When the roommate needs a helping hand

by Declan West

26 Jul 2023 7909 readers Score 8.7 (110 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My roommate was in a car accident recently and suffered a broken wrist on one arm and a fractured radius on the other. He's been out of work for a couple of weeks and going a bit stir-crazy. Not being able to go to work and staying inside due to his injuries is taking a toll.

Brent and I have been living together going on 3 yrs. We didn't know one another before he moved in. He responded to a roommate ad I posted on Craigslist. Despite not knowing one another, we had lots of things in common. Over the past 3 years, we've become good friends.

I'm typically upfront about my sexuality whenever I enter into a roommate situation. It's essential to know how a stranger reacts to living with a gay person. Brent doesn't have any problem with me being gay. He has few gay friends and basically gets along well with everyone. Brent has also become good friends with my boyfriend which makes our household a very comfortable place to be. 

Over breakfast this morning, Brent revealed to me how frustrated he is not being able to get off. He’s been trying to jerk off and not having any luck. The pain in his arms is simply too great and he can’t find a uncomfortable way to masturbate. We share a lot of personal things, so this was not out of bounds or new. I just thought it was funny and sad at the same time.

He doesn't currently have a girlfriend or any recent exes, so I could tell he was in a bad spot. The ever-horny gay guy in me thought about asking to give him a "hand", but put that out of my head right away. Don't fuck up the roommate/friend situation by being a ho! I did offer to get him something like a Fleshlight or some kind of pocket pussy, something he could use to get off that wouldn't require much arm action if it was positioned correctly, but he didn't seem interested.

I decided to leave it alone and let him figure it out.

Since I'm off on the weekends and he's out of work, we see one another more than usual. We're both sports fans and played several sports in college. Tennis is a sport we both enjoy playing and watching. It just so happens that the  US Open Tennis Tournament was going to be on this afternoon and we agreed to turn it on. It was the women's final. Brent has a thing for female tennis players. He says he likes the way they look and the way they grunt. He finds it very sexual. The 2 women competing would not disappoint. 

After the 1st set, Brent kept saying how the match was making aggravating his horniness and we should probably watch something else. I wasn't in agreement as the match was very entertaining, very competitive, and a Grand Slam final! I frankly didn’t care how horny he was. 

We agreed to keep watching but I could tell he was getting more and more uncomfortable. I couldn't help but notice the very visible bulge in his sweats. Brent is watching 2 very athletic, hot women battle it out, is sexually frustrated, and has had no way to release that frustration.  The ho in me could no longer contain himself and I blurted out the question. " Do you want some help with that?" as I stared at his crotch. 

The look of horror he gave me I wasn't expecting. I joke about shit like that with him all the time, but I must have hit a nerve. I quickly tried turning it into a joke with a "hahaha.. just kidding man". It took a moment, but his shoulders relaxed a bit and the look of horror gradually went away. His need to get off must be dire. We seemed to be ok and we continued watching the match.

I could tell right away that my offer had made him uncomfortable. I meant in of course, but I didn’t think he would take it seriously. I felt I had to repeat to him that I was just joking and was just feeling bad for him and his situation. He looked at me for a long while before asking, "Were you offering me a hand job?" I looked at him again, shrugged my shoulders, and again insisted I was joking. He then asked me "Let's say you were not joking, would it be just a hand job?" I was caught off guard but replied, " For shits and giggles, let's say I wasn't joking. I think a hand job is all I would feel comfortable with. You just want to cum, right?  Anything more would be too weird between us. I’m not offering to suck your cock. I'm just not interested in you that way but I’m all about helping out where I’m needed, you know that.

He didn't press any further and let it go. We sat back again and continued to watch the match. For about 30 minutes I kept feeling like he was going to ask me again about a hand job. He kept looking over at me and not saying anything. He seemed uncomfortable like he wanted to keep talking about it but didn't know where to start. I finally just said.. "if you think you can handle me jerking you off, I'm willing to help you out. I’ve given hundreds of hand jobs and some even to straight guys like yourself. It's not a big deal to me. You have to promise it won't get weird between us. I'm only offering because of your situation, that's that. I can do for you what you can’t do for yourself at the moment. I personally can’t imagine not being able to cum when I want.”  He sat back again without a word and we both tried to focus on the tennis.

