What is gay sexual dysfunction ?

What is Sexual Dysfunction ?

Difficulty for a person to enjoy sex, during any stages of the sexual act.


Refers to difficulty a person or couple have in any of the four stages of sexual activity.

These areas are:

Contributing factors to this break down, or malfunction, can be emotional or physical, or a combination of both.

The 'difficulty' can be manifested in many different forms, from where one has simple difficulty in being interested in sex, to being unable to perform, or to achieve ejaculation prematurely, to where they even experience actual pain during the performance of sexual acts.


Sexual issues were not a much discussed topic in ancient times or even today.

The first recorded treatment for erectile dysfunction, is mentioned in many records of Islamic physicians and pharmacists from the 9th to 16th Centuries of Medieval Islamic world.

It is noted that the primary concern dealt with erectile dysfunction, the inability to achieve an erection, which was treated by drugs of the time.

There is also indication that treatment included diet, administering of special foods, but that also topical solutions were recommended by Islamic physicians of the time.


There are emotional factors as well as physical factors that can contribute to a sexual dysfunction, or malfunction. Emotional factors that can contribute to difficulty in the stages of sex, can be due to stress, depression, lifestyle, guilt, previous sexual trauma such as rape, abuse.

Guilt can be as simple as feeling that enjoying the sex is somehow wrong or undeserved. Religious beliefs can play a role in one having a sexual malfunction. Lack of open discussion, or trust among partners can also contribute to one's inability to fully perform, or enjoy all of the sexual stages.

Physical problems can also be difficult to determine, without proper medical testing. Some of the most noted issues that can cause a sexual dysfunction are diseases such as Diabetes, Tumors, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Drugs such as nicotine, antihistamines, narcotics, antihypertensive, stimulants, and some psychotherapeutic drugs. Alcohol and other illegal drugs also can play a significant role in one experiencing sexual malfunctions.

Spinal cord injuries, trouble with blood flow, injuries to the back, enlarged prostate, and nerve damage can also lead to sexual performance issues. Other issues such as low estrogen, testosterone, and androgens along with birth defects can have an effect as well.

Practice (Associated Acts): Sexual dysfunction is categorized into four main categories.

Sexual Desire Disorders - usually a low chemical imbalance, such as testosterone for men, estrogen for women. It can also be due to natural aging, or depression.

Sexual Arousal Disorders - In the past was referred to as Frigidity in women, and Impotency for men. Many causes can contribute to this situation, and today impotency is now referred to as EDS, Erectile Dysfunction Syndrome This can caused by improper blood flow or other medical conditions, and are treatable. Most conditions in Men is more physical than emotional, as shown by the success of drugs like Viagra.

Sexual Orgasm Disorders - This is where usually the orgasm becomes delayed, or incomplete. Presence of SSRI antidepressants are a large contributing factor to this condition.

Sexual Pain Disorders - This generally effects women more than men, which usually pain experienced during intercourse due to a lack of lubrication within the vagina. This lubrication is a natural body function, but 'vaginal dryness' can occur. Some theorize this can happen due to previous sexual trauma, such as abuse as a child, or due to earlier instances of rape. It can also be due to a lack of stimulation and/or excitement with one's partner.

Noteworthy: Prior to the release of the Masters and Johnson study Human Sexuality Inadequacy most associated sexual dysfunction as mainly a psychological issue, rather than possible physical problems. The study was released in 1970, culminating a ten year study.

Prior to this study, most assumed that sexual problems were signs of more serious mental issues, thus making treatment difficult, less effective. Sexual Dysfunction is also more common among those who abuse alcohol and drugs, than those who don't.
