A Dancer

by Adam S

4 May 2024 2852 readers Score 8.9 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Jamal waited to see his dance teacher after he and six other students had just finished a lesson with her. He was the only black male in the group although there was another male who he suspected was gay. He’d often thought about coming out to him but felt unsure of himself. He’d known he was gay from an early age, and he loved dancing. As a child he’d jump up and down to any music his mother played, and she encouraged him.

“Come on in Jamal. Sorry to keep you waiting” Mrs Taylor said. He nervously entered her tiny office and stood in front of her until she invited him to sit down.

“How old are you now?”

“Seventeen. Eighteen in two weeks” he replied.

“You realise you’re a natural dancer with enormous talent. Have you thought about taking it further?”

“I’ve always dreamt of being a professional dancer but don’t know how to achieve that aim.”

She told him it would be possible if he studied dance at a professional dance school. “I could help you get an interview with one I know in London. Would you be interested?”

He said he certainly was interested but his parents were poor and wouldn’t be able to afford the fees.

“For someone as talented as you, there are bursaries available for those who can’t afford the fees. I could help you with that if you wished.”

He replied that he definitely was interested but wasn’t sure his parents would agree.

“Once you’re eighteen, you decide, not your parents.”

She suggested he go home and discuss it with his parents but not to let them decide for him. He left feeling on top of the world.

He was mixed race since his mother was Jamaican and his father Nigerian. As a result, he wasn’t as black as his mother but darker than his father. He also had a big cock, which when erect was almost eight inches long. He was proud of his cock, and he knew his father was well endowed because he frequently walked around the house naked showing off his attributes and not the slightest bit embarrassed. As a result, Jamal did the same and neither his mother nor his father complained.

He also loved dancing naked around the house when his parents were at work. His mother had three cleaning jobs, two in the daytime and another of an evening. His father was a manual worker at a factory in Northampton, Jamal’s hometown. Because they lived on the breadline, his father would work as much overtime as he could. So, when he could, he’d select suitable dance music and dance throughout the house including upstairs and down again.

That evening when his mother had got home and his father had returned from work, Jamal casually announced what his dance teacher had told him. “So, I’m going to apply to a professional dance school in London. I want to be a professional dancer.”

“That’s nice” his mother replied as she prepared the meal in the small kitchen of their small one-bedroom Council house. Jamal’s bedroom was on the ground floor in a tiny front room which was designed to be a dining room. Meals, therefore, were eaten on their laps in the small living room.

“What about money?” his father asked. “I assume it’s not free.”

Jamal told them about the bursary but neither of them understood what that was, and neither did he, but his teacher seemed confident he would be eligible. He rushed to his room and called Mrs Taylor on his second-hand phone to tell her the news. She told him to come to her house the following morning and she’d help him complete the on-line application form. Owning a laptop was something else his parents couldn’t afford, and his cheap phone couldn’t access the internet. He therefore relied on Sam, his schoolfriend. His parents had money, so he had a laptop connected to the internet and the latest smartphone. He was also gay, which is why he and Jamal hung out with one another so much. He called him and told him his news.

“Come round to my place after you’ve seen Mrs Taylor and tell me all about it. Mum is out all day tomorrow visiting a friend, so we’ll have the house to ourselves.”

Jamal giggled, guessing what that would mean. So far, they’d not actually done ‘it’ but had frequently stripped naked and massaged one another’s cock. Perhaps things would go further this time.

That night, he dreamt of being a professional dancer in stage productions. In his dream, he was the soloist and after he’d finished his dance, the audience erupted with applause. For some strange reason, he’d performed naked along with the supporting dancers.


The following morning after his parents had gone to work, Jamal made his way to Mrs Taylor’s house. Within an hour, they’d completed the online application and she’d added a testimonial emphasising Jamal’s talent. She also included a short clip of him dancing in a recent performance which the dance group had performed in front of a small audience.

“All we can do now is wait” she smiled. “But if they don’t offer you an interview, I’ll be amazed.”

He thanked her for her assistance and made his way to Sam’s house. He’d told Jamal to go round to the backdoor, so he opened the side gate and made his way down the narrow passage between the two houses. When Sam opened the backdoor, Jamal gasped. He was stark naked.

“As we’ve got the house to ourselves, I thought we’d have some fun” he laughed. “So, strip off.”

“Fucking, great” Jamal laughed as he stripped off his clothes, which didn’t amount to much, since all he’d worn was a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, both of which had been purchased from a charity shop.

“Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous and I love your big cock” Sam said as he took hold of the organ and gently massaged it. As always it soon reacted.

Jamal took hold of Sam’s cock, and it too was soon hard.

“Let’s have a drink” Sam grinned and produced a bottle of Vodka. He poured two generous portions and gave one to Jamal.

“Where’d you get this?”

“It’s dad’s but he’ll never notice that some is missing.”

Jamal took a big slurp and gasped. His head started spinning.

“Good, eh” Sam laughed. “Ever been fucked?”

“No” Jamal replied. “You?”

“No, but I want to be. Would you fuck me, and I’ll then fuck you.”

With that agreed, they went to Sam’s bedroom which was twice the size of Jamal’s, and he had his own TV which was fixed to the wall opposite the bed. He’d streamed gay porn from his laptop to it, so the screen showed a black guy fucking a white twink.

“I want to do it bareback like them” Sam grinned as he grabbed a tube of lube. He then knelt on the bed and offered his arse to Jamal. “Lick it first, then lubricate your finger and stick it inside my arse.”

Jamal did so and found licking the puckered hole turned him on. It also caused Sam to utter groans of delight. He then lubricated his middle finger and probed deep inside the hot channel. This too turned him on and wanted to feel his stiff cock inside instead.

“Ah, fuck. Yeah, keep fingering just there. You’re stroking my prostate. It’s fucking awesome.”

Jamal pushed his finger about two inches inside again and massaged the sensitive area.

“Fuck. That’s awesome” Sam cried out. “Now stuff your cock in.”

