What I Want

by Victor

1 Aug 2022 4133 readers Score 9.7 (58 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“I want to be fucked like a woman.”


“You heard me. I want you to fuck me like I’m one of your girlfriends.”

Brodin was a big guy. He was big in every way. He was tall, over six-five. He was all muscle, two-hundred-twenty pounds of it. He was handsome, Nordic looks, blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled chin. He was a head-turner. He was very quiet, brooding and his face was always stone cold serious. He was everything a man should be, what a man should look like, what a man should act like. But he was miserable. Inside, he was a different person. He liked dudes and he liked to get fucked.

He didn’t advertise his fondness for muscled up jocks with big dicks. He had his random Grindr hook ups and his fuck buddies. The problem is he was such an imposing presence that guys assumed he was a top. He was a good top. He was a great top. But for him, bottoming was better. He was bigger than the guys that topped him simply because he was bigger than most guys. But that’s what got him off. He liked giving up control to a smaller dude.

Sometimes he got to bottom for a guy his own size and he liked that too. If he found someone bigger than himself, that was a bonus because it was easier to be thrown around the bed if in the mood, but he was ok with shorter, smaller guys as long as they had muscle and they were hot.

After college he began to experiment with his sexuality. He hooked up with a hot, little hunk who was bisexual and married with kids, name was Dodge. Brodin was sure it was short for something, but he didn’t care, the man was fucking hot. He was a DILF if Brodin had ever seen one. Dodge recognized how much the huge mountain of muscle loved to be submissive, to be coddled, to be worshipped but only as a sex object. Brolin loved hard sex, but he also liked the slow love making. Dodge was in lust with the hunk’s body, the solid plates of muscle, striations, the over all size of Brodin. And he loved that Brodin kept his body smooth like silk, shaved down except for his head. When he fucked Brodin, he could feel the smooth, soft, yet hard legs touching his skin and it reminded him of his wife. Dodge took note of that and how much the bodybuilder would rather have slow romantic sex then hard aggressive sex. The way Brodin would feel Dodge’s body, feeling the muscle and licking his skin, the small whimpers the big man made during the tender sessions, it made Dodge feel like a superior man. This man wanted to be fucked like Dodge fucked his wife. He wanted to feel protected, delicate, caressed. So, Dodge decided to test his theory.

“Before we start, I have a present for you,” Dodge said, tossing a small box wrapped in a pink bow to Brodin.

“What? Why?” Brodin asked confused. They were just fuck buddies after all.

“Just open it, muscle head.”

Brodin opened the box. He fished through the tissue paper and pulled out a pair of pink satin panties with black trim with a little pink bow on the front of the waistband.

“What the fuck is this?” Brodin asked, the panties partially balled up in his huge hand.

“They’re panties.”

“No shit, dude. But what are they for?”

“For you to wear,” Dodge answered very nonchalantly.

“The fuck? I’m not wearing these.” Brodin tossed them back in the box. “What’s wrong with you?”

Dodge crossed his muscular arms over his built chest. “Put them on,” he said firmly.

“I don’t think you understood me. I said no. I’m not a fucking girl,” Brodin snarled.

“No, but you want to be fucked like one.”

Brodin stopped and turned. “Huh?”

“For a dude your size and your attitude, you should be the kind of bottom that likes it hard, rough, deep ninety-percent of the time you do. But you also prefer soft, sensual, romantic sex. Lots of lovemaking.”

Brodin couldn’t deny that fact. He did enjoy those times. “What are you getting at, Dodge?”

“I’ve been married for ten-years. Before that, I had so much pussy that I can’t even count that high. I was also dicking guys on the downlow. The biggest difference between fucking guys versus women is that guys want it hard and rough, the girls want it passionate, romantic and they wanted me to make love to them. Women loved to be in missionary position, legs around me, long kisses, whispering sexy things to them, and cuddling. Telling them how pretty they are, sexy things that women like.

“So? Get to the point.” Brodin was impatient but also a little concern his fuck buddy was getting to know him too well. Might be time to kick him to the curb and start over finding an alternative Dodge.

“Dude, you like to be fucked just like a woman. You want a man to pleasure you, connect with you, be soft with you, make love to you, and then lay in his arms after sex and have him hold you. It kind of makes sense. You’re an alpha 24/7 so it is believable that you want to lose control and let someone else control you. I mean, that was kind our deal to begin with, right? I take control?”

