Yankee Mountain Retreat

by Butch

11 May 2021 2502 readers Score 9.5 (109 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It's been several years since I built my cabin in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  With a stressful job draining me of energy, this is where I found my solitude.  It was a perfect Friday in June, eighty four degrees and I was heading to my retreat.  Seven days of peace and tranquility, well really four days because a friend of mine was going to visit for three days.  I was not looking forward to it but when he asked I couldn't say no.

My cabin is plain and simple with one large room combining the living area and kitchen area. One bedroom and a large bathroom with a large walk-in shower. In the front of the cabin is a nice porch with rocking chairs. The back of the cabin has a large deck overlooking a beautiful lake.

My name is Daniel Sloan, I'm 35 years old, 5'10" 165 lbs, dark hair and blue eyes. My body is well toned as I visit a gym regularly. I am a gay man having one devastating relationship in my life with the intention of it never happening again.

I arrived at the cablin, unloaded the truck, took a shower, then headed to the deck to relax. The peacefulness made me realize how lucky I am to have this bit of heaven. Over the next four days I did what I loved, fishing, canoeing, and walks in the woods taking in the breathtaking scenery. I gave the cabin a good cleaning getting prepared for my visitor. I was ready for my guest and oddly looking forward to it.

Jake arrived and I walked outside to greet him. When he got out of his jeep I was mesmerized by his aura, shorts and a tank top showing off his amazing body. A light dusting of blond hair all over his body made me salivate. I welcomed him with a hug and I helped him with his bags and a cooler. Couldn't help but notice his blue eyes, big and the color of a perfect sky.

"What do you have in the cooler bud.?

"What do you think Daniel....beer my friend, along with a couple of nice steaks."

"Sounds good to me."

As we walked in Jake just stood still and silent.

"Cat got your tongue Jake?"

"Wow, this is magnificent, what an awesome atmosphere, and the stone fireplace is fantastic."

"Thank you, I'm glad it meets your approval. You can put your stuff in my bedroom, but I hope you don't mind sleeping on the sofa."

"Hmmm, you have a king size bed, I could sleep with you....only kidding Daniel."

I got us a beer and we sat on the deck talking....it's ironic that in the two hours of our conversation we talked more than all the time we knew each other. I did ask him if there was anyone special in his life and he said...."There was, but she thought she could fuck a friend of mine and I wouldn't find out, needless to say I did and that was the end of it. "I haven't dated much and I definitely don't want another relationship." "I hear you bud, same here, been there, done that, but never again."

After a few beers and a couple hours of good conversation, Jake wanted to take a swim.

"I didn't think of bringing swimming trucks, do you have a pair that I could use?

"I don't because I don't have any either because I usually swim in the nude....it's very private here."

"Find by me, let's go."

We headed down to the lake and in a flash we were naked and dove in.

"Man this feels good Daniel and being naked just adds to the feeling of being totally free."

"That's why I love coming here, the freedom and the solitude replenishes my drained energy, gives me a sense of what's important in life."

We swam and had fun teasing each other and then came out and laid on our towels. The sun was hot and as I looked over at him, his tanned body was glistening and the site of his ass had me hard and horny. We quickly started a conversation ignoring the fact that I was getting aroused. I just said to myself that all guys check each other out. I knew that Jake was straight.

After some good conversation, we headed back to the cabin and slipped on shorts because it was warm and one thing I didn't have was air conditioning.

"Okay my friend, what about cooking up those steaks you brought with baked potato and a couple of beers.?

"Sounds like a plan to me Daniel, I'm starved."

I fired up the grill and Jake took care of the steaks while I made a salad and threw a couple of potatoes in the microwave. Soon we were devouring our food and we laughed and talked like we knew each other for a lifetime. I sat quietly for a minute realizing that it's nice to have a friend, something I didn't know very much about because I was sort of a recluse and didn't have many people in my life. My parents were gone due to an automobile accident and I was an only child.

We had the best time that weekend and it began a friendship that evolved into not only friends but best friends. Several years passed, and he would come up to the cabin with me everytime I did. He dated a few girls and I never told him I was gay and he never asked. It got to a point where we could finish each others sentences and with that said, I think he knew I was gay.

