What is a gay sexual addiction?

What is Sexual Addiction?

Where one becomes obsessed with having sex, to the detriment of their normal daily life, including the need for multiple partners, to satisfy their craving for sexual contact.


Controversial definition, as many do not accept that there is even such a thing, as being addicted to sex. Others believe it is simply an extension of other disorders, such as OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or Manic Depression.

Many content that these 'other' disorders are the true cause, and that one's sexual excessive appetite is a result of them.

Others argue that no such condition exists, while many claim that it is no different than any other form of addiction, such as alcohol or drug addictions.


Difficulty arises in determining whether one is 'addicted' due to the varying degrees of people's sexual drive. What one believes is normal, may be considered excessive by others, while others may consider it below normal.

Simply put, there is no way to determine what is, what isn't a normal sexual drive for humans, hence the inability to agree on what, if anything, constitutes a sexual addiction. Many however, rely on the main criteria to determine 'addiction' in a general sense.

That being where one engages in behavior, repeatedly with no regard to the subsequent consequences to their other life obligations, such as family and work.

Practice (Associated Acts): In the American Psychiatric Association listing of mental disorders, sexual addiction is not listed, however it does list, under miscellaneous diagnosis, a heading that appears to include sexual addiction. The argument is that sexual addiction is merely an extension of other disorders.

The conflicting argument is that it is impossible to agree on what is a normal sexual drive, hence it is impossible to determine what is a disorder.

They further content, that many of the criteria for being a mental disorder apply, in that the behavior increases in intensity, even when it is apparent that it is destructive, or detrimental to the person's quality of life.

Noteworthy: Many who believe that sexual addiction is a myth, claim that it is more about social standards, or religious morals, that are responsible for the misconception that one is a 'sexual addict' or that it fosters the myth that such a condition exists.

The World Heath Organization (WHO) publishes a list of diseases, and the most recent version, ICD-10 lists 'excessive sexual drive' within that list.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICd-10) is globally accepted. It should be noted that this list is not exclusive to listing Mental Disorders, but all forms of noted diseases.

Public perception is believed to be clouded by the way sex addiction is portrayed by Hollywood.

Others argue that it is how the media portrays those with what is perceived as being abnormally involved with sex, or is used to deride pornographic materials, claiming that it leads to addiction, rather than playing the 'morality' card.

Similiar Terms

Based on the ICD-10 (from the World Health Organization) excessive sexual drive is listed with two sub categories.

Nymphomania for females.

Satyriasis for males.

The criteria appears to be where one engages in excessive sexual activity, increasing in frequency, or without regard for the emotional aspect associated with sexual contact.