Jamal lubricated his stiff cock and offered it to the puckered hole. It slipped in and was soon deep inside.

“Fucking hell” Sam exclaimed. “That’s fucking brilliant.”

“It sure is” Jamal added as he continued pumping. Several minutes later he felt his climax rising. “Fuck, I’m coming” he muttered to himself.

“Yeah, fill me up” Sam laughed.

Once spent, Jamal collapsed over Sam’s back. “Thanks. That was amazing.”

“It was fucking amazing” Sam laughed. “I want more of that.”

After a short break, during which they kissed and cuddled, Jamal knelt on the bed with his arse in the air. Sam first licked the puckered hole before fingering it, giving Jamal an amazing sensation as his prostate was fingered. He then lubricated his stiff cock and gently pushed it through the tight hole. Jamal silently winced as the head breached him but once in, it felt wonderful.

“Fuck. That feels so good” he exclaimed as the stiff cock pumped back and forth. Sam made sure he took it slowly so as to gain maximum pleasure for both of them. Jamal wished he’d done the same. He’d remember that for next time.

Several minutes later, Sam was pumping ribbons of creamy cum into the black arse. He’d finally done what he’d dreamt of doing for so long and hoped he’d be able to do so again before his friend moved to London.


Three days later a letter arrived for Jamal. It was from the School of Dance in London. Not wanting to open it in front of Mum and Dad, he took it into his bedroom. He sat on the bed staring at the unopened envelope, afraid to expose its contents. ‘It won’t open itself’ a voice in his head told him, so he carefully opened the envelope. He unfolded the letter and gazed at the formal headed paper before moving his eyes to its content.

“We are pleased to inform you that you’re invited for an interview on Thursday…”

He gasped. He’d successfully jumped the first hurdle and he was spilling over with excitement. He immediately phoned Mrs Taylor to tell her the good news. She was delighted and said he must meet her later that day to practice the dance routine he’d be required to perform at the interview.

He then told his parents the good news. His mother congratulated him, his father simply said, “What about the bursary thingy?”

“I’ll raise that when I see them. They’ve got to interview me first and see me perform.”

“Oh” he replied, clearly not understanding what it was all about. “As long as you don’t want money from me, because I ain’t got any” he added.

Jamal phoned Sam and told him the news.

“Brilliant. I’m so pleased for you. Come to my home when you’re finished with Mrs Taylor. Mum’s out for the day. She’s visiting her sister.”

Jamal said he would, knowing what they’d be doing. Just thinking about it caused his cock to go hard.

“I’ve put together a piece of music that covers modern dance and traditional ballet to show how versatile you are” Mrs Taylor told him when he arrived at the gym where she taught dance. He undressed down to his dance shorts which he wore under his sweatpants and put on his dance shoes. She then played the music for him to listen to prior to dancing but before it had finished, he was already tapping his feet and moving around.

She smiled. “You’re a natural.”

When the music stopped, she replayed it and he began dancing for real, using the appropriate dance steps for each part, including several professional ballet dance moves.

“Excellent. Do it again” she smiled and replayed the music. He danced again using different dance steps in places. “Brilliant. But decide which steps and moves you want to use and keep to it. Let’s play it again.”

This time he combined steps and moves from both.

“Perfect. Are you happy with that?”

He agreed he was, so she gave him the USB stick containing the music and told him to practice at home.

“Do you have anything to play it on?” she asked.

He said he didn’t, so she gave him the portable music player she’d used and said he could keep it.

“You’ll find that useful for practicing.”

He thanked her and arranged to have a final session with her in two days’ time. He dressed and made his way to Sam’s house. As before, he used the side gate to get to the back door. He secretly hoped that Sam would be naked as before. He wasn’t disappointed since Sam opened the door stark naked, not caring whether the neighbours who backed onto the house saw him or not.

After giving his friend, a big hug, and a kiss on the lips, he told Jamal to strip naked. He was more than happy to do so to exhibit his stiff black cock.

“Have you decided what dance you’re going to do in your interview?”

“Yep. Would you like to see it?”

Sam said he would so Jamal pulled out his newly acquired music player and inserted the USB stick. After giving it to Sam to hold, he began dancing to the music around the kitchen, up and down the hallway, and up the stairs. Sam loved it, especially as Jamal was naked and his beautiful cock was flapping around.

“Fucking brilliant” he exclaimed after the music finished. “I reckon you should do it naked” he laughed.

“Yeah. That’d certainly put the kibosh on it” Jamal laughed as he took Sam into his arms and kissed him passionately. Cocks were soon hard and aching for action. They moved into the living room and Sam fucked Jamal bending over the sofa. They then moved to the dining area and fucked him bent over the dining table. He wanted to fuck his best friend in every room, so he’d remember him wherever he was in the house. He even thought about taking him into the garden and fuck him in the open air but decided that was too risky since neighbours might see.

Jamal was clearly enjoying each fuck, so they moved to the stairs. Part way up, he pushed Jamal over and inserted his still hard cock into the now well used arse. Their next stop was in the main bedroom where he fucked his friend again.

“Two more places before my bedroom” he laughed. Once inside the bathroom he bent him over the toilet and stuffed his stiff cock into the waiting arse.

“Fuck. That feels so good” Jamal cried out. “I love being fucked.”

Before they made it to Sam’s bedroom, he was draped over the banister and fucked hard as he looked down the stairs. He imagined Sam’s mum coming in and finding them at it. He giggled to himself at the thought which turned him on. He decided he was an exhibitionist.

Now in Sam’s bedroom, he was roughly pushed down on the bed and Sam mounted him. The stiff cock was thrust into his arse and given a long hard fuck until Sam’s cum had been dumped inside him.

As soon as he pullout, Sam turned him over and locked his lips onto Jamal’s. He wanted to say he loved him but didn’t.

Their eyes met and they smiled.

“My time to fuck you in every room” Jamal laughed. And that’s what they did.