There were times when we were relaxing at the cabin, or times when we thought nothing of being nude in front of each other, but there were also times when a slight glance at his dick or him looking at mine, then eye connection which made us both nervous. That weekend was the start of an evolving friendship.

Jake called me and I could tell just by the tone of his voice that something was wrong....

"Jake, what's going on?"

"They are not renewing the lease on my apartment and I have to start looking for a new place."

"Hmmm, listen, I have a great idea, why don't you move in with me, you can pay half the rent and we will both make out. I have two bedrooms , so it would be perfect."

"Oh wow Daniel, that sounds great, are you sure you don't mind?"

"Not at all, in fact it will be nice to have you around."

Within the next month Jake moved in and we got into a nice groove cooking dinner together and taking care of the cleaning. It was a fact that we did just about everything together....grocery shopping, going out for pizza or burgers, hiking, fishing, running, you name it and we did it together.

One Saturday night we decided to stay in, relax and watch a movie. We ordered a pizza and were excited to enjoy a few old episodes of 'Star Trek. After a couple of hours, stuffed with pizza and a buzz from several beers, Jake said....

"Hey Daniel, lets watch some porn, I want to watch a gay porn flick because I'm curious to see what you gay guys do."

"No way dude, and I never told you I was gay."

"You didn't have to."

"How long have you known?"

"Quite a while."

"Wow and you never said anything."

"Wasn't my business Daniel, and it in no way changes our friendship, now lets watch a gay flick, you choose."

I was nervous and uncomfortable, but I searched for a hot, steamy video and started it. It was of two guys sitting on a sofa talking and one guy moves over and places his hand on the other dude's knee. From there the action started with the two hotties beginning a hot mouth watering kiss. The rest of the movie involved cock sucking, then rimming and fucking.

"Holy shit Daniel, I can't believe what I'm seeing....never saw a gay flick before.

"I have to say looking at that bulge you've got, it must have done something to you."
I started laughing and Jake got aggravated.

"Fuck you Daniel, watching any kind of sex gets me aroused but that doesn't mean I would suck a guys cock."

"Okay, I was just razzing you."

Our life was perfect together, Jake never dated and it was just him and I. It was as if we were a couple but with no sex. Jake was friendly with a new guy at work and brought him over one night for dinner. When the doorbell rang, Jake welcomed him in and he came right over to me and introduced himself as Aaron and said that Jake has talked a lot about me. He was hot, about 6' tall, dark hair with beautiful hazel eyes.

We sat down to dinner and his personality made him shine. He was definitely a hottie.

"So Aaron, tell us a little about yourself."

"Well Jake and I work together and developed a friendship, I was in a relationship but it didn't work out, so now I date occasionally. I'm really not looking for a relationship."

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"I just turned 30, and I'm in a good place in my life."

We enjoyed a nice dinner and I noticed that Jake was really taking a shine to Aaron, leaving me feeling a little jealous, in which I had no right but I didn't like the feeling. Over the next several weeks Jake brought Aaron over often and one night he said that they were going hiking on Saturday. I didn't say a word, I just said that it would be fun. When Aaron left I was quiet and Jake said....

"Why are you so quiet?"

"Its nothing, I'm just tired."

We didn't speak much the rest of the night and the next morning I was up early and was brewing a pot of coffee when Jake came in the kitchen.

"Umm, coffee smells good, oh by the way do you want to go hiking with us?"

"I just looked at him trying not to lose my cool."

"No Jake, I wouldn't want to intrude."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just go and have a great time."

"No, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is wrong with you."

"Okay, you want to hear it well here it is, you make plans with Aaron and didn't even include me, and then the morning you're going you ask me because you knew I was upset."

"Its no big deal, I didn't even think of it."

"Well, I guess that says it all Jake."

He got really pissed and got dressed and left. I sat pondering about our life together and realized something had to change. You can't have a relationship without sex and that was what we had. I tossed around the idea of getting my own apartment and begin living my life, finding someone and maybe considering a relationship. Two years we had lived together just as friends but I realized I wanted more so I decided that I was going to approach Jake and let him know my feelings.

