A Heartbreak Retreat Istanbul

by Kevin Chin

18 May 2023 3501 readers Score 8.9 (49 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Hello dear readers. All characters are 18 or older. This story is fiction, created for entertainment only, and I kindly ask you not to repost this story without my permission.

I was heartbroken. I got a text from my Aussie boyfriend that he was having an affair with another guy, and this was a breakup message. I should have known a long-distance relationship would never work. I was such a fool to believe him that we could make it or did love just made me blind? I was so upset that it triggered my compulsive spending. I booked a holiday trip to Turkey, which cost me about $10,000.00 USD. The cost was inclusive of my business class flight, hot-air balloon ride at Cappadocia, my hotel stays, and transportation of airport transfer to the hotel for both cities Istanbul and Cappadocia.

I arrived at the Istanbul airport safely and my heartbreak retreat began. I managed to find my driver once I exited the arrival gate. I was disappointed that my driver wasn’t my cup of tea. I was hoping the first Turkish man I met would be a big-built guy, with a beard and wearing a bit of tight shirt and pants to show off all his bulges. It took us about 40 minutes to arrive at my hotel. The hotel I stayed in was in the old city called Magara Palace. I gave the driver some tips and then walked towards the hotel entrance with my luggage.

The receptionist's desk was just at the front of the entrance and surprisingly it was a mature male receptionist at the desk instead of the typical young female receptionist. Finally, I had my eye candy and thought I might have got myself the right hotel to stay in. I went to the desk to check in and had a closer look at the receptionist. He wore a name tag, he was the manager of the hotel and his name was Mehmet. I guessed he was in his 50s, he was clean-shaven with rugged silvery hair and a rounded built body.

“Good afternoon, Sir. May I have your name, please? And I can look for your booking profile” Mehmet said.

“Good afternoon! Yes, my name is Ian Chin and I believe you also need my passport too. So please take.” I said and handed my passport to him.

“Thank you, Sir. It won’t take too long for me to process your check-up.” Mehmet replied.

Then Mehmet took my passport and made a copy of it, and did the administration before returning my passport. 

“Sorry for the waiting, Sir. Unfortunately, your room is not ready yet and we have to request you to wait in the lobby for about 10-15 minutes. One of our staff will look for you when the room is ready.” Mehmet said.

And I said, “That was fine and where is your lobby area?”

Mehmet moved out of his desk to guide me to the lobby area. I followed behind him to the lobby area and noticed that he didn't possess a nice, rounded butt like his body.

“Please take a seat here, Sir.” He turned around and pointed at a sitting table for me as he spoke.

It was at this moment; I saw his lower front body. Indeed, he didn't have a bubble butt, but he did have a nice big protruding bulge between his legs. I sat down slowly while glancing at this bulge.

He left me alone for a while and then came back with a cup of tea.

“Sir, please try our local Turkish tea while waiting for your room,” Mehmet said.

“Thank you.” I replied and wished I could tell him what I really want to try, was your local Turkish “Milk”.

The lobby area seemed to be quiet and there wasn't anyone around. I realized that the view I was sitting was facing the side of the receptionist's desk. I could jolly well admire Mehmet's bulge all day while waiting for my room. I said to myself, what a good waiting area spot! Not too long later, I saw Mehmet touching his bulge, sort of groping himself while he was doing some writing on the desk. Then a few moments later, he grabbed his bulge and pulled it down before letting it go. I couldn't believe my eyes and started to place one of my hands on my crotch and groped myself since there was hardly anyone around me. I didn't take my eyes off Mehmet and kept groping myself. While I was about to bring my other hand up to play with my nipple. I heard some soft footsteps coming near me. I quickly adjusted myself and sat up properly.

“Good afternoon, Sir. Are you Mr. Ian?” a man's voice coming from my right side. I turned my head to the sound coming from and replied, “Yes!”

Then I saw a man in his uniform who seemed to be in his 40s walk towards me. He was about 5ft 6 tall, average dadbod size with a crew-cut hairstyle. Of course, I didn’t miss on looking down at his crotch, and his bulge was quite big too but not as big as Mehmet.

“Nice to meet you, Sir. My name is Ahmet and your room is ready” Ahmet said.

“Nice to meet you too,” I replied.

“Please let me have your luggage and I will bring you up to your room,” Ahmet said and took my luggage from me.

I stand up and walked after Ahmet to my room. Unlike Mehmet who had a flat butt, Ahmet had a firm and some meat on his butt. The hotel did not have an elevator, so we walked up 4 flights of stairs and reached my room, 301.

Ahmet took out a card and tap on the top of the door handle to open the door.

