
Alphabetical list of sex & porn terms starting with F, from Facesitting to Futanari.

Foreskin Piercing

The act of piercing the foreskin and inserting specialized jewelry.


Sexual interest, arousal by having small insects crawling or actually nibbling on one's self.


Engaging in consensual sex, between two persons who are both unmarried.

Frat Boys

Male members of a 'social' group on a college campus.

Free Play

When the main goal is the experiencing of pain, by both involved parties. Mainly where there is no domination, or submission by any of the participants.

Frenum Ladder

The term referring to a combination of similar piercing, in the soft tissue or Frenum found in the Genital region.


The act of engaging in sexual contact, without actual penetration of the anus, but of still achieving orgasm.

Fuck Face

Basically where the Receiver (the one being sucked) sits on the Giver's chest, and places their penis into the mouth, and does most of the work in getting themselves off.


A fetish, where one dresses in the garb of their favorite animal, and acts out in character to the creature they are dressed as.


A form of Hentai or Manga where the central character has exaggerated body parts, that resemble both sexes, but in which the body is more female in appearance, than male.