. I'd just had one of the most amazing sexual experiences of my life, and I got two grand on top of it.

I sat back in the chair, grinning ear to ear, wondering how my life had taken such a turn.

And then Chip broke my moment of self-reflection as he called over to me to go up and get one of the guest's dogs to take for a walk. Back to actual work...

Copyright 2023

Note from the author - Any feedback, comments or ideas welcomed. Just drop a comment below or shoot an email. Love to hear from other readers and authors. Hope you enjoyed. 

by Jason Smith

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024