Vintage Gay Movies

13 Apr 2023 Score 65 / 100 Mobile friendly

  • Videos 4 stars
  • Pictures 2 stars
  • Unique 3 stars
  • Size 3 stars
Review score 65
  • 2 stars Cost
  • 4 stars Updates
  • 3 stars Usability
  • 3 stars Claims

Gay porn classics from the 1970s through to the 1990s featuring all types of men from twinks and surfers to daddies and leather men. Sucking and fucking in duos, threeways, and small groups. Lots of pre-condom action, but plenty of sex with rubbers. Lots of sexy porn stars from yesteryear with multiple weekly updates.

Click here to visit Vintage Gay Movies

Since Last Review

  • Site has added 175 videos
  • Network has added 5 theaters

Video info

Videos are streaming with option for pay to download.

175 streaming videos in MP4 format. Vids play in adaptive player at vintage quality and resize to fit your device. Videos look better on mobiles as they are vintage productions shot on film. Must pay for downloads.

Picture info

Each episode has at least 6 thumbs that can't be enlarged, but right-clicking and saving them individually gives you a full-sized screencaps at 1080x603 at average quality. No zip files.

Bonus content

Streaming membership & tickets can be used on 38 other sites in Studio Presse network.

Site issues

Many tour claims pertain to entire network, not this particular site.

Membership Cost

  • Monthly streaming: $59.95 (recurs every 30 days)
  • 5 Tickets: $5.00
  • 10 Tickets: $9.00
  • 20 Tickets: $15.00
  • 50 Tickets: $30.00
  • 100 Tickets: $50.00


Vintage Gay Movies Review

Vintage Gay Movies is a theater in the Studio Presse network featuring vintage gay porn from Bijou Gay Classics and Cadinot. It brings us gay porn classics from as far back as the 1970s with titles like Matt Sterling's "The Bigger The Better," Leo Ford's Blondes Do It Best," Al Parker's "Wanted," SM classic "Born to Raise Hell," and many others through the 1980s and 1990s. It's been a little more than a year since we first visited the site, but it's grown nicely so we wanted to have another look.

Bijou Video founder Steven Toushin opened the Bijou Theater and sex club in 1970 in Chicago's Old Town. Many notable gay porn performers and directors have worked with Toushin over the decades, either in front of or behind the camera. Al Parker, Toby Ross, and Matt Sterling are among the well-known directors, another named Wakefield Poole just passed on a month before this review. Over the years, Bijou Video acquired other studios like Hand in Hand Films, Brentwood Studios, and Surge Studios, and they've restored their catalogs or are doing so, so there's always something "new" coming from this classic porn studio.

I started watching gay porn videos in the early 1980s, so VintageGayMovies is a walk down memory lane. These were the times of moustaches when men wore denim with bulging crotches and hankies in their back pockets flagging various preferences or kinks. Men were natural with body hair and untrimmed pubes. Most of the performers aren't credited, but a few are, so you can expect to see Al Parker, Jack Wrangler, Kip Noll, Sky Dawson, J.W. King, Jon King, and so many others we've enjoyed watching over the decades. There are many titles from the 1980s and 1990s and a good number of videos from French gay porn director Jean Daniel Cadinot.

These were also the days when gay porn videos told us stories as well as showed us hot sex. Vintage porn was produced at a time when men went to theaters to watch their gay porn, so these are full-length movies featuring cowboys, leather men, Roman centurions, daddies, surfers, you name it. The men suck and fuck everywhere and anywhere – public toilets, bars, playrooms, outside on their Jeep or at the beach, dark alleys, warehouses, and bath houses. The earlier productions, now called pre-condom classics, were produced before AIDS and long before the term bareback was coined; the ones that came in the mid-80s and later feature men fucking with rubbers.

Before we talk about the movies, let's talk about how Studio Presse works. If you're a moderate to heavy viewer, consider their unlimited streaming membership. It lets you watch as much as you want, but downloads aren't included and cost members extra. You can buy tickets and use them in an à la carte system where you redeem a certain number of tickets to watch or download videos. This works fine if you're a casual user and just want to watch a porno every now and then.