Jamal practiced his set piece for the interview whenever he could. If he was alone, he’d do it naked just for the excitement and it reminded him of Sam.

Finally, the day of the interview arrived. He’d done a few odd jobs for neighbours such as car cleaning, path sweeping and bits of gardening. Each person had been happy to pay him when they heard he was saving up for his fare to London and back.

He found the School of Dance and went to the reception desk.

“Take a seat and someone will come down for you shortly” the receptionist told him politely. He took a seat in the vast reception area and waited.

“Here for an interview, are you?” a young good-looking black guy asked him who was sitting nearby. Jamal recognised him to be Nigerian and later found out he was twenty-six.

“Yeah” he replied.

“Just relax and you’ll be fine. Where you from?”


“I’m Spencer” he said and offered his hand. Jamal shook it and noted the firm grip and the length of time he held his hand. For some inexplicable reason, he felt a shiver of excitement shoot through his body and his confidence grew.

“Jamal?” a young woman called. He immediately stood up and she smiled. “Come with me.”

“Good luck” Spencer whispered.

“Thanks” Jamal replied.

He was taken to a room on the second floor where he was told to change.

“When you’re ready, let me know” she told him. He removed his jacket, and the dark trousers he’d been advised to wear by Mrs Taylor. He’d found these in the charity shop and paid two pounds for them. He also removed his T-shirt as recommended by her.

“You have a good-looking body, so show it off” she’d grinned.

With his dance shoes on, he stepped outside and walked over to the young woman.

“The interview panel will see you now” she smiled as she opened a door, and he walked in. He was now in a dance studio and three people were sitting at a table at one end.

“Come on in, Jamal. Thank you for coming.” The man then introduced himself and the two ladies either side of him. He was asked to sit in front of them.

“We’d first like to ask you some questions before you perform your set piece” the man smiled. “Just relax. Nothing to be worried about.”

Jamal gripped his hands together to stop himself from shaking.

“We note you have the necessary educational grades to meet the entrance requirements, so that’s good, and we’ve noted Mrs Taylor’s testimonial in which she states you have exceptional talent. Do you think you have?”

Jamal looked at him for a moment. “It’s not for me to say. I just dance because I love dancing” he replied hoping that would suffice. The three on the panel smiled and seemed to be satisfied.

“Why do you love dancing?” one of the women said.

“It makes me feel good and I love interpreting the music” he replied.

“And which type of dance do you prefer. Traditional ballet or modern dance?”

“I love both.”

“Excellent. Let’s see you dance.”

He stood and moved to the centre of the room to give himself space and one of the women switched on a music player. He immediately launched into his routine and became absorbed into his dance, forgetting for the moment that he was being watched by three professionals.

The music stopped and he looked at them.

“That was excellent” the man smiled. “Tell me, what do you feel when you’re dancing?”

“I feel I’m floating in air and totally absorbed by the music.”

The panel all nodded and invited him to sit down again.

“Are there any questions you’d like to ask?”

“My parents are poor and can’t afford the fees. Mrs Taylor mentioned a bursary, whatever that is.”

“At present we don’t have any bursaries we can offer but there is a government scheme to assist with payment, provided you meet the entry requirements. This pamphlet will give you the details.”

He stood to take it and was told to wait outside for a moment. A few moments later he was called back in.

“We’d like to offer you a place on the next course that starts in September. We’ll confirm by email.”

Sam had given him an old iPad he no longer used and helped him set up an email address.

“You have three weeks to arrange the finance, so you need to confirm by then if you want to accept. Thank you for coming and have a safe journey home.”

Jamal left with mixed emotions. He was happy that his dance routine had gone well and been offered a place, but worried about the money. He knew the fee for the two-year undergraduate course was in excess of £9,000 and required an initial payment of £1,900 which he didn’t have and neither did his parents. He returned to the changing room and got dressed. He then looked at the pamphlet. It was complicated and didn’t lift his gloom. He walked to the lift and returned to reception.

To his surprise, Spencer was still sitting there. He beckoned him over, so he went to where he was still sitting.

“How did it go?”

“The interview went okay, and they were happy with my dance routine, so I’ve been offered a place on the next course.”

“So, why the glum look?” Spencer asked, guessing what the answer would be.

“Money. In no way can my parents afford the fees, and this government scheme looks complicated.”

“Let’s go and grab a coffee. I may be able to help. Follow me” Spencer smiled and immediately started walking towards the exit. Jamal followed him, without question. “Better still, let’s go back to my place. I’m not far away. That okay?” Spencer added once outside.

Jamal nodded. Spencer made him feel good and if he could help him make his dream come true then he was interested. Spencer hailed a passing cab, and they climbed in. Jamal had never been in a London taxi before so felt excited.

“Just relax. We’ll soon have everything sorted” Spencer smiled and placed a hand on Jamal’s thigh. Feeling the hand near his crotch didn’t bother him one bit. For some reason, he trusted Spencer and he made him feel safe. Little did he know that the guy he was trusting made a habit of picking up young guys like him.

The cab took them into Soho and stopped outside a block of apartments. Spencer paid the driver, and they climbed out. They entered using an electronic fob on the door entry system. The block looked very expensive to Jamal.

He was taken to the fourth floor in the lift and then entered a large studio apartment. It was bigger than the footprint of the council house where he lived. At the rear end was a bedroom area containing a double bed and a fitted wardrobe. A living area was situated in the middle of the room with two large sofas at right angles opposite an enormous TV on the wall. At the front beneath the window was a kitchen area.

“Remove shoes, please” Spencer smiled, removing his own plus his shirt to expose his fit naked chest. Why he had to remove shoes, Jamal wasn’t sure since the flooring was wooden with a rug in front of the sofas, but he obliged and kicked off his cheap trainers, also from a charity shop.

“Let’s have this off” Spencer grinned and lifted Jamal’s T-shirt off him. “And these” he added, unfastening the trousers before removing them. Left wearing just his dance shorts, Jamal sat down on the sofa facing the big TV.

“How about a cup of tea? I have a camomile which has a bite.”

