What is a gay femboy?

What is Femboy?

A femboy is a person, typically male, who presents themselves in a feminine manner, challenging traditional gender norms.


"Femboy" is a term that originated from the combination of "feminine" and "boy." It's used to describe a person, typically a male, who presents themselves in a way that is traditionally associated with femininity. This may include their appearance, mannerisms, or style of dress. Femboys often challenge gender norms and express themselves in a way that feels authentic to them, regardless of societal expectations regarding gender expression. It's important to note that the term is self-identifying for those who embrace it, and it's crucial to respect individuals' self-identification and gender expression.


The term "femboy" gained popularity on internet forums and social media platforms, particularly within LGBTQ+ communities, in the early 2000s. It emerged as a descriptor for individuals who identified as male but embraced elements of femininity in their appearance, behavior, or self-expression. The concept of femboys can be seen as part of a broader movement towards greater acceptance and celebration of gender diversity and non-conformity. Over time, the term has evolved and become more widely recognized, though its usage and connotations may vary among different communities and individuals.

Similiar Terms

See also sissy, cross dressing and transvestism.