Vintage Gay Movies opened in late November 2021 with 81 videos and has grown to 175 videos. If you opt for the unlimited streaming membership, the videos play in an adaptive player that resizes them to fit your device's screen. The quality is what you'd expect from videos that are over 30 years old - some are more than 50 years old - but they're still enjoyable. They're not that sharp and clear on large monitors, but you can also shrink your browser to get better results. I watched them on my Android phone, and they fared decently. If you buy any download tickets you'll end up with movies that play at 640x480 to 720x480, although there may be other sizes.

Each movie has a picture gallery displaying at least six large thumbnails, and while these can't be clicked to enlarge, you can save them one at a time by right-clicking the thumb and selecting "save image as" and you'll end up with a full-size screencap at 1080x789 in average quality. There are no downloadable zip files to grab the whole set. By the way, these are WebP format, and they should be compatible with most picture viewers. My editor has been able to open them in a new browser tab to get a JPEG version, but I've never successfully been able to do that.

The site doesn't date updates, so I can't tell you how often they're adding new content, however they've add 175 videos over the past 15.5 months, which works out to an average of 11 updates a month. That's quite a healthy update roster. When VintageGayMovies launched they relied heavily on videos from their Cadinot theater, which already existed, and only 20 of the videos were from Bijou Gay Classics; now, 15 months later, they've got 188 Bijou Gay Classics in their inventory, so that's quite an improvement

Your membership and tickets can be used at all 39 theaters in the Studio Presse network, which has added five theaters since our last review including Andolini XXL, a French top with a massive cock, and Attack Boys featuring bareback sex in Spanish sex clubs. There's also a variety of other European to American gay porn productions featuring everything from twinks to daddies and from solo masturbation to sucking and fucking and even lots of hardcore fetish and kink action in sites including Hardkinks and CazzoFilm.

Are there any drawbacks? The tour says there are 120 new releases every month, but this refers to the network and not VintageGayMovies specifically. They also list over 26,000 videos in their network of 39 theaters, but videos can appear in more than one theater, so this number is exaggerated. Still, there's a lot of gay porn here to keep you entertained. While I found the site and videos played well on my phone, there's no pagination, so you can only navigate one page forward or back at a time.

Finally, under the site's DVD section you'll find 91 DVDs from both Bijou Gay Classics and Cadinot, and while many have a scene or two listed in the video section, others can only be viewed by purchasing the entire DVD. Each DVD is a separate purchased costing around $25, and you can't use tickets to purchase them.

Vintage Gay Movies offers gay porn from the 1970s through the 1990s, so you can expect men with unshaved bodies, porn stars from days gone by, and a number of pre-condom classics, although some of the videos use condoms. The site now has 256 videos from 91 DVDs and they have been adding around 11 scenes per month. The videos can be streamed on your desktop computer and mobiles, unsurprisingly at vintage quality. I enjoyed taking this tour down memory lane, and I look forward to seeing what else is coming from this vintage theater. And don't forget, you're able to enjoy any of the movies in this network of 39 theaters and 26,000+ videos.

Things we liked

  • Sexy porn stars from the 70s to 90s
  • Lots of variety of men and sex
  • A good amount of pre-condom classics
  • Site and videos are mobile compatible
  • Average of 11 updates per month
  • Access to a huge gay porn network

Things we disliked

  • Downloads cost extra
  • No dates on updates
  • Some downloads only offered as full DVDs
  • Membership is pricey
  • Some videos are from another theater

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Vintage Gay Movies Screenshots

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Online since 1999, GayDemon is a trusted guide to gay porn sites. On this page you can find a in-depth, detailed review of Vintage Gay Movies ( with our honest opinion about this site. The review outline what you can expect to find as a member if you subscribe to Vintage Gay Movies. The review was as accurate as possible when it was written on the 13 Apr 2023, but sites constantly change. GayDemon cannot guarantee that you will find the exact same content or features when you visit. Please contact me or leave a comment if you have any questions.

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GayDemon only write reviews of gay porn sites that are legal and safe to visit. This review contain our honest options, however GayDemon receive commission from a membership sale if you decide to join this site. We can only continue to write reviews with your support through your purchases. (97525)