Jamal agreed and watched him walk to the kitchen area to make it. Whilst the kettle heated, he surreptitiously poured a generous amount of Vodka into Jamal’s mug before pouring in the hot water.

“There we are. Try that.”

Jamal took a drink from the mug. “Wow, that’s nice” he grinned and took another drink. Whilst Spencer drank his, he watched Jamal finish his.

“Okay, let’s talk about your financial problem. Assuming you meet the entry requirements of the government scheme, which is not easy, you’re given a loan which has to be paid back over a number of years. I, on the other hand could pay the fees for you, subject to a simple condition. You’ll also need accommodation which is expensive in London. And the cost of student accommodation is not cheap either. But I could accommodate you here at no cost.”

“Wow” Jamal replied excitedly. “Would you really?”

Spencer smiled and sat beside him on the sofa. “You’re a lovely guy and I want to help you achieve your dream but, as I said there is a condition.”

Jamal looked up at him. Spencer was taller than him, even sitting down. It was this that made him feel safe in his presence. He looked strong as well as sexy.

“The condition is simple. You agree to do whatever I ask you to do. And I mean, whatever. No questions, no argument. If you don’t obey, you’ll be in my debt. Understood?”

“Yeah, no problem” he replied, now feeling his head spinning slightly but in a pleasant way.

“How about you show me the dance routine you performed for the interview panel. In fact, do it naked just for fun.”

Without hesitation, Jamal stood and slipped off his dance shorts. He grabbed his bag and found the USB stick which Spencer inserted into an expensive music player. Jamal began dancing as soon as the music started and used the whole room to show off his ability.

Once done, he grinned at Spencer. The fact he was stark naked in front of a stranger didn’t bother him in the slightest.

“That was excellent. I’m not surprised you’ve been accepted. Come here.”

Jamal moved to where Spencer was sitting and as instructed, sat on his lap.

“You’re a talented guy as well as very good-looking with this magnificent body.” Spencer casually took hold of Jamal’s large cock and gently massaged it. He then kissed him on the lips and tweaked his nipples. “Suck my cock” he commanded. Jamal immediately knelt between Spencer’s legs and took the big black cock into his mouth. He couldn’t take the whole length, but he managed most of it, which impressed Spencer.

Once rock hard and ready for action, he lifted Jamal and kissed him again. This time it was more intense.

“Go over to the bed and kneel on it” he instructed. Jamal did so immediately. With his butt in the air ready to be fucked, he waited. Spencer lubricated his naked cock and inserted it into the puckered hole.

“Fuck” he cried as the big cock forced its way into his arse. As it pumped, Spencer used his fingers to close one of Jamal’s nostrils and held a bottle of poppers up to the open one.

“Inhale several times” he instructed. Jamal did and felt the aroma fill his head which now felt it was floating in air, just like he felt when dancing. The pumping cock kept going for a good ten minutes before Spencer shot his load. With his spent cock still deep inside the young guy’s arse, he grabbed hold of Jamal’s cock and began massaging it. Several minutes later, the cock erupted and filled his hand with cum.

“Lick it clean” he ordered Jamal, holding his open hand up to his mouth. Jamal obeyed and licked off every drop of his spunk. “Let’s shower” Spencer said, and Jamal followed him into the entrance hall, off which there was a bathroom with a shower. They stood beneath the large shower head and Spencer soaped his body all over. He did the same to his own, including his still stiff cock.

“Turn around.”

Jamal did so and felt the big cock enter his arse. This time he took it without difficulty. Once the full length was deep inside, Spencer fucked him again until he’d shot another load. After pulling out, he turned Jamal around.

“Did you like that?”

“Yeah” he grinned.

“So, do you want me to help you achieve your dream?”

“Yes, please” Jamal replied, hardly believing his luck.

“And what’s the condition?”

“I do as you say.”

“That means everything, even if you don’t really want to. Understood?”

“Yes, understood” Jamal replied, not too sure what Spencer meant by ‘everything’ but if it meant he could live his dream, then it was worth it. Spencer offered a hand to shake, and he shook it.

“Excellent. From now on, you’re mine to use as I please. I effectively own you, understood?”

“Yes, sir” Jamal replied, not sure why he’d added the sir.

Spencer laughed. “No need to call me ‘sir’. Just obey. That’s all I ask.”

They walked out of the shower and dried themselves with luxury towels. Jamal wondered how he became so rich at his age.

Spencer had been discarded by his parents when they found out he was gay. He was fifteen and had nothing. He travelled to London from Leicester where he’d been raised and spent several nights on the streets. He met a drug dealer who recruited him as a runner. For every delivery he made, he paid him a fee. It wasn’t big but over time it mounted up.

He then met a guy who taught him how to cheat at cards and make money playing poker. He moved around from club to club so he couldn’t be rumbled. He was now making serious money and soon had enough to invest on the black market. He now owned several companies in various countries to move money around to avoid the taxman. It’s a game and he enjoyed it, enabling him to make money so he could help guys like Jamal and own them to do as he pleased.

“Okay, it’s time to get you home. We’ll go in my car. You tell your parents that because of your talent the fees will be paid by a benefactor who will also arrange accommodation for a small rent. You’ll pay that by getting a job in one of the many coffee shops in London. You don’t mention that I’m paying or anything about the condition. Understood?”

“Yeah. I won’t say a word” Jamal promised.

“I’ll explain that I represent the benefactor. We’ll pack your clothes and I’ll bring you back here to your new home. Okay?”

Jamal threw his arms around Spencer’s waist and hugged him tight. “Thank you” he cried.

Spencer gently rubbed Jamal’s head which was pressed against his naked chest.

“It means a lot to you, doesn’t it” he commented.

Jamal nodded with his arms still tight around Spencer’s waist. “I’m glad I can help” he added.

“As long as I do what you ask” Jamal grinned.

“Yeah, that too. Now, get dressed.”

Jamal released his arms and grabbed his clothes.

