What is hepatitis?

What is Hepatitis?

A viral infection that effects the Liver of the recipient, transmitted by different means, depending on the strain of the virus.


There are several strains of Hepatitis, caused by different sources, but primarily, all are a result of a viral infection that attacks the liver.

These viral infections can be short term or long term, and in some instances, there are vaccinations available to help prevent their contraction.

Short term Hepatitis is called 'acute' while long term infection is referred to as 'chronic'.

Acute Hepatitis lasts generally six months or less.

Chronic Hepatitis is when the virus lasts longer than six months.


The word has its origins in Greek, from the word hepar or hepato meaning liver, and the word -itis meaning inflammation.

Plural for Hepatitis is Hepatitides


Practice (Associated Acts): Simple blood tests are generally needed to determine if one has any of the various forms of Hepatitis.

General symptoms can be virtually undetected, to symptoms that may be mistaken for flu like. This includes mild fever, cramps, or a case of the runs even.

More specific symptoms, that might be due to hepatitis is a drastic loss of appetite, an aversion to smoking (if a smoker) as well as dark coloring of one's urine, a yellowing appearance of the skin and/or around the eyes (jaundice). Abdominal discomfort can also occur as a symptom.

Noteworthy: Hepatitis is generally considered a viral infection, however, it is not always caused by the associated Hepatitis Virus itself. There are other factors that can cause Hepatitis, which is simply an inflammation of the Liver, such as certain drugs, including ordinary aspirin (ibuprofen).

As well, alcohol is a major contributing factor in some instances.