He got home just before dinner and I was shocked that he didn't have Aaron with him. He seemed nervous and came over to me and asked if I wanted to talk.

"I was just going to ask you the same thing, because we do need to talk."

"Jake, I think its time we get our own apartments because this is just not working anymore."

"What, why are you saying that we don't work?"

"Because there is no we Jake....I knew it was preposterous but I fell in love with you and I thought because you never dated that you had feelings for me too."

"Wow, I don't know what to say because I do love you but I don't think in that way."

"Okay, I understand but let's start plans to get our own apartments, you can stay here and I will look for a place."

"Is this all because of Aaron?"

"Look, I don't like the feeling of being jealous but you met him and forgot about me and it fucking hurt me Jake."

"I'm sorry Daniel, it was never my intention to hurt you, but I realize I was wrong and if this is what you want we can go our separate ways."

"Its not what I want but we both need to find someone. I thought at one time I would never want another relationship, but after us being together and sharing so much I realized that I do need someone in my life."

"Okay, I understand what you're saying....this was your apartment so I will be the one to look for another place."

In the days that followed I was filled with despair because I knew how much I would miss Jake. The one thing I didn't want was to lose our friendship. Jake did find a furnished place and he was packing his clothes. I was so upset that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears. He had his jeep all packed and as he was ready to leave, he just looked at me as tears began to well up in my eyes. He came over to me and took his finger to wipe away the tears. He hugged me and I said....

"Take care of yourself Jake."

He was gone and I just let the floodgates open as I layed on the sofa. I fell asleep and woke with the house in darkness. I had never felt such a feeling of loneliness. I took a shower and let the hot water cascade over my body trying to relax. The house was so quiet when my cell beeped.

"Daniel, I need to talk to you, can I come over?"

"This is not a good time Jake."

"Please I need to talk to you."

"Okay, come over when you want, I'll be here."

The doorbell rang and as I went to the door I was trembling wondering what he wanted to talk about. I opened the door and he just stood there looking at me....

"Come in Jake, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

He got close to me, put his arms around me as I melted into his arms. His scent was fresh and we gazed into each other's eyes not saying a word. Then the unthinkable happened, he kissed me....I became weak in the knees as the kiss became hipnotic. He pulled away and said....

"Daniel, I don't know how to do this, but one thing I do know is that I love you, I have loved you for some time but was too afraid to admit it. I can't be without you because I have realized that you are the one that I want to make a life with. I took his hand leading him to the bedroom as we quickly began to strip, but looking at each other naked as we had done so many times was different, his handsome long thick cock was hard and so was I. We got on the bed and I could sense how nervous he was.

"Jake, relax because tonight you are going to feel my love."

I gazed at his 6' torso, his awesome pecs lightly covered in blond hair leading down to a tight six pac and then the prize.... his long, thick cock and hefty balls which I had seen many times but now it was different because I was about to venture into sexual ecstasy with the guy that I had loved for so long.

Jake just laid there as I was mesmerized taking in his grandeur. I began with light kisses on his neck, then his lips as he opened his mouth wanting me to invade his. Our tongues began to dance in sexual harmony. He lightly moaned and said....

"Teach me Daniel."

I raised his legs as his pink virgin hole was just waiting to be awakened. I circled the sensitive area around his rosebud as his breathing increased. I then went for the target, licking, slurping and prodding the deliciousness of his mancunt.

"Uh huh, fuck yea, oh Daniel yea, ummm that feels so good."

I devoured his ass and the more I chewed on his wet hole the more dazed he got. I was on a mission so I headed up his perineum to his balls and took each egg and gently sucked one than the other. Sliding my tongue up the length of his cock as precum began spewing out like an open faucet which I lapped up savoring his taste.

"Fuck yea, suck my cock Daniel."

With him so charged up, I took his throbbing cock inch by inch until he was buried in my throat and using my throat muscles to massage his swollen cock.

"Daniel, stop or I'm going to cum, oh fuck yeah, don't stop, don't stop."

His body jerked and I could feel his cum exploding in my throat. I continued sucking him until he was spent. I laid back on the bed and just looked at him breathing hard with his eyes closed.

"Are you okay Jake?"

He turned and looked at me and cried out....