There was parking for residents at the rear of the block. Spencer owned a dark blue Mercedes, which was gleaming. A task that Jamal would have from now on to keep it clean.

The drive to Northampton took forty minutes. He parked the car outside the rundown row of houses and patted Jamal’s leg.

“Don’t forget. Not a word about me.”

“I won’t” Jamal replied, rehearsing what he’d tell his parents, assuming they were both at home. As he walked towards the front door, he realised how lucky he was, even though there were strings attached, still not too sure what they were but he assumed they’d be day to day chores. He used his key to open the door and invited Spencer to come in. His mother appeared from the kitchen.

“How did it go?” she asked excitedly, before realising Spencer was behind her son.

“I’m Spencer. You have a talented son. I watched him dance his set piece and he was brilliant. So much so that he’s been offered a place on the next course.”

Jamal’s mother rushed forward and hugged him. “I’m so happy for you. I know how much you wanted this.”

“What about the money?” a voice suddenly asked as his father walked down the stairs.

“All arranged” Spencer beamed. “I represent a benefactor who covers the tuition fees for talented pupils like Jamal who are unable to raise the money. It also covers accommodation costs for the duration of the course, subject to a small rent which Jamal has agreed to pay for by getting a part-time job, in something like a coffee shop or a restaurant. Such opportunities are available for those willing to do what they are asked to do.”

“Who is this bloke paying hefty fees so my son can dance?”

“I’m not at liberty to divulge their name. They don’t like to publicise their charitable contributions.”

“Come on in and I’ll make some tea” Jamal’s mother said, to shut her husband up. She knew he didn’t approve of their son’s dream to become a professional dancer. He called it a ‘pansy’ job.

“I’ll go and pack” Jamal said and rushed upstairs.

“Is he leaving immediately?” his mother asked.

“We like to get the students settled into their accommodation well before the commencement of term. It will also give him time to get work, not that he’ll have a problem. He’s such a likeable lad, isn’t he.”

“If you say so” the father replied.

Tea arrived in four mugs. Spencer took one and sipped the weak tea before putting it on the nearest table.

“It’s so nice of you to come all this way for Jamal, isn’t it Fred?”

“If you say so” he replied.

“We like to look after the students and help them through what is a big change in their life.”

“Well, I for one am happy that Jamal has got someone like you to guide and support him” his mother replied.

Jamal appeared with two plastic bags containing the few clothes he needed. He didn’t own many personal items apart from his newly acquired iPad.

He kissed his mother and said he’d keep in touch. He looked at his father who said nothing.

“Bye dad, bye mum” he added before leaving with the man who he’d be beholden to for at least two years, but he didn’t mind. At least his dream had come true. He then remembered Mrs Taylor and Sam.

“I must give each of them a call” he said once in the car.

“Your dad’s an odd one, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, he is. He doesn’t approve of me doing dance. Says only poofs do that.”

Spencer laughed. “He’s not far off the truth. I take it he doesn’t know you’re gay.”

“No. Not sure how he’d take it. At times he can be very understanding. Mum would be okay.”


Now he had Jamal under his control, Spencer demanded he clean the car every week, clean the apartment every week, and that had to be done naked so he could admire his body and fuck him. He also filmed him masturbating and placed that on the private porn website he’d set up on a private server which required a password and code to access. Guys he knew were given access for a fee. At first sight it looked like a professional business website that was for employees but once you’d used a username and password and then the code, you had access to the full website which contained all of Spencer’s films of the guys he’d controlled for the past three years.

“Oliver’s coming this evening. He’s another guy I’ve helped live his dream” he laughed. Jamal said nothing but guessed that Oliver was also ‘owned’ by Spencer.

They’d just finished their meal and Jamal had cleared away the dishes, which was now another of his tasks, when the door entry buzzer sounded. Spencer let Oliver in, and they waited for him to reach the apartment.

As Oliver made his way Spencer’s mind flashed back to the time he lived with him. He’d dreamt of studying business management, but his parents couldn’t afford the fees. That was when Spencer appeared out of nowhere and said he’d pay the fees for him subject to one condition. He accepted without thinking because he was desperate to live his dream but soon realised what he’d signed up for. After a year, Spencer got bored with him and found Jamal, but Oliver was told he was still under an obligation to fulfil his part of the bargain, albeit not quite as onerous as when he lived with him. He was now expected to attend sessions of sex whenever required and these could include being filmed or being fucked by Spencer’s many friends.

“Hello, gorgeous” Spencer crooned as soon as Oliver walked in. His hands were soon all over Oliver’s body, including his crotch. “I hope this is in good working order” he laughed, “I have another gorgeous guy for you to fuck and be fucked by him.”

Oliver followed him into the main living area and met Jamal. They shook hands and looked at one another.

“Come on guys, strip off. The camera’s about to roll” Spencer chuckled.

Oliver immediately removed his clothes and Jamal removed his shorts and T-shirt. Once naked they looked at one another’s body. Both clearly liked what they saw since cocks were already rising.

“Jamal, you bend over the bed with your legs spread wide apart. You, Oliver, fuck him. And fuck him hard. When you’re about to come, shoot your juice over his arsehole before plunging back in and keep fucking for another ten minutes. Got it?”

“Yes, boss” Oliver replied half-heartedly, although the thought of fucking Jamal’s gorgeous arse was appealing.

He lubricated his now hard cock and plunged into Jamal’s arse. He cried out, part pain and part pleasure as the stiff cock breached him and was thrust deep inside. Oliver then fucked hard until he felt his climax rising.

“Ah, ah, fuck. I’m coming” he cried.

Spencer zoomed onto the cock as it pulled out of Jamal’s arse and shot it’s load over the hole. Once spent, Oliver plunged back in and continued fucking hard.

“Yeah, perfect” Spencer muttered to himself and continued filming from all angles for the next ten minutes.

Oliver pulled out once the filming stopped and helped Jamal stand up. “Are you okay?” he whispered. Jamal nodded. He’d enjoyed being fucked by Oliver but didn’t give Spencer the satisfaction of knowing.

