Adventures in Egypt

by Lewis

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As I stood, there was a slight, metallic click. I looked up to find the long barrel of a revolver pointed in my face. On the other end was the cruel, smiling face of a soldier in a tan colored uniform, and the characteristic red armband with a swastika emblazoned upon it. My stomach plummeted. The Nazis had found us.


I had been tied up in the tent for hours now. It was unbearably hot, and sweat dripped off my nose. I had been given no kind of sustenance to relieve my hunger or thirst, and I was beginning to wonder if I might die here alone and forgotten. The Nazis had quickly rounded us up. Though they appeared to be a small regiment, the encampment was unguarded and with their superior weaponry and excellent Arabic translators, they rapidly took control of our Egyptian workforce, who didn’t have the slightest shred of loyalty to the British crown. 

Once that was complete, it was a simple matter to capture and imprison all the Brits, including us tomb explorers. I had no idea where my companions had been taken. We were separated, and I was led to this tent and trussed up like a turkey. Now, I waited for the arrival of the officers to interrogate me. 

It was nighttime when they came. The temperature had plummeted, and I shivered as the sweat cooled on my skin. There was a rush of wind as the tent flap opened and a tall, German officer walked in, flanked by two Egyptian guards.

“Mr. Simon,” The officer spoke. He was tall and blond, with the largest set of straight, shining white teeth I’d ever seen. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

I said nothing. The officer signaled to the guards, who brought a chair over and placed it in front of me. He sat and stared at me in silence for a long time.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Captain Ernst Vogel. I am here to ask you some questions.”

I remained silent.

“You, of course, are Mr. Lewis Simon of England, assistant to Sir Alexander Rodgers, the Egyptologist. You are here to aid in his discovery and retrieval of the tomb of Kakhor-Ra, which, evidently, you have already discovered.”

“You seem to have all the details, Captain. What do you need me for?” I asked, part in sarcasm and part in genuine curiosity as to what information I could hold that would enhance the Nazis’ military knowledge at all.

“Yes,” The Captain stood. “Well, you pose a particular problem, Mr. Simon. You see, we’ve been planning this takeover for quite some time. We planted Mr. Calloway to be Sir Rodgers’ assistant--”

“So he is a traitor!” I gasped.

Captain Vogel ignored me and began to pace in circles around the tent. “And we made Sir Rodgers an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

“Sir Rodgers too? But how!”

“We accounted for every last detail. Except one.” He turned to look me in the eye. “You.”

“Me? But what do you mean?”

“Let me put it this way. You have two options. Option One: Become one of our informants. Answer every question we ask you honestly. Then retire somewhere quiet and remote.”

“Never!” I was dismayed. How could they ever think I would betray my country and my friends?

“Very well. After you answer our questions, we will kill you.”

“Wait, what? No!” I cried.

“Guards,” ordered Captain Vogel. “Strip him.”

Before another protest could escape my lips, the two burly Egyptians had untied me from my restraints. One of them held me fast, while the other ripped off my shirt and trousers. I was soon stark naked, and (embarrassingly) semi-erect. Meanwhile, Captain Vogel had settled himself in a chair across the room and was watching every detail.

“Mr. Simon, are you familiar with the Japanese art of Kinbaku-bi?” Captain Vogel asked.

The two Egyptians flanking me, gripped my body tightly, and I felt my penis rising in spite of myself.

“No.” I replied coolly.

“It’s a form of bondage. I’ve studied it for years out of personal interest, but I find it has some practical uses as well.” Captain Vogel stood, and I noticed he was holding a length of braided, black rope. He walked up to me, and putting his hand underneath my chin, lifted my face until I was looking into his eyes. They were ice-blue, and studied me with a disconcertingly careless gaze.

“Why are you here, Lewis?” he asked calmly, as he began to loop the rope around my body.

“Like you said, I’m here to assist Sir Rodgers in the excavation of Kakhor-Ra’s tomb.”

Captain Vogel yanked the rope tight, and I shivered as I felt it constrict my torso. “How did you meet Sir Rodgers?”

“At a conference in Paris.” I winced slightly as I felt the ropes pinch my skin. “He invited me to come here and help him.”

