Why Him, of All People

by I. Dusk

26 Aug 2023 1367 readers Score 9.4 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter 3 - Red silk

This story is partly interlinked with the storyline under the title Own-Me. Previously titled Co-Worker in Heat.

It's not necessary to read both to enjoy it, but it may give you more insights since this chapter is happening along with Own-Me chapter 2. 

Important to note. This story will be primarily romance, while Own-Me will be heavily BDSM based. 

Tue, May 17th, 2022:

I don't really remember how I got home. I kept thinking about Liam. Not only was he making me really confused about myself, but now I also felt guilty.

Was it wrong that I didn't take my clothes off? I suppose it can send the wrong message. I just didn't really stop to ponder. And not like he tried to undress me himself.

I kept thinking about it, and I was perplexed myself. I didn't mind how I looked, and I loved how he felt. It was just that I never had a chance to see a man under me, and I was so lost in that experience I didn't think about much else anyway... It was like tunnel vision. Damn it… It shouldn't matter anyway. We should not be sleeping together ... Or should we?

I woke up around eleven and stumbled around my apartment without any sense or thought. Coffee, toast, red lace panties… What?!

The image of that guy was everywhere! I tried to concentrate on my usual tasks, but the second I lost concentration, I saw him lying in front of me and moaning…

I should buy those panties… Yes, it's the right thing to do. I will just give them to him and end this chapter. Yes.

Filled with newfound motivation, I went to shower and prepared to leave. I bought many pieces for Madison back in our days. This should be easy. I was thinking about the size, but I will try to decide when I will see them.


I parked in the underground garage and walked around the shop where I used to buy lingerie for Madison on our anniversaries. There was no way I was buying him some cheap ones as a replacement. But maybe I shouldn't spend too much… It can give him the wrong idea… But I love this shop… Damn it, I will just look. What is the harm?

I went in, and then I saw Owen in front of me. What is he doing here? He looked lost and frustrated. My lips naturally curved into a smile. It had been a long time since we saw each other.

Owen is one of my longest friends. He is always at work, so meeting him takes a lot of scheduling in advance, but every time is worth it. I love his sense of humor, kindness, and round butt. But I was keeping that last one for myself these twenty years we have known each other.

So he's got a lady now. Good for him.



"Sam?!" He jumped as he turned around, frantic. "What are you doing here?"

I laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You just seemed so lost I couldn't help myself."

"How nice of you, Sam. Yeah, I hate this kind of thing."

"Buying lingerie?"

"Yeah, I feel like everyone is looking at me here."

"Well, since you picked quite an exclusive shop, they probably just wonder who the lucky lady is." I smiled, and he immediately grinned with his white teeth. It's a shame how perfect this man is…

"I am not sure if she is a lucky lady, but thanks. Actually, do you think you can help me?"

"Always happy to assist when my friend wants to score," I grinned at him.

"Man!" he started laughing.

"Do you know what kind you would like?"

"Not sure, honestly."

"Great start," I grinned even more. "What about color?"




"Do you know the size?"

"Yeah, I have measurements here," he pulled out a sticky note with a few numbers written on it. Now I seriously burst out laughing at the whole shop.

"You seriously asked her for measurements? Or you took them yourself?" I winked at him.

"Yeah... well, I wanted them to fit."

"Good for you, man! I remember when I bought Madison smaller ones. She was fine, thankfully, and we had quite a laugh from it, but she said she would be pissed if I bought bigger ones. Even I have to say, in the end, I was glad I bought smaller ones."


"Yeah, we had one more reason to rip them on her," I winked at him.

"Damn… I like that idea."

"It's a bit expensive hobby if you want to buy ones like these, though."

"Worth the money?"

"I suppose it depends on the person." I smiled for myself. I looked at Owen and realized that he had a fascinating smile on his face, as if he was intrigued and dreamy as he looked at me. Damn… he should stop. It was stirring my crotch, and I hated how heterosexual people don't realize it can be arousing.

"Then maybe I won't take these in the end," he put back the black thong he was holding previously.


"You know those ladies, there are real professionals. We can ask them."

"You are so kind."