“Please come in, Sir. This is your room.” Ahmet said.

I went in and looked around the room and bathroom. The room was not grand or modern, it was heavily furnished in Turkish décor and also gave me some rusty feel too. There was a particularly large mirror on the wall beside my bed in the room. While I was walking around to check out the room, I thought I saw Ahmet doing the same movements as Mehmet did before at the reception desk, from that large mirror. The sort of grabbing his bulge and then pulling it down actions. His movements stopped when I turned around to look at him.

“Sir, Is the room okay for you? Do you need anything else?” Ahmet said.

“All good, thanks.” I said with a smile and my thought was, “Maybe you needed my help more, otherwise why are you touching yourself?”

“Okay, thank you, Sir. This is the room key card. If you have any problems with the room, you can dial “0” and our staff will attend to you. Thanks again and have a nice stay with us.” Ahmet said with a bow gesture before he left the room.

I quickly settled myself down as I only have 3 nights in Istanbul, then I would be flying off to Cappadocia to take my hot-air balloon ride and staying there for 2 nights before going back home. I decided to look around the nearby hotel areas and took a tourist guide booklet at the entranceway before I leave the hotel. As the hotel was in the old city, it was near the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Basilica Cistern, and within walking distance to the Grand Bazaar. Whereas, the Galata Tower, Grand Mecidye Mosque, and the shopping street Istiklal Caddesi were located on the new city side.

So, the next following day, I traveled to the new city side to do the tourist sightseeing things and then did my sightseeing in the old city for the remaining of my days in Istanbul. I enjoyed the scenery and places I saw; I also went to try some of the traditional Turkish food. Of course, I did have some Turkish delights at the Grand Bazaar, but not the kind of “delights” you would have thought. The Turkish delights were too sweet for me and wondered if the other kind of Turkish “delights” would be too sweet too or salty. Sadly, to say, I didn’t have any special encounters with any Turkish men throughout my journey not even at the Hammam, or it might be the Hammam I went to was not the right spot. However, I did catch some eye candy while traveling around. I believed some Turkish men must have either a big cock or pair of big balls, otherwise, I couldn’t explain why some of them had a big bulge between their legs.

It was my last day in Istanbul before I left for Cappadocia the next day. So, I thought I should try dining in the hotel rooftop garden restaurant. While I was standing and browsing through the menu, which the hotel had placed at the front of the entranceway with a pole stand. Ahmet came towards me.

“Sir, would you like to have dinner with us?” Ahmet said.

I replied, “Yes, I am looking at your restaurant menu to see if any dishes that I fancy.”

Then Ahmet took a step closer to me and stood by my side to recommend me some of the dishes that he thought I should try. All seemed to be delicious to me as Ahmet was introducing them to me.

Then I said to him, “You make it sound so delicious, but are they really good, or are you just trying hard to get me on board?”

“Yes, Sir. No kidding, those dishes are very good. You can trust my recommendations. Also, let me show you our dessert menu.” He replied.

Then suddenly, Ahmet placed his right hand on my butt and pulled me close to him so that our bodies were in contact. He then caressed my butt while recommending the desserts to me. At this point in time, I didn’t pay much attention to his recommendation. I was simply enjoying this close contact and his caressing my butt.

“Sir! Hello, Sir. Can I book a table for you tonight, okay? Ahmet slightly raised his voice to me.

“Ugh... Oh... Yeah, please make a table reservation for me. Thank you.” I quickly responded.

“Okay, I will book your dinner for 7 pm. See you tonight, Sir. Thank you.” Ahmet replied and squeezed my butt chin before he left.

I started wondering, was that a marketing strategy to get people dining in or was Ahmet hitting on me?

Later that night, I dressed myself formally with a shirt and pants to the rooftop garden restaurant. It was very quiet at the restaurant and I seemed to be the first customer to arrive. This was my first time on the rooftop; the view was beautiful and magnificent.

“Hello, Sir! Please come with me, I have reserved your table here.” Ahmet said once he saw me stepping into the restaurant.

I followed him and he led me to the outdoor terrace, and my table was in a corner whereby my back was facing behind other tables and there were no other tables in front of me. So, there was nothing to block my view.

“Sir, please take a seat and I’ll bring you some water,” Ahmet said and left.

Not long after, Ahmet came back with water and a menu booklet for me to order.

“Thank you, Ahmet. For my dinner, there’s no need for me to see the menu. I will follow your recommendations with the 3-course meals.” I said to him.

“Alright, Sir. Thank you. And would you like to order a glass of red wine? It can warm you up, as the sky gets darker, the temperature will get cold, especially in outdoor areas.” Ahmet recommended.