“Typical,” muttered Captain Vogel. “He can never control himself. He had sex with you, didn’t he?”

“Yes,” I blushed, and felt my penis harden as Vogel’s skillful hands knotted the ropes around my body. What was he doing?

Vogel paused and let his finger drift down to the head of my penis. He rubbed against my piss slit, and a pearly string of precum dribbled forth. He put the sticky finger in his mouth, tasting my emissions, then grabbed my penis again and examined it.

“Circumcised,” he snorted, tracing the dark line of my scar. “A pity. To mutilate a man’s pride and honor like should be a crime.”

He laced the rope several times around my cock and balls and tied it off, then walked back to his chair. “Guards… you know what to do.”

I looked down at myself, and saw that Captain Vogel had cleverly woven the rope in a delicate interlaced pattern around my arms, legs, torso, and crotch. I yelped as the guards suddenly picked me up and slung me from the tent posts. There I was, fully restrained, completely naked, and swinging freely in the air. I saw the faintest tinge of a smile on Captain Vogel’s face, as he fondled his bulge. 

“Now Mr. Simon. I will continue to ask you questions. While I do so, my dear friends Said and Gamal will tease, taunt and coax your body to the very edge of orgasm. You will not cum, however. Not until I give the order. Said and Gamal are experts in this sort of interrogation, and believe me, it can go on for hours. Days, even, if you don’t tell me exactly what I want to know. Do we understand each other?”

I swallowed nervously, and glanced at the two gorgeous Arab hunks. Both were well muscled with dark fur all over their bodies. They wore light shirts and loose trousers which they quickly stripped off to reveal near identical, throbbing, cut cocks. I looked back at Captain Vogel, and noticed he had unzipped his trousers and was playing with his own, semi-erect member. He had a long foreskin which slipped back and forth over his gleaming pink cockhead. I nodded slowly.

“Very well,” Captain Vogel squeezed his large balls, coated in a thick blond bush. “Tell me about your journey. And spare no detail.”

I launched into the story of my journey, from my meeting with Sir Rodgers in Paris, to my arrival in Istanbul, and my desperate journey to find the archaeological expedition before Marcus. Meanwhile, Said and Gamal began to play with my body: tweaking my nipples, yanking my balls, and thrusting their long muscular tongues into my musky ass. My moans frequently interrupted the story, and precum pooled from my cock onto the sandy floor below. Captain Vogel stroked his dick, watching as I was subjected to these pleasurable attentions. He was, however, correct. I did not cum. Said and Gamal were well-trained, and could almost sense when I was on the verge of orgasm. Every time this happened (which was embarrassingly frequent), they ceased to pleasure me and instead held me firm while I squirmed within my bonds, desperate to get that last little ounce of stimulation which would push me over the edge.

I had already resolved not to give in to the torture, and not to tell Vogel anything he could use to harm the interests of my country. To tell the truth, I had no idea what information he wanted. I was no government or military expert. I was barely even an archaeological expert. Vogel had said Marcus and Sir Rodgers were traitors. I could hardly believe this, but saw no reason for Vogel to lie. He also said I was overlooked. The Germans had not planned for my arrival, which meant I was a risk. This also must mean that my guests: Tad and Phil, were also unplanned. They might be in trouble! Subjected to this same torture or worse! 

A wave of pleasure interrupted my musings. Gamal, the taller one, was shoving a finger roughly up my anus, while fondling my aching balls with the other hand. Said had walked around front to thrust his thick cock down my throat. I gagged around the intrusion, and Vogel chuckled slightly. He gave an order in Arabic, and Said grabbed my head, and began to ram his penis down my throat like some high-powered steam engine. My vision blurred as I drooled all over Said’s cock, and I felt Gamal push a second finger into my backside. Slowly I felt my orgasm taking hold of my bowels, but just as I was about to erupt, Vogel gave another order, and both Said and Gamal withdrew themselves, leaving me empty and unsatisfied. They chuckled, and Said took his large member and slapped me across the face a couple times, leaving trails of spittle on my cheeks.