Brodin rolled his eyes, trying to make this a non-issue. “Dude, I like it hard and rough. Sometimes, I like it not-so-rough. Sometimes I top. I used to be a strict top, you know. So, I like to bottom for dudes like you. You dish it out the way I like to take it. What’s wrong with some soft fucking once in a while? Is that a crime?”

“No, but I guess you haven’t noticed that the last couple times I fucked you, I did it like I do my wife, to see your reactions. I pretended you were her and I fucked you like all straight dudes fuck their women. You didn’t even know. You liked it too much. And I liked it that you like it so much.”

Brodin looked confused but yet intrigued. “You fucked me like you fuck your wife?”

“Yeah. It wasn’t hard to imagine. Your body is harder, but your skin is just as soft and smooth. You shave your whole body down, bro. That’s what women do. Straight and bi dudes like to feel women’s soft skin next to their own hairy body. You’re so smooth and satiny like a chic. You like that.”

“I shave down to show muscle definition,” Brodin said defensively.

Dodge scoffed. “Keep telling yourself that, pretty boy.”

“This is bullshit.” Brodin tried to sound disgusted, but he couldn’t look Dodge in the eye. The man had hit to close to home. Now that Brodin heard it out loud, everything Dodge said made complete sense and he felt a sense of relief that he finally had an answer for the way he felt.

“Humor me.” Dodge shrugged his shoulders and then with a very low key said, “Put them on.”


Dodge cocked his head and gave the man a stare down before saying, “Then leave.”

“What?” Brodin thought he was kidding.

Dodge pointed to the door. “I said leave.”

Brodin realized he was serious. “I don’t understand. If I don’t wear these, we don’t fuck?”

“Exactly. Smarter than you look,” Dodge taunted the man, challenging him. If Brodin were to do this, it would prove to Dodge that this guy was whipped and would do anything the smaller man wanted him to.

Brodin was desperate and tried a last-ditch effort. He flexed his arm, the muscle balling up into hard muscle. “You know you want to fuck me, Dodge,” he said arrogantly.

“Of course, I want to fuck you, Brodin. But only if you’re wearing the panties that I bought for YOU.” Dodge’s voice went stern and spoke to Brodin in a way to make him feel guilty and unappreciative. “You don’t want to disappoint me, do you, Brodin? I spent a lot of time finding those for you, the right size, the right color I’d like to see you wear. They were expensive, Brodin. I spent a lot of money on YOU. You know, you should appreciate me. I go out of my way for you, canceling on my kids soccer games, and recitals, dinners with my wife, just so I can make love to you. But if you don’t, I can find another giant pussy boy to fuck. So, get out.”

Brodin stood there, looking at his handsome, buff fuck buddy. His attitude turned Brodin on. It turned him on more than he though he could. He wanted to satisfy the guy, make him proud, and Brodin knew this thing he was about to do would make Dodge feel superior and Brodin liked it when other men were superior to him when, on paper, they shouldn’t be. He gave in, huffed, and threw up his hands. “Christ. Fine!”

He took the panties out of the box and started to take off his clothes. But then he stopped and headed towards the master bath. “I’ll be out in a second.”

Dodge chuckled because he loved that the bigger man was flustered.

In a few minutes, the intimidating, muscular man came out of the bathroom. His arms crossed, closed off, somewhat humiliated and that’s what Dodge wanted. The muscle giant looked sexy as fuck. His tall, ripped, smooth muscular body was so masculine, so manly, so athletic yet a small touch of femininity made him look vulnerable. The panties fit him like a high-cut speedo, and they encased his big man’s cock in shiny, pink, frilly, delicious satin.

Dodge grinned and his cock twitched to life. “Oh, very nice, big man. Pink is definitely your color. Turn around.” Brodin did as he was told. He liked Dodge’s reaction. He’d never seen his reaction so excited, and he had a hunger in his eyes. Not to mention Dodge’s thick cock was hard. “Damn! Your ass looks amazing. Tight, shiny silk on that big muscle ass.” Brodin watched him stroke his cock with his thumb.

Shyly, Brodin asked, “Can I take them off now? I feel like a fucking faggot.”

“You ARE a fucking faggot, princess.”

Brodin scowled at being called a princess. He felt humiliated. Dodge shrugged and looked at Brodin like it was his loss. “If you want to take them off, go ahead. And then leave. You’re free to go.”

Brodin’s head snapped up. “What? I don’t want to leave?”

Dodge squinted and looked pissed. “Then do as I say... princess.”