“Okay, now it’s your turn to fuck Oliver” Spencer told Jamal, so they changed places and repeated the same scenario.

“Good” Spencer told Jamal once the filming had stopped. “But in future, look as if you’re enjoying it. Guys watching you fucking want to know you love fucking arse.”

“Yes, boss” Jamal replied.

Deciding to rest for a moment, Spencer instructed Jamal to pour three vodka shots. They each downed their shot before sharing a Cannabis pipe.

“Okay, guys, get ready for another fuck” Spencer grinned as he removed his clothes to show off his big erection. Jamal and Oliver were told to kneel on the sofa, draping their bodies over the back. With the camera on a tripod, Spencer positioned it on Jamal’s arse so he could film himself fucking it. Having given him a good long hard fuck, he moved over to Oliver’s arse.

“I need you for a sex party I’m holding at the weekend” Spencer told Oliver. He silently groaned because he was meeting college friends on that evening.

“How long will it go on for?” he asked, although he knew the answer.

“All night, I suspect. Depends on how long the guys can keep their cocks hard” he laughed. “Jamal, show Oliver out” he barked.

“I take it you’re also ‘owned’ by him” Oliver whispered once at the front door.

Jamal nodded. “He’s paying my dance school fees.”

“He paid for my course fees. All we can do is grin and bear it” he smiled.

Jamal giggled. “Yeah, we certainly bare it for all to fuck.”

“See you Saturday” Oliver grinned and gave him a kiss on the lips.


Saturday arrived and Jamal and Oliver were told to wear a G-string, knowing it would soon be removed. The residents from the other apartments arrived only wearing a bath robe. They frequently attended Spencer’s sex parties where they’d fuck young guys.

“He’s fucking gorgeous” one of them announced. Jamal knew he was Maddox, one of the other tenants in the block which Spencer owned. He was Nigerian and twenty-five. Todd was twenty-one and Roman twenty-two.

Alcohol was soon being consumed and Spencer produced two cannabis pipes for them to share. Jamal and Oliver just stood and watched.

“Come over here and sit on my lap” Maddox told Oliver, “but remove that fucking G-string first”.

Roman told Jamal to sit on his lap facing him. His cock was already hard, and he told him to ride it, which he did without saying anything.

Is this the life I really want to live? Jamal asked himself.

Having dumped his load of cum into Jamal’s arse, Roman told him to fuck off. Todd told him to sit on his lap. As he fucked Todd’s cock, he watched Oliver riding Maddox. When not being fucked, they stood waiting for the next. Over the next few hours, they were both fucked several times over and had more spunk dumped into their arse. Both were glad when it was eventually over.

“Next Saturday, same time” Spencer told Oliver. “Have got more guys coming to fuck your arses” he laughed. Both lads sighed but said nothing.

The party the following week followed much the same pattern except this time they spent more time on the bed being fucked, sometimes with their hands tied outstretched to the bedhead after they’d served drinks to everyone. This time they’d been instructed to be naked when the party guests arrived so had their tackle and their arse handled as they served.

Finally, it was time for Jamal to commence his course at the dance school. He was excited and set off that morning feeling very happy. He quickly made friends with another student whose name was Ruben, also eighteen and gay. He loved the freedom to dance and learn, both practical and theory. Now he was attending the dance school every day, Spencer wasn’t so demanding during weekdays but at weekends he expected Jamal to obey and left him no time to do his own things.

“Just because you’re at college, I still ‘own’ you.”

As the weeks went by, Jamal and Ruben became very close. Ruben lived with his gay uncle so was open about his sexuality. His mother had died from cancer when he was ten years old. His father begrudgingly looked after him. His older sister by ten years, having left home and lived her own life. Their father never showed either of them love so she was keen to leave home as soon as she could. When Ruben was sixteen, his father told him he’d met another woman, and they were moving abroad. He’d therefore live with Uncle David.

“My brother doesn’t know I’m gay. He’s ignorant of such things and I wasn’t going to tell him. But I recognised you were” David smiled, “so be yourself and never apologise for who you are.”

Ruben was so happy and loved his uncle, who’d done well for himself, so had plenty of money. When he heard that his nephew wanted to go to dance school, he was happy to pay the fees.

As the weeks passed, Jamal became less inclined to obey, especially when he was required to be filmed having sex.

“What’s wrong with you? Have you forgotten you’re indebted to me?”

“Some chance of that” Jamal muttered.

“Have you met someone at the dance school?”

After further interrogation, he admitted he’d fallen in love with Ruben.

“Does he love you?”

“Yes” Jamal replied, “he does”.

Spencer laughed. “It’s just puppy love. You’ll get over it. Now get on your fucking knees so I can fuck you. And it’ll be filmed. My clientele love watching you being fucked.”

He knew he couldn’t refuse, so he climbed onto the bed and offered his arse.

“I’d like to meet Ruben. Invite him for a meal and if he refuses, or you don’t invite him, you can say goodbye to dance school.”

The following day, Ruben sensed something was wrong with Jamal. Eventually, Jamal told him in confidence about his contractual relationship with Spencer. Ruben was horrified and said he must get away from him.

“I can’t. If I leave or refuse to obey, he’ll stop paying the fees. He wants to meet you and says if you don’t come, I’ll have to leave the dance school.”

Ruben hugged him, not caring who saw them. “I’ll come. I want to meet this bastard.”

It was arranged that Ruben would join Jamal and Spencer for dinner on the Thursday after they’d finished their dance class that afternoon. When Spencer heard he was delighted.

Another cute arse to fuck he chuckled to himself.

Friday arrived and the two young lovers made their way back to Jamal’s home.

“Good to meet you” Spencer smiled as they shook hands. “Make yourself at home.”

Jamal held his breath hoping Spencer wouldn’t tell him and Ruben to remove their clothes. He didn’t and Jamal silently sighed.

“Lay the table” Jamal. “After that you can finish off preparing the meal.”