"Sure, come, buddy." I could see he discretely adjusted his crotch. Maybe he imagined what he could do with that lucky woman, but it was hot.

Damn it, I should think about something less arousing... Red lace panties on that boy! No! Something else! Red lace panties on Owen. Damn… I am doomed! I need to buy tighter briefs!

I stepped as close to the counter as possible to hide my excitement.

"Hello, miss."

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. How can I help?" A cute, petite blonde walked to us and smiled politely. I would like her more with less makeup. But, of course, everyone has their own preference.

"My friend and I are looking for some nice underwear. My friend here did his homework and brought measurements, but I suppose I would have to guess."

That lovely girl smiled, and it was apparent she was trying not to laugh with me as she took a little sticky note from Owen.

"Of course, sir. And for you? Do you know at least whether we should start with small, medium, or large?"

"I would go medium, but if you show me a few, I can definitely decide better. You can help my friend here first, and I will pick later."

"Of course, sir. Do you have a preference in style or material?" she looked at Owen. He told her a few things he had decided on and then looked at me as he realized I had also asked for some.

"You are buying as well?" Owen looked at me, puzzled.

"Well… yeah."

"Don't you know Madison's size, or it's someone else?"

"I don't think me and Madison have a chance to patch things up. She has already found a new man, and I must admit he is amazing… Clayton loves him." I lowered my eyes and felt bad for myself. Owen patted my back and held his hand there until this nice girl didn't bring us a few samples to look at.


"What do you think?"

I looked at him with a devious smirk. "Are you planning on ripping them?"

He grinned. "Yes."

The little lady in front of us blinked in surprise, and I fully understood. None of these were cheap!

"Then I like these personally, but I won't be using them, so you should decide what would look best on her."

"I like them also. So I will take these."

"May I ask, miss? I would probably need just a size smaller. Do you have them in red?"

"One second, sir."

"Will you also be ripping them?" Owen asked me.

I exhaled. "Honestly, I am not sure. I shouldn't."

He smirked.


"Unfortunately, sir, we don't have the exact model, but the closest would be these, or if you don't mind more silk, we have these variations."

I looked, and I have to say I was sold on the ones in front of me. They were mostly silk with lace on the hem, and I could clearly imagine the outline of Liam's cock in them.

I coughed slightly, trying to get rid of that image, and pointed at them.

"I will take these. Thank you, miss."

. . .

"Would you like to go eat something with me?" Owen asked me enthusiastically as we left the store. I guess we both were happy to meet after such a long time.

I intended to go to Liam's flat and bring them to him, but early dinner with Owen was worth much more to me. You rarely meet your lifelong crush, especially with his busy schedule and my nightlife.

"I would love to!"

We went to a nearby restaurant and sat down while we kept talking about mundane things. We spoke about Owen's work and my bar, and he asked me about my divorce as we ate. I told him pretty much everything and genuinely enjoyed the time spent with him. It felt like a nice date. Well, if he knew I was gay, and he wouldn't be heterosexual. Still… I can dream, can't I?

I asked him about his lady, but he only said it was still fresh and didn't know how serious. So I just nodded. I knew he had one long-term relationship a few years back, but I never even got to meet her.

"And what about Thomas?"

He looked at me, suddenly tense. "What about him?"

"I saw him a few weeks back."

"We don't meet much anymore," he stabbed his piece of potato, maybe harder than he intended.

"Busy schedule? He looked like he works a lot also."

"Yeah, I suppose he does."


There was a reason I was curious about this. Thomas was with some man. I couldn’t really see him properly, given the… position he was in, but it was obvious that it was a man in a suit. 

I worried that Owen would stop meeting with him because he came out as gay. It may be paranoid of me, but one of the reasons I worried about coming out was this man here. I was afraid the same thing would happen to us. Owen is a bit of an old-fashioned man, often stuck in his ways and traditions, same as me, but I suppose in different ways.

"I saw him with some businessman. Didn't really want to disturb them." ...Since they were making out heavily in a dark alley before that man got down on Thomas… Please, I hope that's not the reason you stopped being friends…

"Yeah, that may be his fiancé. I have no idea. I don't care to be honest."