“Dodge...,” Brodin pleaded.

“Keep the panties on, or leave,” Dodge said again. His face was stern.

Brodin felt defeated. He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb. He was silent, unmoving. He then folded his arms over his chest, his hands grasping his elbows looking like a scared little boy during a thunderstorm.

Dodge broke the silence. Quietly, and gentle he said, “Tell me how they feel?”

Brodin’s eyes flickered to Dodge, and than back down. He shrugged his massive shoulders. “I don’t know. Tight.”

“What else?” Dodge asked softly.

“They’re real light, like I’m not wearing anything,” Brodin said reluctantly.

“Are they silky and satiny smooth?” Dodge said with a sensual, phone sex voice.

Brodin thought about it and then shrugged again. “Yeah.”

“They look so sexy on your ass, babe.” Dodge lay the romantic talk on thick. “Take a look.” He pointed to the full-length mirror.

Brodin’s dick twitched when Dodge called him babe. He never had a guy call him that before. He turned and winced at what he saw, like it was going to blind him. But the more he looked at himself, the more he liked the lines of the underwear against the striations of his muscular quads. The low-cut waist band showing off his cobblestone 8-pac abs. He turned his ass towards the mirror, twisted his upper body around so he could see his ass. His plump, muscular ass was shiny pink, the black trim framing his ass perfectly. They were sexy, he thought. He was really pulling them off. His cock stiffened a bit.

“I guess they do,” Brodin admitted finally.

“See, babe, those panties make your body look incredible? Think about it, it’s like wearing a speedo but a hundred times sexier. They make your legs and waist look so hot.”

Brodin smirked. “Yeah, but they AREN’T speedos.”

“You wear speedos, right?”

Brodin nodded. “I’ve worn a few.”

“Then pretend you’re wearing speedos, babe.”

Brodin loved Dodge calling him babe. In the moment, it felt natural since he was wearing pink panties.

“Come here.” Dodge summoned the muscular man. He cupped Brodin’s growing cock. “Your cock feels so smooth in your panties, babe. Feel that against your big cock.”

“Yeah,” Brodin answered, closing his eyes, loving the feel of the silky material against his cock.

Dodge reached around and ran his hands over his fuck boy’s hard, tight ass. “Your ass feels so good, babe.” He put his finger against Brodin’s fuck hole and moved his finger around on it. “I can feel your hole through them.”

“Your finger feels good.” Brodin’s eyes were still closed. He was reveling in the feeling.

“I know how much you love to get fingered. Just like fingering my wife.” Brodin caught his breath hearing Dodge compare him to having sex with a woman. Dodge continued, “You turn me on so much now, Brodin.” Dodge cupped Brodin’s cock again, the other hand reaching up and softly caressing the bigger man’s square jaw. “Seeing you wearing these panties makes me want to make love to you all night, sweetheart.”

That statement made Brodin’s cock fully erect, pushing against the tight pink material. The head popping up over the waistband. Brodin wanted Dodge to know how much he wanted to make him happy.

“Am I making you happy right now?” Brodin asked quietly, sexy.

“Yes. I love your panties, big guy. You look so sexy, baby.”

Brodin listened to Dodge’s words and tingled. “You want me to wear them while you fuck me?”


“Does...” Brodin hesitated and then continued, “your wife wear panties like these?”

Dodge played with the bow on the front of waist band of the panties. “Yes, she does. She wears all kinds of sexy lingerie for her man. I want to be YOUR man, beautiful.”

Brodin put his arms around Dodge’s neck and clasped his hands together. “Wearing sexy lingerie makes you want to fuck me more?”

“I love sexy lingerie on you, babe. All my women wear these for their man.” Dodge ran his thumb slowly across Brodin’s bottom lip. “Am I your man, Brodin?”

Brodin swallowed hard and cleared his throat and hesitated before answering, “Yes.”

“Do you want me to make love to you, Brodin?”

Brodie whimpered, “Anything you want.”

“Good girl.” Dodge smiled and kissed the big man on the lips. “Lay down on your stomach. I want to eat your pussy through those panties, sweetie.”

Once again, hearing a word like pussy didn’t register with Brodin. It was too natural to seem out of place.

He lay down on the bed, his muscle ass exposed, the pink satin stretched tight over his glutes. He heard Dodge take off his clothes and then crawl on the bed. Dodge growled his approval. Brodin felt Dodge’s hands massage his ass, the man’s thumbs digging between his cheeks and into his hole. Brodin gasped and tightened his hole. He felt a sensation, wet and stiff. Dodge was licking his spot through the material. Brodin liked it. He naturally arched his back and groaned into the mattress.