“Okay, I follow what you said,” I spoke.

“Thank you, for appreciating my recommendations, Sir,” Ahmet said and gave me a wink before he went to get me a glass of wine.

“Here’s your red wine, Sir. Anything you need, please just call me over, I will be standing around the bar area.” Ahmet said.

“Okay, thank you,” I said.

I went back to enjoy the view of the sunset. The sun slowly disappeared, and the sky started to get dark. The restaurant was not crowded tonight, I only saw a few customers seated a few tables behind me. I guessed it must be due to weekdays so not many people wanted to dine out. Then, Ahmet came over with my starter.

“Here’s your starter, Sir. And how’s your wine?” He spoke.

I replied, “Yes, it was great, and the wine does warm me up. Now I going to try the starter that you have recommended.”

As I was about to start my starter, I was reaching out to get my napkin. Ahmet used his hand to stop me.

“Let me do this for you, Sir.” He said.

He picked up the napkin and unfolded it. Then he gave me a gesture to put my hands away so he can place them on my lap. He then placed it on my lap, and his hands seemed to be on my lap for quite a while.

“Here you go, Sir.” While he said that to me, one of his hands slowly brushed my crotch and then gave me a quick squeeze before he moved his hands away from me.

“Enjoyed your dinner, Sir,” Ahmet said and left.

I was shocked but also excited about what Ahmet had done. He did wake my cock up and eventually; I had built a tent between my legs. Luckily, no one could see it as there were no other tables in front of me and no customers on the tables beside me. After which, Ahmet came to take away my dish and continue to serve my main and dessert. There was not much interaction between us, throughout his serving, except for asking for my feedback on the dishes.  Once I finished my dessert, I look up at the dark sky and saw the beautiful bright full moon and started to stare at it.

“Isn’t the mood beautiful tonight, Sir?” Ahmet said.

I was startled by Ahmet presence, unknowing he was standing next to my seat. Then he had his one hand went around my shoulder and brought me closer to him and his other hand pointed up to the sky.

“Look, Sir. That’s the Northern Cross!” Ahmet said.

“Oh… Yes...” I looked up and replied.

Then I felt Ahmet bulge was pressing against my shoulder and the next moment, I felt his body was moving a bit. In fact, he was rubbing his bulge on my shoulder, and I could feel his hard-on.

“Sir, are you enjoying tonight?” Ahmet said.

“Yes, I am. Nice dinner and good service!” I quickly replied while enjoying what he was doing to me.

“Thank you, Sir. Now, shall I get the bill for you, Sir?” Ahmet said.

“Yes, please. Here’s my credit card” I said and Ahmet left to get my bill.

I am fucking horny. Ahmet had been such a teaser and I had not had sex with men since I arrived. I needed to have Ahmet come into my room, and he would be honored as the first Turkish man to fuck me.

“Sir, here’s the bill,” Ahmet said.

I took it from him and signed off the bill and raised a question to Ahmet.

“Ahmet, am I allowed to order a hot coffee at this late hour?” I said.

“Yes, Sir. You may do so. Do you want me to prepare for you now?” Ahmet replied.

“Yes, please. And can I ask you to deliver it to my room as I prefer to have it in my room?” I said.

“Yes, Sir. No problem and I will do so. I will deliver your coffee shortly.” Ahmet said.

I went back to my room and knowing my coffee won’t be here soon. I went to take a shower and made sure I am clean from the inside and outside. When I was drying myself, I heard someone knocking on my door. I knew it must be Ahmet, I quickly wrapped myself and opened the door for him to come in.

“Sir, your coffee is here. Where would you like me to put it?” Ahmet looked at me and said with a smile.

I replied, “Just leave it on my bedside table. Thank you.”

I followed right behind Ahmet as he walked towards my bedside table and placed my coffee. I then sat at the edge of my bed just beside him, and when he turned around to me, I noticed that the coffee came with sugars but no milk.

“Ahmet, where is the milk?” I said.

“Oh. Sorry, Sir. I have forgotten about the milk as we, Turkish always like to drink our coffee without milk. No worries, I will go and get it for you, Sir.” Ahmet replied with a bit of guilt.

My horniness must have controlled me. I went to grab Ahmet crotch while he still standing beside me.

I looked up at his face and said, “No need to go and get the milk. I can get the milk from here?”