Damn it! Owen really got irritated saying that. Like he was gritting his teeth the whole time and was grumpy that he needed to talk about it... He would never accept me, would he… Well, at least I know. Not like I was ever going to confess anyway.

"Right… I just thought he was a good guy, that's all. I feel it's a bit harder to make new friendships in our age. Everybody is busy with their lives. I have known you for two decades, and this is the first time I met you in three months, and it was by accident."

"Yeah, I suppose you are right. But I am glad we bumped into each other. Maybe I could sometimes come to the bar."

"Sure, you are always welcome!"

"Good." Finally, he smiled. I returned the smile and looked at my watch.

"I don't know how much time you have. Are you going back to the office?"

"Yeah… I should. I will take care of this."

"No way! You are not!" I grinned, and then we spent a few minutes arguing about who will pay. It ended with him paying, with the notion that his drinks are on me when he comes to my bar. Like they wouldn't be otherwise… I had to laugh at his wit and just gave up.

We said goodbye, and I had enough time to return home and prepare for my evening at work.


. . .


I came, and the place was nicely buzzing. Since today was no particular program, the place was quiet compared to yesterday. There were a couple of tables with guests and a few people at the bar. I saw a few women, and Liam was talking with them. I myself had to admit that even looking at him was worth it. I completely understood why they came. I walked over, and Liam just nodded at me professionally. It wasn't rude, just a bit cold. But I understood.

Since there wasn't much going on, I just asked about basic stuff and retreated to my office. Soon, Gina came, and we talked about some upcoming events and finance—a dull evening of a bar owner.


Owen didn't come tonight, which disappointed me a little, but it wasn't the first time. Hours ticked slowly, and I did everything I needed when Chloe and Gina came to say goodbye.

I came out and watched Liam clean the bar. I joined him. We worked pretty much in silence. It wasn't even as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. It was nice. We had a similar pace, and soon, we were done. I smiled at him, and he raised his eyebrow but smiled back.

"Thank you."

"It's my job."

"No, I meant that you stayed."

"Why shouldn't I stay?"

"You looked upset yesterday."

"Right. As I told you, I am a big boy."

"That you are."

He looked at me, and I stammered. What is that with his eyes? I was fine this whole time!

"I meant you are adult or big, damn it. Stop looking at me like that, please." I took a rag and started wiping the already clean counter again.

I heard his chuckle and looked at him.

"What's so funny?"

"You are, Sam. I can't figure you out."

"Trust me, me neither. I am one smart person, but for some reason, when you are near, I start babbling like a moron. Like now, for example. Damn it."

He was grinning like a mischievous little brat. Great. I just put the rag down and went around him, trying to hide in my office.


He popped into my office after a little while.

"Everything is done, and I locked the door."

"Great, thanks."

"You okay, Sam?"

"Sure, why shouldn't I be?"

"Just asking."

He kept smiling when I looked up at him. He was leaning on the doorframe and again let his hair fall on his shoulders. I couldn't help but look at him and ponder what is he wearing underneath.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Sam," he reached under the hem of his pants and pulled out the corner of his blue briefs.

"That's fine." Moron!

He chuckled again and combed his hair back with his hand.

"I should go, Sam. Have a good night."

"Sure, you too."

As he turned, I remembered that I had those panties.


He looked at me. I went to my bag and pulled out the box. He again raised that fricking sexy eyebrow and walked over to me. Liam looked into my eyes inquiringly and opened it.

"You said I should buy some. I didn't know your style, so I picked this."

Liam touched the material and looked again at the brand name on the box.

"Thank you, they're beautiful."

"I am glad you like them."

He smiled at me; I was lost in that smile for a second. Liam just stood there watching me, letting my eyes feast on his features until I realized I was glaring at him for a long moment.

"Sorry. I don't want to keep you." I managed to get a grip

"Don't you?" his voice was coarse.

I watched those full lips form that sentence and could barely concentrate on their meaning.

"I mean, I should go home myself. Yeah. Sure. Yes… I should!" I started pacing like a madman, trying to pick things I needed to leave and go home so I could beat my head onto the wall out of embarrassment, remembering this moment.