“Yeah, sweet baby. Eating your tight pussy.” Dodge growled again before diving back to work.

“Shit,” Brodin sighed. He didn’t know if it was the tongue on his hole or the fact that he was wearing lingerie for his man. He never thought of Dodge as HIS man before, but it seemed right to think of him that way in this situation. He suddenly felt feminine, delicate, vulnerable. This made Dodge very happy and Brodin only wanted to make Dodge happy.

“Feels so good, Dodge.”

“Mmm... I know, babe. I want to make you squirt.” Dodge went back to work.

Dodge moved the crotch of the panties so that Brodin’s hole was exposed. He pushed his finger inside, making Brodin tense and moan.

“Your cunt is so warm and wet, babe,” Dodge said. “So warm.”

Brodin grasped the bed sheets with his fists and squealed inside his throat. Dodge continued to finger the muscular stud, sending him into an erotic frenzy.

“Dodge. Please, Dodge. I need you inside.”

“I know, baby. I know. Turn over on to your back, Brodin.”

Brodin turned over on to his back and lifted his legs. He grabbed on to his heels and extend his legs out like a wishbone. Dodge marveled at how natural Brodin opened his legs, like he did it every day, exposing his cunt for Dodge to take. Dodge got between Brodin’s legs, moved the crotch of the panties to the side of Brodin’s hole and injected his cock. Brodin gasped again, mouth wide open, his eyes closed. He loved to feel penetration.

“Oh, baby. You’re so beautiful.” Dodge leaned forward and kissed the hunk.

“Thank you, Dodge. I love you inside me.”

“I know you do, babe.” Dodge began his love making, slow and deep. He replaced Brodin’s hands that were on his heels with his own, holding up the the smooth, hard, muscular legs. Brodin put his hands on Dodge’s hips, holding on, in awe of the gorgeous man inside of him. Then, Brodin looked down to see his pink panties, his cock thick hard inside of them. It was so sexy to him.

Brodin looked up into Dodge’s eyes. “Kiss me, Dodge.”

Dodge let go of Brodin’s ankles and they wrapped around Dodge’s waist. Dodge bent forward, embraced the beautiful, handsome stud, and kissed him passionately while they made love.

“You’re so pretty, babe,” Dodge cooed. “You’re my big, muscular girl.”

Brodin nodded. “I’m your girl, babe. You make my cunt wet.”

“Good girl.” Dodge kissed him again.

They fucked for a long time, slow and easy. Sexy words of romance spilled between them. Brodin had no idea how much he needed this.

“Baby, I’m going to cum inside you now,” Dodge announced.

Brodin instinctively squeezed his ring around Dodge’s cock. Brodin smiled down at him as he pushed in and stayed. His face turned red, and he fell down onto the hunk. His mouth covering Brodin’s as he came inside the muscle girl.

“Oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, babe,” Brodin moaned. Then he came too. The pink panties wet with his cum.

Dodge stayed inside of him while they lay in the afterglow. Dodge loved the feeling of laying on top of the large man.

“Damn, babe. That was so good,” Dodge said.

“How did you know I would love this so much?”

“I just did, dude,” Dodge said, breaking character.

“Can we go again?” asked Brodin.

Dodge grinned a bright white smile. “Oh yeah, a few times, bro,”

Brodin smiled. “You... uh... you didn’t happen to buy me anything else, did you?”

Dodge chuckled. “I did.”


“Uh huh. Does my big muscle girl want to see what I bought her?”

“Fuck, Dodge! You know I do.”

Dodge moved his cock around inside Brodin. “I bought a lot of stuff. But let’s start off easy. I’ve got another pair of panties for you.”


“And then we’ll graduate to more... adventurous items,” Dodge grinned deviously.

“You’re fucking with me.” Brodin’s best friend and fuck buddy, Jack, said to him.

“No. I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

“How would that even work? You’re so fucking massive.”

“That’s why I want to do this. I’m so big. Everyone expects me to be the aggressor. I’m tired of that. I know what a woman feels like when a dude is fucking her. I have been... experimenting.”

Jack was still shocked by Brodin’s admission. After all, the reason why he liked to fuck Brodin was because he was such a man’s man. “But what would you want me to do different?”

“Can I show you?”