“Now to continue, Mr. Simon,” Vogel stood. His erect penis was noticeably shorter than either Said or Gamal’s, probably 4 or 5 inches in length. He had large testicles that hugged his shaft closely, and a long foreskin that he pulled and teased with evident pride in his intact manhood. The whole package was haloed by a trimmed bush of neat little blond hairs. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. “You rightly assessed that Marcus Calloway is sympathetic to our cause. You even managed to convince your companions…” Vogel removed a small, black notebook from his breast pocket and examined it carefully. “Captain Thaddeus McCulloch and Philip Huntington.” He closed and replaced the notebook. “However, the question remains: who else was made aware of your suspicions?”

As he spoke I could feel the heat of Gamal’s cockhead kissing my hole. Even just that little touch caused my penis to pulse with need, and a large drop of precum gathered at the tip. I moaned and thrust my ass backwards in a vain attempt to impale myself upon his massive prick. Gamal held me in place and swatted my cheeks until they stung. I felt my penis respond accordingly.

“Mr. Simon, please.” Vogel rolled his eyes, exasperated with me.

“No one,” I spat through gritted teeth. “I told Phil. I don’t know who else he told, but it was to be kept secret.”

Gamal kept his cock in line with my hole, and I felt Said descend beneath me to engulf my own painful hardness in the warmth of his mouth. This was a brief respite. I could feel the cum churning in my testicles, but before I could release it, all stimulation was removed. Said yanked down cruelly on my balls and I grunted in surprise.

Vogel frowned in concentration. “This may be some good news then…” He stood abruptly. “Very well then. I must interview your companions, Mr. Simon. But do not worry. Said and Gamal will take good care of you. Perhaps if I am feeling benevolent tomorrow, I may allow you to cum. But in the meantime…” Vogel positioned himself before me, with his long, snouty foreskin at eye-level. He masturbated himself, drawing the slick foreskin back and forth across his shiny pink helmet until his penis lurched once, twice, and deposited a hot, thick load of cream on my face. In spite of myself, I lapped at his cum, swallowing as much as I could reach with my tongue. He chuckled slightly, and gave a final order in Arabic.

“Until tomorrow, Mr. Simon,” He turned and walked through the tent flaps.


I will remember that night as one of the longest of my life. In other circumstances (and in certain masturbatory recollections) it might have been pleasurable. But at the time, it was the most agony I’d ever experienced. Said and Gamal were truly tireless sexual masters. They stayed erect the entire evening: poking and prodding and pleasuring me until I was reduced to a desperate, incoherent satyromaniac.

In addition to Vogel’s load, which had dried on my face, both Said and Gamal had cum several times through the night, and their spunk decorated every part of my body, both inside and out. As soon as their balls were drained, they proceeded to invite their friends to join in the fun. I was the cumdump in a multi-hour bukkake which ended with me, covered in over a dozen different men’s sperm, and still no closer to achieving my own orgasm.

Vogel had done it. He had broken me. By the time the sun was peeking in through the tent flaps the next morning, I was aching. Tears streamed from my eyes; my dick was wet with lube, saliva and precum; and my mouth and ass were raw, yet still begging to be filled, if only to provide me with some form of sexual release.

Said and Gamal were taking turns plowing my ass when the first shots broke out. We froze, ripped from our stupor, and stood listening to the staccato-like report of a machine gun. What was happening? Without a word, both Said and Gamal pulled on their clothes and left. I was alone in the tent, still bound and aching. I was left there for nearly an hour, listening to the sounds of frantic German and Arabic shouting, and machine gun fire. Had some of our Arab workers rebelled? Had Tad and Phil been freed? Whatever was happening, it didn’t sound as if the Nazis were very happy about it. And anything that was bad for the Nazis, was good for me.

I couldn’t pay very much attention to the activity outside, however. The ache in my balls was persistent now, a nagging agony that made me writhe with each throb. How long had it been? Said and Gamal must have some mercy within them. I would beg them to let me cum. They could use me however they saw fit, so long as I could orgasm. Or maybe Vogel would return. I would tell him anything. Everything.

Just as my mind was lost in the midst of this sexual delirium, the tent flaps were pulled back and the bright morning sun shone through, blinding me where I was. I caught a glimpse of two dark shadows and my heart dropped. Said and Gamal had returned. I began to weep.