“I’ll help” Ruben offered.

“He can manage. Come and sit beside me so we can get to know one another.”

“I’m fine here, thanks” Ruben casually replied before sipping the alcoholic drink he’d been given.

Jamal smiled to himself. He’d warned his boyfriend about Spencer trying to seduce him. As he continued preparing the meal he listened carefully to the conversation between both of them.

The meal was finally ready, and they sat down as Jamal placed the chicken dish on the table for everyone to serve themselves.

“No naked waiter tonight” Spencer grinned.

Jamal cringed and hoped Ruben didn’t respond. He didn’t.

As the meal progressed, Spencer kept topping up their glasses of wine. Ruben had also been forewarned of his attempts to get guys drunk so he could fuck them. Both lads just sipped their wine.

When the meal was over, Spencer again invited Ruben to sit beside him on the sofa so they could talk.

“I’ll help Jamal wash the dishes whilst we talk” he smiled. He joined him in the kitchen area and surreptitiously emptied his half-drunk glass of wine down the sink having seen Jamal do the same. Normally, he let Spencer get him pissed to ease the fucking.

When the dishes had been washed and put away, the two of them sat close together on the other sofa.

“Have you guys fucked one another yet?”

“No” Ruben casually replied. Jamal held his breath guessing what Spencer would say next.

“You’re officially boyfriends, aren’t you?”

“Yes, we are” Ruben smiled, before adding, “we love each other”. He took hold of Jamal’s hand to emphasise the point.

“How sweet” Spencer muttered. “It’s time you both fucked each other. Strip off. You, Jamal, fuck him first.”

“I assume you’ll film us” Jamal innocently commented.

“I might” Spencer grinned.

“It’s time for me to leave” Ruben said without further comment and stood to retrieve his jacket from the bed. Before Spencer could say anything, Jamal was showing Ruben out.

“See you tomorrow” Ruben smiled before giving his boyfriend a kiss on the lips.

When Jamal returned to the main living area, he waited for Spencer’s outburst.

“Very odd lad. Shouldn’t get too attached with him. Strip. My cock needs action.”

Jamal silently groaned.


Once Ruben was home, his uncle immediately sensed that something was wrong. Ruben told him how Spencer had tried to get him and Ruben to fuck each other whilst Spencer filmed the action.

“He controls Jamal and forces him to do whatever he wants, including sex with other men. It’s all filmed and posted on a website.”

His uncle asked why Jamal didn’t leave.

“He’s paying for Jamal’s dance school fees and says he ‘owns’ him. If he refuses to do what he asks his fees will stop and Jamal will be forced leave. He loves dancing, it’s his life’s dream and he’s very talented. I feel so sorry for him.”

“Do you know which site the films are on?”

Ruben had asked Jamal this question and he’d given him the logon details. David immediately searched for the site which at first glance looked like a professional business website. But when he’d entered the login details followed by the code that Jamal had given Ruben, the porn site was accessed. (Jamal had watched Spencer login on several occasions and made a mental note of the details.)

Together they found the films involving Jamal and David took screenshots of each one.

“How serious is your relationship with Jamal?” David asked his nephew.

“Very. We love each other and want to live together once we’ve finished our course” Ruben replied.

“I’d like to meet him. Speak to him tomorrow morning and suggest he comes back with you for a meal. Suggest to him that he tells Spencer that you both have to work on a dance project together.”

Ruben hugged his uncle and thanked him. He knew he’d find some way to help, but at this juncture he didn’t know how.

As soon as he met Jamal at school the following morning, he took him to one side and told him about his conversation with his uncle and how they’d accessed the porn site and taken screenshots.

“I’m not sure what he plans to do but knowing my uncle he’s got something in mind.”

He then invited Jamal for a meal that evening.

“I’m not sure if Spencer will give permission.”

“My uncle has already thought of that” Ruben smiled and told him what his uncle had suggested. “Text him on our way home and just tell him. If he tries to call you, ignore it.”

Jamal said Spencer had installed a tracking app on his phone.

“Easy. Turn off GPS.”

Jamal smiled and kissed his boyfriend. To know that someone else now knew about his entrapment by Spencer gave him hope.

They spent most of the day in the dance studio where Jamal was happiest. Late afternoon they moved into the classroom where the teacher gave them an assignment.

“Pair up with someone you’d like to dance with and produce a five-minute dance routine. You’ve got five days from now before you’ll perform in front of everyone.”

Ruben and Jamal looked at each other and grinned. It was divine providence and meant the text he would be sending to Spencer wasn’t a lie. As soon as the class had finished, they set off to Ruben’s home in Waterloo. On the way, Jamal sent the text and switched off GPS. He almost danced to the underground station that took them to the penthouse situated in a smart block of apartments overlooking the river.

“Wow, this is amazing” Jamal exclaimed as they stood on the balcony overlooking the river Thames. They kissed and held each other. It was the most passionate they’d been since first becoming friends.

At six, Ruben’s uncle arrived home. “Ah, you must be Jamal. It’s good to meet you.”

They shook hands and the warmth towards him felt good. He then remembered that was how he felt when he first met Spencer.

Whilst the meal cooked, which had been pre-prepared by David and Ruben, they chatted about the dance school and how they were getting on.

“Ruben tells me you’re very talented.”

“I don’t know about that” Jamal replied, “but I love dancing.”

David smiled. He liked the young man sitting in front of him and wanted to help him.

“Let’s eat. The chicken pie should be ready now” he smiled, and they all helped bring the dishes to the dining table situated at one end of the large living room.

After they’d finished the meal, David said “I understand you and Ruben are very close.”

Jamal looked at Ruben and smiled. “We are. I love him very much.”

“And he tells me that he loves you. He’s also told me about Spencer and the control he has over you. Why is this?”

Jamal explained what had happened right from the first time Spencer spoke to him and offered to pay his fees.

“But it was conditional, wasn’t it.”