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, man I have never had a blowjob like that. How do you get it all in your throat and not gag?"

"Practice is all it takes."

"Daniel, I have a great idea, its only two weeks from Christmas, I can get a couple of weeks off....can you?"

"I think I can, it would be great to spend Christmas at the cabin and we can cut down a fresh tree and I'll bring along decorations.

It was the first night that we slept together and what was surprising to me was during the night I awoke to Jake's arms around me. I laid there thinking that all I had prayed for was coming true.

We headed to the cabin for our Christmas holiday and it was bitter cold as we unpacked the truck. I got a fire going in the fireplace and I said to Jake....

"First thing before it snows, let's go cut down a tree."

It was fun finding the perfect tree, a beautiful Fraser Fir, he did the cutting of the tree and then we dragged it through the woods setting it up ready for decorating.

That evening we made dinner and ate on the coffee table in front of the fireplace.

"Daniel, this is perfect so hurry up and eat because I can't wait to decorate the tree."

After eating and cleaning up, we decorated the tree, which was the most beautiful tree I'd ever seen. After we finished we stood there admiring our work and Jake leaned over and kissed me.

"Why did I wait so long to let this magic begin?"

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that here in this moment we are together and I just want to say I love you Jake....Merry Christmas."

I love you too Daniel, Merry Christmas."

We cleaned up the mess, I moved the coffee table, got us a glass of Eggnog and we sat on the floor against the sofa mesmerized by the fire flickering, casting shadows around the room. Jake leaned over and kissed me, and it became hot, scorching hot as his tongue invaded my mouth, our saliva mixing together in erotic passion.

We began stripping each other and soon we were naked. Just then I looked out the window and it was snowing. Jake laid me down and started kissing me, my whole body, trailing down to my hardened cock. He looked up at me and said....

"I've never done this before Daniel so have patience with me."

He took my cock in his mouth and began passionately worshipping every inch of my dripping fuckpole. His movements up and down my cock were amazing and what really turned me on was that as he was sucking me he was softly moaning making me realize that he was enjoying the pleasure he was giving me. After a short time I pulled him off and said....

"Jake, I want you to fuck me."

I took the tube of lube and lubed my ass and his cock then laid on my stomach....he straddled me placing his cock at my entrance. He pushed in passing my sphincter....there was no pain or discomfort, just a feeling of fullness.

"Fuck, man you are so tight and warm, nothing like a pussy."

"Is it better Jake?

"Oh yah, its definitely not what I expected."

He began fucking me, we were both sweating, our bodies totally bound in an aura of sexual awakening.

"Turn over on your back babe."

I did as he said and he entered me never taking his eyes off mine. He began a steady rhythm as my hands searched his body, rubbing his nipples and then placing my hands on his delicious ass. I pushed him into me deeper, he laid on my body and kissed me... an open mouthed, tongue worshipping kiss which made my balls start to stir and I knew it wouldn't be long....

"Jake, breed me, fill me with your seed."

"Oh fuck Daniel, I'm cumming oh fuuuuuuuuck uh ha, mmmmmm."

"Im cumming too babe oh yesssssssss, mmmmm."

"Feed me my cum Jake."

He used his fingers picking up the splattered cum all over my chest, then fed it to me and when he had finished I told him to kiss me. We shared my jizz back and forth, kissing feverishly.

We just laid there, Jake looked at me and said....

"I love you Daniel, that was the most amazing sex I have ever experienced."

Christmas morning, I made a large breakfast of bacon, eggs, home fries and orange juice. After breakfast we opened our gifts, Jake got me a beautiful watch and on the back was engraved 'Love Jake.  I got him a gold St. Christopher necklace. We also exchanged other small gifts.

"Daniel this is a Christmas to Remember."

"And many more that we will share."

Our life totally changed direction and the love that we felt for each other was blossoming. Jake couldn't get enough of my mouth or my ass. He also became an incredible cock sucker.

The following Christmas we spent at the cabin and it was there on a cold, snowy night that Jake proposed to me and the following summer we were married. We began as friends, falling in love becoming Daniel and Jake Sloan. Life is grand....

Quote for Thought"

"When I listen to my heart it whispers your name."