“Please, please! I’ll do anything. Tell you anything. What is it you want to know? But please, god, I must cum! You have to let me cum or I’ll die of agony! Please!”

There was a long moment of silence, then a stranger spoke to me in English.

“Well, sir.” His voice was soft and musical with an accent I couldn’t quite detect. “If you insist, then we would be happy to assist you.”

I opened my eyes blearily, but before I could comprehend anything, there was a smooth, warm pressure on my lips. Eagerly, I opened them and accepted the hard prick into my mouth. At the same time, I felt a gentle breath of air at my rear. My anus quivered in anticipation. Then there came the wet pleasure that could only mean someone was passionately frenching my ass. I moaned around the firm penis in my mouth and sucked it harder. The man spoke again.

“Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. But we cannot forget about you either. Ravi, take his penis.”

I felt the man at my ass take firm hold of my rapidly hardening penis and stroke it rapidly. I moaned loudly as the pressure built in my balls. Willing the man not to stop masturbating me, I writhed in my bonds until at long last, my cock exploded, coating the sandy floor with a thick, wet layer of cum. I groaned in relief.

“Thank god.”

Then, another voice spoke, similar to the first, but of a lower timbre. “Help me get him down.”

“The ropes are too thick!” Commented the first man. With a metallic flick, he withdrew the knife and sliced through them. I fell heavily to the ground.

“Ugh,” My head hurt. I felt the cool blade at my back, as my rescuer released my arms, and cut through the knots, one by one. I flexed my wrists and gazed up at my rescuers for the first time.

They were tall and dressed in the beige fatigues of the British Army. They looked down at me briefly, before one of them reached down to help me up.

“Sanjay Chetti, at your service.” He introduced himself.

“You’re… twins?” I asked, still a little breathless. There could be no doubt about it. The two men were identical in every way: same height, same face, same jet black hair and deep brown skin. Even their beards were trimmed to exactly the same fashion.

“Identical,” Sanjay confirmed. “This is my brother, Ravi.”

“I’m Lewis,” I replied. “Lewis Simon. Thank you.”

“Certainly.” Ravi nodded. “What happened?”

“It’s a long story,” I sighed. “The Nazis--”

“Have been taken care of,” assured Ravi. “You don’t have to worry about them any more. We’ve rounded them all up.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank Heavens! We found the tomb, but they came and captured us.” A sudden thought caught hold of me. “Phil! Tad! Are they alright?”

The brothers looked confused.

“Sorry,” I chuckled abashedly. “My companions. Philip Huntington and Captain Thaddeus McCulloch. They’re alright?”

“Yes,” Sanjay nodded. “Captain McCulloch is our commander.”

“We have an entire regiment with us,” Ravi explained.

“I don’t know how I can possibly thank you,” I was relieved. Everything would be alright now. The tomb had been uncovered, the Nazis imprisoned, and the day all but saved. But as these two very handsome gentlemen stood before me, I started to regret that they had emptied my balls so soon. As I stood before them, admiring their handsome, muscular figures, they exchanged a subtle glance with each other, then looked at me.

“Perhaps there is one way,” Sanjay began, but Ravi wasted no time, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me into a rough kiss. I eagerly accepted his advance, allowing him to squeeze my ass.

I was still naked from my ordeal with Said and Gamal, but I didn’t mind. It made the experience that much hotter to have these two tall, uniformed studs use and abuse me as they saw fit. When Ravi had finished kissing me, he pushed me down on my knees. I knew what was coming, and I eagerly awaited it. The brothers smiled down on me, as I salivated, waiting for them to show me my reward. Simultaneously, they opened their trousers to reveal identical brown penises about four inches each, and uncircumcised. Each shaft was haloed by a magnificent nest of thick black pubes, and decorated with a pair of hefty, furry balls hanging low and heavy. They were flaccid and the foreskin covered their cockheads so just the barest tip of their pink glans was on display. I groaned eagerly, and leaned forth, kissing and caressing their beautiful manhoods.