I saw him turn and walk to the door. But instead of walking away, he closed them and turned to me.

"Did you need anything else?" I asked.

"Do you want to see them?"

"I saw them, I wouldn't buy …."

"I meant on me, Sam," he interrupted my mumbling.

I gulped and tried to will my cock to stop growing when I imagined that.

"I just wanted to replace those I ripped. You don't need to … do this…."

"Take off your shirt, Sam."

"Liam, this wasn't my intention."

"Good, now take it off," he said in such an assertive voice that I honestly thought about doing it. With that, Liam unbuttoned his vest and took it off his shoulders.

I watched as he slowly unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt and stopped, staring at me demandingly.


With trembling fingers, I unbuttoned the top button. Liam continued, and I followed suit. Then, as he let it slip off his shoulder and arms, I did the same and couldn't breathe for the longest moment.

"Damn, Sam!" his voice was rough, and his eyes feasted on my chest and arms. I loved the way he looked at me.

Liam came to me and touched my stomach. I was solid, even though not as muscled as he was. He would hardly look for a six-pack there. I don't remember the last time I was at the gym, but I worked on my feet so I could keep my frame quite fit for my age. Liam brushed the hair on my trail and in between my chest, but I didn't have what you could call a hairy chest.


I took a sharp breath when he gently scratched my ribs and touched my arm.

"Do they have meanings?"

"Yes. I tend to put the most important events from my life there."

"I have to say, I would never guess."

"Many people like tattoos." I tried to concentrate on our conversation, but it was hard for me not to touch him. I brushed a few hairs from his face and put them gently behind his ear. He looked at me and smiled.

"What everything is there?"

I managed to turn away from his face and look at my tattooed sleeve. "Many things. This is the bar we are standing in now. I dreamed of opening one since I was a little boy." I pointed to an image of a building with my logo.

"These are really good."

"Yeah, I am kind of picky about who can paint on me."

Liam smiled. "Do you have more?"


"Madison?" He held my forearm.

"My ex-wife."

"Right. So this," Liam pointed at a picture of a baby. "Is your son? Clayton?" he read.

"Yes," my voice was quiet. We were so close it felt extremely intimate.

His fingers touched my arm, and warm waves spread from each place he grazed. His face was just a few inches from mine. I yearned to pull his hair slightly back and kiss his neck in front of me.


"What is this?"

I looked at his finger, even though I knew precisely by the placement what is he referring to. I stared at it for the longest time, thinking how much I wanted to reveal… I had vague enough answers for each of them, but at this moment, I felt intimate, honest, and open. Have I ever had the chance to tell anyone before?

I looked up and realized he was watching me intently.

"It's something that reminds me of my best friend."

As if he saw it. "Your best friend?"

"Yeah… he was the reason I knew I was gay. But I never dared to tell him." I tried to smile.

Liam nodded understandingly. "Are you still close?"

I laughed a little, remembering us bumping into each other today. "I hope. In some way, but we don't meet much. He is a busy person, and I sleep during the day."

"Do you still love him?"

"It's a different kind of love after twenty years of friendship. But he is straight. I don't know if he would be okay with me being gay," I remembered his attitude towards Thomas and felt sad. Those two seemed really close a few years back. It would probably be different since Owen and I have known each other that long, but I just couldn't bear to risk it.

Liam frowned but decided to stay silent. I touched his face and watched him react to that. He leaned in closer and kept looking at me as he was nearing my lips. My heart slowed down, and everything seemed so far away, just his lips were here.

Once, I promised myself that I would not kiss any other man than Owen. I was freshly married then, but that promise resonates within me still. Liam's lips touched mine. I wanted more, yet I couldn't. I turned slightly away.

"I am sorry. I can't just yet."

"Kiss a guy?"

"Yes. Sorry."

"It's fine." I felt him kissing my cheek. "I should go now."

I looked at him, stunned. I didn't want him to go yet! Liam saw that in my eyes and chuckled sweetly.

"I will wear them tomorrow. Let me know when we will close if you want to see them," Liam winked at me and turned to leave.

I watched him speechless, buttoning his shirt and walking away.

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