“Well, yeah. I really want to know now.”

“Be right back.” Brodin left the room.

“What are you doing in there?” Jack called out to his friend in the bathroom.

“One second!” Brodin called back.


“Keep an open mind, ok?” came a muffled voice from behind the bathroom door.

“God. Ok.” Jack rolled his eyes and then Brodin came out of the bathroom.

“What the...” Jack was speechless.

“You ok?”

“Uh... yeah.” But Jack wasn’t sure.

“What... what do you think?”

Brodin was wearing black thigh-high stockings attached to a black garter belt, and black satin panties. His giant six-foot-five, two-hundred-twenty-pound body was smooth as glass. His muscular quads were ripped, the corded muscle stood out against the stockings that stretched around them. The garter belt accentuated his small waist while at the same time, highlighted his expansive broad shoulders. Jack was no stranger to seeing lingerie on men but usually on a drag queen. He had to admit, Brodin looked sexy as fuck, but when didn’t he?

“Fuck. Me,” Jack said with wide eyes.

Brodin looked at him hesitantly. He winced as he asked, “Is... that a good response?”

Jack shook his head very quickly. “Uh huh, uh huh. Very, very good.”

Brodin breathed a sigh of relief. He had known Jack for a while but still wasn’t sure how the stud would respond to something so out of character. Brodin knew certain guys got off on fucking larger guys like him. Jack was one of those guys. Brodin was attracted to masculine, athletic guys with nice bodies. Jack was six-foot which was shorter then Brodin who liked that. Jack was a cute boy-next-door kind of guy, handsome but boyishly so. He’s bisexual so still dates women but also hooks up with dudes. Brodin is a regular fuckbuddy for about two years now. Brodin is Jack’s favorite fuckbuddy because who wouldn’t want a huge mountain of muscle begging you to fuck his hole full of cum?

“Oh. Good,” Brodin said with a nervous laugh.

“So... When did this whole thing come about?” said Jack waving his hand up and down in front of Brodin’s body

“You know that guy I told you about? Dodge?”

“Yeah. The married guy.”

“Uh huh, that’s the one. He asked me to wear some panties one night when we hooked up.”

“YOU? I wish I could have been there to see that,” said Jack laughing hysterically. “Did you punch him?” he asked sarcastically.

Brodin grinned. “No, but I freaked out. I was pissed. I thought that he thought because I was gay and like to bottom, that I must like to dress up like a chic or something.”

“And did he think that?”

“No. We hook up all the time for the last six-months. It was always just regular man-on-man sex. But then one night about a month ago he told me to put on some panties and that if I didn’t, he was kicking me out.”

“Damn, that’s harsh. What’d you do?”

“What do you think? He fucked me in a pair of pink panties.”

Jack shook his head slowly in disbelief. “Wow. You really will put out for any guy who dominates you, won’t you?”

Brodin shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know why. I just get off on that.”

“So, why are you showing me this?” Jack asked with a raised eyebrow and a hard cock.

“Dodge put the brakes on us hooking up. I don’t know how long. Something to do with his wife. But he got me into this, and I really, really like it.”

Jack smirked. “So, you want me to start fucking you wearing that?” he gestured to Brodin’s lingerie.

“Well, yeah. I mean, you said I was sexy.”

Jack smiled. “I do love myself some good pussy. Except this time the pussy has huge muscles and a dick.”

“That’s why I thought you’d like it,” Brodin said.

Jack got a deviously serious look on his face. “So, you’re just a slutted up cunt hiding in a bodybuilder’s body.”

Brodin froze. He’s never heard that kid of fuck talk come from Jack before, but he nodded his head. “Yes.”

“I love it when a girl dresses up like a whore for me.” Jack stepped up close to Brodin and tweaked his nipple making the muscular sissy gasp. “I know how you like your tits played with, baby doll.”

“You’re so pretty, Brodin,” Jack said as he slowly circled the big man. His finger stroking Brodin’s biceps. “Soft skin, smooth too.

Brodin closed his eyes and breathed in.

“Did you wax your body for me, babe?” Jack asked him while caressing his lower back above the waistline of the garter belt.


Jack’s hand slid down past the garter belt and under the panties, enjoying the smooth sleek skin on the muscular ass. “Did you wax your pussy for me too?”

Brodin whimpered. “Yes,” he whispered.