Ravi grunted appreciatively, and Sanjay turned to kiss him. I watched them make out, and felt my cock rise again at the sight of these two gorgeous brothers enjoying each other so fully. I held Ravi’s penis in my right hand, and Sanjay’s in my left, watching them harden and rise like mirror-images of each other. I decided to focus on Sanjay’s first, and carefully engulfed his cock in my mouth. His precum was sweet and sticky, and drooled abundantly. I pulled his foreskin over my tongue and let it dance in the narrow pocket between his cockhead and his prepuce. Sanjay cried out ecstatically before being smothered by Ravi’s mouth and excited tongue. His cock let forth another delicious glob of precum. I released his penis from my mouth, and masturbated him, my efforts aided by the slickness of the precum and my saliva.

I now turned my attention to Ravi. Impressively, his dick had already swollen to its full, seven-inch length. The flared pink head stood out proud and throbbing, and I immediately licked the tip of it. Ravi grunted and grabbed my hair, yanking my head up, and thrusting deep into my throat. I gagged and my eyes watered at the sudden intrusion, but I wanted to please him. I sucked long and hard and he moaned low and desperately. He tried to push himself even further down my throat, but I was ready and rubbed my tongue along the underside of his shaft, trying to urge the hot, creamy load that I knew was waiting to be released from his testicles. Finally, he withdrew himself and I coughed and gasped for breath. I turned back to Sanjay, and gently lapped at the long, glistening strings that dripped forth from his piss slit. I gently licked at his frenulum on the sensitive underside of his cockhead, and more precum spilled from his equally impressive seven inches.

I urged the two brothers closer together, and brought their penises side by side. I began to trade them more quickly, moving from one to the other in rapid succession. I sucked and stroked and slobbered with all my effort, attempting to coax the fraternal seed from their virile packages. I could tell they were close. They twitched every time I touched them, and soon pushed me off their cocks and began masturbating themselves. It was a beautiful sight. Two strong, young twins, thrashing their cocks in union while I lay before them, the object of their dual affections. I took hold of my own member and began to jack off to the scene before me.

In just a few moments, they were ready. Ravi stepped forward and yanked my head back. I winced in pain.

“Open,” he ordered, his voice thick with lust. I blindly obeyed, sticking my tongue out to accept his offering. He grunted and his balls lurched, and then I felt the hot spray of his load splatter across my face. I moaned and lapped at his cum eagerly, as he continued to shoot multiple ropes of semen on my tongue, lips and forehead. Gradually, the loads began smaller and his cries more feeble, as his balls emptied their precious juices. He grabbed his penis and wiped the last dribbles of semen from his slit, then shoved the thick finger in my mouth. I sucked on it enjoying the flavor of his love. Ravi exhaled in satisfaction, then stepped back to allow Sanjay to take his place.

Sanjay carefully placed his penis on the tip of my tongue, and I shivered at the heat. He was so close. He began to stroke himself faster. Ravi came up from behind and gently nibbled the lobe of Sanjay’s ear.

“Allow me, brother.” Ravi offered. Sanjay said nothing, but released his prick and allowed his brother to take hold of it. I watched as they kissed, Ravi thrusting his tongue into Sanjay’s mouth. Sanjay moaned and Ravi wanked him faster, sliding the long, dark foreskin across Sanjay’s swollen cockhead. Without warning, Sanjay erupted; his cream splattered on my face, mingling with that of his brother. His knees trembled under the power of his orgasm, and he yelled out loud. Sanjay was an even bigger cummer than his brother, and his thick seed clogged my nose and coated the back of my throat when I tried to swallow it. Finally, his balls too were empty, and the foreskin hung loosely over his still oozing cockhead.

I could feel my own orgasm building within my loins, and I refused to deny it again. I wiped away their cum from my eyes, and used it as lube to jack myself off. It didn’t take long for me to cum, and I leaned back and moaned as my cock blasted the load across my stomach and chest. I sighed, enjoying the feeling of cum all over my body, soaking and drying on my skin. Then, I opened my eyes, and looked at the brothers, who were still kissing each other.

“Thank you, Corporal Chetti.” I nodded to Sanjay. “Corporal Chetti.” I addressed Ravi.

“Our pleasure.” Sanjay smiled.

“I’d better get cleaned up,” I chuckled. “Then we can interview Sir Rodgers and find out what's really going on!”

Inspirations, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are all welcome at: [email protected].

by Lewis

Email: [email protected]

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