Jamal nodded. “I thought he meant do tasks such as cleaning and cooking, not being used to sexually satisfy all his mates and filming it for them to wank over. I didn’t mind at first, but he wanted constant sex, involving him or other guys. Sometimes I’d be tied up on the bed for hours whilst guys fucked me.”

“Do you want to be free of Spencer?”

“Yes, but I can’t. If I don’t do as he says or just leave him, he’ll stop paying my fees and demand I repay him for those already paid. I don’t have any money and neither have my parents. I’m trapped for the whole two years.”

“If there was a way out, would you take it?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to be trapped again like I am with him.”

“Would you like to move in here and live with me and Ruben? There are three bedrooms, so you could have your own room, or if you and Ruben want to, you can move in with him. It doesn’t bother me. He’s probably told you that I’m gay. I’m not in a relationship with anyone and not likely to be. Instead, I have occasional lovers. Would that bother you?”

“No, and I’d love to move in here and be with Ruben, but as I’ve explained, it’s not possible. Spencer will not release me until he gets bored with me. That’s what he’s done with other young guys he’s entrapped.”

David smiled. “I think there is a way. It would involve me taking on your debt and paying further fees, but I’m prepared to do that. And I’d not demand any conditions.”

Jamal gasped. “Are you serious?”

“Very. I know Ruben would love you to move in here with us and I’d like to stop this Spencer guy abusing young guys like you, because that’s what he’s doing.”

“I don’t know what to say apart from a very big thank you.”

Ruben stood up and moved to his side to hug him. “You’ll soon be free of him, my love.”

David then detailed his plan, which included leaving Ruben to clear away the dishes, and driving Jamal to Spencer’s apartment in Soho.

“Do exactly as I’ve explained and don’t let him persuade you. Just ignore him.”

Jamal nodded and tried to calm himself. He’d warned David about Spencer’s temper, but he wasn’t worried about that. He’d been trained in self defence years before he became a rich man.

Jamal entered the code into the door entry system, and they made their way up to the fourth floor. He used his door key to open the front door and David followed him in.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Spencer shouted as he entered the living area. “I’ve been calling you. Have you switched your phone off? I specifically told you never to do that.”

Jamal ignored him and quickly walked to the bedroom area to pack his clothes.

“Who the fuck are you?” Spencer shouted when he saw David.

“Good evening. I’m Ruben’s uncle. You’ll remember him. You tried to get him to have sex with Jamal yesterday evening. He’s been with me and Ruben for a meal. I wanted to return the favour.”

Spencer just stood there unsure what to say. David continued. “I’ve also had a very interesting conversation with Jamal about how you reckon that you ‘own’ him and demand he takes part in sexual activity with other men. I also understand you film the action and publish the footage on your website for the gratification of your mates. Interesting website. I’ve also taken screenshots of every film in which Jamal appears.”

“How the fuck did you access that. It’s password protected and needs a code.”

David smiled. “I have my means.”

“What the fuck are you doing?” Spencer shouted at Jamal having realised he was packing his clothes into his suitcase.”

“He’s leaving you” David replied.

“He can’t. I pay his fees and he’s fucked if I stop paying.”

“He can and is. This will cover the fees you’ve already paid plus extra to cover his keep. I’ll pay the remaining fees. Oh, and you have twenty-four hours to remove all the footage in which Jamal appears. If you don’t then a copy of the screenshots, I have will be sent to the police with a statement from Jamal explaining how you entrapped him and forced him to have sex orgies with your mates. Understood?”

Spencer felt a shiver of fear shoot through his body. He knew what he’d been doing was risky, but he’d done it for the past three years and got away with it. He’d never imagined that Jamal would be his downfall.

“Get the fuck out of my apartment” he shouted. “And I never want to see your ugly face again” he directed at Jamal who’d finished his packing. He said nothing as David helped him out with the suitcase and shoulder bag. He’d left his door key on the bed with the phone Spencer had given him.

“Are you okay?” David asked as they waited for the lift.

He nodded, and wanted to be out of the premises as soon as he could.

“You’re safe now and free from him” David told him as he placed an arm around his shoulder. He had a feeling he’d be okay now, but that’s how he’d felt when Spencer made his dream come true.

“Welcome to your new home” David said as they walked into the large apartment. Ruben came rushing up to him and took him into his arms to give him a kiss.

“How did it go?”

“He’s free of the man. Make him feel at home” David smiled. Ruben led the way to his room and explained he’d made space for Jamal’s clothes in his wardrobe.

Spencer meanwhile was taking down the whole website leaving no trace. As he lay in bed alone, he decided he’d move on. Perhaps go abroad to see who he could find. He liked the idea of Spain.

As the days and weeks passed, Jamal and Ruben’s love for one another became even stronger. Each night in bed they made love.

They were both doing well at the dance school and played star roles in the end of year production. They made a great dance team instinctively knowing how the other moved.

At the end of the two-year course both of them obtained top marks. They could have stopped there but David persuaded them to continue onto the higher level and agreed to pay their fees for another two years. They accepted his offer and sailed through the two-year course. They became known as the perfect couple, both in dance and privately. Everyone wanted to know them, so their circle of friends increased.

Spencer was a past memory for Jamal. He never heard from or saw him ever again. More importantly, he was the happiest guy alive. He loved his boyfriend and loved dancing. With their training now complete they looked for work. It didn’t prove difficult. They contacted several dance companies and were soon being asked to attend auditions which produced job offers.

They wanted to remain together and chose a dance company that produced both classical ballet productions and modern dance. They soon proved their worth and it wasn’t long before they were dancing lead roles in London’s West End.

Now aged twenty-three, they were keen to move into a home of their own. David agreed and helped them find a one-bedroom flat nearby. Instead of them taking out a mortgage, he bought the flat for them in their names and they paid him an amount each month to pay off the lump over an agreed period. He was so proud of them.

Now settled into their new home, Jamal thought back to his early life and remembered when he was a child, and his mother had asked him, “What would you like to be when you grow up?”

“A dancer” he replied.


by Adam S

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024