Joshua Armstrong

22 Oct 2021 Score 63 / 100 Mobile friendly

  • Videos 4 stars
  • Pictures 1 stars
  • Unique 4 stars
  • Size 4 stars
Review score 63
  • 4 stars Cost
  • 0 stars Updates
  • 3 stars Usability
  • 3 stars Claims

Very well-built British hunk Joshua Armstrong thrills us with 509 homemade muscle worship videos. He's confident and a skilled dirty talker who shows off his beautifully-sculpted body in workout and jack off sessions and so much more. He even takes requests for future videos from members. Site no longer updates.

Click here to visit Joshua Armstrong

Since Last Review

  • Site has stopped updating; may be recycling updates.

Video info

Videos are streaming with option for pay to download.

509 exclusive videos in MP4 format. Newer vids sized at 700x406, older vids at 700x360 at good amateur quality. Videos are streaming full scenes. No DRM used. Downloadable vids must be purchased separately.

Picture info

One page of pictures arranged in a collage, no real galleries.

Site issues

This site no longer updates!

Site no longer updates.

Membership Cost

  • Weekly: $19.95 (recurring every 7 days)
  • Weekly: $24.95 (7 days, non-recurring)
  • Monthly: $49.95 (recurring every 30 days)


Joshua Armstrong Review

Joshua Armstrong is a self-proclaimed "gym addict" who loves having a sweaty workout, then turning on his camera to flex, pose and pull out his cock. This alpha male oozes confidence, he's a master of the tease, and has no problem showing off all his hard work from all his time at the gym. He's also an over-the-top dirty talker who loves turning it on for his fans in homemade videos, but there's so much more to Joshua Armstrong's site than flexing and jacking off, so let's see what's been happening.

Joshua refers to himself as the "naughtiest, cockiest, hottest muscle hunk", and he does his best to live up to this claim. I don't know much about him because he doesn't have a bio page, not even a section where he lists his stats, which I find unusual for a bodybuilder. But I can tell that Armstrong is very well built with giant arms and shoulders, chiseled pecs, ripped abs and tree-trunk thighs. He's good looking and appears to be in his early thirties, and although he's a natural brunette, he has at times been a blond.

And when Joshua says "cockiest", he means it. This hunk pours it on - and he has loads of personality. Here's a sample from one of his videos: "So please, come give commanding worship of my awesome physique and treat me to what I deserve, and that's a big, dirty fucking orgasm. Make me blow into my nylon shorts". And every video is just as enthusiastic, energetic, and jam-packed with adjectives about his gorgeous body and big cock. He's a very dirty talker who's very confident of his appeal, but he's endearing, too. He has a way of pulling me in and keeping me clicking on to the next video.

Armstrong knows his fans love seeing his muscles, so he flexes and poses in most of his videos; he sniffs his armpits and licks his biceps, and he often oils up, which shows off every muscle. He wears shorts, underwear, dress clothes, track pants, jeans, or nothing at all. A lot of times his graphic monologues have an air of domination as if he's talking directly and down to you, and sometimes he is. As a member, you can make requests of Joshua for future videos as he did in this one for his fan Aaron: "I know a lot of guys want to fuck my tight ass, but Aaron, I choose you today ..." and he goes on to tease poor Aaron with a seductive stream about his firm ass and tight hole - no doubt Aaron peeled paint off the ceiling with his cumshot.

JoshuaArmstrong does lots of posing and flexing, and he strokes his dick, too. One scene has him jerking off after a tanning session, and he blows his wad all over a pair of boxers (another fan request). In another video called "Training Tips in Tiny Pants", Joshua gives us workout tips. "Dumbbell Dick" features him working out naked, and in "Man Grooming" Joshua lathers up in the shower and shares his manscaping routine with us. He tickles his bare foot with a toothbrush in another video and "Laughing Gas Fun" has him playing around with balloons and tickling his armpits with a brush. So there's a good variety of stuff here, it's not all muscle worship and posturing.

Joshua Armstrong offers 509 streaming in MP4 format, newer releases playing at 700x406 and the older ones slightly smaller at 700x360. They're good amateur productions, and it appears they're filmed in Joshua's home. The episode pages have descriptions to set the tone, and most of the videos run between 10 and 15 minutes. While not every one has a cumshot or shows Joshua's cock, they're entertaining nonetheless. The videos mostly fare pretty well at full-screen with little quality loss. Unfortunately downloadable versions are only offered for sale and they're expensive, running anywhere from $39.95 to $69.95 each; as such, I can't tell you anything about sizes or formats.

There are some downsides starting with updates. In the past four and a half months, the site hasn't grown at all, but I notice the videos have been shuffled into a different order, so most likely this site is recycling updates. The monthly membership is expensive at $49.95, but the $19.95 weekly membership recurs every week, which adds up to $79.80 every four weeks. I'd like to see a bigger video player, and while the vids aren't bad quality, if they were just a bit better, they'd be even better at full screen. It's disappointing that the blog is no longer being updated. I'd also like to see some info about him and measurements of his chest, waist, thighs, etc. It's worth mentioning that we've tried to contact Mr. Armstrong several times in the last couple of years but never received a reply. That being said, some site owners reply to members but not to webmasters for some reason.

I've reviewed quite a few single model sites, and often their owners lack the imagination to keep creating exciting and enticing content. Joshua Armstrong doesn't have that problem. He puts a lot into his videos, he takes requests from fans and even incorporates those wishes into his scenes, and he does a lot more than stand, model, and pose. He's handsome and very well built, so aside from being animated and confident, he's hot to watch. There are 509 videos to stream on your desktop and mobiles, and while the site no longer appears to add new content, there's enough to keep you busy for a while. Like I said, this is one of the better solo muscle sites I've seen, and then there's all of Joshua's dirty talk. If you love cocky men with muscular bodies, this site is definitely worth a visit.

Things we liked

  • Exclusive, unique and sexy content
  • Joshua is a very hot bodybuilder
  • Lots of dirty talk and variety
  • Unlimited streaming
  • Site and videos are mobile compatible

Things we disliked

  • Site no longer updates
  • Downloads not included for members
  • Monthly membership is pretty pricy
  • Weekly membership pricy when recurring
  • Site could use more info about Joshua

Click here to visit Joshua Armstrong

JoshuaArmstrong Screenshots

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Online since 1999, GayDemon is a trusted guide to gay porn sites. On this page you can find a in-depth, detailed review of Joshua Armstrong ( with our honest opinion about this site. The review outline what you can expect to find as a member if you subscribe to JoshuaArmstrong. The review was as accurate as possible when it was written on the 22 Oct 2021, but sites constantly change. GayDemon cannot guarantee that you will find the exact same content or features when you visit. Please contact me or leave a comment if you have any questions.

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