You Make Me So Happy Erik Schulz

by Mr B Queer

9 Mar 2021 601 readers Score 8.1 (19 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

As the elevator climbed up closer and closer to the penthouse, Walt found all the energy seeping out of him through the soles of his feet. Before he knew it he had his beefy back against the cold metal walls of the elevator and sliding himself down until he was sitting down on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees.

He was home. Only tonight he didn’t have the energy to deal with his boyfriend, Erik. He felt bad because he knew how hard Erik was trying. But after the day he’d had, Walt just didn’t have the strength for it.

He ran his fingers through his perfectly coiffed hair and immediately tried to fix himself up when he saw the mess he had made in the reflection on the closed metal doors in front of him. Just as he was considering going back down and spending the night at the office, the elevator came to a stop and the doors dinged open into his apartment. The high ceilings and large rooms which had been a big selling point once, now just reminded him of the emptiness inside.

But he had already made up his mind. He wouldn’t get out. He was just going to sit here until the sun came up and it was time to get back to the office.

That’s when he heard the most wonderful sound coming out of the kitchen. The sound of vegetables being chopped expertly, the sound of clanging utensils and the waft of a perfectly spiced lamb stew.

Walt jumped up to his feet so fast he almost toppled over as he stepped out of the elevator into his home. He threw his briefcase onto the soft carpet and dashed into the kitchen.

When he got to the doorway he stood with his hands over his mouth, he wasn’t sure if it was an impulse to pray for the miracle or just disbelief at what he was seeing.

Erik, the love of his life stood in front of the stove, he was standing with a wooden spoon in his hand and smacking his lips, mulling over the big question, did the lamb need just a little bit more thyme?

Walt didn’t want to move an inch. Erik hadn’t been out of bed for weeks and to see him up and doing something that always brought him joy was nothing short of a miracle. Walt was afraid it was all a dream and he wasn’t ready to wake up just yet.

Without even thinking about it, Walt started rubbing his crotch as he felt the blood rushing to his member. Erik was the perfect twunk. He was so beautiful in his jean shorts which cupped his perfect round ass and the soft cotton pyjama top which made Erik want to rub himself against every inch of his body.

Out of nowhere Erik looked up and his eyes fell directly on Walt’s face. The biggest smile came over his face. Erik’s big brown eyes seemed so full of life. Before he knew it Walt found himself crying.

Suddenly everything that had happened that day didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was the love of his life was back from his depression.

“Stop, you’re going to make me cry,” Erik signed with his hands.

“I’m crying because I’m so happy!” Walt said as he signed back to Erik.

Then he added with his arms open, “Come here, you.”

“You have no idea how badly I needed to hold you, tonight Erik,” Walt said as he wrapped his arms around Erik.

He buried his head in his soft, messy hair and before he knew it he was running his hands over every inch of Erik’s back.

He was overwhelmed with emotion, he was crying from exhaustion, relief and just so much gratitude that Erik was there with him, even if it probably wouldn’t last long. It was still the best feeling in the world to see his boyfriend smile.

Before he knew it, Walt felt Erik’s small hand pawing at his crotch. Erik always became so shy and avoided eye contact when he was aroused.

But Walt pulled back and placed his hands over Erik’s ears. He wanted to hold him right there for all eternity. But he couldn’t resist kissing his beautiful pink lips. Erik kept pawing at his crotch. And by now Walt could barely breathe from excitement. He could feel the force of Erik’s desire pulling him towards him.

“I’ve missed being inside you so much,” he mouthed so Erik could read his lips.

Erik put his thumb into his mouth and pawed again at Walt’s big bulge.

“You want this, sweetie?” Walt mouthed grabbing his hard dick and heavy nut sack over his pin stripe trousers.

Erik nodded frantically, and then he pulled his brown curls over his eyes, his face flushed.

Walt unzipped his pants and unleashed the beast. Erik dutifully fell to his knees.

Erik was only five foot six and his small hands always made Walt feel huge. The hottest thing about being sucked by Erik was how excited he always got when he had his boyfriend in his mouth. And the way he looked up to him when taking a break to gasp for air. A big smile on his face, while his cute brown eyes teared up.

But Walt was getting jealous that his dick was getting all the attention. He placed his hands on Erik’s sides and lifted him up onto the counter. He started kissing him tenderly while reaching his big veiny hands into his shorts and untying the apron he was wearing.

Walt nibbled Erik’s ears and said a quiet prayer to God. You make me so happy Erik Schulz.

Then he wanted nothing more than to be inside Erik, so he wrapped one arm firmly around Erik and pulled him close to him against his hard chest and abs. Walt gripped his shaft and started easing it into Eric. Eric responded by tightening his arms and legs around Walt’s back.

As Walt started thrusting inside Eric he thought he heard the apartment elevator ding open but the only people with the code were fucking on the kitchen counter unless…

“Walter Ashforth! Get your balls off the kitchen counter!” Walt heard the pretentious, nasal voice he knew too well scold.

“People eat there you know,” another voice chimed in and as he turned to look at the faces, Walt was blinded by the flash of a camera.

After his eyes adjusted, Walt saw Lukas and Karl standing in the kitchen doorway. They were Erik’s older bratty brothers.

“What are you doing here?!” Walt cried out in horror.

He started pulling out of his boyfriend but Erik, placed his palms on Walt’s firm butt cheeks and pulled him even deeper inside him.

“Jesus, Erik, stop! Your brothers! They’re going to post this all over twitter!” The mortified Walt frantically mouthed looking directly into Erik’s face but he could tell he wasn’t paying attention. He was busy smiling at his brothers who had no intention of giving the couple some privacy. Walt could tell the brothers were filming them.

Normally this would be a huge no-no but Walt hadn’t seen Erik this happy in a long time. And he found himself wanting to impress the brothers too. He started driving hard into his boyfriend, holding him close to him and kissing his wet lips like his life depended on it.

Before he knew it he was releasing his seed inside Erik. He always gripped Erik so tightly when he came and this time, all the stress from the day he had had and the last few weeks came flooding back and he started weeping while his balls and shaft pulsated inside Erik.

“Aw,” one of the brothers said as they both walked towards Walt and Erik.

“Poor guy,” Lukas, the snooty brother said, planting a wet kiss on Walt’s neck. Then both brothers wrapped their arms around Walt and Erik.

Walt who was still inside Erik, still shuddering from coming, found himself getting even harder than he was as he felt the brothers rubbing themselves against him and massaging his neck and chest. They both smelled so delicious – just like Erik, which made Erik get all sorts of ideas.

“Erik told us you were both going through some dark shit. We’re here to cheer you up buddy.” Lukas said and Walt felt a hand cupping his nut sack.

“God, I love you Erik Schulz”, Walt mouthed to his boyfriend. Suddenly spending more time with his bratty brothers didn't seem so bad.