“Good girl,” Jack said quietly. He found Brodin’s smooth hole and push a finger through. Brodin gasped again and went up on his tip-toes at the sudden intrusion. “Oh baby, that’s a tight cunt. You know how daddy likes a tight, warm cunt.”

“Jack, finger my cunt. Finger me hard,” Brodin begged in a breathy voice.

“Don’t worry, honey. I’m going to finger you and get you nice and loose for my cock. You like that, sweetie?”

Jack was amazed at how easy it was to get Brodin’s juices flowing. He couldn’t believe how much Brodin was getting off on this. Jack felt even more powerful than usual when he fucked the bigger man.

Uh huh,” Brodin whimpered.

“You’re so beautiful, baby. Such a beautiful girl.” Jack slid his fingers out of Brodin and slowly turned him around to face him. He reached up and brought Brodin’s lips to his own and gave him a soft, sensual kiss while at the same time, leading the big man back and laying him softly to the bed.

Brodin watched the gorgeous man with his tan athletic body strip down and climb in the bed between his legs. Brodin spread his legs out and lifted them into the air.

Jack grinned. “Wow, you’re eager. Aren’t you?”

“Fuck me, Jack. Please.”

Jack was loving every minute of this. Seeing his gorgeous muscular fuckbuddy beg him for man-on-woman sex was exhilarating.

“I will, sweetheart. I’m going to right now.” He pushed into Brodin. Brodin closed his eyes and sighed as the big cock slid all the way in. Jack grinned as he felt his buddy’s tight hole around the base of his cock. Brodin was by far the best fuck buddy.

“Jack... oh fuck... Jack,” Brodin moaned as Jack began to fuck him with slow but deep thrusts.

“Oh baby, your pussy is so good. It’s so muscular and tight. You like daddy inside your pussy?”

“I love it, daddy. I fucking love your cock in my wet pussy.”

“You my girl, Brodin?”

Brodin heard those words that Dodge had said to him as well. He told him yes and he was going to tell Jack yes too.

“Yes, Jack. I’m your girl.”

Jack picked up the pace but not too hard. He held out Brodin’s stocking covered ankles, opening his legs out wide.

“You going to be my fuck girl, sweetheart?” Jack asked him, laying it on thick.

Brodin’s dick throbbed at the new name, fuck girl. “Yes, Jack. I’m your fuck girl. I’ll be your girlfriend from now on.”

“I know you will. You’re a whore. Only I’m not paying you. That’s the best kind of whore.”

“Mmmm...” Brodin moaned. “I want to be your whore.”

“Yeah? Dress up pretty for me? Slide on pretty lingerie over that big beefy body for your man?”

“Yes, Jack. I have lots of pretty things to wear for you.”

“Good girl. I can’t wait to see all of them.”

Jack sat up straight, chest out, arms wide holding on to Brodin’s angles. The stocking’s stretching with the muscular legs. He picked up the pace more and fucked the man under him with gusto. He was so turned on by this man who should have been an alpha top but only wanted to bottom for a superior man. Looking down at the flawless, smooth, ripped upper body, the handsome face, chiseled jaw, and thick brown hair made Jack feel the cum build up.

“Baby, I’m going to cum. Cum right inside your vagina, baby,” he told Brodin.

“YES! Cum inside me, Jack! I love you! I fucking love you!” Brodin yelled out as he stroked his own cock.

“I love you too, baby,” Jack said. His body flexed and became stiff as he released a river of cum into his beefy friend. At the same time, Brodin came, shooting thick cum over his chest and face.

Jack convulsed as he kept shooting into the warm hole. Brodin just held on and reveled in the gorgeous man orgasmed inside of him. Jack finally collapsed onto Brodin’s thick chest, breathing hard and sweaty.

“Holy fucking fuck,” Jack mumbled into Brodin’s chest.

“Oh god, I know,” Brodin agreed, breathing hard.

“That was fucking incredible. Fuck, Brodin! Damn it, you are a fucking slut.”

Brodin laughed. “I have my days.”

“I hope you know I was serious about you dressing up for me.”

Brodin’s heart skipped a beat. “I was hoping you were serious. Because I have a fucking closet full of this stiff.”

Jack looked up at him. “Dodge loved it that much?”

“Dude, you have no idea. I have stockings, corsets, bras, heels.”

“You have heels? Like stilettos?” Jack asked suddenly excited.

“Dude, I have them in every color.”

“Oh my god,” Jack exclaimed. “I knew you were my bitch, but now, you literally are my bitch.”

by Victor

Email: [email protected]

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