What is gay fisting or fist fucking?

What is Fisting?

The placing of one's entire hand into another's rectum, or in some cases, both hands, during sexual activity.


A more extreme form of anal sex where the top inserts all five fingers or the entire fist into the bottoms rectum. Simulating anal intercourse, or to provide stimulation due to the stretching of the inner rectal lining or anus itself.


Despite its name, the actual procedure is for one to form a close grouping of the fingers, into a beak shape, rather than a clenched fist, as the name implies. However there is a more extreme form for the more experienced called punch fisting where the closed up fist is used.

This produces a cone or beak like shape for insertion into the vagina or anus.

Proper lubrication is ESSENTIAL when engaging in this type of activity, plus insertion should be gradual, not necessarily done in one single penetrating push.

The practice can be gradually led into, beginning with one or two fingers being inserted, then gradually increasing the number of digits being inserted, until the entire hand is penetrating the anus.

Crisco used to be a is a favorite lubricant for this type of sexual activity however as fisting has become increasingly popular there are now a wide range of fisting lubes. Lubricants that are not easily absorbed by the body are considered the best, however, afterwards, it is important to properly insure all presence of these lubricants are cleaned out, thoroughly. Specially if using lubricants like Crisco, so as to avoid bacterial growth or other harmful infections.

Note - Fingernails should be cut short, and well filed before engaging in fisting. Sharp nails, or over long ones can cause serious internal injuries.

Once inserted, the fingers can be kept in their 'beak like' position, or clenched into a normal fist. The entire hand is then moved in and out.

Care in the motion should be taken, as tearing of the inner linings can happen from rough use.

Punching - is generally where the hand is made into an actual fist, then inserted into the rectum. It remains closed and the motion is generally is a bit more intense, though not necessarily any faster.

Piston Fisting - is very similar to punching. The difference is that the motion going in and out is much more extreme. It is done quicker, perhaps even deeper, and more rigorously than normal fisting, or just punching.

Double Fisting - is as it's name implies. This is the actual insertion of both hands into the rectum. Generally this practice is more about the pleasure obtained from the stretching of the anus, than the actual in/out motion.

As in any 'risky' activity, limits should be discussed prior to engaging in the activity, and care should always be maintained to not go beyond the comfort level of all involved parties.

Practice (Associated Acts): BDSM role playing generally will include 'fisting' as part of its ritual.

Noteworthy: Fisting depiction in Pornography is considered acceptable, as long as the thumb is actually visible and not shown inserted into the vagina, or rectum.

During the 1970's and 80's any form was considered illegal, or taboo. Simply not shown. Though it has been alluded to in many various works, such as Frank Zappa's song 'Broken Hearts Are For Assholes' released in 1979. (recorded between 1977 and 1978) As well as in movies such as 'Cruising' with Al Pacino.

While 'fisting' is generally a BDSM practice, it should be noted that in a Stanford study, nearly 96% of those who were on the receiving end, also attempted to 'fist' another at least once.