The match finished and we talked about how much we enjoyed it. It was an epic and highly competitive match and Brent was very excited about the hot Canadian winner.  He looked over at me and sweetly said "Man, I’m sorry about how I reacted before. I wasn’t expecting that, and you caught me off guard. It didn’t feel like you were joking.  Now that I’ve had time to wrap my head around it If you're still willing to help, I’m down.  I need to fucking cum". I was a little shocked that he was even considering it as we watched tv,  but told him I was fine with it. All men can relate to the need to bust a nut.

I Looked over at him and told him "Look, if we are going to do this, I need to tell Jonas (my boyfriend) and let him know. Brent agreed. 

I don't need his permission. He's my boyfriend, not my husband. I just felt like it was the right thing to do since we're all friends and this has the potential to be weird and awkward.

I called my boyfriend who had a good laugh and thought it was kind of me to offer, then thanked me for telling him. He also wished he was there to help LOL. I told him this was simply charity, nothing more, nothing less and not to get any ideas for the future.

After the phone call, I followed Brent into his room where he was visibly shaking. I told him what we were doing could be very clinical. Even though we’d been naked in front of one another countless times, he didn't have to undress. I had no intention of getting undressed. I would simply be the hand that helps him get off.

I suggested he get on the bed to start. He sat on the bed and found a comfortable position against the headboard. I put a blanket over him in an attempt to make it less awkward, but by now it was highly unlikely. The best place for me to be was kneeling at the side of the bed, next to Brent. From under the blanket, I reached in and gently pulled down his sweats and underwear and then gently touched his cock. I figured I needed to take it slow and not treat his cock like I would treat a gay man's cock. He needed the introduction to be slow and easy, and not manhandled, at least not at 1st 

  He was still shaking and I didn't want to freak him out more than he already was. I pulled my hands back and waited for him to calm down. When he appeared to be a little less freaked out and the shaking subsided, I put my hand back under the blanket and found his cock again. Brent was likely ready for anything by now as he was already rock-hard under the blanket. What I thought would be the difficult part was now out of the way. I casually asked him how he jerked off and what technique would work best to get him off, but he simply couldn’t put the words together to offer me any direction so I just started gently stroking his cock.

I jerked him off like I would jerk myself off. I slowly stroked his cock, moving up and down the shaft. I played with the head of his cock and caressed his balls. I was impressed by how hard Brent had become and I could tell right away that what I was doing was working. Knowing that he was aroused as he could be, I concentrated on his cock alone and began stroking harder and faster. The heavy breathing and the moans coming out of him were turning me on, but I had to stay focused. This was all about Brent, not about me. It took all of my willpower to not put my head under the blanket and suck the load out of his cock. 

The entire encounter took less than 15 minutes. Brent threw his head back, let out what could only be described as weeks of relief, and busted a much overdue load all over my hand and ruined the blanket. I stroked his still-hard cock as long as I could until Brent finally said enough. I was kind of lost in the moment there. I took my hand out from under the blanket, grabbed a towel from his hamper to clean up the mess and that was that. I left the room to let him recover and immediately called my boyfriend to tell him I had done my good deed for the day.

My roommate came out of his room after a quick nap, sat next to me, and didn’t have to say a word. His body language and the look of relief were all the thanks I needed. I put my hand on his shoulder and said.  "Anytime”. Probably should have chosen my words a little better there.

I don’t think I’ve opened a can of worms, and it's been a week and I'm not getting any weird vibes. We’ll see what happens when he needs to bust another nut. He’s weeks from having full use of his hands, and after our little encounter, I’m up for sucking him off. Why shouldn’t I get some fun out of it.? I don’t think he could possibly say know. I might even ask my boyfriend to join in. 

by Declan West

Email: [email protected]

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