Parole Him

11 Oct 2015 Score 49 / 100 Not Mobile friendly

  • Videos 3 stars
  • Pictures 0 stars
  • Unique 5 stars
  • Size 2 stars
Review score 49
  • 2 stars Cost
  • 0 stars Updates
  • 3 stars Usability
  • 4 stars Claims

Reality theme with hidden-camera videos showing cops and parole officers extorting sex out of the guys they're supposed to be rehabilitating. These guys either get on their knees or bend over - most times they do both, forced to service and get fucked - or they're heading back to jail. The site doesn't update, but the content is hot.

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Video info

Videos are streaming only.

24 exclusive videos in Flash player, shown at 740x440, 4 quality levels available, quality is normal for hidden cam vids, videos are streaming only with no downloads offered. No DRM used.

Picture info

No picture galleries.

Site issues

This site no longer updates!

Pre-checked offer (called a cross sale) on billing page. Site does not update.

Membership Cost

There are pre-checked options on signup page. If left checked, you will automatically be subscribed to another site.

  • Monthly: $24.95 (recurring at $19.95 every 30 days)
  • Monthly: $34.95 (30 days, non recurring)


Parole Him Review

Parole Him is one of those sites that gives us something creative and different. In this case, we're talking about a hidden-camera look into the world of a gang of crooked parole officers based in Florida and using their positions of power not to help their parolees, but to extort sex from them.

Each scene opens with a parolee coming in for his weekly appointment. The parole officer confronts him with an allegation like the parolee failing a drug test or a search turning up some drugs in the guy's pocket, which were planted during the actual search. The parole officer is joined by a co-worker who is there to intimidate the parolee with the threat of taking him back to jail. Then the parolee is offered a choice: get down on his knees and suck his parole officer's cock or he's back to holding and then off to the joint.

This site is hot on a number of different levels. There's the whole notion of forced sex, guys sucking dick to get themselves out of a nasty situation. The parole officers are older men in their late thirties and forties and the parolees are twenty-something-year-old guys, and the age difference gives the parole offers a menacing feel of authority, so that's a big turn-on. Fans of bareback sex will love that these fuck scenes are condom-free. And even though I know these situations aren't real as the site claims - real hidden camera videos don't come with documentation verifying the participants' ages - it's a hot fantasy and it's executed very well.

Parole Him offers only 24 videos, but let me tell you they are hot. The videos are offered to stream but there are no downloads here. They play at 740x440 and you can select four different quality levels from low to HD. All versions display at the same size, but the picture quality varies depending on the quality you select. I found that even the HD version played seamlessly on my computer. Even so, the picture quality is grainy, at times jumpy, with scanlines - just what you'd expect from a hidden-camera video. And I wasn't able to fast-forward the videos till they had fully loaded, but that wasn't a problem as I wanted to watch each scenario unfold.

There's a graphic time line features that, when executed, will let you click on a thumbnail to jump to specific points of action in the video. There are no picture galleries on Parole Him, but there are a couple of pictures that introduce each episode to give you an idea of the who the scene participants are and the parolees' names, stats, and charges are detailed along with a brief description of the situation you'll be viewing.

After the site initially launched (in June, 2012), they updated for a brief period, but the site has not updated in some time now. The 24 videos currently hosted by the site are the same ones that were there in 2013, so the site no longer updates.

One of the things I really liked about Parole Him is that the execution of the fantasy is done really well. One of the videos I watched was called The Rat. Carter Jacobs is a rough-looking, beefy and tattooed straight guy who is meeting with his parole officer. (I've seen Carter on a couple of other jock porn sites.) After an initial get-to-know-you chat, the parole officer brings in the guy who ratted out Jacobs and landed him in jail. The parole officer orders his parolee to fuck the rat's ass (Benny G) while the parole officer sits back and watches. Benny just wants to get this over with and he doesn't want to go back to jail, so he immediately drops his jeans and bends over, but Carter is sweating bullets, dancing around, holding his head, and saying things like "WTF dude, I'm not gay." And when the parole officer tells him he's either going to fuck the rat's ass or he's going back to jail, Carter points at his dick and says, "How can I fuck him with a soft cock? Dude, I'm not gay." The whole scene was completely believable, unlike a lot of scenarios I see in gay porn, and I really did feel like I had a hidden view of a real situation, and that was hot.

The performers' acting fits in perfectly with this site's theme, as do the videos themselves. They're filmed in an amateur quality that you'd expect to find from a camera hidden in a parole office. The camera angles and picture quality help support the believability of the situation - hidden camera videos don't feature crisp picture quality and perfect edits. These are good productions that got me pretty revved up. And there was enough variety in the scenarios that I looked forward to seeing the set-up every time. There are even a couple cavity searches.

Does the site have any issues? Most important, there haven't been any updates since 2013. There's a pre-checked offer on the billing page that, if left checked, will sign you up for a second site membership when you join this site. There's also a pre-checked email offer on the join page, and to add to the confusion, on the billing page it says "We will send you a receipt and nothing else", and that may be true for the credit card processor, but if you didn't untick the email offer, you will be getting emails after you sign up.

Parole Him's biggest downfall is that it doesn't have more videos to offer, but even with only 24 videos, I wouldn't have been upset about having joined this site because I really enjoyed the scenes I watched. Parole Him has a unique theme featuring skanky and crooked parole officers abusing their power to get off, and the acting and production values all come together to create very hot and believable scenes. Even though it no longer updates, I'd recommend you check out this site. In a world where lots of sites offer us the same old thing, Parole Him stands out by giving us some pretty hot fucking situations.

Things we liked

  • Exclusive content
  • Believable execution of a unique, kinky theme
  • Variety of action including forced sex and cavity searches
  • No DRM used

Things we disliked

  • Site is on the small side and does not update
  • Pre-checked offer on billing page
  • Pre-checked email offer on join page
  • Videos not offered for download

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ParoleHim Screenshots

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Online since 1999, GayDemon is a trusted guide to gay porn sites. On this page you can find a in-depth, detailed review of Parole Him ( with our honest opinion about this site. The review outline what you can expect to find as a member if you subscribe to ParoleHim. The review was as accurate as possible when it was written on the 11 Oct 2015, but sites constantly change. GayDemon cannot guarantee that you will find the exact same content or features when you visit. Please contact me or leave a comment if you have any questions.

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GayDemon only write reviews of gay porn sites that are legal and safe to visit. This review contain our honest options, however GayDemon receive commission from a membership sale if you decide to join this site. We can only continue to write reviews with your support through your purchases. (96195)