Ahmet was in shock and he didn’t push me away. So, without waiting for his reply and wasting any more time. I quickly unzipped his pants and pulled them down together with his undies. I was very delighted to see what was hiding underneath Ahmet's pants. Though his cock was still soft, and the size of his cock looked average, it was his testicles that caught my attention. He had a pair of nice and smooth big balls with each size looked slightly bigger than a golf ball. They were the biggest I ever saw so far in my life, and I cupped my hand on his testicles. Then I slowly brought it near to my face and my nose could sense that distinct smell of a horny manhood. I let my tongue out and slowly licked his balls around and my hand raised up underneath his shirt to play with his nipples.

“Ooooh… Sir…. Ooooh… Sir… this is so good…. Yeah…. Lick my balls, Sir.” Ahmet moaned as he said.

My saliva was all over his balls and his cock started to grow. I slightly moved my face away and saw his fully erected cock, which was about 6.5 inches long with a decent girth size.

“Sir, I got plenty of milk for you and if you want my milk, you need to suck it.!”. Ahmet said while he jerked his cock which seemed to inviting me.

I opened my mouth and had his cock all the way down to my throat.

“Yes, Sir! That’s it!” Ahmet shouted and he put his hands behind my head.

“Come on, Sir. Go deeper! Didn’t you want my milk? Come ... Suck it harder…to get my milk out! Oooh…. Yeah…Come on….Oooh…” Ahmet kept repeating those words while pushing my head in and out against his body.

While he was thrusting my head, my hands were busy playing with his big balls. Then suddenly I heard Ahmet shout, “Yeah… Sir… you are doing great… I going to cum soon… ahhhhhh… ahhh….”

He thrusted my head harder and harder and not too long, my hands could feel his balls got tighten. Then he pressed my head against his body and not letting go of my head.

“Agrhhh…...Agrhhh…...Here I cummed, Sir… Aghhhh….” Ahmet moaned and he exploded his cum inside my mouth.

I swallowed his cum down to my throat and pushed him away so I could catch my breath. And the next thing that happened was I got pushed down to my bed.

Ahmet said, “Sir, I think you need more milk and I still got plenty to give.”

While I was struggling to get up from my bed, Ahmet lifted my legs up and split them open. Without any lubricants, Ahmet forced his hard cock into my ass. I cried out as it was too painful. Though I was desperate to have a cock inside me, this was not how I wanted it. Ahmet ignored my cries and he continued to push his cock deep down till I could feel his cock fully inside me, then he slowly fucked me. Unsure at what moment, the pain had gone, and I had a feeling of exhilaration with every pounding he made. I could also feel his big balls hitting on my butt every time he thrust me. I was now totally enjoying this fucking moment and I wanted Ahmet fucked me harder, so I decided to say something to arouse him.

“ Ohhh…. Ahmet….yeah… fucked me harder… Give me your milk…. Milk inside me… Ooooo…ooohhh…”  I said and then moved my legs to wrap around him.

“Yes… Sir…. It won’t be too long…. Huf…. Huffffaaa…” Ahmet said as he perspired.

“Yeah…. Pumped your milk to me… Ahmet…. Empty all inside me!!!” I shouted.

“OOooooh… The milk is cumming, Sir… Huf...Huf...Hfffaaa… Yeahh… I cumming… AHHHHhhhhhhh!!” Ahmet shouted.

Once I felt Ahmet shooting his load inside me, I cummed too without touching myself. It was so amazing, and I rarely had such an experience, I didn't ever cummed from someone fucking me. I could feel Ahmet cum a lot inside me, as his cum dripped out of my hole. I couldn’t get myself up after this hot session with Ahmet. Ahmet did not say anything to me and left my room and I fall asleep shortly.

I woke up the next day to a phone call informing me that I had to check out by 11 am. I looked at my watch, it was 930am, so I quickly got into the shower and packed up my luggage. I left my room close to 11 am and went down to check out my room. I did not see Ahmet around but only Mehmet was there.

“How was your stay with us, Sir?” Mehmet said as he was doing my check-out procedure.

“Yes, it was great. Especially last night. I had a fantastic dinner and all thanks to Ahmet recommendations and his great service.” I said.

“Sir, here’s your receipt. Yes, this morning I heard from Ahmet before he went for his day off. He said you really appreciate his service.” Mehmet responded.

Then my driver arrived to pick me up and transfer me to the airport as I was flying off to Cappadocia. Mehmet stepped out of his desk and gave me a handshake.

“Enjoy the rest of the trip in Cappadocia and hope to see you staying with us again soon.” He said as we shook hands.

Then instead of letting his hand off, he pulled me over and gave me sort of a hug. With one hand hugging my back, his other hand was still holding on to my hand but was squeezed between our crotches.

“Next time, I can also provide milk to you. Mine is bigger than Ahmet and would love to drown you.” He said it quietly to my ear.

by Kevin Chin

Email: [email protected]

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